Transcript for:
Family Dispute on Inheritance and Property

dad gave you a gun and he gave Steve a gun and he said the rest were to be sold and split between us yes he did I have it in so why did you take you took the one you just took three of the very best ons and took off yes so why is that why is that any different because Dad left me two guns and nobody there could tell me and then all my ammunition was gone and nobody would say one word I don't know anything about it okay then who's been in here good freaking question so so who else would take that ammunition the green boxes my AK and all that who else would be in there I have no idea okay then we need to get fingerprint because something is [ __ ] going on that's not right well I know Dad did a I want to get in I want to get in here cuz I'm freezing do you have a I know how to do it okay Rene I'm going put you on speaker I have a battery how long how long you think is it no I got a jimm yet Rhonda I got a jimm I got cuz I do well I can we put a battery in cuz I got a gym yet what do you mean you got to open it up yeah okay how long were they okay and that means Steve doesn't come either she comes by herself cuz Steve doesn't come in the house either no Rene Rhonda Steve has been a party of our family no no no no we're not changing the rules it's either the three of us it's either the three of us well you you're not twisting the rules three of us can handle this it's either Rosco Rond and Renee go in there if Steve comes he's staying out here he is no it's either no you're not telling me that I'm not bringing somebody in and Renee is no I will have the police here in 3 seconds or not I own a third of this home I am locked out of it I've I've been accused of breaking in it no we didn't accuse you you sat there and said come on you're twisting the word see you're adding another word I didn't I said you said we suspect because we don't have anyone else that would do it and it's very different it's very different than accusing you so to suspect me we didn't know who what what else would we think so so why didn't you call me because I blocked you Rene Renee called me and said you know what her first words out of her mouth were what you're going to pay for the [ __ ] door and the garage door that you broke in and I the first I heard of it and I said what are you talking about that's exactly how she started put her on speaker because let's hear if you're going to speak the truth okay okay and then let's go back exactly and then and then you accused Max of taking the gun you remember that Max did take the gun no no no no I have your text no it was the railroad gun and you said it was gone and you had photos of it and You' had been there and you were in there taking pictures of it see how you T see how you twist not Twisted anything Greg if I need you to listen to please I'm I'm hearing everything you accused Max of taking the railroad gun no I I have it in text accused him of taking that the small gun out of his truck I know he took it dad told me okay okay first of all it was out of the yellow car okay and Matt he did not that was a different that was a totally different thing listen to me listen it was parking the garage Matt came to me and said I have to go tell Grandpa that I KCK the gun okay then then okay and then you know what my dad told me he said Ma has been I didn't realize Max been giving me gold and diamond stuff in and he said he's been trying to make up for that me your police have been in there and taken Stu before and this is the first time anybody has ever come to him and told him that he took something and he's trying to make it right okay and then let's go back against the wall mom gave me that 20 some years ago I had it in with my I don't have what you don't you don't know about this Oh Renee you didn't tell Rosco about the watch what watch are we talking about she told me that that's not true that's not true 2015 Max was 15 years old dad came over for Thanksgiving I sat Max down Remington and I had Max tell him dad said dad said to him you know this is a really hard lesson for you to learn and you need to learn this and Dad dealt with it then so why would why would somebody bring up pictures on dad's death B you did Renee you did listen guys why dad didn't know have any jewelry I told Rhonda none of this freaking Matters from this day forward no you on dad's death on dad's death listen to me dad had anxiety you know what he said to me you know what he said to me is this what max deals with he said I need to talk to him I don't know how he's dealt with us do you know that dad asked for Max to come and they talked and that's called him Rhonda Renee all I'm trying to do is listen on dad's death bed my dad's death bed why would he bring up the okay then you what else you did and you what else you [Music] did then then then then he sent a picture of the gold chain and I had it on I have it so you think listen on dad's death bed he gave it to you yes so enjoy it but she sent me a picture saying it was stolen and sold why okay can I ask you something why does this what matter mus it doesn't matter I I don't give a [ __ ] about it Rene only okay okay I have every okay I'm going to show you some text okay I'm going to show you Rene's text and that'll show you okay okay I'm going to I'm going to show you I'm going to show you the truth okay okay will you read them yeah okay can we go one more to war okay I have some really eye opening [ __ ] for you Rhonda it doesn't change it does Rosco it shows that I'm not the one lying well what am iying about you pulled up the watch in the thing on dad's death bed I never dad was di okay okay Renee I have all the text I've said I've got too I've got too Renee Renee has never hidden anything for me that I know of that I know of and I've also okay Len I'm not I'm not I'm not doing this I'm not doing this let me in the house let me get my lamp I'm not doing this she is not in control no okay so so if she's not here sh stop hang up and I'm going to have a private conversation with you and I'm going to show you in the voice I'm not if you don't want to see it I want to I want to see anything but I want I'm not doing this Rosco I am a human being Rhonda what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to be calm Collective and I'm just trying to tr to show you the truth and she won't allow it so let's just say Renee we'll call you back allow me to go in there get the lamp and let me show you I'm pleasing cold and I will show you I own a third of that house too yeah please open the door let's go Greg I want Greg to come in to be a witness I need you in here please please please please [Music] please what I'm going to show you something just family just family Renee then then then turn the phone off she's a part of I get to have a private conversation with you and I'm going to show you we can have a private conversation I'm okay with that I would then I'll keep the information to myself no if you don't want to hear it then then I'm not doing it this way you're going to go just get the camera right now you guys are going to have to get a mediator I'm this we're not I'm not open it up just I want to go in I want please I don't camera on I will we go to probate that's it probate open the door no I'm I'm probating it only takes one it only takes one and Ronda you know how to get in this house that's the you just said you had to Jimmy it no you know how you Ronnie you know how to do this go I just said and you go give me a second I got a gim because you got to take this off okay that's all okay I'm just waiting but you know the code you can do I know but I'm cold I'm just saying you're doing it you Jim it go let's go that's that's that right all I did was open I know that but you pulled out your knife and you said let me do that yes I don't have a knife there's no I'm not I'm not sh going on with this look me look I didn't say that okay I said just let's go in I'm freezing yeah I'm I'm not I'm not afraid of my safety um thank you thank thank you um thank you what am I going to do to him Renee Renee said Ros should leave because he's afraid for his s that's Renee come on stop the tri I you know you know only only see you know how to get in I know I thought we were just standing here you just put the battery on I didn't there's no secrets do this R that's not what I was saying I was waiting and you go wait a minute I'll Jimmy in we were just talking I said let's go in that's not what I said Rosco grab your lamps I'm starving okay okay so I want to have a key so why where is the damage to this look look at look what they look okay so what is that somebody broke in they crowbar somebody crowbar this door on the outside and bit it and broke it completely off Grant you this is down here how did they crowbar from like it's been completely ripped ripped off how did they from the outside well you can see the damage outside if you go look no I didn't [Music] okay okay okay so can I ask you have you called this side to see if anybody's did you call that guy and ask if any strange cars in here no I'm not talking to any neighbors cuz I'm not sure I don't I don't know that and remember when I said that you need to change your lock and you said this is at safe my neighbor and I said I don't know who that person is I don't know who that girl is I don't know anybody and I said dad has a lot of friends Renee and I were in the back and Judy walked what you guys haven't recorded that I guess some recorded [ __ ] up yeah it is who called the police well I'm glad they're here who called the police I don't know but I'm sure glad they're here maybe a neighbor okay guys we would like to have a mediator um it's a family argument oh did you call the cops no BR I'm standing here talking to you what who called them well she would like to my father has passing away who called you guys I can check okay can we go inside with yeah but this is the weirdest oh my that's going they come in I'm going to this may just be a title this whole de but I'm assuming this is a civil matter who is the owner of the property no left all three of them is there some will or some paperwork that we agre that we all know that right no there's no paperwork I don't have paperwork no I don't either but nobody's claiming to have such we do have it in we do have it it is not a okay my sister has the paperwork I mean I'm not going to get in between the Civil matter if so the the paperwork even may not be here it says that what does it split between his three blood or R and Rene okay so feeling all that what's the deal today I'm [Music] sorry Father okay is there is there a will no there is not no will and and the thing is somebody broken into the house I reported it and they thought it was me we didn't we didn't we said we we don't it had to be somebody that knew knew something I'm no lawyer and I don't want to give you legal advice but this is just me got seen half my family you guys need to come to some kind of if you go to the course tell you they'll put it in Probate you'll lose everything you okay with that because it's such a triangle and they're accusing me and stuff that I just can't I haven't been here I live in Fairway I have a car that wouldn't even make it why would I come police amen I didn't call you yeah we're just trying to settle her my brother if I was I just contact we're trying we're trying to get we we've just been trying to keep the house secure I here you remember that you remember when Dad pull the nurses that I not going to get in the middle of I just L IAL stupid I I I don't even know what the hell is going on I just came get yeah the shff matter expain would like to have a key to the house you have the only key and we're going to go get a key made and I want a key you can have a key made for for too we should all have there should not be one person locked out you told you earlier that we would do that Friday or Satur okay but I'm here now Ros and I can go have the keys made no we'll all do that together I'm not there we will have a key made for you and I'll drop it off uh any still here you guys I'm good I appreciate it very much thank you I hate that people waste your time let's just go I'm going to get I I don't need this I just I don't care let's do this as a family can we Rhonda just please we want to do it as a family all three of us we're all three of we're all together you don't want to hear what I have to say I do but I want to see L to me you do all the Talking you can't attack this the only one that's been attacked right now do you know that look somebody broke in Renee everybody's calm accept you please calm down I am calm nobody's listening it's really weird somebody here so I am going to take the records though and I do need the case back for that because that's why I have them cuz they're peachers records and tastes I will take those cuz they're just sitting there but all I want has well you take one of the you know what guess what keep it it's pizza you know what I didn't know that and I'm good don't worry about I'm more than happy to give it to you 100% no but just it's from piz's records and tapes and enjoy it I'm totally fine I don't need it I just Ed I don't want it I just Ed it to carry something I carry it in my train well that's kind of cool I don't I don't have a purpose for it I would rather if you had if you like it and I would rather you have it I would much rather you have it okay okay but I'm not really worried about that okay but when I came in here Rhonda I just where's the lamp that's all I want to do is get the lamps these I wanted to get these right here these old ugly she's taking she's taking the lamps that she was going to and then I decided Renee um I'm going to keep the chair that Dad set in because I'm going to sell it with the dining room set no Renee I bought it and I paid for it and I paid I bought it and can I say something I can here here lies the problem everybody claims ownership to something I bought but we want to be fair I bought it for Dad he always wanted this and I showed up and I surprised him we all want to be fair and you want things I want things I'm I'm going to I'm going to sell this and I'm going to sell it with the tables and stuff so this I did buy and I can tell you exactly where I bought it and I do have a receipt in that and I'm going yeah I am going to sell it am I am going to sell that and this chair goes with it so if if you know somebody who'd like to buy it I'm not going to sell it for a whole lot okay but I did buy this we're we're not objecting to anything like that you can buy it Renee if you want all your I don't want to talk about it again all your okay you you got to understand that we're we're trying to work this out as a family and we're all I've been trying I've been trying the whole time Rene is triangulating it but you attend when you R you attacked us the reason I the reason I scred you off is because you attack you know why I attacked do you want why no I don't know why you attack me you attacked myself and my family and that's why I turned the phone off and that's because that's what she does and I don't want to do that all I want to do is settle the estate and I just want to be fair about it and I want everybody to have this this was from this is from this is from it's from an we got I'm just going to get the other lamp and then I'm going to take this cuz that's mine too okay I I don't have any object well you guys think these lamps are hideous right well you guys you think these are hideous right why is this freaking light on what light so you guys are okay with me taking these layouts yes why do you guys think they're so hideous I don't think they're hideous I'm glad you like them I don't want the lamp trades got I leave the lamp trades well no they're yours too they're a package deal I mean we we have to do we have to get rid of all this I know I just don't want I don't want if somebody came in here but when you can I say something these are from reallyy I know they are and I love them and if somebody took them I would be really upset I love them but listen when you start threatening us and saying you're going to do a probate and you're going to do all I am but what I'm saying is I could but we don't have to why do you why would you want to lose everything that dad's fought that's all that is it's an attack against us it's not it's just not right the the so can I show you what Renee did you can I show you yes turn the light on okay where's the best light can I face T me r No I don't want her in this this is between you and I and I'm going to show you and if it's not then it is the truth and it's your writing if you don't want to do it then I'll keep it to myself well Rhonda I don't hide anything for I I'm not having this here if she wants to show up by herself we can sit down and talk well the best she can do right now is be on the phone I'm not then I'm not doing it right now okay we can have a conversation later if you want to have a private conversation with me I mean can I not have a PR do you not have private conversation yes so then I'm asking to have a private conversation with you and we will that's exactly what I'm that's exactly what I'm okay and I think can I say something yep I've wanted to have a private conversation with you all along but you attack me and I and I stop not say anything let's just do you understand r i don't have secrets I'm I am an I am a I'm a complete open plate and I'm going to take the red thing I guess I'll do something with it um but that's my rocker that I'm supposed to have I don't what the [ __ ] am I going to do with it it's a it's a rocker that was from gy and it was given to you and Renee no it was given to me from Grandpa it's and Johnny got one too so this is mine I really don't want it if somebody else had a special thing for it but I'm going to take it cuz I don't want anybody to steal it and see and this is the part that Renee wanted to be here but this has been mine and Johnny got one at the same time what is it's the it's the little bitty rocker child rocker it's yes it's always been mine but guess what can I say something my judgement right Rene can I say something I'm just taking it to my house so it doesn't get stollen somebody else later cuz it really it was from Grand went bought him for Christmas and Johnny so somebody like one of the grand kids or whatever I'm just taking it cuz I don't want it to do does that make sense yes you don't have to take it today well I'm just just going to take that stuff and that's it because if that disappeared I think we'd all be upset no everybody don't fight Renee don't fight no just just calm down we're going to we're going to work this out just please I just want to work this out that's all I want to do okay so I just want the lamps and then that floor lamp and then let's just go back here real quick and the other thing somebody broke in this house and they broke this freaking door here and no no cuz you guys broke remember the handle fell off when you were going down there but no whoever came in this house tried to get hit here no but remember this fell off when we were going down there do but I'm telling you when I came in here after broke out somebody tried to get get down there and they stopped what do you mean they tried to get down here this was laying on the floor have you how do you know they didn't go down there because the door was broke I'm guessing I don't know I I could not find anything stolen there's nothing in this house that's been taken I think that's really [ __ ] weird I know it's okay can I say something this could it have been somebody that stayed all night here or something like a Ronda I have no idea and it's just got me okay very nervous okay can I say something this is a really big concern I drive by this house every single day okay so I didn't do it you didn't do it Renee didn't do it okay so this is serious [ __ ] it is that's why I'm here all the freaking time that's why I practically live in this house well and then I just want to say too I want the air compressor just cuz it was it's really mine but I'll tell you why you didn't buy it I did buy it no I'll tell G tell you this is what happened Dad true I know the listen I borrowed that air compressor okay and it broke so the guy that was working on my house had a warranty on his I took that one back and I got it from the warranty and I got it the one the one you borrowed from Dad was mine well okay okay but I went and bought another one dad borrowed it from me and it broke and he bought a new one to replace it okay so I bought one and dad was bitching and I the one I bought is brought back here's the one I bought and I do have a receipt for it so then what did Dad do with the one that he had that's the only one he ever had and I can about it I I know but I do have the receipt for it so Dad kept giving me hard time cuz when my car got stolen he kept saying it was in the back there and it wasn't dad had one and the cord broke okay dad never owned the dut he never owned red the red okay okay so then okay so then this okay this this then he lint that to me yes and it broke well but down there and then my guy had the same one and he had a warranty so I took it back to Lowe's and they gave me a brand new one okay so then I brought it here and and I don't know what happened to it but I had one here and I have the receipt cuz I bought it so what did Dad do with no I have the doughnut because I had to borrow it when all this [ __ ] was going on I had to run out of here with air compressor and I had it because I needed it to blow air through a gas line well and I had other choice gu I just need to borrow it for a little bit and if you want it back or you know what it would think it was $158 it's $100 it's $99 but I did buy one and I have it because Dad kept telling me that his got and I'm said it didn't but Rhonda let me tell you that okay but there is there is another though I did have that silver thing down there that sucker thing and you know how I got that was when my house leaked they left it there and I gave it to Dad I don't even know what you're talking about they shot back okay but so anyway I can't believe they did didn't touch okay so I will say this see this stuff dad had this stuff like all lined up like this well I may have moved it when I took the air compressor no no no cuz I looked at it the other day and it was still lined up I opened it up because the air compressor was gone other day what do you mean well um when we were in here last time when was the last time I was here with you guys when was I don't know what was so what I did Rosco is I just opened it up and I thought gosh he had everything so lined up and I didn't touch anything so this was like this but you see the indentions in the carpet where right there next to the screwdriver that's where the air compressor was okay but what I'm saying is somebody did no no no no no after the air compressor was gone after no no no no no no no I just when we were here I just happened to open it up and look the air compressor was gone but what I'm saying is he had these lined up so somebody's had I'm not saying you this was after the air compressor so somebody had to open this because I looked and he had him just lined up so perfectly and that's what I remember but the air compressor was gone so whoever did has moved they've moved them cuz they Rosco it was just like it was like this well it was like there's there's a lot of things around here nobody understands you got to you got to admit that and nobody really cares about stuff no I'm just saying if somebody was in here who who I don't even know what this is something it's a drill oh okay oh oh it's a Sal it's a Sal it's a it's a saber uh jigs salt I can't think what it's called I have a battery powerder but it's it's worthless well I know but I just can't believe dad would have Makita you I mean that's why I saying the the picture what the Jesus about the picture on the wall is the most valuable thing in this closet take it that that is the most valuable thing in this house is that who do you think did those who do you think did those mom I guess I sat and put these things together and I put them both on the wall well thank you for that but but what I'm saying is if they're they I age and I would dad took the other one down cuz I sat here and like if you really want to know can I say something I did them in a theme I put a lot of [ __ ] thought into these they tell a story okay it's like look through the age group I know see do you see what I I did it like all the look all it's in chronological order look do you see this look and then I also made sure that I had the same amount of children children for everybody do you see I didn't want there to be one more than anybody else do you see do you see I balanced this all look at this yes and the point I'm trying to make Rhonda yeah out of all this [ __ ] this is what matters the family I I I agree the family is what matters I agree I agree I agree but look at this can I show you this van go can I show you this van go you can show me anything you want it's beautiful can you believe mom had that framed professionally but I'm telling you that's what's important you know and us three have to come together and settle all this but Renee also has to be honest she will be honest she is honest I believe her I we are all from this point forward we got to be honest and we got to forget the past I've been honest from the very beginning and Rene even said to me she goes I promise I'll be honest with you from this point forward Renee also said to me she said what do we do when they divide us she said she said what do we do when they start to divide us because they'll start saying bad things about me and they'll start saying bad things about you and this is what I told her I will never say one bad thing about you and that you can beg you have said bad things about me I'm talking about Renee okay Renee and I had a conversation and she said to me when they start to divide us how will we know and I said I will never say one bad word I have not said anything bad about her yes you have what you've said lots of bad things about Rene the truth Ronda you've said bad things about Renee I've only said the truth what name one bad thing say one bad thing what have I said think you better get the and get out all there together