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What impact did the Enlightenment have on colonial society?
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The Enlightenment promoted rational thinking, the spread of ideas about natural rights, social contracts, and government structure, influencing colonial society and thought.
What were the key factors leading to Bacon's Rebellion?
Bacon's Rebellion was fueled by discontent over native land encroachment and resentment towards the ruling class's policies.
In what way did the economic system of mercantilism affect colonial relations with Britain?
Mercantilism created tensions as it restricted colonial trade to benefit the British economy, leading to frustration among colonists over economic limitations and control.
What were the main motives for Spanish colonization in the Americas?
The main motives were to extract wealth through cash crops, gold, and silver, and to convert the native population to Christianity, often enforcing a caste system.
Describe the primary economic activities of French colonization in North America.
The French focused on trade, especially in fish and fur, with less emphasis on conquest and more on forming trade alliances with Native Americans through intermarriage.
Identify the causes and outcomes of Metacom's War (King Philip's War).
Metacom's War was caused by Native American resistance to English colonial expansion, resulting in widespread destruction and a temporary stalling of colonial expansion.
Explain the significance of the Triangular Trade for the New England economy.
The Triangular Trade connected New England, West Africa, and the West Indies, facilitating a profitable trade network involving rum, slaves, and sugar cane.
Describe the influence of the Great Awakening on American identity.
The Great Awakening fostered democratic religious ideals, social upheaval, and a sense of shared American identity, affecting religious and cultural perceptions.
What does 'Anglicanization' refer to in the context of the American colonies?
Anglicanization refers to the process by which colonies adopted more English-like institutions, social customs, and cultural practices.
What economic model was employed in establishing Jamestown, and what challenges did it initially face?
Jamestown was established using a joint stock company model and initially faced challenges such as disease, famine, and even cannibalism.
How did impressment contribute to growing tensions between colonists and the British government?
Impressment, or forced conscription into the Royal Navy, led to widespread resentment and riots among colonists, contributing to tensions with Britain.
How did the Middle Passage contribute to the institution of slavery in the British colonies?
The Middle Passage was a brutal sea route used for transporting African slaves to the Americas, significantly contributing to the growth of the slave labor force in British colonies.
How did tobacco cultivation influence the Chesapeake region's economy?
Tobacco cultivation revolutionized the Chesapeake economy and led to increased demand for labor, which was initially met by indentured servants.
What roles did the Navigation Acts play in the colonial economy?
The Navigation Acts restricted colonial trade to England, aiming to control trade and enforce mercantilism, wherein colonies served as sources of raw materials for the mother country.
How did British economic conditions influence colonization efforts in the Americas?
Economic turmoil in Britain, including consequences of the Colombian Exchange, wars, and inflation, drove people to seek economic opportunities, religious freedom, and better living conditions in the colonies.