senses special Senses special Senses what are they what are your special Senses what's that taste feel right so hearing and she said equilibrium which is now included with the the hearing part right equilibrium and there's one other they think that should be in there and that's appropriate exception because yeah you know that is a sense that your body has to rely on as well as importance in so um but it's not in there yet just like um uh the five types of taste they want to add water in as a type because there are special receptors they have found in the back of the throat for water to make sure we don't drink like bad water or something basically they don't know yet they just it's just something they just now realize that they're sensors back there for water it's probably just to say okay he's drinking you know and shut off The Thirst Center so yeah who is the name uh where was this this was some scientist where was this I think this was MIT I think I don't know I I read bunch of research things and so it all gets mixed up I don't remember where research people how's that that work for you yep of it makes sense though because there's some people that are like Dishonored some people are like I like like okay um smell where was that we talked about um the neurons for smelling and they go through a specific part of a bone in your skull do you remember what that was CRI or the the ethmoid one it is the CRI form plate you're right right correct and it is part of the ethoid ethmoid moment so you were correct both and touch where uh where do you have a sense of touch fingertips are you talking about like in the brain like where can identify yeah so where is the sense of touch is it just in your fingertips it's like everywhere it's even on your tongue eyeballs right that's a that's a very wide ranging sense yeah people realize oh it's just it's in your hair follicles you know it's everywhere um all right so start with this so there's a lot of slides on this chapter right there's a lot more than normal so I just have kind of slimmed it down and this is the yeah so what what we write up here you so is what we need to know now now we'll go through the slides and maybe find a few things like some reflexes oh no that's at the end of 15 15 we got to go over that too so the I we have some accessory parts of the eye right what do you think the accessor structures of the eye would be the ls I don't know yeah you're doing muscles eyelid okay what else eyelash eyelash how about brow okay what's the purpose of these things protect protect your eye from what stuff stand yeah cuz most of the things that get in your eye come from up here and fall down right and so these are really stiff type of coarse hairs and so it catches a lot of the dirt thank you sir um tarel glands these are are sebaceous glands that's oily type of fluid and you know you can you can massage them they're along the the right the edge of your eye lids and you can massage them and kind of work the oil out of them you know just by gently pushing on them and then when you're done and blink you'll just feel like you can feel the oil I didn't even know that they were actually I had no idea I don't know why I had no idea they were there until I went to the eye doctor the last time and she started massaging my eyelids like what's going on what you doing yeah why are you just gently touching my eyes is that what gets clogged when you have like a sty or an infection up there uh no no in the actual duck I just one conjunc you heard of pink conjunctivitis conjunctivitis pink eye when how do you get pink eye yeah that's right matter have you get up here in your eye somehow that's how you get pink ey you go to a public pool that's you have a oneye old drop in their eye you're going to give it to yourself too yeah all right so it's a it's a delicate membrane that lines the inner eyelid an anterior eyeball that's showing and it's one continuous um sorry one continuous membrane from the eyelid turns back around comes down and covers the eyeball what do they make tears tears yeah and then you have along with the gland the glands you also have the Ducks and where do those Ducks drain tears into into your nose that's why when you start crying what happens to your nose ready it starts running because all those tears just start running down that duck into your your nose and then it just starts running out your nose so know that then one last thing go watch a sad movie I always spell it wrong for some reason so this one Li it's a micral secretion that contains this right sure oh ISO is the um is it's it's a it is lacro secretion and contains um and it is antimicrobial so it just destroys stuff that gets onto your eyeball not too many you don't get sick too often in your through your eyeball you can but doesn't happen very much [Music] um it's kind of a victory which is just peaches does anybody know what the Scara is the white part you're right Coria is the clear part that's the part you actually light actually enters into um of course we have pupil and it's so there's a tiny little muscle inside your the white part of your eye on the inside where the white part is and it's just circular and it just contracts and changes Iris um what else I still put a lot of stuff on here and I'm really trying to just condense it down okay you have an optic disc oh what's that cranial nerve the optic nerve two two two two and so you you have a blind spot all of us have a blind spot in our eye and it's usually about in this area right here where you can't see and I don't have I I don't I forgot him but anyway if you take a piece of paper and put a x and then about that far away from the X put a little Dot and then close one eye and put the X right in front of your eyeball and then move it back and forth you'll find a spot where you won't be able to see that dot that's crazy and that's your blind spot so how come you don't see this dark spot as you're looking out if there's an actual blind spot yeah you got two eyes well but but they're pointing like that they're pointing opposite so you should so that's not covering it right do they Point opposite I was like are you cocky at that point no the blind spots are one's here and one's here oh like off to the side your brain just kind of says fills it in okay I'll figure out what's in the middle yeah that's what's going on the your your brain doesn't let your eye just sit and look at one thing it's always moving just micro millimeters you know back and forth up and down all around and that way the brain can fill in that blind spot and it knows what's there because it's kind of dangerous to have a spot where you actually can't see you know it needs to know what's there iy is it basically the same place for everybody or does it is it slightly different um it's basically in the same place yeah of course there's always going to be somebody a little bit different yes how does that work with migraines like have yeah that that [Music] um I'm I don't remember actually I'm going to have to look into that this is something that the special senses is something I don't study a lot I don't pay a lot of attention to it's just you know I know they're there I'm grateful for them but that's about all all the rest of the body I really think about so I'll have to look all right um sixth grade freaking hilarious yeah I'm done there's this Corners was like you're fine rods Yeahs and ear now it's basically uh a continually produced fluid in the inner eye and it's has two purposes you know every cell in your body needs what nutrients right so it carries nutrients but it also maintains the pressure in your eye so your eye stays round the way it should so um go ahead Joe so that that should say continually produced continually produce uh continually produces uh yeah I the eye continually produces fluid right exactly intelligence you know that you bring those faster than your hand and then there's this cool thing called the canal of schim you know you have a canal of schim in your eyeball that's a fun name you don't have to know but it's a it's where the this aqu humor is reabsorbed right right so it's always being produced but then it has to re be reabsorbed right because otherwise your eyeball would just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger would about for people that have I think it's glaucoma I want to say or there is conditions where they do kind of have issues with the fluid and the pressure of the eye right and sometimes they have they don't have enough fluid yeah yes yes and that's different than Ted Ted's so you have a canal of SCH kind of weird huh it's a fun name any questions so far are we keeping it simple that's the way we like it you know what this is the Oracle or also called the P yeah it's the part you call the ear it's this the part you can see it's not why do it have this funny shape these ridges and valleys and sound yeah it focuses sound waves in second you guys all know what's this hole called acoustic the acoustic that's part of of it external acoustic mius there you go external acoustic meatus did you say it Austin were you saying it no Canal the wax hole the [Music] wa oh yeah I get it now you got it yeah external auditory M acoustic EXC me auditory acoustic both ways tomus what do these glands produce the wax right what's the purpose of ear wax lubrication protection it's just huh prevent things from getting in prevent things it's just uh if nothing's going to fly in there right because it's not a straight hole for one thing it kind of has a little bit curve and it's backwards so if anything gets in there it has to crawl but as soon as it gets far enough in there it's stuck yep that's the purpose of it it's just to stick things so that they can't get all the way in and start chewing on your eardrum oh go I know except there's these weird kind of why do kids stick stuff in their ear kids why do they like to stick like you know be scien or eat it or put your nose cuz it's so hard to stop a kid they're scientists there's a shape does it fit let's find out that's how it works their brains are work differently than ours pass some other to get in this one now one thing that is bad is to clean out your ear wax with a Q-tip that is bad because most of the time you're just shoving it deeper in you know if you just go right around the opening and you're just cleaning that part that's fine but some people shove that thing way in there and you're just shoving the ear wax in and your body's just continually producing it anyway so if you want to actually clean it out there's these new things that look like little augur bits and their um what's that camera oh no no I don't know if they have camera oh well I know there's these little rubber eyes things that you just turn you just put in and they're designed so they can only go a certain distance into your ear and you just turn it and since it's like an augur bit it just pulls the wax out that's cool that way you're not shoving it in so I didn't know there was that's the new Tik Tok thing right now it's like it's the little little little like soft tipped like hook thing for the camera on the end so that you can see with Wow people watch they watch other gross things like Duck or pimp P why do people watch nasty stuff I do too I love what comes out gby you like Dr pimp acian I like people there are some people I mean obviously it's a popular show black I don't like the juicy I likey I loveis I'm all there I L doing wound care was so much fun that's my favorite parts of PTA to do wound oh yeah the wound do could smell and tell me with it it's really impressive the smell of a wound yeah he he could you can use your you okay where that so what is this your Dr eard drop sound waves worse the so it's kind of cool because sound waves are just vibrations that are traveling through the air and then they hit your eardrum and the eardrum just vibrates at that frequency it's it's really kind of amazing that we can hear to me that's one of probably the most amazing scent I mean sight is pretty amazing too but ear it it's just it's cool when we would we pull SL what's that I think i' rather Well yeah if you had to choose between seeing and hearing I think I'd rather see too right yeah that would Su being able to see like not like it's I see color but not hear it you want see it yeah when people have birth GE jobs is it that always confused me because you know that's a big part of being able to hear is that apparently the tanic membrane but what makes it so people can still you know I've had a burst ear drum before and I know there's a whole island well semi- island of people that literally pop the kids eard drums when they're babies so if they live in the water these people can like snorkel this what oh that's why they're doing that's why they doing for the pressure yeah yeah but it most of the time it heals up I don't know if they they must be they must I don't know if they do it all the time or it just stops well cuz they dive so deep it's weird it's weird but that's why I was thinking about it I was just watching there were people who did that yeah I was just watching a thing on it so I was like how are they able to still hear all right let's see um question yes so like when you're like going up the mountains and that stuff what is happening to do like clogging and popping yeah all right um so behind the membrane is another is another section right and then there's another section and we're going to get more into it when we look at the slides but that section uh has has pressure in it too air pressure in it and so as you go up in altitude well the air pressure out here is decreasing right and so it's causing the eardrum to kind of Bend swell outward towards into the what's this hole again oh e gosh I shouldn't have wrote that now you guys are going to write there okay e so it swells outward and so what happens and we're just going to write it up here let me write it down is fringo tic tube so we already know where the temp this part is the ear the FX is part of your throat so there's a tube from your inner ear to the back of your throat and so um pressure has to equalize and so that's what's popping the it doesn't always equalize all at once so maybe that's why you hear little pops like little bits of air just popping out through that tube and that's why when you go up in an airplane or something you say a two gum because that movement helps open up that hole so it equalizes the pressure faster is it work backwards like yeah I used to work at Urgent Care and people would come in with strep but before they realize like it was strep the ear bted from first they're like oh I can't hear on my ear it's muffled and then we're like oh well that's just that's just because they have a inflammation in the back of the throat and it's kind of closing off this tube and the back of the throat from the outside and so you know as the timatic membrane fluctuates inside the inner ear that that air pressure is fluctuating and that's why you have that tube running down into the mouth to let the air change because because of vibration right M have you ever seen a a a big speaker when there's a lot of bass yeah it's moving like that you know well that's changes the air pressure inside that t inside the inner ear and so that tube helps equalize all that and so now what's happening is that the uh sympatic membrane is not able to vibrate as much when they're when they have those infections in the throat because it's the air can't move as much in and out of the inner ear so it's kind of like blocking it keeping the tantic membrane from vibrating oh as much that make sense yeah and then we have ticles which are I'm sorry so what should we put for um uh Canal from the middle ear to the back of the throat what's the door oh Ina tapies and Stirrup these are the three bones that are in the middle part the middle section of your ear smallest bones in your body right they're super tiny right now we're just kind of going through really basic stuff um yeah i' ask looking at the yeah there's there's actually two of them actually have different names okay yeah to know ham yeah this one is what's in most Anatomy textbooks but it it's one of those things that's changed recently you know yeah it's okay if you write the others though I'll know okay internal ear now we're going to the part where the hearing happens okay um so we have copia vule and semicircular canals and they they call the internal ear a a bony Labyrinth what is a labyrinth a maze maze it's a maze anybody see that movie the LA room favorite movies whose favorite movie one of yours what that is we will watch it you will come to my house and we will watch it you have it this is the inside the Bony Labyrinth is that guy still alive the guy who played The Goblin King yeah no but we died oh that's sad in 201 yeah I thought he' died but I was sure I don't really keep up with that so mind I was like sure why not I that's all right what uh cranial nerve number is a b Factory so these receptors are in kind of this um there's always this mucus layer produced right there and it surrounds these receptors and so at when a chemical uh that has an odor to it it dissolves in that mucus and then then it touches what if it hits a certain receptor then that receptor recognizes or or is stimulated I should say and then it say signal up to your brain saying it smells like this but how do you know that cinnamon smells like cinnamon yeah how do you know that I mean you know it but how do you know it learn Le it's a learn thing right right yeah just like all these senses right have to be learned because if somebody gave you cinnamon they've never told you anything about it you have no idea yeah so we were doing a blood test for our baby or a baby and one of the things we have to do is do DNA test for chromosomes and all that on the we got DNA eye but one of the things was the ability for it to be able to smell um like ammonia like urine smell in um asparagus oh or asparagus smell yes yes so are some smells in like DNA coated then oh tasted right right like some people when they taste umro cilantro it tastes like it tastes like soap where some people just tastes like cilantro not soap right yeah yeah and some people smell urine in asparagus yeah so interesting so that means they don't they don't really like to eat urine I mean asparagus nobody wantes to eat urine I'm sorry people never get rich in China abity uh I I guess so I didn't realize that say you're supposed to know all the answers do right what's that a it's a genetic mutation sounds good sounds like a good genetic mutation at least that's that's a genetic mutation that's not going to hurt you it's just going to make you not want to eat this which is or cilantro 27% chance my baby think that cilantro is soie that's sad but I'm like is that like is that no different than when you have a new baby and you're introducing them to food and you're like oh I love this when I was pregnant and you know like they're just kind of like what they like come out some of it has to do you know when you were young there were Foods you just didn't like and then as you get older oh I can eat that this is because your sense of taste just decreases as you age and that's why you can eat more and more and more food but then there's some people that just have very sensitive taste buds and really don't like a lot of stuff because it's very strong tasting to them taste buds to they develop as you age no as like for it's you ain't never going to get me to eat dairy now some of us I guess I wasn't born with very made taste bugs because nothing there isn't hardly anything I don't like I and I've liked it all my life so only thing I don't like is raw celery that's it but everything else I'll eat so kind of interesting how many people in here eating weird stuff like what all kinds of animals like uh squirrel yeah that's that's kind of weird but I mean like weird like Rocky Mountain Oysters Yeahs sounds so it's Christmas tradition you have beef and onions sounds like is that an English thingi Russian [Music] thing I know exactly what you're talking about else eating weird stuff like uh it's like tartar tripe we tartar oh yeah trip Asian or chitlins I've had chitlin and I've had crawfish yeah I like crawfish I worked for a guy who have raised crawfish in his on so oh I got one a lot of those so they're good I've eaten a lot of weird stuff since you say I'm always country gizzards oh yeah yeah yeah Fri giz Chim gizard because I grew up on a farm and so we chopped chicken and ate everything so chicken hearts yeah the hearts and the gizzards and livers I've never had it are you sure just not in different form oh it is I don't know oh intestin oh no no no isn't that Tri what is squishy part of the stomach oh it is huh what or eyeballs I have not eaten eyeballs eaten eyeballs you've eaten eyeballs is it okay loveo who had Rocky Mountain Oysters oh yeah only three only three of I had Rocky Mountain Oysters you didn't like it I don't like that does anybody know does do you know what Rocky oysters are the look no do you know what they are you don't want to know the balls testicles of the some stuff ain't supposed to be eight now well you thought it was you got M so if someone makes it you eat it and [Music] that's if it's made you need it and you say thank you very much for it in our house that's fine you didn't have to eat it but I'm sleeping at the same timeing P my yeah got my pillow my blanket going down could just see your momm she thought I was playing when I was like I'm like Mom she's like no you're not eat that it's not weird like body but I like peanut butter and jelly Burgers they peanut butter and jelly Burgers I like to have W bugs my father-in-law likes to eat peanut butter and man M too that's the whest thing I've ever heard peanut butter and manise my uh my dad lived in Georgia for a while and one thing that they do take roast peanuts and put it in a bottle of good midw TOS good I I know anybody in here Filipino me I know in the Philippines they'll have a pig eat rice that's almost done cooking almost done cooking they have the pig eat it and then they'll put the pig on a spet and the rice will finish cooking in the stomach as as they're cooking the pig on the spet and one of the first things they do is open up cut open the stomach and eat the rice out of the stomach bin and they say it's really good but to me I don't know that's kind I mean last meal status that kind of gets me a little but to E you're not eating that Erica I yeah I had a friend who went to the Philippines for a couple years and he came back and he said I cannot do it I tried it and it's just the bile and stuff acid was just too gross s very true sour would well then this will kind of grow some of you out you know vanillin which is the the fake vanilla flavoring oh from the beaver beaver anal gland that's where it comes from Beav an they use beaver beaver anal gland juice to make fake vanilla y that's kind of gross huh it's in perum Juice it's in perfumes too it's what it's in perfume yeah it is in perfume yeah but who I wonder who who tried that the first time let's see if this tastes good or it smells good or or who who is the guy who's milking the job I IED mango and then PE and then I don't I brought it for yeah I was like I just taste buds and they they Ain gustatory cells these are the things that respond to the chemicals in the stuff you eat that give you that sense of taste what number is this one seven seven seven no five facial seven that's one day I get it right class a't even with me in agre facial n oops like no he does it on purpose so we make sure we know it you can always see a little smirk on his face when we get right not poker this one is five he know it does most of the other 2/3 that's what's that one I that what tast buds yeah yes they're not they're not served by one nerve like all of your smell is done by the old factory nerve but taste is done mostly by these two then they add water in there which they're still trying to figure out that's so cool that we keep figuring stuff out so Co is this like we know more about Dr D didn't you tell us that we know more about space than our own brains or something along those lines I said there was more neurons neurons are stars that's what it there's more neurons yeah okay that's sound about right though well we yeah we don't we don't know a lot about our brain but we more know a lot about the ocean either or oh I think it was the ocean it was the ocean that you were talking about we know more about space than we do the deepest parts of the ocean that's what it was see listen um let's see let's see let's see now we're just I should add I have this well we're just going to talk about a little bit about how some of these things happen like sight why didn't I put it back we talking about I don't know oh yeah photo so rods and cones though do they see color no no that's why at night everything looks just black and white Shades of Gray right because that's yeah um and the reason why these don't work very well at night is because they need a lot of light to be able to register the color yeah we switch it so do dogs only have rods and don't have coins that's why they see black and white well they see more colors than that they see some yellow they see yeah they see some color they just have less of certain things like bows bows see Reds and oranges yeah so that was really adorable when my dog likes to watch it with dog but there's a there's an advantage you know um if if when you're using only rods there's uh a little more clarity in the picture if there's enough light because just black and white you can see differences better than you can everything color um Hunters who have certain types of color blindness are better Hunters because you can see better in the bush yeah they can see all the differences yeah um uh I dated this girl whose father was color blind and he won um contests all the time for the most beautifully painted cars he would paint that was his his profession he had his own uh car auto body shop and when he would paint a car all the colors would just blend so nicely and look so perfect because he was colorblind and he would just match the Grays up and he won contests all the time for the best painted automobiles even though he had no idea what color [Music] he's oh my good but man I saw his car like wow it's beautiful you know just just Blends and changes it was cool looking at the gr how did he know like what color he was using he doesn't the the word on the box yeah there you go s to him like orange okay well I have no idea I mean he kind of knows red and green just because he knows on the stop you know Red's on top and Green's on bottom but so he has it kind of memorized what those colors what shade of gray those are but otherwise used to work they said that they make the slightly blue so they can tell the difference because those are the main three colors that col when people can't oh red red yellow green green does have a blue reflection yeah they have a red green yeah most most people have a red green color lightness yeah so yeah you got to make it slightly blue that's kind of interesting interesting SP they did with um these people in Africa that didn't have a color what was it it was either I think it was a name for blue I think it was blue they didn't have a name for blue so they showed them a bunch of different shades of green with one that's kind of blue and they asked to pick out the one that was different and they couldn't well they did it with a bunch of different greens and they have like 30 names for shades of green and they instantly picked out the one that was like the slightest bit difference like I picked up so it's interesting when you see that yeah all the different colors St I watch a lot of so how many people have poor accommodation that you read your you need your glasses to be able to read right yeah I don't did you lose something yeah okay and how is the image on the back of your LIF it's upside down and flipped left and right are flipped and it's upside down so when it hits the back of your eye that's what it is it's upside down and and flip this way so but yet we don't feel like we're walking on the ceiling our brains are kind of amazing huh they kind of have figured out how to adapt adapt that but that's also one of the reasons why children and when they're first starting to walk you know they have a little bit of issues especially if there's a drop because they have to figure out their brain has to figure out okay that's going down and we have to go or it's going up you know it's all these things that they have to figure out as they're learning to walk up and down and side to side what's that rea the image on the re the image as it hits the back I didn't say that I was about R codes are on the Rea I should and um let's see um so they see everything at a slightly different angle right if you're looking at a point this ey this eye sees it from this way and this eye sees it from this way so it's makes it 3D so if you only have Vision in one eye you don't have any depth perception you I mean mean you can still do things CU you if you if you had two eyes and you lose one your brain has kind of learns to adapt and understands okay I know that's about that far away but people who have just always had one or a single vision monocular vision they don't know it's hard for them to judge how far away something is so why do men have better depth perception than women because we have bigger heads and so the eyeballs are a little bit farther apart and that gives you just a little bit more of a 3D view so that's the reason why but women see many more colors Hues of colors than men do you know they just two Blues you like the look exactly the same no this one's totally different than this one yeah I know uh what color is that blue well I know but what color blue uh blue I don't know it's light blue dark blue I don't know yeah but where a woman will say well that's this blue this or blue or this blue or this blue you know there like six different blues and a guy might see two of them two different same all right okay hearing I'm going to talk about equilibrium when we have the slides up because it's just too hard to try to describe or talk about without seeing the pictures so uh sound waves they get transmitted through a series of steps to the inner ear and this causes basically I'm going to put it in quotes because it's not exactly waves but it's kind of like waves in fluid of the semicircular Canal wait so it's like pressure waves it's not like a wave on top of a I should say compression waves not like a wave on top of the water but it's U like here's water and you push on it and it gets compressed in that area and that that wave of compressed water moves through the semil circular canal and as it moves through this canal then it um The Wave causes specific hair cells in the canal to bend and then when they Bend and that sends a signal along the nerve which is the nerve that helps for hearing the vular cular nerve which is is it eight I have to do that to yeah three four five six seven cular right vular cular but I learned it as the acoustic nerve feels very yeah okay yeah I have to do that too I have the canal no no no no don't don't get confused it used to be called vular cular is what we call it it used to be called acoustic they changed the name on but either way it's yeah you so what's what's happened what it's did I miss one oh I forgot an a yeah I was like so confused yeah so what happens is that the hairs in there we don't need to get into it but it's kind of cool but they're different sizes and so some of them if you have a high pitch sound it causes that compressed wave it's going to be it's not going to have as much pressure and so the stiffer hairs won't Bend but the real fine hairs will bend and so that'll be registered as a high sound where the lower sounds the pressure wave is stronger and so it'll bend the thicker ones so it's kind of cool huh there there's a lot more into it but it's just it's so amazing that just bending a hair like oh that's the letter A I mean the note a right Bend another hair oh now it's C you know that's it's so fascinating isn't it good