Aug 3, 2024
17 Payments: Monthly payments, valued three months before the first payment.
Intermediate Valuation Date: Used to represent the value of the annuity.
Symbolic Representation:
4 * a̅(17)
Value = 4 * a̅(17) * V²
Deferred Annuity Notation:
, which means:
If Valuation Date is First Payment:
4 * a̅̅(17) * V³
, indicating a 3-month deferred annuity due.Last Payment Valuation Date:
4 * S̅(17) * V¹⁹
, where:
4 * a̅(17) * V²
can be expressed as:
4 * a̅̅(17) * V³
and S̅(17)
emphasizes the 17-period discounting.Monthly Payments: Quarterly payments of 7 forever, valued two months before the first payment.
Intermediate Valuation Date: Set at time of the first payment.
Symbolic Representation:
7 * a̅̅(∞)
.Value = 7 * a̅̅(∞) * V²
Interest Rates:
for quarterly and M
for monthly.7 * a̅(∞)
7 * a̅(∞)
gives value 1 quarter before the first payment (not 1 month).