Transcript for:
Warzone Rebirth Island Strategy and Gameplay

today I'm going to help you get better at rebirth Island help you get more kills and die a little less which will obviously raise your KD and help you pick up more wins now we're going to do that by breaking down a recent High kill game that I had focusing on four main things throughout aim movement positioning and then my gameplay strategy and decision making now starting off here immediately with gameplay strategy first decision is going to be your drop spot I love control but honestly guys you can land wherever you feel most comfortable I do want to want you to look at these stats though this is something that I help build this is not a paid advertisement this is top drop locations for rebirth Island based on kills per game and we have 70,000 active users using this website here so prison and control are going to be the obvious hot drops you know we see right here really high wind percentages and really high kills per game that's because better players tend to land there but then we have bioweapons here you know 7.7 kills per game reason bio's a hot Drop is because of the key card in the basement a lot of teams landing at bio right now trying to get that key card at which point they can go get specialist now when we look at win percentage here we see stronghold at 25% you know quieter drop you're able to get off to that good start with load out and set yourself up for that mid game and end game but the two that I really want to highlight right here headquarters and Factory you know prison control bio definitely your hot Drop stronghold a little bit quieter headquarters and Factory here good allaround drops 20% win rate you know seven kills per game just a really good all-around drop might be hot might be quiet might be able to get off to a good start kill wise might be able to get off to a good start with with load out so you know just something to keep in mind there I wanted to show you guys these stats right here website is in the pin comment it's gs. gg. and we will loop back to it in a little bit here to talk about weapons and stuff now my whole goal is just to try to get load out load a Loadout gun try to get my SMG in particular as fast as possible but unfortunately can't do it right here we grab the PM yacht now when I grab this PM yacht guys we're going to really go through this game super slow giving you as much information as possible my thought is I cannot push in here right I can't just push in here I'm not going to win a gun fight with just the PM yacht so I got to kind of play a little bit of positioning here until I get this bp50 bp50 is not the best close range not the best long range but it's a pretty versatile gun that I can win some gunfights with so now we can really go push in we catch this guy right here don't believe the bot skin cuz you might think that this guy is just going to sit here crawling around in the corner and what happens he kind of takes off down the stairs little slide cancel there but at this point I have the advantage now as we push up here and catch Enemy Number Two watch the jump to the right jump to the right boom see that little jump to the right movement is all about taking less damage so you can really see how fast this happens one right here slide forward I get caught off guard so we jump to the right there and then what do we notice a lot of information on the mini map right here I can't even make out what exactly this looks like like people above I'm assuming people are on the roof people on my like I have no idea so I'm just going to back off here just going to back out of here and this next situation a lot of you guys m mess up this situation right here but and we'll talk about exactly what you mess up but I want you look and see how this plays out and be like okay what what would I have done and what would I have done differently what mistake would I have made now a lot of you guys what you do right here is when you get shot from this guy like I'm in a pretty tough spot here but he's technically broken as well a lot of you guys just lay prone and what happens when you lay prone is you don't have information you know is this guy jumping down is this guy just holding up top here you have no idea because you can't see him so instead of me just laying prone and by the way we don't have audio so you're never going to hear him pushing if he does so instead of me just laying prone I'm just going to quickly peek this boom little peek that shows me he's right here and notice this guy does not have enough time to actually shoot me but I know that he is just holding there he's just sitting up top I don't have anything to worry about now if he were to jump down right I could buy time by playing this side of the crate basically keep this barrier between me and him I could always jump down if I feel like I'm not in a good spot but that information means okay I'm okay for at least right now now let's talk about this scenario I really want to break down this situation right here I go to buy my wsp swarm let's break down this fully so kind of four scenarios we're breaking down you play with a squad and you drop hot okay you play with a squad and you drop quiet you play solo meaning like solo Duo solo Trio solo quad or you're playing with randoms and they don't land with you and you land hot and then same thing there and you land quiet now most common one right here is going to be the team Dynamic if you are playing as a squad and you drop hot you need to prioritize load out okay but be quick to buy guns specifically your SMG what I mean by that is you're Landing in and if at any point in time you have enough for load out we are going to buy load out but if your teammate dies maybe your teammates die a few times you don't have much cash besides the 2500 we are going to give this up and we are going to immediately buy our SMG that's going to allow us to win gunfights within the our drop spot it's going to put us in a good spot to win that early game and pick up a bunch of kills now next up we go here team Dynamic we drop quiet this is prioritized load out and then like quickly and then we're going to rotate we need to get in the action same thing solo hot here guys we are going straight to buying gun and we're going to buy the SMG SMG is going to put us in a really good spot to be able to win those those early game fights and then obviously right here playing by yourself Landing quiet same thing prioritize load out quickly and then rotate but biggest thing is just trying to get those load out guns as quick as possible now I still don't have enough cash here but again got this bp50 I'm in a good spot let's break this one down as well let's talk game sense and gameplay strategy here when it comes to kind of decision- making and game IQ now what was the mistake that he made you know what what should he have done differently here first of all kind of head on 50/50 I quickly get the break right there now in this moment he is literally on the other side of this wall so he has three options here I technically four options number one is he pushes back through this doorway that he came from number two is he rechallenges number three is he pushes through here and number four he pushes out now the rechallenge is probably a little bit aggressive so we're not going to make that play I'm guessing that there was probably an enemy back here that he was running from cuz he was kind of caught off guard by me that he was running away so like that's not an option now I am going to anticipate that he pushes into here at which point I am easily able to get the kill right because again he's going to be caught plating and I'm going to catch him off guard now what ends up happening is and you're going to see me I push through here centering expecting him to push through and then when he's not I catch a glimpse of him right there leads to a pretty easy kill now next up here we look at the mini map right anytime you look at the mini map guys we see ping number one right here ping number two right here but you have to take in all of this information okay you can't just worry about the pings you got to worry about the full picture of what's happening on the mini map so I'm going to go ahead and start to work that direction use your mini map as an extension of audio we hear shooting we check MINI map they're above me so now let's go ahead and work our way inside we once again see that they're all the way up and we get a little bit lucky here get a little bit lucky a little bit lucky SL unlucky I get that easy kill this was a load out crate so I'm going to go ahead and snag this guy's bp50 now I still like the bp50 that I have but I like his bp50 a little bit better I've got a little bit more confidence I know the mobility of that load out bp50 is really really good so that gives us more outplay potential once again still two teams here we're just going to kind of keep clearing and centering through centering is a big one right here guy outside now in this moment what's the biggest thing you have to remember what did I just tell you use your mini map as an extension of audio I'm shooting an unsuppressed weapon which means the guys above me might check MINI map see that I'm outside and push me so I've got to be really careful here a lot of you probably In This Moment go oh I have $2,600 right let's go ahead we're going to shoot that guy we can't quite get the down either you push and Chase and then what ends up happening is you die rotating from the team above you or you go and then sit on load out or sit on bu station for a second and you die that way because again the team above you is going to know that you were just shooting an unsuppressed weapon and you're seeing it right here this guy ends up pushing down now in this moment we didn't take that much damage but ready 3 2 1 and all I'm thinking about is breaking that line of sight we're going to keep talking about this just break lines of sight that's going to allow you to finesse it's going to buy you time only four kills thus far bunch of people still up top bunch of people still up top I love this kill right here again just a little bit of movement but number one thing guys two things that will help you win more gunfights number one especially in close quarters number one centering right centering perfectly where I think this guy is going to be number two is hip firing boom he's broken already look how much damage he's done to me like nothing right so it it's tough It's a little bit uncomfortable it's something you got to work on getting used to pressing the right Trigger or right bumper before you press the left but once you get in the habit it becomes natural and it's not something you just do in you know with an SMG it's something that you can do with an AR with an lmg anytime you're in that close quarters go ahead and take advantage of that now let's talk about load out here I've got the MTZ 556 and the wsp 9 and I want to go back to gg. a guys because this is the biggest part of this website that we do right here you're going to see weapons okay so everything is algorithm based we had pull all the data we do thousands of computations to figure out what the best options are long range aggressive we have the MTZ 556 right here that's the build that I'm going to be running 10 out of 10 best longrange aggressive we also have a score my build so you can put your own build in into the algorithm and see exactly how it scores in this case a 9.8 I'll show you just as an example here you know P I'll pull out you know say maybe the ram 9 we see that that is just not a good option this this feature right here does cost $9 a month guys I know a lot of you are going to be frustrated at that but we run so many calculations for you guys to be able to give you that feature it's n bucks a month you can run unlimited calculations literally as many as you want to now why do I back off in this situation okay I think a lot of you guys commit here a lot of you commit to this you see Enemy Number One right you see Enemy Number Two and you say oh I've got to get this guy down right I don't get off to a good jump and I know his teammates are close by if I had hit like all high damage areas here I'd probably go push that but hey let's back off the most important thing though is to reset the fight okay I'm going right back up I'm really going to go ahead and work my way right back up top and once again we're going to see this default skin here in a second by the way if you are looking to get better at rebirth take a second make sure you hit that subscribe button down below we are on the road to 400,000 subscribers and why do I make this decision okay this goes back to what I will always always always tell you you know when it comes to aim and movement in winning gunfights the the biggest tip that I can give you especially as you're improving is just take your ones okay what do we notice this guy's Above This Guy's above who's not above this guy so in this situation this enemy that's right here and this enemy right here cannot help this guy as I go challenge that's exactly the situation that I want the more we can avoid the 1 V2s and 1 v3s and 1 v4s the better off we're going to be and when we give them windows that's when they're going to stack so I'm trying to keep the pressure on here as much as I can unfortunately that guy gets away this guy pushes right to me there's number one and we back off we don't worry about The Thirst we're just going to challenge right here now we push through look at both enemies so watch how we play this remember I told you to break the line of sight okay all I'm thinking about in this moment is break the line of sight break the line of sight break the line of sight Okay jump down boom right slide through I see both okay break the line of sight ready break the line of sight break the line of sight right they're chasing me break the line of sight and now my whole goal is to get into here right into here as quick as possible break the line of sight they can't see me to the right side and now I know they're chasing now we have the now we have the the power position here now we're in a much better spot because I can basically just play my positioning and wait for him yep and you're going to see a lot of people talk about team stacking by the way why do I run right by this guy and why does he run right by me neither of us knew so I'm just going to keep moving I if he chases me once again what do we do we just keep breaking lines of sight and you can see me even start to finesse into this room until I say hey okay you know what I'm good let's go right back in here and you're going to see all four of them down below see all four of them ready one two three there's four now I know in this moment that they are pushing okay they are 100% pushing so watch me break the line of sight again and we we talk about fighting outnumbered guys and breaking lines of sight look how much damage I take here right in this situation and I want you to specifically I want you to specifically remember where I killed this guy okay we're going to circle back to this here in a minute but look this enemy is literally right behind he's right here so all I have to do is break this line of sight and I want you to look at my base Health okay watch my base Health this is the important of putting in immediately okay little bit of a dead slide there plate goes in that plate buys me Health it buys me 50 Health right if I don't have that plate in and I lost this much health I am dead well that allows me to push up top at which point what do we do and this is smooth guys this is clean here comes the first enemy I'm just going to play patient here there's Enemy Number One look at the mini map here watch which way he's moving clearly pushing up the stairs we challenge around the corner hit fire before we ads wasn't the prettiest of all time in terms of a One V one fight but we take it and now what do we do we immediately break lines of sight that's the best line of sight that you could take so I did not realize that this this is another team I think I I don't even know who this is I'm I have no idea who this is it's not anybody flying in I get caught off guard but my whole goal broken line of sight and what do we do we just take the zip boom quick up and we're now we broke it right so this is where we start to finesse even more you know that is a lot of the decision that I'm making when I am finessing teams is how do we break it how do we break it how do we break it um and then of course changing that pace playing a little bit of positioning trying to catch people off guard not centering you know and then from there like this you're going to see me play a little bit of positioning here my hope is that even if there's three enemies or two enemies if I can get one of them to push up the stairs here actually literally the situation we were just in I catch one of them pushing up the stairs that buys me the information where the other three enemies are and then I can make that next decision do I need to challenge with momentum to the to the next one V one fight or do I need to back off because there's still three enemies super close together mini map is an extension of audio right so two enemies above me here we're going to see this guy pushing in right there and he can't hear me because of this ATV yep I'm going to jump down and get the thirst here watch me straight backwards to cover right so even there and maybe this is one of the biggest things for today is like breaking lines of sight and like really just the little stuff watch How I strafe backwards here and you can see the bullets right I'm strafing backwards that buys me cover you can see the bullets right here how he's not able to hit me and just like that by the way we're up to 12 you know we're at 12 kills already we are really really zooming here now remember I told you to remember this spot the reason I play this spot right here is because I'm expecting multiple enemies potentially I don't know how many it's going to be and if they turn the corner and shoot me I break the line of sight here I break the line of sight back behind me just like I did and then I push up the stairs but we're going to bait this guy we're going to bait this guy we're going to use weapon ping against him cuz he has no idea that I'm here I have no idea where those enemies are literally none I hear the cluster mine let's go ahead and push up top I just don't know where these guys are so I'm just going to keep clearing we're going to play a little bit patient enemy flying in above so let's go check the rooftop real quick just see what we can find here don't over peek it but I'm just going to keep moving trying to see what I can find here and what do we get guys do not miss these I think this is one of the most recognizable shapes in this game you know plates ammo all that stuff is pretty recognizable but portable Radars are so so clear and they are so so so valuable they're so valuable cuz this is going to give me insight into exactly what's happening and when we talk about good decision- making Joe why don't teams stack on you Joe how do you keep enemies separated Joe why do I get third partied so much A lot of times it comes down to information and decision- making got a bunch around me but I also notice notice when we look at the mini map here there's two things that you have to see in this moment as soon as you throw this portable radar down it's exactly what I talked about before okay so on my level Right On My Level here down below me unsure but look at this right this is interesting now we got another team here that we got to worry about right they probably landed on load out they were probably here before but you can just keep an eye on those guys right so now I'm a little bit it's a little bit less clear as to where these enemies are we're in a little bit of a tough spot here just trying to find an angle to be able to get it down in a thirst this is where we play patient right this where we try to play a little bit more patient and now we're going to buy the MTZ 556 okay finally we're able to get it because I know I'm pushing into a little bit more of a long range situation I've got to be able to get down to like you know 40 m here as I third party these guys that are literally shooting out in the open on the mini map here and I'm in a really good spot by the way fun fact did you know that you can uh Chuck C4 this far if you did not know you could chuck C4 this far make sure you subscribe if you did know that you can Chuck C4 this far also subscribe cuz I didn't know that yeah look how far I threw that so when did that become a thing that's like war zone 1 for Dam C4 right there how many of you guys remember that now we just make a little bit of a mistake here guys one thing I do want to say we could have easily edited this out mistakes are going to happen you know you're going to die dying is inevitable on this map with how much teams are playing together and how sweaty you can be at times and you know the fact that sometimes you're just going to make the wrong decision you're going to get caught in a bad spot let's talk about the regain as well you're going to see it right here guys I'm going to jump down I push right back up top get caught in a little bit of a weird spot here can't get behind cover it is what it is so now what do we do in this moment first thought is always going to be load out but remember as soon as I fly back in here you're going to see that there are teams there right like I it's pretty obvious immediately there's smokes there's smoke here so what do we do I want you to remember this I want you to remember this in particular and if there's a few big things that you could take away from this like centering hip Fire free ads breaking lines of sight and biometric scanners like this is such a game Cher when it comes to regaining I hit the Biomet scanner silver and up gives me my load out perks my load out lethal and my load out tactical doesn't give me load out guns but basically gives me the other Dynamic of it so now when I go over to the buy station and I sell it and I know a lot of you guys know this already but what you're going to see is I buy my MTZ especially with the fire sale here but I have my perks I have my lethal and tactical here I'm going to buy my wsp 9 and I'm regained like I'm in a I'm in a great spot by the way on top of regaining because of the fire seal grab portable radar grab two plates like now we just got to figure out the information okay what do you do in this moment right here we have a we have a few pieces of information okay you have this guy right here who's above you in this tower building you have this guy over here that's down below you now there's two Dynamics to this that I really want to highlight number one is if you look at the tower building okay this is the tower okay so this guy's above me but he's not in the tower he is either on this floor right here or he's on this floor right here which makes it a little bit easier to challenge the second thing that you need to pay attention to is going to be this right here okay I want you to remember this Nova 6 team and actually little bonus tip remember teams down here and teams over here right teams in control teams 11 quarter so we need to remember that information a huge component of not wasting time and also like different things like preventing third parties and stuff is going to be remembering information a lot of you guys get stuck wandering here unfortunate for this guy he's going to push out just kind of chilling right here we're able to get that down he also gets shot from control so okay let's go and let's go and push control here right let's go and challenge these guys I I know I could take these guys and then I get absolutely fried and I'm like okay you know what maybe we're going to switch this up maybe I don't like that team so where do we go let's go to Nova 6 right I highlighted the the Ping down there we we recognize that so hey I know there's people over there let's go Ahad and push that way let's go see what we can find over here um I don't know what I'm pushing into but at this moment I don't want to push the sweat squad over at control so we're just going to go and push in um right here you know we see the guy right on this corner I just need to remember that all I need to do is get inside here and then let's let's rock and roll okay let's rock and roll and we're going to play a little bit of positioning a little bit of positioning biggest thing is always look for the head glitch okay always look for the head glitch we're not going to challenge how many of you guys challenge when you push up here how many of you guys challenge around either side of this so you're either going to challenge out here you know to the to I guess to the left side here so you go out the door and you kind of Challenge from right here or you're going to Challenge from around this corner right I'm going to play up top here I'm going to play and I'm going to force them to execute literally all they can see here is my head so we're going to go ahead and execute we missed some shots but there's one we break this guy we have a huge Advantage so we're going to go ahead and push here and this gets this is a tough spot here I get put in a really bad situation and sometimes you're just going to have to bail yourself out you're just going to have to execute breaking lines of sight again trusting that high alert okay so in In This Moment here this is where we a lot of times high alert is used for long range situations and and we'll talk about that later on towards endgame where you know I'm fighting a team in living but I'm getting high alerted from prison right so that's definitely where high alert is super beneficial but especially on rebirth Island in close quarters hey I'm getting high alerted from the left I know that he can see me right here you know I'm getting high alerted to my right I know he can see me so I'm trusting that high alert in these situations to be able to break this line of sight that buys me enough time at which point I reload and we're going right back up top to our spot here now I know he's over there somewhere I'm just not 100% sure yep now we're able to get the down we still have the information right here one flying in above so let's just we're going to play this a little bit patient here we can re-engage immediately with the MTZ MTZ is really good especially for rebirth in that kind of not that mid yeah I would say that midrange right you know wsp 9 is good close range with a little bit of that extended range compared to something like the wsp Swarm and then of course the MTZ 556 all the way around good at long range good at mid-range and now we're in a terrible spot here I mean guys shooting us from above we're High alerted respawn is disabled we're we're in a terrible spot at the moment sometimes you just got to bail yourself out you just got to have better aim and movement now what do we do in this situation do we go for The Thirst why do we not go for the thirst here I I'm I'm expecting more teammates here I'm expecting more enemies right we have to we have to anticipate teammates being close so all I'm going to do is try to get out of here as soon as possible as I'm moving here trusting that high alert right and now I just need to find an angle to get this thirst he might self-revive but I I'm on a good game here you know we're going to be pushing 30 in this situation we got to get 11 kills here end game still worried about this team across here that's a big down that I have to get at the moment and now I'm still thinking about this thirst over here I'm still thinking about this Snoop Dog skin he's over there somewhere now we see that enemy right there little live ping live ping tells me exactly where he is I know he's Reviving like I know he's Reviving that guy that Snoop skin so now we're just going to go ahead that guy's a bullet right that guy has no Health remember what I talked about with high alert right trusting that high alert this guy's up top here go ahead one of the biggest things when it comes to getting higher kill games guys is going to be those kills out of the guy recognizing those not missing shots being able to easily get those kills at which point we can start to uh those are just easier kills that you can get they don't have a ton of Health they can't shoot back so now two enemies down below me you have decision at this point I respawns disabled okay so if I were to just sit up here Play My High Ground use the UAV you know understand that there's teams up top here in living or uh sorry up top here in like headquarters and grandmas they team living there's obviously people down below me that that would 100% be the correct decision I'm going to play this a little bit more aggressive I'm pushing for the 30 here I need eight more kills there's only 13 people left although there are buy stations in zone so we are going to play this a little bit more aggressive but under understand that either decision could be correct you know I I would definitely recommend you probably slow it down this end game and start to think about the win and you know when we when we play our positioning I'll hold this just hold that thought hold the thought about positioning in terms of endgame and stuff watch back behind me there yeah he can see me just a little bit just a little bit now how many of you remember the enemy that's on our level right around the corner here cuz there was still somebody floating around here yep so I went ahead got gas mask got self-revive we're set up for endgame I'm going to go ahead and take this guy out right here little bit of anticipation you know not 100% sure where he is we're just able to win that gunfight with a little bit of strafing now immediately I need to get back to this rooftop what do I notice everybody is up top a lot of people up top at Grandma's house and then of course this one team that is over in living quarters okay so I know that when we are playing endgame if we can be in circle with cover then power position if you are subscribed I literally say this in every single breakdown I in circle okay in circle with cover you're going to see me have cover here actually this a great example especially with high alert of trusting it right I have cover here I have cover from the team to my left I have cover from straight ahead of me and at this point I have power position because they all have to rotate into me so just watch yep cover right where can I go if I need to heal up replate or reload now let's go ahead and look the left side here I know that there's this team at living quarters just from previous information they popped up on about two uavs that I had so now we still have people Straight Ahead trusting that high alert to the left side trusting that high alert to the right side here yep now we're okay just going to keep playing this cover here knowing that all of these people up here are a lot of them are going to be jumping down here in a second and at that point it's lowrisk high reward lowrisk High reward this guy has to push to me little bit aggressive for the thirst here let's go ahead we're going to replate or uh sorry reload lowrisk High reward lowrisk High reward dead guy to the left side here low risk High reward dead One Straight Ahead quick reload here look at Circle pull low risk High reward Straight Ahead that guy right there this guy out in the open dead this guy on the stairs Dead 1 V4 situation 23 kills let's go ahead we're going to use this gas mask to rotate early now here's what I want to tell you guys I'm going to be honest with you guys I do not win this game okay I'm just going to tell you guys and I want to specifically pay attention to what they do because they play this really well and I also make some mistakes number one in circle with cover then power position as I go and push up top I just get caught in a really bad 1v4 situation that's really what this comes down to you know this 1v4 end game is tough so I see this enemy rotating here now I'm thinking that they are rotating up the hill which is exactly what they should be doing I'm rotating early they're rotating early we're able to get that down not quite able to get that thirst and I notice that this enemy is over here now I have one enemy right here and I have one enemy right here okay what I did not expect was that when I go to push up top here that two enemies are literally right in front of me and let me just you cannot see right here at the moment um this this second enemy is is right here I did not expect them to be there in the slightest so this like really threw everything off uh and I make a few really really minor mistakes now I'm able to get out of this I'm able to kind of regain a little bit of control in this situation knowing that they have to rotate in one of them has to revive and I'm actually able to get this kill right here boom we're able to get this kill perfect now we're in a 1v3 situation I know that two of them are still rotating I know that that Devon Booker Skin's close by mistake number one I fall down here okay so I see this guy pushing up I needed to basically pause on this ledge right here and either play into this window or try to play up top here here on the outside unfortunately I fell down that was mistake number one but not a huge one let's go ahead and push right back in I need to basically just keep kind of moving and grooving now if you are the team of three in this moment what is the one thing that you notice the one thing that you need to notice here is that buy station is in right so just like that guys I make the mistake of thinking they're going to all be inside of Grandma and hey let's go play here right let's catch them off guards they're going to be chasing me they're going to be playing up top here you know I'm going to they're going to be up here you know maybe one of them's right here and I'm going to be able to get a knock instead what ends up happening is they buy back okay so they they take this opportunity buy back just like they should there's two enemies right there I get absolutely fried and now we're in a really tough spot here especially because if you made it this far I appreciate it take note of this seventh circle is the last Circle seventh circle it all collapses okay so zone no longer rotates it just collapses meaning now now it's just going to keep getting smaller and smaller and smaller and I have less room and less room and less room honestly honestly the play that I should have made here was to to sort of cop out of this I I this is how it ends and then I'll and then I'll tell I actually kind of keep finessing here for a second but and then I'll show you uh I'll kind of talk you through exactly what I should have done again if you watch my streams on YouTube you know exactly what I should have done here um so unfortunately this guy I thought I might have had a chance and you can see how far this Zone pulls here you can actually see how far this Zone pulls here's what I should have done the moment that they bought back and I see these guys on the roof I basically should have just chalked everything so I should have just said I'm committing to the gas play here in that sense I have two sims okay by station is still in I have $6,700 I have a Muni box so the play here for me 0% should have been up stem I'll mark it stem stem keep rotating right Muni box down buy gas mask here buy Muni box here which buys me enough time you know what that point you can get really creative we know where Zone pulled to right so and this is bad because this is the way we should be playing this but at the end of the day it like is what it is I probably could have gotten bottom Nova 6 there to get two more stim so guys I hope you enjoyed today's video I hope you learned something as I always say let's get better today and I will see you tomorrow