Transcript for:
Smooth Audio Transitions in Premiere Pro

in this video i'll show you how to fade audio in premiere pro hi everyone i'm the web guru i do tutorials on audio video and photography so be sure to leave a comment and subscribe and here inside of premiere pro i have a simple video put together and i've added some music so the music begins very suddenly and then at the end it ends very suddenly [Applause] so i'd like it to be smoother so i'm going to show you a couple ways of doing this so the first one is transitions and it's the quickest easiest way so what you can do is right click the very beginning of the clip and then you can choose apply default transitions will automatically place the default audio transition and it's going to be one second long and then if you want it to be longer so i'm going to double click the transition you can see it here as like a little gray rectangle if i double click it i can change the transition duration so i'd like this to be two seconds long and now it'll be a little bit smoother okay so i like that now i'm going to do the same thing at the end i'm going to right click the very edge of the clip apply default transition and then i'm going to double click the transition and in this case i'm going to change it to three seconds so it'll be even more gradual and it's completely up to you if you want it to be one second two seconds three seconds you'll have to experiment now let's listen to this [Music] [Applause] okay so that fades out very nicely and so this is a very simple technique that you can use at the beginning and the end of any audio clip but it's not going to work in the middle of a clip so i'll show you another technique so first of all i would like to increase my track height so i'm going to double click the empty space here at the beginning of the track and then you can also there's like a little line at the bottom of the track you can also drag that up and down to adjust the height you'll want to locate this white line that grows across the entire track that represents the clip volume now if for some reason you can't see that white line you can right click the clip go to show clip keyframes volume and then level it's a little bit buried then you should be able to see that white line and then with this technique we're going to be using the pen tool so i'm going to take the pen tool and in middle of the clip i'm planning to add some voice over so i need to reduce the volume of the music so what i'm going to do is right on top of the white line i'm going to create two keyframes and then i'm going to take the second keyframe and drag it down to about minus 25 or minus 30 somewhere in that range and now this represents the volume so the volume will go down let's listen to it [Music] okay so i like that if you want it to be more gradual you can move the keyframes a little bit further apart now it'll be a little bit more and now it'll stay at a background volume for a background volume somewhere usually between minus 20 or minus 30 works pretty well you'll have to experiment with your music or your audio and then after a few seconds i'd like the volume to come back to normal so i'm going to on top of the white line i'm going to create two more keyframes then i'll take the second keyframe and drag it up so i want it to come back to normal i'm just going to bring it back to zero zero just means normal if you drag it up too high like up here then you'll get something called clipping and then these red lights will turn on which you never want so i'll undo that i'll just bring it back to zero now it'll fade back up and then of course if i want it to be more gradual i can move the keyframes a little bit further apart and now the music will start off normal it'll fade down to a background level and then come back to normal let's listen to it [Music] [Applause] okay so this is really good so with transitions we faded in and out at the end of the clips and then using keyframes in the pen tool we're able to adjust the volume in the middle of the clip so the keyframes take a little bit more work but they give you a lot more control so hopefully that was a helpful to you let me know in the comments if you uh like this video and if you have any questions be sure to subscribe to the channel i'll be doing a lot more tutorials like this so i'll see you in the next video and in the meantime keep learning and growing you