Cellular Membrane Potential and Ion Concentration
Membrane Structure and Ion Distribution
- Cells are enveloped by membranes separating inner and outer environments.
- Ions (positively and negatively charged) have unequal distribution across the membrane, creating concentration and charge differences.
Resting Membrane Potential
- Established by concentration differences and membrane permeability.
- Outside the Cell: Higher concentration of Na+ (sodium), Cl- (chloride), Ca2+ (calcium).
- Inside the Cell: Higher concentration of K+ (potassium) and anions (A-).
- Anions include amino acids and proteins produced by the cell.
Sodium-Potassium Pump
- Uses ATP to exchange 3 Na+ ions out of the cell for 2 K+ ions into the cell.
- Helps establish the concentration gradient for potassium and sodium.
Potassium Dynamics
- Concentration: 150 mMol/L inside, 5 mMol/L outside.
- Potassium moves out due to a concentration gradient using potassium leak and inward rectifier channels.
- Loss of K+ leaves negative anions inside, creating an electrostatic gradient.
Equilibrium and Electrostatic Gradient
- Equilibrium potential (Nernst potential) for potassium: -92 mV.
- Equilibrium potential is where concentration gradient equals electrostatic gradient.
Nernst Equation
- Used to calculate equilibrium potential for each ion:
- Single charge ion:
Vm = 61.5 * log([ion outside]/[ion inside])
- Double charge ion:
Vm = 30.75 * log([ion outside]/[ion inside])
Ion Concentrations and Potentials
- Potassium: 150 mMol/L inside, 5 mMol/L outside, Equilibrium: -92 mV.
- Sodium: Equilibrium: +67 mV.
- Chloride: Equilibrium: -86 mV (flipped due to negative charge).
- Calcium: Equilibrium: +123 mV.
- Concentration gradients move ions from high to low concentration.
- Potassium moves out, calcium, sodium, and chloride move in.
Resting Membrane Potential
- Sum of individual ion potentials influenced by their movement across the membrane.
- Potassium is the major contributor to resting membrane potential (~90% of ions moving).
- Calculation:
- 90% of K+ (-81 mV) + 1% of Ca2+ (1.23 mV) + 1% of Na+ (0.67 mV) + 8% of Cl- (-6.88 mV) = -86 mV.
Adjusting Membrane Potential
- Cell can alter resting potential by changing permeability to different ions (adding/removing ion channels).
- Ion equilibrium potential: where concentration gradient equals electrostatic gradient.
- Calculated using the Nernst equation.
- Resting membrane potential is a summation of these potentials, governed by ion permeability.
End of Lecture Summary
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