now this video is about 30 minutes long I can already see the clock right now what what the time's at it's about 30 minutes long and we've covered a lot of stuff but this 30 minutes of your time is nowhere close to the amount of time that you need to be prepared to invest into this journey what is going on everybody welcome back to Dev slops this video is going to be jam-packed with a lot of information we're going to be breaking down how you start programming from scratch everything you need to know if you're someone walking in programming you have no idea what coding is you never touched a line of code before we're going to walk through exactly how you get from that to Landing a paid job and what steps you need to take in order to get there this video is going to be packed with chapters you're going to learn everything you need to know in order to get you from where you are now to where you want to be so let's dive in so start programming from stretch now I'm just going to go ahead and run through this whole thing by the way I spent a lot of time making this and I appreciate the opportunity to be able to share this with you guys so okay let's face it when you're starting out with coding you have no idea what to do your questions you have are what do I do what do I learn where do I start how do I code what even is coding what is this all about I hear so much good things about it but I hear it's so so oversaturated all of this stuff what about AI All That Jazz stop let's just stop for a moment I want you to follow everything in this I want you to follow everything in this video step by step because these are going to be the steps you have to take and this is going to give you every piece of information you need in order to land a job okay so first you need to ask yourself do I even like coding so you've probably heard about coding from like a friend or maybe you have a buddy who's a software engineer and they talk about coding all the time or maybe you watch you know the Matrix and you see Neo hacking The Matrix and you're like dude I want I want to know how to code that's great that's awesome but the question is is do you even like coding so before you do anything else you need to try out coding you need to try it out and I don't mean just go and saying try it out isn't like go buy a course no no no it's literally just see if you even like what looks like on a screen so what I want you to do first you're going to open up a YouTube video you're going to open up a tutorial you're going to follow it along and you're going to ask yourself if you even liked it and literally that's all you have to do you can literally type up programming build tutorial JavaScript and you can find a cool little project you know this guy who created a card game I saw one earlier of someone who created like a Mario game and and you just write out code cuz whenever you see this stuff on a screen here whenever you see all of this on a screen you're going to be like okay and and it looks stressful right now but you need to ask yourself if you're the type of person who while you're going along and and building the tutorial and following the tutorial if seeing this code on the screen is something that is even enjoyable to you because believe it or not a lot of the times people who are interested in learning how to code they they sign up for a course they do all that whatever and they don't even finish it because the first chapter on the thing they saw the code and they said nope this isn't for me I don't like this this is too much and they gave up and that's okay and that's what you need to figure out right out of the gate first things first that's what you have to do so a couple things to note about this number one you're not going to learn anything from this tutorial so I don't want you to to expect to learn a lot you're basically following along you're just copying what he's doing and you're seeing if the environment is something that you're interested in number two do not develop this I can do this all by myself mindset cuz a lot of people they'll follow this tutorial and they'll get trapped in what's called tutorial hell and they'll watch an endless amount of tutorials think that man I'm a programmer I'm a programmer they think they're actually programmers and then if I were to sit them down ahead of me and be like hey man I want you to build that without the tutorial they're going to be like yeah I can do it and then they're going to open up the code they're going to see this again and they're going to be like oh crap um I guess I really didn't learn anything from this tutorial so I don't want you to expect to learn anything and I don't want you to develop this mentality of like I can do this all by myself you know I just watch these tutorials and I'm going to be getting go cuz that's not how it works the last thing is did you really like it did you really really like it if you did like it if you didn't like it then sorry see you later I'm spocking you out of here goodbye old friend if you did like it then awesome this is great but life is about to get serious okay you need to understand a few things before you just decide that I'm going to be a developer right because you need to first ask yourself what do I want to do with coding what do I want to do with coding do I want to be someone who you know makes a career transition maybe you're working at a job that you're not too satisfied with what you're doing and you're like okay I want to work a job that makes me happy now okay coding is a great opportunity for that or maybe you're just someone who like you know what I had this side project I wanted to work on for like an app idea I want to just learn how to do that that's that's fine too that's the cool thing about programs is either or if you want to be a hobbyist if you want to be a pro developer if you want to just go out and get an easy job that you know you get to work from home whatever you want to do programming gives you that opportunity but you need to first ask yourself what do I want to do so once you get that in mind you're going to need a path you're going to need a learning structure which we're going to dive to in a moment and you're going to need more than just coding skills and that last point there is key so be sure to stay till the end of the video cuz that's going to be one of the most important parts of the video so your path so I already made a video I made a YouTube video about this you know you have a lot of different paths out there you have web development iOS Android machine learning game development artificial intelligence and so much more I I made an entire YouTube video about this I'm going to drop the link down below also it should pop up in the corner something like that and and if you're interested in the past and what consists of the past by all means check out that video it's super helpful and these two kind of go hand inand with each other so let's say you want to go web development and the reason I picked web development because if you if you watch that video you're going to understand that web development as a new developer is probably the best option and if I'm you this is stepping by the way we teach web development at Dev Academy but I'm going to step out of death SLS Academy at example and just talk to you like I'm your friend web development is the best path because it's the easiest barrier of Entry to getting a job because it's the easiest learning it's not a steep learning curve you can learn web development a lot easier than you can learn all the other paths I just mentioned the salary is great if you're looking to get a job and it's much more in demand so the job market is there the job market for web development is there and it's a lot easier to get those jobs and last the lifestyle if you're looking to you know work from home and things along those lines it's also all good there so that's why we're going to go through web development throughout the rest of this now back to the video okay so web development now we understand okay we have a path we we we know what we want to do now it's about finding a learning structure now there's four different paths and these are kind of the most popular ones you know we have college we have boot camps we have the self-taught route and we have onlineis now we're going to go into college number one now the thing about college and I'm not here to preach College honestly I'm not a big fan of college in programming I'm going to tell you why you might want to avoid College in programming number one college is freaking expensive it's freaking expensive a lot of people who go in for computer science Majors they end up in like 60 to 80k in debt and that's a freak ton of money to end up in debt so College can be extremely extremely hard the second thing with college is a lot of the stuff is outdated so it's like you're paying $60,000 for an outdated curriculum and that's insane to me this is like the one thing if honestly if they changed this and made College very up to dat you know they kept up with the industry Trends they kept up with what employeers are actually looking for that would be perfect now with that being said there are some benefits College you know you get networking and things like that but overall from what we've seen you know at Dev SLS Academy we've had tons of students legit come to Dev SS Academy saying I went to college but I didn't learn anything to go out and get a job they they say I don't JavaScript or react or they didn't teach any of that they taught us Java a little bit of java and a little bit of C++ and it's like okay yeah that's awesome but you weren't really able to use that and so they'll literally come to Dev slips Academy saying hey I went to college but they didn't teach me what I need to know to get a job so that's the reason with college you know and and there are other benefits college so like if you want to go through the artificial intelligence route you are going to want to you know go and take some data courses with college and things like that so there there's benefits there you know you need a lot of math when it comes to Ai and stuff like that and that's stuff you're going to have to go to college for so don't get me wrong if if college is coherent with the path that you're looking to go down by all means go down that path but majority of the time from what we've seen if you're someone who's like man I just want to make a career change I don't really want to you know work with all that stuff I I'm not even good at math I just want to make a career change I just want a better life you don't need to go to college for that because you don't want to walk out with $60,000 in debt now boot camps on the other hand boot camps are great they're in person um I ALS also wouldn't recommend boot camps and like I said guys we work we're devs Academy we teach people how to code obviously I'm going to be more biased towards online aies which we're going to get to in a second but I just I I'm going to also tell you the pros about boot camps so number one pro about boot camp it's in person a lot of people they learn a lot better in person you know you go somewhere and you sit down and and you're actually learning you know you're kind of like back in high school again or back in college again if if that's you and you're you're you're learning you're learning again and you're learning you got an instructor he's te teaching you the concepts and things like that and that that's great that's awesome like by all means if that's you and if that's how you like to learn like I'm not I'm not going to I'm not going to push that down your throat that you shouldn't but there is some caveats to boot camps once again they're going to be like you know $30 to $40,000 you know what I mean boot camps are expensive and they have Financial agreements you know they have income share agreements to where you know you pay a percentage of your your monthly salary after you finish the the boot camp and and if that's something you're interested and that's fine but you also have to understand boot camps are very fast-paced um they usually last 4 to 6 months which is not a lot of time not a lot of time you know uh we we tell people all the time hey it's going to take 16 to 24 months to learn how to code and boot camps they have to shove a lot of information down your throat to get you you know in par with with with what the curriculum is asking for and and and with what you need so it's going to be a lot of information at once you know you're going to be like really it's going to be really frantic and if you're someone who has a family and and has a life outside of you know code then it's going to be even harder you know what I mean because then you know if if a boot camp is not next to you or not in the current vicinity of where you're living you're probably going to have to move uh you might have to like you know leave your family for a couple months and you know stay stay at where the boot camp is and things like that and that can be a lot overwhelming for people of course so usually boot camps you know we don't like to preach them that much because they not fit with everyone while they do fit with some people and and if you're that person that's awesome that's when I will say yeah boot camp yeah fine if you want to do boot camp if you think hey I know for fact me myself I cannot learn online and I have to be somewhere in person by all means I'm not going to tell you otherwise but just understand that there are going to be some concept next we have the selftaught route now this one I'm just going to tell you right now I'm going to tell you right now if you're looking to take programming seriously the self-taught route is incredibly difficult incredibly difficult I'm not going to be that guy and say that it can't be done because there's so many people that do it there's so many people on YouTube that preach like hey you can learn a code all by yourself you know by my course you can learn how to code just with that course that and that that's fine you know what I mean but the reality is is it it doesn't work that way for a lot of people let's be realistic I'm going to be realistic with myself I cannot self- te myself code it doesn't it wouldn't it's not it wasn't going to happen it's not going to happen you know I trained Jiu-Jitsu right now and if I just sat down and said you know what I'm going to teach myself Jiu-Jitsu like that that that isn't like that's that's laughable you know what I mean like it doesn't work that way you know I'm not going to sit home and watch a couple YouTube videos and then get on the floor and start rolling around on the ground and practicing it doesn't work that way I need to go to a place and actually you know practice Jiu-Jitsu or I need to I need to I can't just do the self-taught route it doesn't work for me it doesn't work for a lot of people now if you're like don't get me wrong dude there's this David goggin type people who can go out and they can learn these skills all by themselves and you know they sit down and they dedicate you know the hours and hours and hours and they're very disciplined that's great but also like those people 90% of the time they don't have a lot of things going on with their life that that makes them able to do that you know what I mean like a lot of people have families you know what I mean it's a lot harder whenever you have you know mouths to feed whenever you have job to take care of whenever you have to provide and actually you know do something something instead of just sit at home all day and freaking grinding out code like you know this is my whole life like dude not everyone is like 21 years old living out of Mom and Dad's paycheck in the basement grinding out code it's just not it's not realistic you know what I mean not not all of us got Daddy's money to where we can go out and just learn how to code all by ourselves and you know like have the freedom of not having to pay bills or anything like that and don't get me wrong there's people who do do that on top of their lives and if you're that type of person if you say you know what I learned learn X before by all means you can go down the selftaught route you can there's there's paths for that you can take courses you can you know find things online they'll help you learn but I'm speaking to majority I'm trying to keep this as broad as possible if you're someone who's like man I cannot do that by myself like me I can't do a lot of things on my own I like to go and you know like actually get that kind of that kind of mentorship and stuff like that then then you need something different the selftaught route is not going to work for you and it's honestly it's it's not going to work for a lot of people so don't feel left out don't feel like that means that you you know suck and you're not disciplined dude I like it's not going to happen like I for me even it's not going to happen so then we have online and like I said death slops is an online Academy I'm not going to really talk about def slops as much you know what I mean and cuz I am biased you know what I'm saying I'm going to tell you Dev SLP is the best place you should learn how to code because I know it's the best place you should learn how to code but at the same time I understand you know not a lot of people want to come and hear about Dev slops and hear about you know the Online Academy a lot of people just want to come and hear about freaking what do you do to code so the thing with online cies is they are remote you know what I mean they are remote you can do it from home you don't have to go to an inperson thing they're a lot cheaper they're a lot cheaper than boot camps like I said boot camps College they can be in like 20 to 60 to $80,000 ranges um it's going to it's going to be super expensive with that so online are a lot cheaper option you get that mentorship you get that mentorship just like you would a boot camp and just like you would a college um you get that mentorship a lot of the times with the onlineis they are very up to date they're very up to date you're going to learn things that are industry standard and what we've seen not just with us but with other places is they last longer aies last longer so like I said boot camps they kind of have to flush people in and out right because they're trying to get the next cohort in onlineis they they last a lot longer you know what I mean you're going to be in the academy for like 12 to 16 to 24 months you can be in the academy yeah literally you can be in the academy that long and that's awesome that's awesome that's exciting because it gives you the time that it actually takes to learn how to code because I'm telling you right now everyone on YouTube with these three month to learn how to code videos is driving me crazy because that's just not how it works so legit onlineis are awesome because of this so once you have your your learning structure in mind like I said you can pick any one of these four paths college is a little bit because they're going to get you like you know you just have to do what they tell you to do essentially uh but any one of these paths whatever path you decide to take that's up to you once you have that learning structure taken away now we have to talk about Career Training now Career Training I told you guys at the beginning of this video this is going to be one of the most important parts so pay very close attention because we're coming kind of close to a wrap here coding is more than just the technical skills especially in 2024 this is legit with all the students we've seen at De Sops Academy we have come to the realization and we did about I would say two three years ago that coding is not just about technical skills it is not just about technical schills if you're wanting to get a job in programming you need specific set of Career Training and it's funny because I look back to all of our thing to all of the things we were taught in school they told us you need to learn how to communicate you need teamwork you need responsibility yeah apparently all that stuff in elementary School actually matters in the real world especially when it comes to programming see the days of the Nomad Lone Wolf programmer is over it is gone there is no more lone wolfing when it comes to programming employers are looking for programmers especially with AI by the way with AI this is what they're looking for they're looking for programmers who have experience in the field not only that they are looking for programmers who can work well within their team and who can work well within the business as a whole who align with the company's values and and yes I know it sounds like but this is legit this is legit they're looking for people who can work well within a team which means if you're like myself like I know I'm in front of a camera right now I'm going to be honest I'm a total introvert you know the only like I am by myself there is no social setting other than the fact that I am talking to a camera right now I am an introvert if you see me out in public you're going to get a very you know what I mean but but right now I feel you know comfortable in front of the camera so it's easy for me to do this but total introvert total introvert and and that's majority of everyone that's probably watching this video right now is we are not the most public we are not the most outgoing we are not the most you know what's up everybody you know life of the party you know we we like we like to code we don't like to to to socialize we like the idea of being at home you know be kind of like home home sitters and and just coding you know going at our own flow weing our PJs you know things like that and that is the life we want you know what I mean and and when it comes to to the the job that you're trying to get you have to understand that learning communication skills even if it means knowing how to communicate professionally within a meeting this is important and this is actually the kind of stuff that will get you hired and communication skills this doesn't just apply with speaking like how I'm speaking now this applies with communication within your code itself how are you writing code that can work within your team how are you writing code to where you know not only you can handle it but your team can manage it and things along those lines that way if you're sick and you have to take 5 days off your team member can go into your code and say okay he did this this and this this is where he left off this is what we need to do okay perfect believe it or not not a lot of people can do this and this is the differentiator between someone who's going to get hired as a programmer and someone who's going to fail as a programmer so communication skills matter teamwork skills they matter you need to be able to work with sorry about that you need to be able to work well within a team work well yeah you need to be able to work well within a team because Teamwork Makes the Dream I I don't know all I know is you need to be able to work well within a team because employers are not looking for Lone Wolf developers like I said AI is emerging AI is making a lot of tasks easier you know what I mean we're seeing a lot of repetitive tasks being made much more simpler by AI now gosh I don't want to get into the whole debacle like oh I'm going to take my job they're not AI is not going to take your job it's a tool you need developers you need the creative aspect of of a human brain AI does not have that ability so anyway before we go further I don't want to get into the whole AI thing but teamwork matters you need to be able to work within a team because this is what employers are looking for and of course you need to have responsibility come on like this is we know this like it's as simple as if you're asked to do something and to have it done by Friday even if you have to do it on Thursday the night before just get it done you know what I mean you need to be able to hold yourself accountable to those kind of things and then lastly you need a portfolio you need a portfolio and we're going to talk about portfolio because this is going to be the next part that matters so so much is your portfolio so what makes your portfolio unique you have so many people and this is the whole thing with people talking about he the Market's so overs there's so many programmers out there okay whatever yeah there's a lot of people that want to become job programmers there yeah there's a lot of people who want jobs as programmers so what there's a lot of people who want job as nurses there's a lot of people who want job as teachers there's a lot of people who want jobs in general okay this is just the way the world works now what makes your portfolio unique what makes your portfolio unique and everybody says this every Guru says this but I'm going to tell you exactly how how we do this we do this at Dev slopes okay literally this is a required part of our curriculum we give it to the students we say you have to do this you have to do this in order for us to push you along the curriculum in orders for us to get you to where you can get a job so what makes your portfolio unique freelancing freelancing is game changer if you don't know what freelancing is freelancing is basically what photographers do you know if you're like man I want to photo shoot and make myself look cool for my Instagram you literally go to a a photographer and you say hey I'm going to pay you or and he says hey I charge $150 and and and and yeah or the photographer comes to you and says hey I'm going to charge you $150 and you're like okay perfect that's is what you got to do so when it comes to programming when it comes to programming their sites upwork all these things and we teach all the stuff at devops Academy how we teach you freelance training on top of technical skills on top of career development skills but I'm going to get that to that in a second freelancing number one what is this going to do so these do not need to be huge projects we're not asking you to go out and land $1,500 retainer projects that are going to blow everyone away and these huge you know monthly projects that you have to maintain no we're not asking you to do that freelance projects they're going to help you stand out from the crowd of developers because what are employers looking for they're looking for people with experience and what if you had real world work experience there a little bit of tongue twister there real re real real world work experience this is going to get you where you want to be this is going to bridge the gap we call this the professional Gap and it's basically you need a job to get the experience but you need experience to get the job how do you how do you bridge that that it's a paradox it doesn't make any sense you do that by having real world work experience and how can you get that the easiest way possible freelancing and like I said these don't need to be huge projects you can find a mom and pop shop who wants a website that does door Dash and you can go build that with Just 4 months of training and you can make an easy $300 to $400 off of that project guys I can't ex explain how gamechanging this is this is huge this is how you get a job as a programmer in 2024 this is the Golden Nugget this is what made Dev slps what it is this is what made Dev slopes is earn while you learn all of these things because you're actually making money while learning how to K code now I'm not going to get hold into that in a second but you're going to stand out from the crowd of developers and and this is what is going to get you to the next level and then next you have interview training why does this matter because you need to be able to Ace the technical interview and you need to be able to Ace the personal interview the personal interview comes down to what we said earlier communication teamwork responsibility you need to be able to present yourself in a professional manner the technical interview is going to be your coding skills which if you followed your path correctly you're going to match every single skill that they are looking for when it comes to technical skills now whoa that's a lot of information this is a video that you're probably going to have to watch more than once go back to the chapters check things out have a solid understanding remember it all starts it all starts with seeing if you even like coding searching up a tutorial and seeing if coding is even something you enjoy that's where it all is going to start now what does this mean though what does this mean what does this mean it means you're going to land the job if you've done this entire path you're going to on the job we talked about you know where to start you know what I mean you need you need to see if coding is even for you then you need to pick a path then you need to and within that path there's languages that you're going to learn so this whole time you're learning these languages you're going along this path then you need to pick a learning structure a learning structure what whatever structure you choose to do that is completely up to you I've listed out some of the pros and cons of different structures I'm probably going to make a video that breaks things down even more in depth you know but it's all dependent on what is more fitting for you then you're going to need to build a portfolio then sorry sorry before we get that then you're going to need Career Training you're going to need your career training because like we said and this is a motto you want to keep in your head while you go through this journey coding is not just about the technical skills okay so you're going to need your career training then you're going to need your portfolio what makes this portfolio Stand Out compared to the pool of developers that everyone is so worried about the answer to that freelancing freelancing getting real world work experience real world work experience H yeah I'm getting faster at it okay once you have that you're going to prep for the interview prep for the interview technical interview personal interview if you've done all of these things you're going to go from someone who knows nothing about coding to Landing a job now this video is about 30 minutes long I can already see the clock right now what what the time's at it's about 30 minutes long and we've covered a lot of stuff but this 30 minutes of your time is nowhere close to the amount of time that you need to be prepared to invest into this journey now like I said whenever you finish and you you finished that first ever tutorial and you looked at everything and you said okay this is what I want to do things are going to get serious coding is going to get serious and that means you need to be 100% prepared to invest the the time necessary to land a job as a programmer that means that everything that you do from that moment where you said I'm going to do this to the point of you Landing a job it is going to be filled with the obstacles with the challenges and with the freaking tears blood and sweat that is required to go out and land a job but if you do everything the appropriate way and if you make your life a lot easier by finding mentorship with one of the paths that you pick it's why I don't recommend selftaught route then you will be good you're going to be set because the benefits of learning how to code you get a futureproof career that means a career that isn't going to go anywhere really software developers are always going to be needed I mean look at what happened with the freaking Microsoft computers I'm going to let you right now that was a programmer's error that was a programmer's error we need people to be able to fix things like that and software development is not going anywhere anytime soon I made a whole thing about coding jobs the demand and all those things like that I made a whole YouTube video about it it was I spent like 6 hours researching stuff on it it's a great video and it breaks down just the fact that programming is not going anywhere so this this career is future proof this career is as stable as nurses as stable as nurses as stable as teachers the projected Outlook is going I think it's about three times the amount of what the normal jobs are three times the amount that means it is in demand not only that you're going to make a lot of money you're going to make a lot of money as a developer you're going to make great money as a developer salaries starting salaries sit at 75 to $120,000 $75 to $120,000 like I said it's dependent on your path it can go a lot higher the ladder is very high Netflix hires software Engineers for like $450,000 a year $450,000 a year and look I'm not trying to float numbers your way to get you all hyped up because it starts with the basics man it starts starts with the basics and you're not going to get there until you knock out the basics and so like I said this is going to be hard to do on your own this is going to be extremely hard to do on your own this is this is something that that is going to be probably one of the hardest career transitions in your life it's going to be the most rewarding the most rewarding but it's going to be incredibly incredibly difficult so guys that is a wrap for this video this was extremely long I want to make more videos like this because you know we're trying to spend a lot more time on the videos and giving you guys the real details of what it takes to you know go out and learn how to code and and what's happening within the industry and things along those lines so I'm trying to spend a lot more time on these videos to show you what you need to do you know we make a lot of funny skits we make a lot of funny stuff you know on our Instagram on our Tik Tok on our YouTube and things like that and and you know that's all fun in games too you know we love to be able to entertain you guys and show you guys you know the the funny stuff and the fun stuff about programming and what what programing has to offer we want you to be able to part of those inside jokes and things like that but the reality is we also we're an education we're an education School we're an education school and we want to be able to show you guys what it takes to go out and get a job as software Engineers because our ultimate goal is to help people you know we're not just here to make you laugh because God we love doing that and I wish that's all life was about sometimes but that's not why we're here we're here to show you how to go from someone who knows nothing about code to Landing a job as a developer in 2024 guys that is a wrap for this video stay tuned for more videos just like this one be sure to hit that subscribe button and I will see you guys in the next video comment down below what you want to see more of comment down below your thoughts and first and foremost watch that tutorial see if coding is for you when you finish it come back to this video comment down below how you liked it and I will see you guys in the next one Jake the programmer peace