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Notes on SD-WAN Overlay Templates and Deployment

hi everybody overlay templates is one of the industry's most simple yet powerful Solutions deploying sdw networks of all sizes included at no additional charge starting in for manager 7.2 the overlay orchestrator was designed for users of all technical backgrounds making it simple and intuitive while utilizing foret best practices for every deployment in this video we'll demonstrate how simple it is to deploy a large corporate sdw Network in just a few minutes for our demo we'll set up an sdw overlay Network across our corporate office and private workloads our remote Branch offices will need to access resources in our data center as well as communicate directly to each other on demand our hubs will be placed in two Geo redundant data center locations for this region Hub one will be our primary well Hub two will be our secondary all locations will have dual ISP links that will be utilized to create a full mesh overlay Network for maximum resiliency and performance let's now jump into our demo and see how this all takes place let's log into our fora manager as mentioned previously we're going to create an sdn overlay with our two hubs and two branches it's especially important that we have all of our branches in a region in the same device Group which in this case is named branches these 40 Gates will have the bare minimum configuration on the box meaning IP addresses assigned to the interfaces on the fora manager side we have created simple policies for both the hubs and branches as well as a simple placeholder sdw template not to be confused with the sdw overlay template next let's go to provisioning templates in device manager from here navigate to the sd1 overlay tab here we will use the simple four-step wizard to create our sdw overlay for our North America region to start let's define our topology which is dual Hub primary and secondary or active passive we do want on demand Branch to Branch Tunnels for full mesh light Communications so let's go to advance and enable autodiscovery VPS I want to point out that you can modify these other parameters according to your network requirements next we will choose which for gate is our primary Hub and which is our secondary Hub with this simple drop- down menu for branches we need to choose the device group so it is best that we have one already created for our branches simply select our branches device group from the menu you can also enable automatic ID assignment to let the Wiz wizard assigned Branch IDs to our Branch fortigates now click next in this next step we tell the wizard which of the ports on the Hub fortigates will be used as our Wan underlays here we will enter in Port one and Port two for Hub one once that's done we'll tell the wizard which port on HUB one will advertise to the rest of the network which in our example is Port three now we'll do the same for our Hub two and find for our branches after we're done click next in step four we will have the option to speed up the overlay building process by associating this particular region with an existing sdw template and hub and Branch policies after we're done click next to review our changes finally click finish as you can see the sd1 overlay wizard has automatically generated the necessary bgp and IPC templates for our overlay and added them all into template groups template groups are an object that ties together multiple templates for easy installation now all that's left to do is to install the template groups and policies into our fortigates in fora manager as a general rule of thumb whenever you create new interfaces you should install the configuration for those interfaces before installing any any policies that might reference them because the sdw overlay wizard created new interfaces on our hubs those need to be installed first we will now install our device settings onto our hubs and after we're done we'll now push our Hub policies to our fortigates and we'll speed up the video during the actual install but as you can see the time taken is displayed and the entire install process is merely seconds next we will will install both our device settings as well as the policy package for our Branch fortigates one thing to point out is that if you have any policy on a branch that's not used you might get the following message click install to begin after we install our Branch device settings and policy packages we'll go back into device manager to see that the configuration and policy for the sdwan devices have been installed next we will navigate to the monitor section under device manager and just like that you can see that the sdw overlay for our sdwan region is now up from this view you can click on any fortigate and pull up key information such as the routing table in a matter of minutes we've successfully created an SN overlay if you found today's video helpful please like And subscribe and thanks for watching