what's up weirdos do you know about Adriel Sigler she's a Tik tocker who goes by the username vegan Riz this video is very difficult for me to make honestly because there's so much about her it's very difficult to try to find a like where to start in her whole tapestry of horribleness just some highlights you might have heard of her previous exploits of like trying to sue a coffee shop and going crazy on them or lying and scamming her followers for tens of thousands of dollars also doxing and I think kind of slandering a bunch of young teenagers and a lot more there's there's like so much but the first one that I want to get into is like the stealing tens of thousands of dollars and the son situation because one day she posted a video blew up got like millions of views where she was talking about how her son was not coming home from school was not returning any of her calls and by the end of it we find out that oh snap her son got jumped so let's watch that video together but in the back of your mind be thinking do I trust this woman my son had to stay after school it is 5:00 he's still not home he had issues with Spanish class he was going to stay after to finish an assignment and leave when it's done it's 5:00 I still haven't heard from my son he hasn't walked home he hasn't called for a ride I'm blowing up his phone I I don't know where he is that's her vibe that's her energy that's how she talks on the Internet it's just a specific type of Tik tocker but yeah so far as we're watching this it's like oh no her son was supposed to be at school afterwards and now she's calling him not getting an answer calling them not getting an answer uh-oh I'm panicking but look at the way she talks during this it feels very performative you know what I mean I think it's [ __ ] up that if you have kids staying there after school you should have your phones on on at all times you should answer the phone for parents at all times if there are kids in your building you should have your phones ringing and someone should be answering those phones at all times okay okay okay I will if I run a school and I have kids over like I will why are you being so annoying about it like being such a jerk about it by the way you're sitting here recording a Tik Tok are you not worried about your son go to the school why are you sitting here just repeating the same thing over and over again if you're running School you better B up my mom m i to school girl put it in the drive and go so now I'm going to drive to the school and see if I can find him I'm so sick of going through this this is probably the worst school district I've ever had an experience with this is by the way she just said the name of the school she didn't even bleep it we bleep doxing information yeah so she just said the name of the school you idiot what are you doing why would you give out the name of the school that's like social media 101 also she lives in a small town so I don't know why she would actually say that seems kind of crazy but she does make her small town kind of a key component of her personality but in the most annoying way possible look at the way that she talks about herself and her small town as people in this small little town I live in are so jealous of my Tik Tok following yeah she's that she's that kind of person everybody around me is really jealous of me they really are so jealous I'm a vlogger in a small town but my small town is not accepting of that and being the first vlogger in this small ass town has created a a wave of haters uh by the way that's so annoying and now way they just people hate you this is the type of influencer that I was saying that she is earlier where it's somebody who thinks that she's like the main character and is like so I don't know there's like so much ego in her in her mind that like oh people hate me well it's because I'm famous and they just can't support me and they're jealous no if you're in a small town and you have you know an online following I'm sure you are known but if you were a good person I'm sure that you would be loved I'm from OA Kansas I'm from OA Kansas let me say one more time Church OA Kansas but you know what if I pulled up to Black Bob pool in OA I would be having a blast I wouldn't have haters following me around but let's get back to the other video because we need to understand why she has so many haters cuz so far her son's just lost and I hate her and I don't really have an explanation for you yet but it's coming it's coming anyway she goes to the school nobody's there nobody's talking to her she calls the cops the cops say hey we don't have anybody which seems like [ __ ] always [Music] answers [ __ ] I'm losing my mind I just want to move out of this city save that little piece of information for later I just got to get out of this city save that cuz in a second she's going to create a GoFundMe because of the situation to get $330,000 to move but we got to keep watching because the reason for the move is so like twist oh my God there's so much in this like really buckle up I just pulled over my son is calling me where are you I'm on that street by that old school okay but where are you okay no I'm not [ __ ] okay just pick me up what where are you he hung up call 911 I'm on the way what school are you by 911 where are you I'm I'm on the other side of the street I'm on the street that's what school oh my God by the way she was about to say the name of like the specific school again oh my God at this point in the story if you don't know anything you're probably watching it like oh my God it sounds like he's in a lot of trouble sounds like he's really hurt I hope he's okay just wait till you find out why he's hurt though just wait just wait just wait just wait her reaction to that situation where why could you be any more annoyingly angry I don't know you can't judge how somebody reacts in the situation but I think you kind of can when they're filming themselves and then posting it for entertainment hey I don't know have fun though I just got here and he's not here I called 911 they said they have no one available where are you I met the school and you're not here back up I'm coming to you back up your car a little bit I had to hang up my call with 911 because they said they have no one available and I can't find my son yeah that's what I was saying a second ago they have nobody available I guess a small town but there's nobody available 911 what's your emergency uh my son just got the crap beat out of him and we're freaking out I need help right now okay I'm sorry that you're having an emergency I was just really curious oh I'm sorry did you think that I could help no no no this is more of just a checkin with the Vibes 911 not really a help 911 so the very next video she posted is this one and going to have to blur the faces of the kids because she just fully shows these kids' faces kind of repeated that sentence but you get the point my son has a chipped tooth now because of this kid right here this is where my son was assault Ed and almost lost his life I thought they were in that new Splash Pad they were actually right here in a very old swimming pool that once existed in the 1950s okay who who cares by the way of the backstory oh it was an old swimming pool that existed in the 1950s built by Robert Chamberlain the 13th architect of the Chamberlain Dynasty nobody gives a [ __ ] we obviously care about your son who just got the crap kicked out of him apparently uh but yeah showing that kid's face right up top this is the kid who beat my son teeth in made him look like a little baby who's so much stronger who knocked my little boy out posting that online by the way stay tuned we're going to get to the reason behind the fight because it's not as she said just an assault oh man this is so insane to be watching because the type of person that you're thinking that she is while watching this video crust me you're going to feel of indication you're going to see the full story behind this and be like that makes sense it was a very dangerous place to attack someone and jump someone they're surrounded by woods they let him down down here this boy um did the most damage this boy ran off with my son's new pair of Nike Jordans this boy this guy this guy stole your son's chain damn that's that's embarrassing it is also not a person that's like identifiable it's just like a white tank top but this next one she shows this next one these are just kids that she's posting on the internet saying they almost killed my son they tried to kill my son also take note of the language she's using they jumped him they led him down here keep that in mind because you know it's uh not the case but keep going this boy kept kicking my son while he was down and ripped off my son's gold chain my son thinks they took the chain but in the event it fell off his neck I'm over here searching for it okay by the way in case you're wondering isn't it stupid to go back to the scene of the crime where your son was allegedly just you know attempted to be dead doesn't it seem like a bad idea to go right there right afterwards it is but I think that she's doing this because she cares about the cont cont and also knows the full story and probably doesn't actually think that she's in that much danger but Cooper you said that she uses this situation to start a go fund me for $30,000 specifically because she wants to move out of the city because of this situation because of her feelings that her life is in complete danger when we get there it's all going to make sense I'm not finding the chain my son almost lost his life right here he almost lost his life today and then he was threatened that if he tells anyone who these boys are there were nine of them if you tell if they head said if you ever tell anyone who we are and what we did we're coming for your house tonight there were nine other boys okay you idiot don't post it then by the way really believe these like Middle School boys I mean they look like freshmen in high school you think they're going to come whoop whoop you in your house they're going to whoop whoop you in your house and if you do think that which you're saying that you do think it why are you posting their actual faces and then also the name of the school that threat that is so threatening to say that these kids tried to kill my son hey look here's their face hey this is the school is that like a hit it feels like she's calling hit now I don't think that she actually intends that I think that she's just an idiot and is using this to get money and she's so egotistical and cannot view anybody outside of her own self uh as like being in in existence so she can't view the consequences for anybody else as actually mattering cuz these videos have genuine like huge real world consequences for the kids that she's posting in these videos potentially like fatal like like I'm not overreacting you say all of this you have millions of people who see it and believe it those kids are not safe you know what I mean uh and that's why we have a justice system for these kids to go through and not a egotistical small town vegan influencer sorry vegans I really [ __ ] with you put a mushroom in a sauce pan I'll cook it up also not even like I really believe in the justice system or the cour ism at all but I'm just making the point that she doesn't really believe this is actually a life-threatening dangerous situation otherwise she'd be acting a differently so yeah then the very next video she posts this I have put this GoFundMe together the link is in my bio our lives are in danger we have to move as soon as possible I just paid my rent until September 1st so I'm paid up until the end of August but I cannot stay here anymore I am in a very scary situation a situation I hope no one ever has to be in oh my son got whooped so bad I'm so scared scared I need $30,000 please hey Adriel why'd your son get whooped now I'm going to say allegedly because she has a propensity for suing people as we'll get into later in this video propensity to sue is like suing yeah I'll do it cuz I know you don't understand that because you are I don't know she just doesn't seem very smart anyways why did these boys whoop her son her son sexually assaulted one of those boys sisters and this fight wasn't even a jump it was a we'll meet up here and deal with things ourselves like men and allegedly his dumbass went there and was like okay through the first punch this is all on video and then the victim's older brother punched him and then his friends all started punching him now I can't show you it but she shows like a video of the fight and she's using it to like point out all the people give all of their names these like teenagers all the yeah there are one two three four five six seven eight of you the cameraman and there was someone dressed in brown watching obviously I can't show the whole thing so there's like 11 of you not 10 that's what she's doing to promote her GoFundMe is just like showing these clips obviously I'm not showing the parts where she is like zooming in on the face or the actual that stuff cuz that's kind of tough to watch but the point being when you look at this these are young teenagers honestly they're like you know 14 15 maybe 16 year-olds Max probably none of them are even 16 in this mid-30s grown woman is using it to like get clout and get GoFundMe donations this is not how the internet should be used if your kid gets into a fight let him fight and if your kid gets into a fight that was pre-planned and was as a consequence for what he did to somebody then potentially you shouldn't go online trying to ruin the kid's Lives who are actually you know on the right side and your son who is a villain here allegedly although that is the only situation that makes actual sense to me but putting all of this out there it's not like a good look for you or your son and it's really shitty to do that to a bunch of young teenagers by the way Jay Sprint he made a good video about this on Tik Tok like the specific fight situation so I just want to show you a clip of what he said once again if I was a kid I would never want people seeing that but besides that point I never realized that the video she posted was actually edited like the beginning part of the interaction is not shown on her page and I got sent the full video and I find it interesting because it changes a lot of things not even just for perspective but in terms of legality too when I saw her video I made the Assumption in my mind that this kid was just walking going from school through the forest and these kids jumped in when I see the full video I now realize that it was actually a planned Fight 1 V one her son through the first punch and then the kids jumped them after well I'm now realizing that if she posted the full video yeah so as she's posting online like five six posts a day promoting her GoFundMe for this saying my son got suspended for getting beat up my son was assaulted and that's why he got suspended uh well no they suspended him because it was a mutually agreed upon fight and oh yeah also the reason reason that they mutually agreed upon the fight was because he allegedly did that well one of the mothers of one of the girls that uh allegedly adriel's son assaulted allegedly that girl's mother posted this on Facebook Adriel Sigler truth travel fast you wanted Justice well so do all the mother of the girls your son victimized but don't worry these girls have a army behind they and I will do everything in my power to teach my own that this she is going through will be hard at first but she will rise all the girls will rise and be stronger than before and 1,000 times strong then you enjoy your freedom because remember my daughter was at your house under your care and you allowed it to happen mother of the year award goes to none other than Adriel Sigler enjoy your shortlived freedom okay so that's what she said and I'm just trying to read it accurately and honestly now again all alleged I wasn't there I didn't see anything happen but when you add this puzzle piece everything else makes a lot more sense why she was comfortable going there not actually feeling like her life was in danger why she is the way that she is and why it seems like she's really desperate to get out of this town you know what I mean well that story gained a lot of traction and now everybody's saying it to her all the time so she has limited all of her comments almost all of them like look this one comments turned off most of them comments are turned off sticking out my Yacht for the rler so ski so Phantom Texs I just want to be your city big mom oh my God you're being so creative oh my God you're really enjoying yourself on Tik Tok wow you're really having a fun time posting this is one of the few videos that has comments on I don't know it just feels like I guess she wanted to see what the culture was thinking about this and they're all calling her uh brain rot and and [Music] [Laughter] brother wow I can't wait to battle tonight on Tik Tok and get to know some really cute single guys I wonder if I'll meet another vegan streamer who's single okay if I think my co-host is fine this is my live signal I'm going to twirl my hair yeah yeah I'm sorry that's that's who she is also which I thought was important to bring up at this point in time that this whole GoFundMe thing is not a new type of begging from her when I look at her content this is the only type of thing that pops up genuinely the only type of thing that she's posting quit telling my crush that they there's a guy in the bed with me I'm live click the pink circle and people keep spamming my crush's chat they keep spamming my crush's chat there's a guy in B me oh my God if you ever find yourself posting videos like that you just have to deactivate your Tik Tok and move states without getting people to donate $30,000 to you but anyways on these lives that she goes on she decided to address the allegations cuz people were spay Me In Her Tik Tok comments and she said this they're gaslighting they just want to come after my son they're they want to believe the lies that they're being fed by these uh criminals man there's no convincing you people you drank the Kool-Aid yeah it's just a lie people just want to drink the Kool-Aid yeah even though it's the only explanation that makes sense because the explanation of I live in a small town I'm so famous I'm I'm so Infamous cuz everybody's so jealous of me and that's why a gang of young teenagers lured my son into the woods and started beating him up that's why because of how famous I am on TiK ToK by the way what are you famous for on Tik Tok thank you for gagging Gus going on [ __ ] Tik Tok live like Jason Nash begging for donations how can you say that people are jealous of you when you are literally just and I say this with no disrespect to people who are asking for money to be able to live their life but you're saying the people in your small town community are jealous of you when you are literally just an online beggar and you by the way if that is where your life is at right now and you just have to do that but that's not what her life is at she could go get a job but she would rather say my crush is live and people keep spamming my comments and sending me roses and it's like they're trying to [ __ ] embarrass me like I'm live right now though click the pink circle she posts I'm not kidding four of those videos every single day it's so pathetic it's so sad and then she goes I'm so famous girl that's not what famous is famous is when you're on the TV I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing all right let's keep going because okay we gave the one uh like Facebook screenshot of the allegations but there's more to be fair in doing research for this video it was difficult to find some of these things like still on the internet cuz of things being deleted being taken down by different platforms so this particular screenshot is like a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot that I found but I do want to share it because allegedly this is one of the kids who was actually at the fight he said nobody wanted to Rob your son he sexually assaulted my little sister he got what he deserved you lie too much your son sexually assaulted four other girls this didn't just happen out of the blue he wanted to fight so he did then he got jumped so that's why her son's name got jumped so the real victims are them four girls now again allegedly allegedly but in my personal analysis of this situation and me not saying it as an objective truth I think that this puzzle piece makes everything else a lot more clear because oddly I don't personally find it very common that groups of 14-year-olds will go beat up one kid because his mom is an influencer and everybody's jealous of her to me that's a lot less compelling than the story of a group of kids getting Justice for four victims against their assaulter now I'm just saying that's my personal opinion cuz people aren't as jealous of you as you think they are Adriel why are you posting stuff like this when you live in a city where the average annual income is $30,000 and make the average person in this town's weekly paycheck in 1 hour it gets dangerous I need to move ASAP I thought you needed to move ASAP because your son was going to get killed not just because you make too many bans too many racks but you know what these people are doing when they're making $30,000 not humiliating themselves and leaving a legacy of begging online for Tik Tok money looking at you Jason Nash Jason come on man what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] but yeah if you can post video feel like this saying that there's a guy in here with me there's not a guy I am single single I have this room to myself I'm battling hello so yeah anyway oh I'm going to be battling other people so if I twirl my hair okay okay okay okay I was trying to make I was trying to make a point of if you can do this and not be embarrassed then I don't know who you are because this is humiliating but I can't even watch you right now and she's clearly dragging it out to hit the one minute plus Mark so that she can monetize this video monetize this video this video sorry this video listen the way I view like stuff on my main Channel I don't want to sit here and just be like and the story of this situation is blah blah blah and what happened on 13th of January is those types of YouTube channels where they talk about these situations are so boring so boring you have to make it engaging you have to make content that's like like if you're going to make a video make it like something that people are going to want to watch this a minute and six seconds of oh my God join my life oh my God I'm just a a crush uh money I give me for a minute and then you're like I got to get paid for this yeah if I lived in your small town I'd hate you too also she said this one time because of these pathetic white trash totally deranged scumbags who live in slums or crack dens my son's life is at risk and false rumors have spread like wildfire by the way if anybody is white trash here sorry sorry sorry my dad's side of the family is from Arkansas so I have been in Arkansas anybody who lives or has spent a lot of time in Arkansas can understand what white trash is and kind of like spot it you get white trash radar and I'm not saying anything but if Adriel Sigler was standing right in front of me my white trash radar would sound a little something like thiso take that how you will by the way we'll piig sooie let's go now by the way imagine Adriel sigler's surprise when her former babysitter allegedly I feel confident it's her former babysitter uh but shared this story online hi I know Adriel personally I used to babysit her children I just want to let you know I know in my heartest of hearts that her son sexually assaulted someone more than one person probably but even as his babysitter he used to smack my butt and say inappropriate things to me and there were no repercussions for any of those kids ever so by the way if you ever see Adriel pop up on your for you page I would just encourage you to comment this Adriel sit down what I'm about to say is heavy now listen you're son's a sick man with sick thoughts I think interesting Adriel Sigler not disciplining her kids when they act out of line that doesn't fit into my perception of her at all just kidding that seems exactly like the type of person that she seems like she seems like she is what the hell anyways while yes she has received a lot of money on that GoFundMe which I think she should have gotten none of yeah I think the people should be commenting that because that's what she should be receiving in this she should be receiving a little bit more of that a little bit less tens of thousands of dollars now I'm not sure if you're aware of this but if you're looking at her you might remember her for some controversy she got in at the end of last year with a coffee shop so just a little side note so I want to show a little bit more of that because it really really highlights the brain of Adria and by brain I mean the space in her skull where a bra be and I say that with all of the love in the world people in Jamestown they recognize me because I have a large following on social media so I'm sitting in the coffee shop mining my own business before I get to working on my social media management she's describing right now about how she got kicked out of a coffee shop for filming and being obnoxious and that's how she's talking by the way I'm sorry I I lean in so much I for real got to like give you some space my bad her stance here her belief here is that she was kicked out for being and I'm not exaggerating a beautiful young woman that's right they are discriminating against her here for being a beautiful young woman now obviously questions about the validity of that statement aside you would think that if somebody got kicked out of somewhere they'd post maybe once uh but no she went and posted like aund videos specifically about this business specifically telling her followers to go comment on the Google reviews give it one star and say it sucks oh if we want this to be a quiet low-key environment laidback we have people who come here to work and read I'm not noisy at all I sit there mind my own business have headphones in I keep the volume down as compared to large crowds of people who dine in together I'm really quiet yeah yeah that's what she's saying that's her argument for this the thing is when you you say stuff like that Adriel I have to let you know people don't believe it just because you said it if you say I'm not a problem I go in there and I film a quiet video with my headphones in doesn't bother anybody everybody else does it why can't I that's the thing Adriel if everybody else is actually doing it then you would also be able to do it so I have to believe that the thing that you're doing is not like what these other people are doing so when you say this in my mind I'm just hearing okay you're all lying cuz this doesn't happen to people I know everybody on planet Earth knows at least one person in their life who's like this constantly going through drama constantly the victim of a million different situations the whole world is turning against them nothing is going their way and the thing is [ __ ] it's probably your fault most of the time bad stuff happens that is true bad stuff like this on the other hand doesn't really happen people do have bad luck people go through awful situations back to back to back to back but situations where it's like like uh I got kicked out of somewhere for doing nothing and everybody else is doing the same thing I was and it's because I'm young and pretty and famous [ __ ] people pay young pretty famous people to go eat at their coffee shop that's like an entire [ __ ] section of marketing it's not cuz you're young and pretty and successful it's cuz you're [ __ ] annoying this is the video she said the video I made in a coffee shop before both owners walked up to me and said we don't want you filming in here as plenty of other customers had their cameras open right in front of me and then she said the name of the company I'm going to leave it in here because I'm on their side Crown Street Roasting Company keep kicking her out she said if you've taken a video or photo on this coffee shop DM it to me on Instagram Adriel chering if you've taken a video or photo in this coffee shop and you weren't kicked out then I'm going to be using it in my lawsuit they weren't kicking you out because you were taking a video or a photo Cherry sorry what's your name Adriel because if they did do that then they are objectively evil and really really rude and horrible but we know who you are Adriel you are a lying scammer whose ego is is so big that it has filled her entire skull so that no brain can coexist if somebody shows a video if you collect 50 videos and photos that other people took there it doesn't make you look any better it makes you look worse because it's like clearly they don't have a problem with people taking photos and videos it's just you and not cuz you're young and beautiful and famous probably because you're being really annoying probably that the comments on this one though I follow the coffee shop now I just follow the coffee shop team coffee shop now in another video she went on to show us some of the videos that she's made in this coffee shop and immediately you can see why she was kicked out I'll show you some of the videos I've made in this coffee shop there's this one shared a post saying it's spooky that children between ages 8 and 12 on I'm just going to say Adriel right off the bat you said that you just make videos silently to yourself with your headphones in immediately the first video you show is just you loudly talking which I can imagine took multiple takes and that you probably haven't just made one video like that I can understand by the way the coffee shop didn't even kick her out they just said can you stop filming here like you can keep eating here you can keep doing everything you want but just not filming in here and that for her was enough to post like a hundred videos calling this place out yeah if you're sitting there at a coffee shop being like I can't believe that people between 8 and 12 who are kids want to uh be a YouTuber yeah I'd get kicked out of too if I did that doesn't even matter if I'm a a young beautiful woman what there's this one and that was empty there were no customers so okay Adriel if you're showing us two videos only two videos and those two videos are already incredibly annoying and those are your best examples for the type of stuff that you made there how do you not know how you look how are you so empty like that's just how it is though sometimes I genuinely forget that like people actually are sometimes dumber and don't like understand things and social media allows them to like post and other people who are dumb to see it and be like oh my God if you see this and you are like agreeing with her I just don't understand how you can like breathe like how do you get a glass of water how do you wake up how do you cook yourself a meal I don't understand I just feel like anybody with a brain who sees this can see right through her but apparently not she has 800,000 followers how many of those are hate followers though be real coffee shop I go to downtown and I sit there for like an hour sometimes I make videos the owner came up to me and went like okay so I went in I got a coffee I sat down I was there for like 3 minutes and the owners came up to me sat down next to me shook my hand and they said we appreciate your business we don't mind if you come in here to sit and work and drink your coffee but we no longer permit you to film or record in here oh as a private business we no longer permit you to record in here because it's a becoming it because it's a distraction for our customers who are working and reading in a quiet environment that's so rude of them I know that's so rude of them she's talking to her mom on the phone by the way that's so rude of them adri Adriel Adriel Adriel you were going on a crusade to destroy this business you sit down the company owner comes over and says hey it's totally fine if you want to come in here Order coffee get some work done sit chill I have no problem with that at all but it is a distraction the way that you film and then she's like oh really what do you mean oh really to come up to you immediately as soon as you show up sit down next to you have a conversation of for real like you are being a distraction to the other customers how are you not embarrassed by that for you to be called out like that is so embarrassing why would you post online now everybody knows that you're just embarrassing but she doesn't understand that people know that she's being embarrassing cuz she doesn't doesn't understand that she's being embarrassing she's stupid she thinks he called me a distraction what the [ __ ] no he called you a distraction because you're being an annoying distraction and you're an egotistical loud mouth everybody who's watching your video knows that and you're just sitting there being like uh post it they're discriminating God it's really embarrassing but I'm glad that it exists I guess freedom of speech for people who are so obsessed with our military our veterans our freedom fighters they get so mad when people demonstrate their First Amendment right you can't take it away from someone it's just not happening hey what are you trying the the point of that doesn't even make any sense by the way the second of [ __ ] says freedom of speech you already know they're dumb as a door nail freedom of speech though yeah these people who say they love the military love America but don't want me to have freedom of speech make that Mak sense H as if that's a gotcha girl that doesn't even make sense it's so annoying that this type of person doesn't understand freedom of speech so much to the point that it's annoying to say what it is cuz I've had to say this so many times because so many dumb [ __ ] are always like yeah oh but freedom of speech so you mad at Andrew Tate but freedom of speech freedom of speech doesn't mean you can sex traffic you idiot it also doesn't mean that you can go into somebody's private business and annoy everybody day in and day out and then when they finally ask you to just not film but do everything else that you want that it isn't an infringement on your rights as an American you don't get to take them to the Supreme Court although with the Supreme Court these days I'm not so confident the just the right cause would win the case [ __ ] Supreme Court joke I [ __ ] I [ __ ] honestly I don't want to get started but Claire oh my God oh my God how is it actually happening how is that possible let me reenter let me Focus freedom of speech doesn't mean that you can be annoying and face no consequences why did the coffee shop discriminate against me the coffee shop discriminated me against my job they were actively discriminating me against my job and I'll explain how they said it's more than acceptable for people working to utilize their phones cameras photos videos whatever that business person needs to do they told me I can't take photos or videos while I'm in their coffee shop because they don't want my work associated with their business not at all in any way by any stretch of the imagination at all under any context for any reason that's not discrimination what you ever hear a [ __ ] say something so dumb you don't even know where to begin I thought that that had happened last time it's happened even more on this time I got to hear how she says that at the beginning of the video again how did the coffee shop discriminate against me the coffee shop discriminated me against my job the coffee shop discriminated me against my job oh no no the coffee shop what it discriminated me against my job hey if you say that and you don't think uh grammatically lingu istically in any context that doesn't really make any sense then maybe you shouldn't be talking about a discrimination lawsuit against you because you are a tick tocker that's what her whole thing is oh they're discriminating it's me because I'm a young beautiful successful Tik tocker and they're jealous uh exactly they're jealous and they hate me because I'm young beautiful and successful if you were young beautiful and successful they would be paying you to post there they said they don't want their coffee shop associated with you how do you not take that as an extreme Mark of embarrassment on your soul and hide that from everybody forever why would you go out and say that online that's so humiliating uh I got kicked out of this place because they said that I'm so cringe that if anybody sees me filming at their place they wouldn't even want to go to the coffee place cuz I'm so cringe anybody else think that they kind of suck for that no it's just really embarrassing Adriel yeah she made a video right here in uh she's explaining that she's doing a lawsuit as we'll see by her explanation of her doing a lawsuit sorry today I did something I never thought I'd do I filed two lawsuits now let's go to 15 seconds into the video so you can see her explanation for this lawsuit and just really have an understanding of how she doesn't understand anything at all I was intending to file one lawsuit but the attorney I spoke with said you have two lawsuits I'm in the city of Jamestown New York this is a discrimination case the first question the attorney asked me were you singled out yes he asked me to go into detail I went into detail the incident happened in a public retail building I explained both of the owners approached me I was singled out when they approached me there were approximately 20 other customers the business owners said we no longer permit you to film in our establishment I asked why to Briefly summarize one of the owners explained well we have businessmen working here it's a lowkey relaxing quiet environment for people to do their work I said this is my work my filming is related to my work my filming is related to my work actually I'm allowed to do that actually I'm allowed and if you say I'm not allowed to I'll sue you she said right up top it was in a public retail building hey by the way Adriel you idiot public doesn't mean anywhere that's not your house it's in a coffee shop that is a private business that's a business they own that place they can tell you hey we actually don't want you filming here otherwise I could just go into any business that I wanted with a full camera crew and set up and just start filming and be like it's public space it's not in my house right now I can I can film a movie on here no no you have to get a permit when you're filming at a private location because it's own bu somebody else and you don't actually have the right to do that but a coffee shop is actually being very respectful and like you know oh you can actually do work here you can open up your laptop and stuff but if you're pushing the boundaries to the point where it's a distraction to other people obviously as a private business we reserve the right to tell you you can't do that you can keep drinking you can keep eating but she says well no no they singled me out so that's discriminating if that's discrimination then everything is discrimination if I walk into a trampoline park with a 100 people ranging from ages of 8 to 24 and there is one butt ass naked woman painted in all blue doing backflips going over and kicking her out is not discrimination because I singled her out it's discrimination he he he singled me out there were other people but he only got mad at me yeah because you were the only one being annoying posting annoying ass videos that are distracting everybody else in the entire coffee shop obviously the butt naked blue woman doing backflips on the trampoline is getting singled out because believe it or not there are no other butt naked blue women doing backflips oh my God oh my God oh my God why am I getting so worked up about this so that's who Adriel Sigler is that's who she is and she's going to watch this video probably post a Tik Tok and say a lot of people are talking about me online a lot of people are jealous join my life my crush is trying to talk to me right now if I touch my hair that means I like him don't spam the comments don't send me gifts oh my God that's what her response is going to be and you know what I hope that you lose all of the money that you have and that your son goes to jail because in my opinion allegedly according to my interpretation of the that I've seen my personal opinion not my claim is that he deserves some genuine real life consequences Beyond just getting Molly whopped and humiliated by his mom online god get a grip of your life Adriel Sigler I don't know if you've seen succession but your horrible behavior and egotistical the world is all about you worldview as Kendall Roy said in the show succession the poison drips through get a hold of yourself because clearly your toxicity is dripping through to your kid that sounds really extreme and really mean but it's true oh God God I just get so worked up seeing people like this but I'm glad we were able to talk about it because it's been on my mind ever since I saw her video G Please Subscribe God by the way second Channel up doing well the first video I posted was a dress PR has like 200,000 views right now I cannot believe that I'm waiting for the channel to get monetized I didn't know was going to happen so fast I've got videos like ready to be posted over there like I've got the button reaction uh I've got a love Island like the game the game I have a let's play of that another one it's kind of like the but like a truth or drink video I know I'm really excited about the second Channel love you