Transcript for:
The Momentary Suspension of Logic

[Music] number four where is number eight rowers number 18 [Music] we are troubled on every side yeah you have not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in Abba but we wish to be are always delivered on the death for Jesus say that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh so then death worketh in US but life in you we have the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believe that therefore have I spoken we also believe in therefore speak knowing that he was raised of the Lord Jesus shall raise us also by Jesus then shall present us with you for all things are for your sakes that the abundant grace might through the Thanksgiving too many redound to the glory of God which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day from life of the chair which is but for where is for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen but the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen grass and flower fades we're not gonna talk to us today from this subject involuntary suspicion of Marchant the momentary suspicion of logic we are we are want wo into you want desirous to make sure that everything in life is playing and all instruction and usually working out in our favor we don't like those images we don't like things to unravel and become because we like not we like going to be neat and package and they since have been logically we disdain disorders we don't make a plan of thing then have something to interrupt that and mess up our plan because we won't ever say structure and order so that neatly packaged and nicely wrapped light will go as we have hope we better move only to live a number of years and find out that that's not the way like gue people get sick sup a long time people who never go to church grabbing a cold sometimes good parents have Noguchi [Music] and sometimes good children have no family that's that's just a way like me everything is going your way you are swimming upstream you're having a really good time and then you retire and you have your retirement all planned out you already put down the troops that you want to take to save you money you've invested well and then sickness come this rubble everything that you man and then life as we have been told will work out you married the right person you have a 2.5 children nice pick it fits around the house we're going to the same job by the same kind of cop have the same mother friends life is just supposed to go your way ever but then sometimes stalls situations arise to push us off course and anything about our structured order logic of existence becomes illogical and frustrating as well as the fossil finds himself in this writing this evening.the sees that venerable apostle paul is now sharing with us that in this life things are not always so in phase in life on logical the opposite of love is not logic the opposite of the logical in the life of the believer becomes physiological you must put a theosophist warlockian because it becomes now God to replace what you saw you have to suspend you're not yet and it's instituted with the Fiat is one thing but when you put it becomes something altogether Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the momentary suspicion of logic applies with mental faculties but now again you gonna have to spend some time in the back Christian it's not always sunshine [Music] yeah yeah situation as pastors we tried to straight out other people's is its attention it's a it's a it's a [Music] [Applause] it's a huge [Applause] [Applause] your happiness fear not we are the class will not focus cast but not destroyed it is a good example Joe most definitely and this is true [Music] this is true I need a Bible reader [Applause] you have to suspend because you have to preach about what you have been through all the people who know the darkest man it's on the highest mountain all the people have known great struggle and you come to God through a winding way do you have the courage to keep on going when horse has turned against terra Jesus Jesus with regard to the call of God with you when you visit this strength when the site is fixed on God as a measure of Thanksgiving but no situation can drain and SAP the energy from because you just keep on getting up you just keep on fighting you just keep on trusting you just keep on giving God we have to be able before those of you will remember that there was this toy that was made some years ago it was round I had to bother me I came along at the top and the faster the kid man because it was on the inside [Music] [Applause] it's kind of disheartening better to deal with these breathable kind of weak church people that they can't take that mr. Frank hurts them have to be careful to keep pacifying in man smoothly because they never ever wrong so pretty they are so fragile that feelings are easily heard in and you got to make sure that you always make them happy and always preaching Sarah me [Music] [Applause] because it hurts [Applause] this is this momentary suspension of blood has to do something has to do with to something with that with something that is out of this world and just simply doesn't make it fall is insane but you can still write I can do all things Christ who strengthens me then I walk around the basket spend a big in the night and the bosom of the greedy and yet Paul can still say our line and whatsoever state strong because if you're looking for people to improve if you're looking for likes on Facebook yeah if you're looking to be applauded by me you just sighs OH people think about you sweet Jesus [Applause] Oh differences in [Applause] [Applause] please yeah yeah but not destroyed still not pay because purposes in the same text when you move from Bali to vision of God gives you finally feet let me just some 90-pound Kristen yeah let me tell some anemic Christian this stuff [Music] both of us will serve a different balance who had power we had this struggle through Jim Crow segregation they would push back [Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh [Applause] here's a puzzle see these letters which yeah which is what for I bet you hope you will stay in Israel you ought to be able to go through anything because it's just with joy because he would be envious against the workers of iniquity those muscle could stand the tension between already [Applause] things which are not for the things which are seen discourage which is not reaching the [Music] [Applause] it is [Applause] [Applause] yes if you know if you can't preach to their yeah if you to be two priests the third into small or the priests the three top [Applause] I always been where I am yeah I've always been as a preacher and the pastor and certainly as a Christian I have always been well [Music] yeah if my mom was working I couldn't use a car and you but the chair home and put now because the answer my ride with him I arrived with the booty [Music] [Music] but aji : yeah to guess where I am and say you were a mother city right we just don't wanna go to a shrine the tribe and deacons me in his situation yes so then they gotta tell us about it the country agrees and wala Ramos a week fine bishop rebound [Applause] then trade I'll talk about it I'll buick's it yeah government but walking this is a real I have to turn that in digital and I have the TV in the house and then my brother broke in and stole his crackhead friend so little gb and utter hell now by the turn through supply and I want to see who this whole speech is either put some fog people when the mischief on breach somebody and then finally government worker and he repossessed yeah we can enjoy so called but I can offer you [Applause] systems [Applause] [Applause] be sure only five put your father in a hole already sixty [Applause] [Applause] to see the Sun and s63 also [Applause] that's cool I'm grateful the man that's all [Applause] [Applause] our church [Applause] use that situation [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so whole [Applause] Oh [Music]