Essentials of Writing a Literature Review

Aug 22, 2024

Writing a Literature Review


  • This video guides viewers on writing a literature review.
  • Presenter: Niha Agal, founder of IS Communications.
  • Discussion includes:
    • Definition of literature review.
    • Structure of a literature review.
    • Introduction of an AI tool called "Our Discovery" to aid literature search.

What is a Literature Review?

  • Definition: Analysis of the writing or work of others.
  • Purpose: Can be a section of a larger document (research paper) or an independent document (assignment).
  • Placement: Usually follows the introduction and precedes the research methodology in a research paper.

Structure of a Literature Review

1. Introduction

  • Introduce the topic: Explain why the topic is worth reviewing.
  • Research gap/problem statement: For research papers, explain the gap your work addresses.
  • Define key terms and concepts relevant to the review.
  • Overview: Share topics covered in the review.
  • Organization: Describe how the review is structured (categories of topics).
  • Scope: Set boundaries of what will be reviewed and rationale for exclusions.

2. Body

  • Most crucial section for sharing others' works.
  • AI Tool - Our Discovery:
    • Provides personalized recommendations based on research area.
    • Includes features such as summaries, audio readings, translation, and bookmarking.
    • Allows easy sharing and exporting to reference management software.
    • Access to a vast database (115 million+ research papers, etc.).

3. Conclusion

  • If independent, restate the purpose and key research questions.
  • Share findings from the literature survey.
  • Draw conclusions on how the research field can progress.
  • If part of a research paper, state the plan to address the identified research gap and its significance.

Organizing the Body of Literature Review

  • Chronological Order: Discuss the development of the topic over time, focusing on key turning points.
  • Methodological Approach: Compare results from different methodologies (qualitative vs. quantitative).
  • Thematic Approach: Organize by themes relevant to the topic (e.g., materials, applications).
  • Theoretical Approach: Summarize and compare various theoretical frameworks or models.

Writing the Body

  • Key Points:
    • Don't just list literature; perform analysis and share personal insights.
    • Steps:
      1. Summarize and Synthesize: Group similar literature and present main points.
      2. Analyze and Interpret: Share interpretations and significance of findings in relation to your topic.
      3. Critically Evaluate: Discuss trends and weaknesses in the literature to provide a complete evaluation.

Common Questions

  • How many papers should be read?
    • Varies based on the type of review:
      • College Assignment: 3-4 papers.
      • Research Article: 30-40 papers.
      • Review Paper: 70-100+ papers.
    • Subjective and topic-dependent.

Additional Resources

  • AI Tools: Previous videos listed various AI tools to help with literature reviews.
  • Emphasis on the use of "Our Discovery" for an easier literature search.


  • Thank you for watching, wishing success in your academic career!