Practical Optimization & Stochastic Control

Jul 16, 2024

Lecture Notes: Practical Optimization & Stochastic Control


  • Theme: Practical, real-life details in optimization and control.
  • Previous Topic Recap: Basic algorithms like trajectory optimization, MPC, convex/nonconvex methods.
  • Focus Shift: Real-world application on hardware vs. simulation.

Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

  • Issue: Model error/mismatch between real system and predictions from simulations.
  • Goal: Use data from real hardware to adjust feedback policy.
  • Pros:
    • Slots into existing tools
    • Highly data-efficient
  • Cons: Narrow scope, best for repetitive tasks in industrial settings.
  • Applications: Industrial robotics, drones, etc.
  • Core Idea: Adapting open loop controls for repetitive tasks.

Adaptive Control & Online Learning

  • Broad Focus: Techniques to improve control policy using hardware data.
  • Challenges: Variations between hardware units, wear over time, etc.
  • Origins: 1980s/70s industrial robotics.
  • Modern Uses: Complex, large systems with limited data.

Stochastic Control Introduction

  • Context: Moving from deterministic to stochastic settings.
  • Problem: Incomplete state access, noisy measurements.
  • Goal: Estimate state using noisy partial observations.
  • Key Idea: States are fictional; only actuator commands and sensor data are real.
  • Measurement Model: Function (G) mapping state (X) to measurement (Y) with noise.
  • State Estimation: Process to recover X from Y.

Dynamic Programming & Stochastic Control

  • Framework: Use probability distributions rather than definite states.
  • Objective: Minimize expected cost, not just cost.
  • Challenge: High dimension space makes writing this intractable.
  • Solution: Approximate methods—Gaussian mixtures, particle methods, neural networks.
  • LQG Problem: Linear dynamics, quadratic costs, Gaussian noise.
  • Usefulness: Insights and local approximations for nonlinear problems.

Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Control

  • Define: Generalization of LQR to stochastic settings.
  • **Components: **
    • Linear Dynamics (Ax + Bu + W)
    • Measurement model (C*x + V)
  • Noise: Process noise (W) and measurement noise (V) assumed to be Gaussian.
  • Expectation: Impacts calculations; dominates next steps.

Gaussian Distributions & Expectations

  • Multivariate Gaussian: Basics for probability distribution.
  • Mean and Covariance Definitions: Centering and spread measurement.
  • Uncorrelated Variables: Zero covariance off-diagonal terms.
  • Expectation Formula: Integral of function weighted by probability distribution.

Dynamic Programming in LQG

  • Cost Function: Minimize expected costs.
  • Backup Process: Use dynamic programming principles.
  • Breakdown: Split terms and calculate expected values.
  • Significance: Noise terms don’t impact optimal control design.
  • Consequence: Separation between control and estimation in design.

Certainty Equivalence Principle

  • Definition: Optimal LQG controller equals deterministic LQR controller plus expected state.
  • Implication: Noise increases cost but doesn't impact control policy.

Separation Principle

  • Definition: Separate design of optimal controller and estimator.
  • Implication: Facilitates manageable design processes.

Generalization Beyond LQG

  • Limitations: Principles only hold under LQG assumptions (Gaussian noise, linear dynamics).
  • Practice: Often used for approximations; adding sensors can help achieve assumptions.
  • Challenges: Multimodal distributions and nonlinear couplings require complex reasoning.

State Estimation Overview

  • Problem: Given measurements, deduce state.
  • **Approaches: **
    • Maximum a Posteriori (MAP): Arg max of probability of state given measurements.
    • Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE): Minimize sum of squared errors, expectation of errors.
  • Gaussian Case: Both methods coincide with straightforward results.