Transcript for:
Building a Professional Website for Your Business

Hey everyone, Michael here. Today, we're  going to build a professional looking website   for your business. We're going to start with the  basics of having nothing at all, and by the end,   we're going to have a fully functional website  ready to go. We are going to add product listings,   business hours, and locations. It's going to look  beautiful because we're using Wix, which is one   of the best web builders out there, and we'll show  you how to do this step by step and you can follow   along. When I worked at Google Domains, we saw  a lot of customers choosing Wix because of its   competitive pricing and its ease of use. Let's go  check it out. Here we are on the Wix homepage. You   can get here by clicking in the top right-hand  card or down below in the description. Feel free   to follow along. At the end of this, you'll have a  fully functional website. It's completely free and   no credit card is required. Next, I'm going to hit  get started. Once you've logged in, they're going   to ask you who you are creating this website for,  and since I'm creating it for my business at the   Kevin Cookie Company, I will select this, then  continue. Next, Wix is going to ask us what type   of website we want to create. I'm going to see if  they have something available for Cookie Shop and   they do. So, I will select that and continue.  Because I've selected Cookie Shop as the type   of business, I want to build a website for, Wix  has provided me with a lot of beautiful designs   to choose from. You can go down here and load even  more templates if you like. It's important to note   if you choose one of these templates, you can't  change the template later. You can customize a lot   of the different elements of the template, such as  text and images, but you are actually beholden to   the template. I don't want to choose one of these  templates yet, so I'm going to go ahead and skip   so we can work on building from a completely blank  template later. Next, Wix will ask us to fill in a   website name. You can change this at any time, but  we are going to put in the Kevin Cookie Company,   and you can see it populate here where it'll  show up on your website. And we like the way that   looks, so we're going to hit continue. One of the  great things about Wix is they allow you to add   apps to your website. You can add things like your  Instagram feed, or you can set up an online store   to sell any kind of physical goods or products.  You can also even put up a portfolio of your work   if you're an artist or a photographer, but I'm  just looking to make a pretty basic website right   now, so I am going to uncheck these and then I'll  click go to dashboard. Next, we land on an area   that Wix calls the dashboard. This is like the  control center for your entire website. We can   also see how far we are in the website building  process. It says one out of four steps completed.   Also, it says it here. We see that we've already  completed one of these steps, which is to update   the type of site we're using, and the second step  is to connect a custom domain. You can either buy   a website domain from Wix or connect one that you  already own. You don't need to connect a domain   that you own or buy one, you just would be running  off of a Wix domain that they provide for you,   which may not look as professional as  you would like it to. On the left side,   we also have an array of advanced options like  contacts and analytics and reporting. Contacts   is where you can add other team members to help  you build and maintain the website, and analytics   and reporting can help you see how many visitors  you've had to your site and what the site load   speeds are like. I don't want to deal with any of  those right now, and it's also important to note   that you can skip around through these steps. I  just want to go directly to the part where we get   our site designed, so I will click design site.  Here Wix gives us two ways that we can design   our website. They can either help me build one, or  they will allow me to choose a template that they   have customized to what I've said earlier, but it  does sound like having them build a site for me   will be a little easier, so I'm going to choose  that and click get started. Next Wix wants us to   add a little more information about our business,  such as our email address and address. We can also   add a logo, and I want to do this because I know  that it will show up later on our website. Now   that I've filled everything in, I'll click on next  in the bottom right. Before we get to see what our   website is actually going to look like, we need  to help Wix with some building blocks to do so,   and they give us six beautiful options here, wild  rose, minimal, retro, humble, things like that. I   actually really love the word humble, it speaks to  the values of the cookie company, and I like the   colors because they remind me of warm butter,  so I'm going to go ahead and choose that one,   and then click next. Next is where the magic  starts to happen. Wix provides us with three   designs we can choose from for our cookie website.  Because we said earlier, we are a cookie website,   they've pulled in a lot of images of cookies.  They've also gone ahead and used the humble   color scheme we selected with the light yellowish  color and the purple. We really like the one on   the left because it just really appeals to me, all  the cookies laid out like that and talking about   what we bake. So, I'm going to select this one and  click next. Next Wix asks us if we want to add any   pages to our website. I think I want to add a  couple, I'll start with about us, I think that   one is important. I don't have catering services;  I'll ignore that one for now. You can always come   back and add pages later if you want to, so you  don't have to get married to whatever you're   choosing right now. Our team, I love it, there's  nothing more narcissistic than a business that   talks about itself. I'll do that one as well and  then I will click next down below at the bottom.   Congratulations, your site is up and running  just like we talked about in the beginning of the   video. It required no coding. You can go and look  at it right now if you want, but I still have a   couple things I want to do to make it my own, like  add some sections and change text. So, to do that   I'll go to the editor. Next Wix will drop you into  something they call the editor that has a preview   of your beautiful website here in the middle. This  is the area where you can edit text and you can   change out the images or even move sections around  if you'd like or change the layout. And boy there   are a lot of delicious looking cookies, might be  break time for me. Also, on the left side of the   screen you have a lot of icons such as add apps,  site design, and add elements. You don't have to   know what all of those are right now, but we  will go over some of those in just a little   bit. For now, though I think I'm going to want  to start by editing the text on the home page.   To edit the text, we see here you just double  click, and it'll zoom you into 100% and then   you will have to double click again to highlight  all of the text. And I noticed that the text that   we have right here isn't fitting neatly onto  the page. We have this errant you just sitting   down at the bottom. So, I want to change that font  size. I'm going to scroll that down to about 62,   but I also want to change the text itself because  this isn't the message that we want to have at   the Kevin Cookie Company. So, I'm going to say  deliciousness in every bite. Then I'm going to try   some different fonts as well. You know I actually  think Avenir Light would be good. Yeah, that looks   nice. And I'm going to italicize it. And once I've  chosen what I like I can just click out and then   zoom out again to see if it looks good. Yeah, that  looks pretty good so I will keep that. I see below   that the image in the hero carousel is of macaroon  cookies and while they are delicious, they are not   the ones that built this billion-dollar business,  so, I will go ahead and change these. So first   I'll have to zoom in because that's how you edit  things and text and images in Wix. I'll click on   the image which brings up a little menu that says  change images which is exactly what I want to do.   I'll click on that. I can see here all of the  images that are contained within our carousel.   We can replace any of these images with our own.  You can add more images at any time you like if   you'd like to have a huge carousel. I just want to  reorder these. Let's see there's a chocolate chip   here. That's the really profitable one. I will  move that to the front and move the macaroon to   the back. I like the order here. I will just click  done in the bottom right and take a look at it.   It does look quite appetizing. I'm going to zoom  out see how that looks on the page. I think this   represents our cookie company much better. Matches  the image of our logo above. I think I'll stick   with this. I'm going to zoom in one more time just  to show you the additional controls you have with   images. Once you zoom in and then after you click  on the image it will bring up a new little toolbar   here. Previously we clicked on change images. This  time I want to use the gear icon to change some of   the settings. You can see some of the advanced  settings that you can use in here. Additionally,   we have this design paintbrush logo. You can click  this, and it will allow you to change out of the   slider setup you currently have for your photos.  You can change it to a grid, or you can change it   to a different kind of slider. Anything you'd  like really. It's also cool that with Wix any   element can be edited so if you have text or  video, and you double click on it when you're   zoomed in you will get a similar style toolbar  where you can customize anything you'd like to.   From this area you can also drag the photo up  or down and reposition it if you'd like but I'm   actually pretty happy with it so I'm just going to  leave it as is. Now that we've tweaked our site a   little bit and made edits to the images and text,  I want to zoom out to show you what sections are.   Each website is made up of sections. Here we  have our welcome section, our product section,   and contact us, and opening hours. Whenever you  hover over a section, you'll notice on the right   side there's a toolbar that appears. This allows  you to move sections up or down so if I want   to move the contact us section up here, I can do  that. I can also use the quick edit button to make   quick changes where I can change the background  colors, things like that and I can also change the   layout of the section if I want. I'll click add  section and once that opens up, you'll see a whole   menu of different types of sections you can add.  So, a contact section which has information to get   in contact with you, a welcome section, things  like that. I'm going to add a video so I know   I'm going to use the basic form because it's blank  and I can add the video easiest to a blank area.   To do that I will grab this and drag and drop  it to the part of my website where I want to   put it. I think I'll put it near the top so that  people can really get in the vibe of getting into   cookies. Now that we've added a basic section to  our website where we're going to add our video,   I wanted to talk briefly about elements because  our video itself is going to be an element and   sections are like containers that hold different  kinds of elements. You can always add elements   from the top left-hand part of the screen.  Anything can be an element really like text,   images, buttons, strips, lots of different things  are considered elements by Wix. We want to do a   video so we're going to go over here and select  YouTube and this bam puts in a nice YouTube video   for us. We just have to change the address which  we will do next. By the address I mean the URL   address of our YouTube video where the commercial  is hosted. Just like earlier with our image   controls, you'll note that the video also has  the same customizable controls. You can click in   them for more advanced options. All I want to do  right now is change the video even though this one   looks very nice. I want our cookie video to be put  in here so I will change the URL, post in ours and   there it is. Now that I've changed out our video  to the cookie commercial, I'm going to move this   down by dragging and dropping it, give it a little  more space and then I want to add a new element up   here. I'm going to add some text, so I'll go  over to the top left, go to the element area,   choose some themed text and I'm going to apply  heading 2. That looks good. I'll put it right   here, oh it started down there. I want to move  it up and I'm going to type in made from the best   ingredients. I feel like that's a little large  and kind of overbearing. It doesn't work well so   I'm going to highlight this and go back to the top  right here under the text settings and change the   theme to something smaller like heading 5. That  looks much better. I'm going to stick with this.   Now that we've added everything I want like the  ingredients and the video, I'm going to zoom out   just to see how things look. Actually, that looks  pretty good so far. The only thing I think I might   want is to add a social section down here because  we do have quite a following so I think I'll do   that next and add an element. I'm going to add  the social element to the footer at the very   bottom and the footer is a special thing because  it appears on every single page. I'm going to go   up to elements again and I'm going to click and  find social and here what's really cool that they   do is that Wix allows you to drag an entire social  bar down to the bottom, so you don't actually have   to add them company by company. It allows you to  center it with a nice purple line again. I let go   and there it is. And just like with every other  element within the Wix design editor, the social   bar has a nice little area where you can customize  things. If you click on set social links, you can   put in the address to all of your different social  media accounts. If you don't have any of these for   your particular business, you can remove them or  you can choose to rearrange how they appear in the   social bar. Once you've done that, you could go  down to the bottom and click done. Just like you   can add elements and sections, you can also delete  them. I have been getting a lot of grief from my   boss Kevin here at the Kevin Cookie Company about  the negative feedback we've been receiving from   customers. So, I'm going to delete the contact us  section. You can do that by the menu or if you're   getting really advanced, you can use the hotkeys.  And now you can see the section is gone. Next,   I'm going to zoom out and scroll to the very top  of our site. Here we can see different areas that   are called pages. We have home, about us, and our  team. I feel like those are a little light. You   can actually scroll up to the left here and click  into them to see where they are. Here we have   the about us page. We want to add a page for FAQ  because we've been getting a lot of questions from   customers, and we just like to have them resolved  right here on our website. I'm going to use the   pages and menu area, the icon here, and I'm going  to click into that so that we can add a new page.   To add a new page, I'm just going to click this  blue add page icon, and here you can see that   Wix provides us a lot of easy and ready to go  page templates that we can use, but I just want   to have a blank page. Next, I'm going to change  the name of my page to FAQ. I can also rearrange   these any way I want. I can put it up here,  or actually I want it at the very end here,   or I can put it under as a sub menu, and if you  change it, you will also notice it moves around   up here. So again, if I move this under the home  area, the FAQ will move over here. I can also,   if I don't like it, I can click into the three  ellipses or three dots and then scroll all the   way to the bottom and hit delete. I can also  duplicate it if I want to have multiple kinds of   the same page. For now, I think this looks pretty  good. Again, I'm going to move FAQ to the back and   then I am going to close out. For my FAQ page, I  don't just want static text that stays the same   for as long as the website is in existence.  And Wix has devised something that's pretty   cool. They have these things called apps, which  act like widgets that you can put on your site,   and they actually have one for FAQs and they also  have it for a bunch of other things like payments.   You can even have a full-fledged store. This is  their app store where you can come in and you   can choose apps to add to your site. I'm going  to look for an FAQ app and see what they have.   I see that they have one provided  by them. I'm going to click on that,   and it says right there, add to site. It's free to  install. They're not going to charge me anything   to do so, so I'll click it. And now it's added my  FAQs app or module, if you want to call it that,   and it offers a more dynamic experience than just  the standard text. And you can actually manage   all of that in this dashboard area they have.  You can set up which questions are answered and   what order you want them to appear. Now that  we have our FAQ section added to the website,   there are just two more icons I want to call out  from the left-hand toolbar here. They are site   design. This one's important because it allows  you to change the look and feel of your website.   You can change the background colors and the  fonts as well as page transitions. Second,   there is the media icon, which allows you to  upload Google photos or any kind of images from   your Instagram as well as logos you might want to  upload yourself. You could also buy images from   Wix. They provide free images, but they also sell  images through partnerships such as Shutterstock.   I feel like I'm done making changes to the  website. It's in a pretty good place. I want   to go ahead and take a look at what other people  will be seeing. I want to preview this, so I'm   going to scroll up here and click on the preview  button. Once you've hit preview, Wix does a really   smart thing and shows you two ways to look at  it. You can look at it as if you are on a desktop   computer, which obviously means laptop or desktop  with a monitor as well as on a mobile device. So,   this is what it looks like on a desktop right  now, but I'm still on the FAQ page. I'd like to   see what the homepage looks like, so I'm going  to click home. This actually looks really nice.   The images are loading. We have our social bar.  The hours are there. I really like the way this   has turned out. I also want to see what it looks  like on a mobile device, so I'll go up here and   click this tiny little phone icon and just like  that it pops up with what it will look like on   an iPhone or Android device. The other really  cool thing is they provide you with a unique QR   code that you could actually hold your phone up  and take a picture of so you can see it in your   hand on your phone. I think our site looks really  professional. I think it's ready to be published   so everyone can see it. I'm going to do the  really big task here, the one we've all been   working towards, and I'm going to hit the publish  button. Hey, look at that. Your site is live. It's   up and running. You'll notice you have a Wix URL  here. We're going to go ahead and click view site.   There's a banner up at the top for Wix, but  everything looks really nice and professional.   If you don't want this banner up at the  top or the Wix URL, you can upgrade to a   different type of plan, so let's go to the  dashboard and take a look at how we can do   that. Here we are back in the Wix dashboard  area. You can see we're on the free plan,   which gives us our Wix website address. If you  want to have your own custom address or you want   to get rid of that banner that was at the top  of your site, you can feel free to upgrade to   one of their various business plans at any point,  but there's no pressure to do so. And there you   have it. We've built and baked a new website for  the Kevin Cookie Company. I hope it drives a lot   smore orders and really butters up our gross  margin. All right, that was bad, but for more   videos like this one, please consider liking and  subscribing, and we will see you in the next one.