Transcript for:
You shut a door on this connection & now you're attracting powerful new opportunities... [EXTENDED]

Hello beautiful souls! Welcome to the extended version of today's reading here on Patreon. Thank you so much for tuning in for our extended Patreon reading and I am so excited to get into the messages today although I have no idea exactly what's going to be coming out in the Patreon reading since we didn't get any strong indications. of what exactly we were going to be talking about here.

We've kind of just been following the flow of energy through that first reading on YouTube, which by the way, if you haven't yet listened to that first reading, you can do so by clicking the link that I always leave in the Patreon post itself. Okay, so let's get started here with the hanged man in the reverse position. Okay, so there is someone here who is feeling really stuck on you and really wanting to communicate. We also have the three of swords representing some kind of heartbreak here. With the six of cups in the reverse position, this is someone who may have a past with you.

This might be someone from your past. They're really wanting to let go of the past version of the connection that you two had and create something new in the future. They just seem to be really in their feelings, feeling very heartbroken right now. With the six of ones in the upright position, I'm hearing that they're seeing you glowing or shining or... doing really well.

Maybe for some of you, you are in the spotlight in some sense or beginning to create in some way or share yourself publicly in some way that won't be for everyone. But I feel like they sense that you're doing really well in life and they see themselves as appearing very stuck in the physical world, but trying to build in some kind of new direction with the eight of pentacles in the upright position. I get the sense that behind the scenes, this is someone who has been quickly trying to get their life together from their perspective, to really build in a direction that stabilizes them.

This does seem to have a feeling of urgency, like this person urgently trying to get their life together and work on themselves so that they could potentially be. make some kind of offer towards you or connect with you in some kind of new way that is very different from the past. With this nine of pentacles reversed and the page of swords reversed, I feel like this is someone who tries to present on the surface as though they have it all together because we have the knight of wands reversed here as well. You may have always felt like this was kind of empty promises, like this person would over-promise and under-deliver, or you in the past may have had a lot of conversations with this person about the future, and you may have felt like they didn't really back up their words with action, and you may have stepped away or set boundaries with this energy because that became very frustrating.

This won't be for everyone. So only take the threads of energy here that resonate with you personally. But I do feel that with the nine of cups reversed, when you chose to step away from this person, because I'm just hearing you were tired of the lack of action or the empty promises in the physical, it's like this person may have had a lot of passion or a lot of emotion towards you, or they would express that, but they weren't really backing it up with you.

3D action or communication. And I'm just getting the sense that It's like it broke this person's heart when you stepped away because of the empty promises or the lack of action. But the thing is, this person didn't realize fully that you were their wish fulfillment, that you were a dream come true for them until they lost you in some sense or until you stepped away from this.

And now again, there's like this intense feeling of restlessness and urgency in this person with temperance reversed. They're now trying to build in some direction very quickly. I'm just getting this flailing kind of energy.

It's very restless. It feels very rushed. Like they're really trying to rush to get things together because they're being pushed by this heartbreak here.

And because they are seeing you in this state of receiving either some kind of recognition or maybe you're making a lot of positive shifts and changes in your life and this person wants to be part of that but in the past they were all action and are all words and no action is what i'm getting here yeah i really feel like you've closed the door it's like my guides are showing me you kind of closing the door in this person's face metaphorically speaking And them feeling a heartbreak from that, but it was necessary for you to do that because there was this frustrating cycle with them of all words and no action. I just keep getting that sentence over and over again. So I don't know who this is for. If it's for you, you're already probably very much aware of this situation, but it feels like a very frustrated, tired kind of energy. Meaning?

a dynamic that if this is for you, you've been in for a while. And so I'm going to try to shift into what you're moving towards, because even if that is for you, you've shut the door on that situation. Even if that wasn't specifically for you, I'm still seeing that you've shut the door. version of yourself or on something in your life, something, maybe it was a way of being or a connection, a friendship, a belief system, a community, a job.

I feel that you've walked away from something. You've shut the door on something. And in doing this, you're opening up to something brand new with the ace of wands in the upright position.

This is about some kind of new beginning. I'm picking up on someone who I'm hearing you'll know when you've really shut the door because the creativity will start flowing in. So I don't know who that's for, but for someone here listening, you're going to notice that when you shut the door on something that felt very cyclical in a negative way for you, that felt very unreciprocated or very frustrating, when you shut the door on that, suddenly your sign of confirmation is all of this new inspiration.

Flowing into your life. Now, of course, inspiration is interpreted differently by each of us. We all have unique skills, gifts, interests, abilities, and all of those things play into our unique soul's blueprint, which speaks to our purpose here in this incarnation. But I just get this sense that however you feel and interpret creative energy, so much of that floods in when you shut the door to this frustrating cycle on your past or in your past. With the throat chakra and the thinking, man, I am sensing an energy of someone very much in their head about you, deliberating whether they're going to communicate with you or what to say to you.

This may be someone that you shut the door on with the adjacent possibilities card reversed, or someone who feels like they were shut out of your life in the past, and they're feeling very unfulfilled without you now, even though I've tried to get away from that previous energy. For some of you, maybe you've really set strong intentions for getting clarity about that person, because I feel for some of you, it could be that same physical person that we were describing before. as much as I wanted to channel into something different, and I promise we will be channeling into other energies as well. For others of you, this might be someone different, but this is someone who does feel shut out of your life, who is longing for you, but they're longing for you because of a psychic connection with you. And I'm hearing it took your absence for this person to realize how psychic and spiritual in nature their connection with you really is.

So what I mean by that is there always was that spiritual psychic bond between the two of you very strongly, but you were aware of that. And this person was not consciously aware of it when the two of you were more physically 3d connected reason being they're very logical in nature. And so they thought that they just felt a lot for you because you were communicating a lot or in each other's lives quite a bit. But when you shut the door, when you set boundaries, when you pulled back in some way, this person still felt you so strongly.

They began to realize it doesn't matter how often we are around each other or are communicating, that psychic element to our bond is still there. There's something here that runs so much deeper than those literal physical communications and interactions. So It's almost like your absence is teaching this person the spiritual side to your connection. Now I see you in a very strong, confident state of being with angel of strength in the upright position.

I feel that you've gone through a major solar plexus chakra activation. Now the guides are saying that during this solar plexus chakra activation, you may have actually felt stagnant. I'm hearing you were in the growing season. The season where seeds that you had planted, seeds of intention, things you were designed to manifest, visions, ideas had been planted metaphorically, but they weren't showing evidence of growth yet. So it's not really that you were stagnant.

It's that those seeds were taking root beneath the surface. But during that time, you were being activated in your solar plexus. This may play into what we were talking about.

In the first reading on YouTube with you going through an ego death that completely crumbled everything that you were before for the purpose of rebuilding and re-centering yourself and recreating an identity from a more soulful, authentic place. What else can I channel about you at this time? This has been a gradual unfolding process, but I'm hearing something is coming to a head. meaning something that's been happening very gradually is reaching some kind of a tipping point here where you might feel inspired to do something with this energy to push out in some way. This is going to look very different from person to person, but for some of you, maybe you've been planting a seed of a business idea or a creation idea or a connection or a friendship or a life, and that seed has been sitting beneath the surface.

While you've been activated in your solar plexus chakra, building your sense of confidence. And now through this gradual process, it's reaching a tipping point where you might actually feel inspired to do something with that energy. Now we do have appreciation in the upright position, sitting on the third eye chakra. So what I'm getting very strongly is what you have to offer most valuably at this time is something that you are doing energetically or psychically that you may not even be aware of.

Now, for some of you, this might go back to that balancing of your internal divine masculine and feminine energy because we do have the magician and the mirror in the upright position. but I'm hearing that you are working with energy more than anything else right now, whether you fully consciously realize that or not. Something you are doing is shifting or opening energy in a certain kind of way that is influencing all other aspects and areas of your life that is radiating this powerful signal and impacting others.

And I'm hearing all of your growth you are experiencing or will experience physically is going to reflect the way that you have worked on yourself energetically, the way you've expanded and balanced yourself on the internal energetic level. Now I am going to be reshuffling the cards here and I'm feeling there might be a work your light Oracle card to go along with those messages. Okay, this is funny.

So we actually pulled the cards no and yes. Never before in a reading have I pulled both the cards no and yes. So one card says no, wait, postpone, pause, say no.

The other card says yes, just say yes. And both of these cards are sitting on the heart chakra. So actually what I see from this is the guide saying no, when to say no. and when to say yes.

You are learning to discern your intuitive no from your intuitive yes, and you are learning how to follow that guidance and act accordingly. And the way that you are tuned into this is by feeling it in your heart. It's a feeling that arises within you when someone makes you an offer, when someone wants to reconnect, when someone proposes to do something. And of course we have the card Akasha, your guidance is divinely guided. So for someone listening here, I'm just getting this very clear message around really valuing your own intuition and trusting it, leaning into it more than ever before, especially when it comes to what is a no for you and what is a yes for you.

I sometimes refer to this as the green light versus the red light in our intuition where Sometimes our intuition will keep us at a red light and we can't understand why. This is because physically we are seeing things on the ground, but our soul, our intuition, our higher self is seeing things from a bird's eye perspective. other times something feels like a yes it pulls us in such a passionate positive way and at times that is something that we can't fully consciously understand either but so much of how we are operating in our lives collectively through these shifts has to do with becoming so attuned to our own inner guidance to our own heart you that we're able to discern the no from the yes, and that we have the courage and the clarity to act on that no or to act on that yes. I'm hearing don't be afraid of the uncertainty or the indecision or the pauses, those things that are a no, because A pause or a break or a delay can be just as divinely guided as a movement forward or a new idea. We also have the card ascend, expansion, evolution, universal intelligence, stay connected to spirit.

And it's interesting because this is also connecting to the heart chakra, telling us that our expansion happens most quickly and effortlessly when we are in our heart and attuned to our heart. And with the community card, I see that part of being attuned to our heart here is opening ourselves up to connections physically that are supportive and nurturing and fun and passionate connections that light us up because many of us have been through intense hermit modes in our lives. And one of the gifts coming in at this phase of your journey will be physical people who want to love you and see you and understand you and support you and cheer you on. And I'm hearing a message of when you feel guided to it, when it is a yes for you, allowing yourself to open to those mutually supportive, beneficial, inspiring connections that are coming in. as gifts in your life or will be coming in soon if you aren't seeing that already.

I'm also hearing the power of play or the power of lighthearted connection. So don't allow your mind to convince you out of simply enjoying the moment with your community or with a group of people or in a social situation or with someone new that you meet or connect with because those moments of play, especially right now in a social or community setting are actually highly spiritual in nature, even though they might look just very fun and light and in the moment, this actually is opening you up spiritually. I'm hearing it's making you more psychic as well, because it's playing a powerful role in raising your vibration with the door to spirit card here.

Now we do have envy in the upright position. Rest and rejuvenation, anxiety reversed. So you might at times feel either a specific person or maybe a group of people from your past who connected with a past version of you pulling on your energy because I do sense that there might be one or maybe a group or some people who are longing to connect with you, but they're coming from, I'm hearing a past energy space.

So take this how it connects, but it's almost as though they're trying to connect or relate to an outdated version of you, which is why they're longing for you instead of connecting for you. That door has already been shut in a sense, but they do have an opportunity to connect with you. It's just, they have to connect with the new version of you, with where your vibration is now, and not with that outdated previous version of you.

And I'm hearing for your part, you are meant to be releasing any anxieties or fears or guilt that you have around those who are feeling left out of your life because they're trying to connect with an outdated version of you that no longer exists because you've shifted beyond that vibration. These people are not really disconnected from your life. That's just an illusion.

They actually have the ability to raise their own vibration and connect with a different, new, more expanded version of you, the version of you that you are now. And if they were to do that, you would feel that passionate pull to connect with them because you could sense that they're trying to connect with you for the person that you are from that higher vibrational space. But again, this is about listening to your intuitive guidance when it comes to whether to connect with someone or not, because intuitively you can sense when it's a no.

You can sense when someone is trying to connect with you from a lower vibrational space. And you can also sense the yes as well. Interesting.

So I'm going to be reshuffling here. I got the numbers 21, 12. So you might be heavily mirroring energy or emotions with someone right now. And if that is for you, I'm going to see what I can channel about that. So. Who is mirroring energy or mirroring emotions?

Okay, we have the hanged man reversed, the nine of cups reversed. Someone is really conflicted, really conflicted about communicating with you in a really heavy vibrational state of being, feeling very stuck in their own life. And what I'm getting with this mirroring aspect is this might be someone that you're not even currently physically connected with, but at times I'm hearing you feel their chaos.

or you feel the internal conflict that they're having within themselves about whether or not to reach out. You're almost like picking up on their heartbreak vibrationally. What's the guidance here?

Whoa, okay, two of cups. The guidance is to focus on connections that are balanced, where you're pouring equally into each other's cup. whether this is romantic in terms of friendship, family, connections that are vibrationally harmonious and compatible with your happiness, with the state of being that you're in now, that give to you equally. Because what I'm getting from this past person is they didn't have the ability to reciprocate with you equally.

So they're in this state of heartbreak and you might be psychically nearing that or picking up on that heavy energy. But if so, the guidance here is to focus on connections that are truly mutually pouring in a sense where you're pouring into each other's cup and to know that there are so many who desire to cheer you on and positively support you with the three of cups. in the upright position and also the six of wands i'm hearing as well to focus on your growing successes is what the guides are saying even if some of those successes your mind might label as small this even could be daily victories that are very personal to you this might be getting a good night of sleep or doing some routine thing in the morning or having the courage to speak your truth in a situation or to share something or to get out into nature whatever this is for you i'm hearing to celebrate what may seem like small wins because these will culminate and grow into even greater victories to really celebrate yourself to allow yourself to continue growing in your own success and accomplishment and staying aligned with that rather than Allowing yourself to be pulled down vibrationally by those such as potentially this person coming up here who have been resisting change, stuck in negative patterns in some way and sending you some of this heavy or longing energy here. Okay, so I'm going to be reshuffling the cards here.

What other guidance can I channel for all of the beautiful souls tuned in to today's reading? Okay, so let's channel into any other messages or pieces of information that want to come through. Okay, a lot of cards actually just came out here.

And these cards are the garden and the gate hostilities reversed. Okay, so right away, this is about protecting your peace. And I'm going to be channeling more information on this. But we also have the crown chakra, the strategy card. and the heart chakra i'm hearing the plan was or is to live from your heart this is your spiritual mission and purpose here and it will physically manifest itself in many different ways that don't need to be figured out consciously at the level of the mind because they will flow naturally as you continue living from your heart the steps forward will be revealed to you you But there's also, again, that message here about protecting your peace.

And I'm hearing at times this actually might be the universe protecting your peace for you. And my guides are saying sometimes certain people, things, or opportunities will be bounced out of your life or won't be able to reach you or connect with you because the divine is protecting your peace through what? might appear to be a rejection or a disconnect this can sometimes happen your peace is being protected but also you're being guided to actively protect your own peace as well can i get more information about protecting your peace yeah staying very grounded taking the time to ground yourself i'm almost getting this sense of this balancing act of pulling back to ground yourself in whatever way that is for you. And then when you feel inspired, pushing out to create or to share your energy in some way, but then pulling back into that state of rest and peace and groundedness and how that is what keeps everything in balance here. We also have the thinking man in the upright position.

And I am just getting from this card, you are attracting a lot of psychic attention, meaning the signals that you are sending out energetically right now are being very responded to in the quantum realm. We have new doors opening here as a result of that signal that you are sending out. And some of these are hidden doors. So things that you might not yet be aware of, people who are... Watching you or considering making an offer or wanting to move forward towards you that haven't taken action yet, that have sensed the shifts that you've been making in your own life.

That is part of why those no and yes cards came out, because with how magnetic you are at this time, you have to understand that you already are or soon will be attracting in. a huge number of offers, opportunities, potential people, things, and connections. So I'm hearing the higher degree of magnetism, the more selective you must be with your yes. Here we have the card, I want a future with you.

So someone wants to build something with you, whether that's a life, a relationship. And we have, I've been manifesting you. Wow. Okay.

So this might be someone coming in in the future who's been manifesting, meeting you or connecting with you on a soul level. So this could be a friend that's going to come in a future partner, collaborator, romantic situation, but this is someone who's been manifesting you and who wants to be part of this future that You are now aligned with, that you are creating. This might be someone that you've met recently or again, someone coming in in the future. This does feel like if it's someone you already know, it might be relatively recent, but this is someone who really feels like they manifested you, who really wants to be part of your routine life, part of your future. Can I get more information on this person?

So we have attachment reversed and financial constraints reversed. We also have Yin Yang and I'm hearing you are the person I see myself connecting with when I am completely free of limitation, completely free of negative attachment and living my absolute ideal life. So essentially they see you as their dream person or in other terms, the person that they connect well with when they are showing up as their dream version of themselves.

The two of you are connecting on your highest vibrational timelines in other words and whether they use that terminology or not they are sensing that on some level now because we have the yin yang card here it's very possible that this could be a twin flame or a very high level soulmate that's been manifesting a connection with you can i get more information on this twin flame or soulmate this you presents a powerful new beginning. Again, whether it's platonic, romantic, and business, this feels like a huge shared creative spark here. I'm hearing I'm so lucky to meet you or so lucky to have met you. So if this isn't someone you've met yet, when they do meet you, they feel as though it was a major stroke of good luck to meet you.

If they've already met you, that's how they feel about your meeting. There's so much excitement here. It feels like when you meet, there is this sense of your souls reconnecting or your souls reuniting in some way. It feels very happy, very celebratory.

Now, I do see with the page of cups reversed that an obstacle here might be some kind of inner child wounding. This won't be for everyone. Although the two of you seem to connect on your highest vibrational timeline here, there may be a little bit of internal conflict within this person.

Now, if you haven't met them yet, this might be what they are healing through to prepare for meeting you so that this is clear by the time you meet. For others of you, you may have met this person while they still had some of this wounding. I am hearing it's an inner child wound.

They are afraid that, again, if you've met this person and they're dealing with this, they're worried that you are their perfect person, but that they met you maybe at the wrong time, or maybe you did meet this person in the past and it felt like right person, wrong time. They may have felt trapped in something that they're working on healing here. This may have even been some kind of past heartbreak that they went through. This won't be for everyone.

Can I get any more information about this person or situation? What I am seeing is that this is someone, again, and those childhood wounds may or may not relate to your situation. I'm just picking up a different thread of energy there. But whether or not that relates, I see this is someone who's coming up as a knight of one.

So they feel pushed to you from their heart. You make them want to take action towards you very fast. You bring a lot of new energy into their life, but I feel that's very shared as well, that you bring that positive energy into each other's lives here.

Can I get any more information? Where is all of this going? Let's, because we're channeling a lot of threads of energy about potentially what could have been going on in this connection, but I'm hearing to let it unfold gradually and naturally, naturally, even if you are currently seeing this person go through some of that inner child wounding, if that was relevant for you, I'm hearing that there is this gradual unraveling process taking place here. That divine timing is really strongly at play between the two of you.

And I'm hearing, unconditional love will prevail with the angel of love card. I see your energy almost like this beacon of light guiding this person, whether or not the two of you have met yet, because even if you haven't met physically, your soul, your higher self is like a guiding light, helping this person heal from whatever heartbreak was coming up here, helping them to awaken with door to spirit. And what I'm getting here is a seed has been planted already. I'm hearing the work has been done.

The seed has been planted with blossoming abundance. And this is gradually going to grow and unfold. And unconditional love is going to prevail.

This person seems to also be going through a spiritual awakening. If you've met already, then this seemed to be as a result of having met you. But even if you haven't met, again, it's the effect of your soul or your higher self. kind of guiding this person from a quantum perspective that has played a role in their awakening here. So wow, very beautiful messages coming through the reading.

I hope that some thread of energy here has connected with you in a meaningful way. If so, I would love to hear from you in the comments. But I am going to close the reading with a final Rumi Oracle card. So what is one final Rumi card?

Divine discontent. So let me just read a guidebook message here. Winter falls upon us so spring can bring new growth. Cry the tears, allow the longing.

Sadness brings surrender and a deep desire to be free. And the guidebook also says, And so it shall be. The discontent divine growing within you is the beginning, not the destiny.

Its purpose is to lead you into your greatest connection yet with divinity. Do not resist it. witness it.

Look beyond what is, what has been prized and treasured and is now found to be plated and not the precious gold it was once esteemed to be. You are realizing a truth, a part of you, deeper and wider, vaster and more instinctive, truthful and intelligent than your mind, is lonely for the divine embrace. My mind is dissembled and my heart is ignited by the presence of the beloved. So that feels like a beautiful place to close the reading. Thank you so much again for tuning in.

I am sending you all huge amounts of love and light energy. Have an amazing remainder of your day and week. And I will connect with you here again in Fridays.

Patreon reading.