Words ending IBLE and ABLE in English are also from Latin. Unless we stick something on, like, you know, unless we say Huggable. You know, somebody is Huggable. Then it's not Latin.
But if we say Possible, Probable, you know, this is a Latin word. And we can also make this Italian. IBLE and ABLE become IBILE.
IBILE and ABILE. ABILE. So it's like the vowel sound that we pronounce in English that we don't write if you think about it.
So that's very interesting. When we say possible, we pronounce a vowel between the B and the L. Poss-i-ble. No, there's a vowel there, but we don't write it. We have an E on the end that we don't pronounce.
No, but Italian writes it. So A-B-L-E becomes A-B-I-L-E and I-B-L-E becomes I-B-I-L-E. A-B-L-E, I-B-L-E.
So possible becomes P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E, P-O-S-S-S-I-B-L-E. But we also pronounce the two s's. Possibile.
Possibile. Good. And probable, how would that be? Probable. Probible.
Take it slowly, syllable by syllable. Probabile. Probabile.
Probabile. So it's just like the English. If you think of the English probable, and then you make each of those vowels more Italian sounding, so probable, and then you pronounce the e that we don't pronounce in English. Probabile.
Probabile. Good. So, give me again possible.
Take it slowly. I want you to work with the syllables. Possibile. Very good. And it felt good to take it slowly, no?
Like more confidence. And probable. Probable.
Probable. Probible. Think of how it's written. How it's spelled.
P-R-O, no? B-A. Probab.
Probab. Probabile. Probabile. It's almost like there's an extra B. There's two B's as well in English, just that the vowel between them is so reduced, you hardly feel them.
Probable, probable. But there's still two B's there, no? Probable, probabile. Probabile.
Good, so that's probable. Now how would you say probably? Again, because we had mente, that has a vowel on the end, we don't need the final E of probabile. We can get rid of it. So give it a try.
Probabilmente. Probabilmente. Very good. Probabilmente.
Very good. So that's probably. How would you say probably it's real?
Probably it's real. Probabilmente è reale. Probably it's original. Probabilmente è originale. Very good.
Probabilmente è... Good. Possible. How was possible? Possibile.
And possibly? Possibilmente. So the E on the end, we don't need it anymore because mente ends in a vowel.
Possibilmente. Possibilmente. Slowly. And not from memory, but take the time to find it again.
Take that time. Possibilmente. Good. Possibilmente. Possibilmente.
How was natural? Naturale. Good, but the C sound is from English, no? Actually we have a T here. Naturale.
Very good. Naturale. Naturally.
Naturalmente. Very good. Naturalmente.
Now this can mean like obviously, so you could say obviously, naturally, it's original. Naturalmente è originale. Naturalmente è.
How was normal? Normale. Good.
And normally or usually? Normalmente. Normalmente.
Normally it's digital. Normalmente è digitale. Very good. Normalmente è digitale. Tell me again how was possible?
Possibile. Possibile. Good. And...
impossible how would impossible be? Impossibile. So on the end I really want to hear this bille, impossibile. Impossibile.
Good. Incredible would be? Incredibile.
Very good. So incredible is just the Latin of unbelievable. The in is like an, no? Incredible, incredibile.
Unbelievable. So if you wanted to say believable, you could just get rid of the N of incredible. How would that be believable?
Credible. Credibile. Credible. Well, like, credible in English, just in English it sounds very formal.
Credible. And how would you say, it's believable? E-credible.
E-credible. Good.