Transcript for:
Ingenix Solutions Transforming Healthcare Delivery

providing clinicians and administrators with access to up-to-date information creates tremendous efficiencies in the delivery of healthcare and Ingenix makes it possible this patient experience illustrates how Ingenix solutions seamlessly integrate and share patient information to improve both care and administrative efficiencies 48 year-old John looks like the picture of health but today he will be thankful that care providers have access to his complete health information while on his morning run John collapses and is rushed to the emergency room early symptoms show a possible heart attack the emergency department nurse is notified of his pending arrival to the ambulance screen of Edie pulse check emergency department information system the nurse is able to enter filled treatment documentation reserve a critical care bed in the Edie and document the estimated time of patient arrival upon his arrival at the emergency department with minimal information from John the staff is able to expedite his triage evaluation through a mini registration information is automatically sent to the Edie pulse check system helping to reduce time to treatment so I see you have had a few health concerns in the past the ER physician is able to review John's full medical history through the Elysium health information exchange and the connected Ingenix Care tracker electronic health record and I see you have a recent prescription for lipitor have you been taking those yeah in fact I just took it this morning good good I also see that you had an angiogram it did reveal some arterial blockage I think with based on what's going on today though we should do another cardiac catheterization I'm gonna go ahead and book you into the cath lab this morning while the cath lab is being prepared for John's arrival the anesthesiologist visits John in the IDI to do a pre-op assessment he views his airway history in pre-op manager and promptly documents his anesthesia assessment and care plan John is moved to the cath lab and under conscious sedation the cardiologist begins the procedure anesthesia manager automatically captures his vital signs throughout the procedure and the anesthesiologist documents any fluids and medications given John's blockage is found to be severe and it is determined that the patient should be moved to the O R for coronary artery bypass surgery the cardiologist accesses piasa so our manager and schedules the case which then notifies the team in the o.r to begin preparing for John surgery meanwhile the or staff and anesthesia care team review John's pre-op history and assessment that was done earlier while in the IDI from the case booking the supplies needed for surgery are pulled using prices so our manager generated pick lists the prices Oh our manager application is integrated with the hospital's materials management and billing system to automatically calculate charges staff and resource time and any special charges based on documentation and billing rules to ensure accuracy of charges with the right resources in place John efficiently moves into surgery throughout the operation o our manager creates an integrated nursing and anesthesia record making the flow of information seamless enabling anesthesia care providers to focus on patient care instead of manually recording data while John is in surgery the cardiac care unit staff is notified via smart track screens email or text messages of John's progression from cath lab to Oh are they can view critical information to properly prepare the room for his arrival from surgery now in critical care the cardiologist can use the critical care manager system and its decision support tools to observe John's progress round the clock at the point of care from any remote location when John is transferred out of critical care the system creates a patient summary so that clinicians on the general unit can create a plan for the rest of his stay meanwhile the care medic claims management solution connects information from the various systems into a single patient financial record giving John a summary of his out-of-pocket costs and insurance coverage staff at any location can access up to date information on John's claim activity view related documents and perform account related tasks by tracking patient care from event to account resolution Ingenix provides health care providers and insurers comprehensive solutions to dramatically improve quality increase efficiency and cut costs while improving the overall patient experience you