hello everyone welcome back to my youtube channel general technology knowledge today i would like to show and share about how to upload the program from plc on run model cp1e that we can use the software ch programmer and we can use the usb that connect from the part of plc to our computer and then we can upload there are two options for upload the program from the poc ombre the first one is direct online and the second one we can create the project and then we can online and we can upload the program from the plc okay so let's go to our software c8 programmer to test and download sorry and upload the data or program from the poc okay in the previous video we already learned about how to uh violin and we also create the program for controlled relay number one to number five so today we will upload this program to keep our backup on our computer yes so let's go okay so first i will show the the first way to back up the program from plc to sale and keep for backup for this backup is very important because if the plc is example the poc is abnormal or something wrong exact burn or anything accident so we can use our backup file to download to the new plc and then we can use properly without create any program okay so it's very important for backup the file to keep on our computer okay so right now if you connect the usb that connect from the plc to our computer so we can go to manage and then go to device manager yes and i will connect the usb and then i will choose the visual machine okay and let's go to check the device here yes omron c max plc device yes so if we disconnect the cable from here it will uh hidden from the universal your bus controllers and if i connect again and choose the visual machine and it will see the omron driver again yes so be careful if we connect the usb from plc to our viewer we must check here before we upload otherwise we cannot upload from the plc okay so let's go to our software so right now we already opened the c8 programmers over here so the first step we can go direct online yes and then choose usb yes choose here usb and then click connect it will upload the data or program from plc by search the plc connection automatically okay so let's click connect to upload the program from the plc to keep on our computer so let's click and then choose transfer io table and special unit setup and click yes and wait a moment for searching automatic online and search the plc device that connected with our computer okay so it will detect automatically yes right now it detects one plc and upload successful yes so we can click okay and then we can find here our program melody we got the program that we already test in the previous video right so in here we [Music] can test after we upload the program from our poc so example i will post button stuff yes and start again so the plc will show the status also let's see the stata on plc is uh follow our command from the post button yes it will start step by step the same as the previous lesson yes relay number three is turn on next step with timer for start delay number four and next step it will start delay number five yes okay and uh we can sell the project to keep yeah i will outline first and then click sale example i will create the new folder on desktop example cp one e upload yes upload one and then if we sale we can go to see here here is the upload file then we can open yes we will see and if we online we can see the status on the plc okay then we can outline and we also have the second way yes for upload we can keep the program also so first let's go to open and then choose the new project example upload cp 1e upload 2 and we must choose the correct divide time to match with our hardware or plc so right now i will use cp1e and here is the cvu type so e20 and then we can command example upload project from plc omron cp [Music] one e for back up okay and then we can online yes go work online and then we can click yes to online okay so right now the plc is running status we can online and run more yes let's see the status here and then we can go to plc and then go to transfer and then go to from poc or we can press ctrl shift t yeah so let's click here and then we can choose all yes like this command also command run command yes another from plc and then we can click ok click yes okay again successfully and then can go to the main program and then double click here we've got the program also so there are two ways for upload from sorry upload the program from plc omron the first we can use the direct online automatic search and then upload and the second way we can create the project and then choose the hardware the same as the real plc and then we can online and then transfer from poc to keep right so right now let's go to obline and then sale the project example upload to yes upload two we can save and close and let's check here we will got two program the same the first one is upload one the second one is upload two okay so we can open upload one and open upload two we've got the same program yes so if any case the plc is broken or abnormal so we can use this program to download the project to the plc and then we can use properly we now write the documents anything okay so it's very important so thank you remind for watching my video and if everyone have any question please kindly drop comment under my video i will reply soon and i would like to request all of you to lie here and subscribe my video also to get more notification and more new videos that i will create step by step and in the next time i will show and share about plc ombron also and we have many many function that we will learn step by step so please follow me step by step and for this time i would like to say goodbye and see you next videos bye [Music]