debate with a feminists on fake equality regarding drafting oh should women be drafted this is this is in efforts to to figure out if you guys are feminists or not um should women be drafted in the military like by drafted do you mean like when you turn 18 like you're automatically yeah so men have to register for the Selective Service currently there's not a draft in the United States but all men in I think women should not be drafted for combat roles I think being drafted for like being a cook or something like that or like uh you know medical or uh something that's not combat related uh is probably okay but uh I don't think women should be drafted for combat roles because men are bigger and stronger and uh you know like a woman's not going to be able to carry a man off the battlefield it's just not going to happen like maybe there's like six girls that can do that but like on average no it's not going to happen the United States at uh at 18 in order to be able to vote and have other benefits they have to Reg men and women aren't equal by the way that's the reason why everybody knows this but uh you know you got some people some 19-year-olds try to reinvent biology try to reinvent the world but uh yeah no men and women aren't equal they never have been they never will be that's just the way it is for the Selective Service what which would then make them subject to military conscription in the case that there was a uh military conflict which uh required a draft so do you think women should be subject to uh Selective Service draft for absolutely not absolutely not okay I wouldn't even trose women to like fight for our country unless that's like they that's their thing you know like if you're like that type of woman that you feel like you're stronger it's really impressive whenever they get some of these people on there bro because like you know you think about what is it that makes you think that you should go on a show like this and give your opinion about anything cuz like you got to know man if you this stupid like you I mean you got to know it's somewhere deep down inside you got to have an idea that maybe I should [ __ ] stop man like that but I just feel like no okay what do you think well hold on so you think they should purp bring on stupid women yeah but the like you you act like bro you act like he goes out there with a burlap bag like Borat and goes and who I got you [ __ ] all right get on the podcast what do you think about equal right who do you think should pay for a first date like that's not what happens bro they show up themselves these are grown ass women this a grown ass fight this is an adult you go on there and you make a fool out of yourself and it's like yeah they might give you the clown makeup but you're the one putting it oned based on how they feel Fu out of here no I'm not saying that at all I'm saying like willingly if you just want to go she saying if they want just really want to volunteer yeah if they want to volunteer yes yeah but then yeah just defeats the purpose exactly yeah I mean well that's what we currently have yeah but uh I yeah I guess we should be drafted cuz I mean okay all right I mean plenty of men don't want to join okay plenty of men I'm plenty of men plenty of women doesn't matter okay we got to do what we got to do I mean yeah now here's the interesting thing you guys both have different opinions on this I still don't know which is actually like the actual feminist position because it will'll have feminists who will argue it's actually we had one last week with Andrew yeah who said well it's not it's not Equitable it's not equity for women to be drafted that's a whole another thing but what about you no no okay no women should not be drafted should not be drafted no but they should be paid equally in sporting events no comment okay well of course they shouldn't be paid equally like for example I think women's gymnastics should be paid more than men's gymnastics and I guarantee you that probably is what happens same with women's beach volleyball I think that'll be PID I think women's beach volleyball probably gets paid more than men's I've just got a feeling about that I don't know why I just got an idea and uh sure of course right tennis maybe you're right and uh but basketball I don't think so no they shouldn't be drafted I don't think so well okay so everybody except Anza yeah said women shouldn't be drafted but y'all want to be equal so wait a sec how are you equal if the men are the ones that have to fight and die to defend the country the men are the ones that build and maintain all the infrastructure right like none of this stuff in the studio is built or maintained by women do you know that like 90% of infrastructure jobs are still held by men and that if you look at the top 20 jobs held by women now in 2024 vers 1924 are almost the exact same so women have had 100 years to do whatever they want and they still do the same 20 jobs they did 100 years ago other than we switched out Farm labor for HR yeah of course right because that's because men and women are different and men have like different proclivities towards things that women don't have like I it's just it's crazy to me like there's always it's like I've seen this go on like my whole life is like these are like adults that and and they're young people right and so they don't really get it they don't understand it so it's like in their mind they actually think that men and women are equal everybody know I mean if you're if you're [ __ ] 30 years old you know this is not the case like there are just certain things that men on average like doing more than women and this is always like and and the problem with these people is that I think that if you looked at the people that talk like this and think like this and go against what she's saying the pink pink shirt girl uh and you asked them to explain how statistics work I think that they probably couldn't do it because the majority of people that talk and think about like the exceptions the reason why they think about exceptions and they bring those up as contrary to like an overall rule is because they have a fundamental misunderstanding of Statistics right they can't conceptualize how statistics work and they don't understand averages because it's an abstract concept and a lot of people just have trouble understanding abstract constructs because uh you know you look at the bell curve of IQ and there's a lot of people that are like you know not so good and so uh those they're not just not going to get it and especially if they're not taught that one example equals everything exactly yeah they don't have a they don't have the the mental capacity and it's like you don't do you ever get mad at your Game Boy because it doesn't play um Monster Hunter world I don't do I ever get mad at my Xbox controller because it hasn't uh 3D printed a Catgirl no because it not programmed to do that and so you can't go and get mad at somebody for doing something that they're just not set up to do they're just never going to figure it out man and so that's all there is to it I work in construction I work with women yeah they can do some jobs but we aren't putting 120b girl on a job that requires somebody to lift a 4-inch rigged pipe yeah exactly right and so like it it's just I I don't think women like not every single job even inside of things I bet like inside of like an oil rig there's probably a job inside of an oil rig a woman can do because there's probably a spectrum of physical activity that's needed and there's probably one component of that that you can put a person on and they don't need to do anything right like yeah engineer reception cook cook admin filing papers coffee yeah something like that right it's not a big deal but like this idea that it's the exact same is crazy and also that people have the same interests it's crazy too like it like you look at video games right you look at Kingdom Come Deliverance I wonder how many guys are playing that Warhammer how many guys are playing that like you go and you look at Twilight how many girls watch that you go and you look at uh you know [ __ ] Sex in the City how many girls watch that it's just that there's a different Trend like crazy to me that people don't understand this crazy that secretaries nurses daycare ladies uh early childhood education uh administrative assistance retail workers all the same [ __ ] that we were a century ago and the you know what the real [ __ ] sad thing about this is that people look at child care and they look at things like being able to uh you know provide and take care of a family and they view that as inferior to uh being able to be in the military or something like that like a physical activity and the truth is that like you know we need women to do that and that's a great thing and for a lot of you guys you probably grew up with a stay-at-home mom and I know that for me right at least my mom wasn't really stay-at home mom she would work from home so she was staying at home so it's kind of the same thing uh like that really enriched my life and it enriched the life of everybody else around me you know all my friends you know like and so uh this whole idea that it's it's like an inferior thing because you can't pick up a 150 lb brick that's crazy you can't go and carry a man out of battle like you're just inferior no that's not the way it works it's never the way it works and I I just it it's sad for me to see there's such a uh you know there's such a a dichotomy being created between like male and female dominated jobs as if being a receptionist as if doing admin work as if you know helping people uh you know take care of their kids like as if this is a bad thing or it's inferior it's absolutely not it's never been inferior it's crazy people would even say that so if the men are the ones tasked with every time there's a natural disaster they have to go out and rescue people from the fires and the flood waters and every time there's a war the men have to go and fight it and defend the country and anytime there's a criminal who needs to viol by the problem but there's a lot of women that shame other women for doing that yeah well I mean like there's a saying for that there's a song even it's called ho mad shut the [ __ ] up who cares you're going to get mad about who cares why take it seriously arrested it's yeah yeah no uh that's it um a female firefighter imagine a hose on fire yeah but there's a job that a female can do at a fire station right and so it just because men and women can't do the same jobs doesn't mean women are like inferior so y'all are generalizing of course you're generalizing you you have to generalize to talk about anything in like uh in a in a general sense you have to generalize and also like let's be real like you can be generalizing but very few times there's going to be like a woman that's going to be able to pass like the Navy Seals [ __ ] uh you know training regiment right it it's the one that's for men like it's not going to happen what's wrong with generalizing when it's the truth the reason why people don't like generalizations is because they're not very good at understanding abstract Concepts like for example averages so like in their mind this is what I'm saying right is like I learned this and there's a lot of people remember how remember you know how like kids can't read clocks and [ __ ] well this is kind of the same thing where like people can't understand a statistic they can't understand a general idea because they know somebody that's not like that you see what I'm saying Emmy the thing with Emmy no no bro like all right I'm going to be honest okay she's short she's like 53 or something like that and like the angle that she was looking at the clock I could see where she wouldn't be able to tell that like that was the second hand that was the minute hand like I I really like that this honestly was like you know just [ __ ] height difference like that's it so she probably couldn't tell because she was at a different angle now it's funny to make fun of her for it right cuz you know he can't read a clock but the reality is like that's not really what happened but it is funny that's that the issue of thing you're talking about uh is if all women are fit to do a certain thing yeah exactly and and it's not that's just the way it is so that's the way I see it uh it's a scy debuff yeah something like that I think the perise of the argument is the concept of equality is baseless from zealous Advocates that want it because they are inherent responsibilities at males that females would rather not have to do well the problem is like uh women want equality in the things that are beneficial for them right so like they want to have equality in high-paying jobs they don't want to have equality in being garbage uh you want to have equality in uh you know uh different types of privileges but you don't want to have equality in responsibilities like that's why people [ __ ] hate it that's why you see comments like this stuff like this is so popular is because and this is the same for a lot of people right people want to have their cake and eat it too which I mean I think it's a stupid phrase but we all understand what it means and so they want to have the Privileges they want to retain their privileges while having other people or sorry while not undertaking the responsibilities of the people that they want to have the uh the same position as