what's up everybody dr. B here we're gonna take a look now at the interior of our cranium so what we've done is we've removed removed the top of the the skull section so we're looking down into the skull from a superior view first thing we'll do is we'll identify some of the the bone that we have here some of the bones that we have the frontal bone would coming down and attaching right here our parietal bones are going to come down and meet up to our temporal bone right here this part of the temporal bone that we can see right here is going to be the petrous portion of the temporal bone right there we can see some of the same foramen that we identified previously we can see right here obviously our foramen magnum we can see both of our jugular foramen there we can see our frame and oak valley again on both sides right there next to that our foramen spinosum okay right there and right there and then right here we can see again our foramen lacerum all right now we're going to add some foramen here that we hadn't seen before um here that we have located right there and right there there and right there we have the foramen rotundum all right above that right here and right here in our sphenoid bone we have the optic frame and that's where the optic nerve is going to pass coming from the eye this bone right here situated in the center of the skull which is almost has a butterfly shape to it is going to be the sphenoid bone we previously identified the sphenoid bone on our lateral view we can see the sphenoid on our inferior view and we identified the pterygoid processes and some of the other foramen in the center of our sphenoid bone is a depression right here which is where the pituitary gland gonna sit this depression right here is called the sella turcica alright that's this little saddle shape structure right there in the center of the sphenoid bone now we mentioned before that the sphenoid bone did kind of resemble the shape of a butterfly just like butterflies our Cimino of bone is also going to have wings so we have two sets of wings ok inferiorly down here we have our greater wing ok which is the larger portion of the sphenoid bone and then up here we have our lesser wings on either side of our jugular foramen right there and right there we have our internal auditory meatus right we had our external auditory meatus on the outside here right here and right here we're gonna have the internal auditory meatus now one bone that we mentioned previously as well was our ethmoid bone we mentioned that the ethmoid bone had a structure on it that we saw in the nasal cavity that made the superior part of the nasal septum and that was the perpendicular plate well now here we're seeing the ethmoid bone on the inside of the cranial cavity all right this flat portion of the ethmoid bone right here is called the cribriform plate there are a bunch of tiny little perforations in that cribriform plate that's going to allow for nerve endings from the olfactory nerve which is the nerve we use for our sense of smell to penetrate through and get to the nasal cavity we have a process sticking up right here as part of the ethmoid bone as well and that is called the crista galli alright so you get cribriform plate you got crista galli