A is for apple a a apple A is for apple a a a b is for butterfly BB butterfly B is for butterfly BBB C is for cookie c c cookie C is for cookie c c c d is for dolin d d dolphin D is for Dolphin d d d e is for elephant e e elephant e is for elephant e e [Music] e f is for fire truck f- F fire truck F is for f truck f- f f g is for guitar gg- guitar G is for guitar GG H is for hat H h- hat H is for hat h h h i is for ice cream i i ice cream I is for ice cream i i i j is for jelly J J jelly J is for jelly j j [Music] j k is for kitten c c kitten K is for kitten c c c L is for lion l l lion L is for lion l l l m is for monkey m m monkey M is for monkey M M M M is for Nast n n Nast M is for Nast n n n o is for ostrich o o ostrich O is for ostrich o o [Music] oh p is the Penguin p p penguin P is for penguin p p p q is for queen qu- qu- queen Q is for Queen quq qu R is for Robert r r Robert R is for Robert r r r f is for Sun s s Sun s is for Sun s Sun T is for turtle t t Turtle T is a turtle T [Music] T U is for umbrella ah a umbrella U is for umbrella a V is for volcano v v volcano V is for volcano V v v w is for whale w w whale w is for whale w w x is for xylophone xylophone X is for xylophone Y is for yellow y y yellow Y is for yellow y y y z is for Zebra z z Zebra z is for zebra [Applause] [Music] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 o n e [Music] 1 2 T wo [Music] 2 three t h r e e three four f o u r four five f i v e five six s IX six seven [Music] s s e v e n Seven 8 e i g h t 8 nine n i n e nine 10 t e n [Music] 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Music] [Music] e amp an B bird [Music] bird see [Music] car [Music] car D dice [Music] dice e [Music] elf Elf [Music] F fox fox [Music] G [Music] goat [Music] goat h heart [Music] heart I iren [Music] IR [Music] J [Music] Joker Joker [Music] [Music] K [Music] Kum [Music] Kum [Music] ow l blwn [Music] blwn m [Music] her [Music] Mouse her [Music] Mouse M nut a nut oh onion onion [Music] [Music] p pencil pencil [Music] cute [Music] quack quack [Music] R [Music] ring [Music] ring s star wow the [Music] star T [Music] truck truck [Music] you up up [Music] [Music] we Wen Wen [Music] [Music] W [Music] whale [Music] whale x x [Music] X why y you you you [Music] [Music] Z Zilla Zilla oh walls these are pink o walls a pink truck comes here and Pickups the oall let's see what is the object matches the oval shape oh egg [Music] this is a neck egg shape and El shape are about the same triangle orange triangle an orange truck comes here and pick up the triangle let's see what is the object match is the [Music] triangle triangle cheese a yellow cheese cheese shape matches the triangle [Music] shape rectangles green rectangles are here a green truck comes here and P pick up the rectangle let's see what is the object matches the [Music] rectangle rectangles l l is a rectangle shape squares blue squares a blue truck comes here and pick up the square let's see what is the object matches the square [Music] shape Square [Music] clock clock shape and square shape are about the [Music] [Applause] same octagon these are yellow octagons a yellow truck comes here and pick up the Octagon let's see what is the object matches the octagon shape [Music] [Applause] octagon octagon has eight sides 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the octagon has eight sides spider web P WB shape matches the octagon shape let's go to the next shape heart these are red hearts a red truck comes here and pick up the heart let's see what is the object matches the heart [Music] shape hard lollipop this lollipop is a heart shap Stars these are purple stars a purple truck comes here and pick up the star let's see what is the object matches the star shape star starfish starfish shape matches the star shape Pentagon these are great pentagons a great truck comes here and pick up the Pentagon let's see what is the object matches the pentagon [Music] shape Pentagon pentagons have five sides 1 2 3 4 and [Music] five pentagons have five sides house house is a pentagon shape Circle these are brown circle brown truck comes here and pick up the circle let's see what is the object matches the circle shape Circle wheel is a circle shape hexagon these are black hexagon a black truck comes here and pick up the hexagon let's see what is the object matches the hexagon shap hexagon hexagon has six sides 1 2 3 4 five and six the hexagon has six sides warning sign warning sign matches the hexagon shape ruses these are white ruses a white truck comes here and pick up the rumus let's see what is the object matches the Rus shape ruses kite kite is a Rus [Music] shape tomato t o m a t o [Music] tomato onions o n i o n onion [Music] potato p o t a t o potato beans b e a n s [Music] beans okra o c r a okra excellent e g g p l a n d carrot c a r r o d [Music] Carr redish r a d i s h radish garlic g a r l i c garlic ginger g i n g e r Ginger pumpkin p u m p k i n pumpkin cabbage C a b b a g e [Applause] cabbage letuce l e t t u c e lettuce broccoli b r o c c o l i broccoli cauliflower c a u l i f l o w e r [Music] cauliflower this is number one there is one cookie so delicious this is number two there are two lions one and two here we have number [Music] three there are three robots one 2 and three this is number four there are four dinosaurs 1 2 3 and four this is number five there are five pandas 1 2 3 4 and five and here we have number six there are six cars 1 2 3 4 5 and six this is number seven there are seven flying fitches 1 2 3 4 5 6 and 7even number eight is this one hair there are eight bees one 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 this is number nine there are nine Birds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and nine this is the number 10 there are 10 aliens one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 a apple a a apple [Music] a alligator a a [Applause] [Music] alligator B bug BB bug b ball BB [Music] ball C cat C C cat C cake CK kick d dog d d [Music] dog D dock D D Duck [Music] [Applause] e egg e e [Music] egg e l e [Music] l f forg f f [Music] for f food f f food [Music] [Applause] [Music] g go gg- [Music] g g guitar G good [Applause] [Music] guitar it hat hat H hamster hamster I insect e e insect I iguana e e [Music] [Applause] iguana J jet J J Jad J Joker J J [Music] Joker K Kid K Kid K King K King [Music] [Applause] L line L L line L log l l [Applause] log M M M M [Music] M um monkey mm monkey m not [Music] nnn and Nest NN [Applause] [Music] Nest oh olives oh oh [Music] olives oh octopus oh o [Music] octopus P penguin p p penguin P piz P P [Applause] [Music] Pizza Q Quil c c Quil Q Queen c c [Music] [Applause] Queen R rocket R [Music] rocket R Ron Ron and s sailor s [Music] sailor s Sun SS [Applause] [Music] Sun T tiger t t [Applause] tiger t t t t t [Music] you up H uh up you umbrella ah a [Music] [Applause] umbrella we went w w [Music] round we went vegetables v v [Music] vegetables W wagon v v wagon W water v v water X fox fox [Music] xbx [Music] [Applause] box y yarn you y [Applause] yarn y y y y y z Zebra z z Zebra z zipper z z zipper A is for apple a a apple A is for apple a a a b is for butterfly BB butterfly B is for butterfly BBB C is for cookie c c cookie C is for cookie c c c d is for Dolphin d d dolphin D is for Dolphin d d d e is for elephant e e elephant e is for elephant e e [Music] e app is for fire truck f f fire truck F is for fire truck f- f- f g is for guitar gg- guitar G is for guitar GG H is for hat h- H hat H is for hat h h h i is for ice cream i i ice cream I is for ice cream i i i j is for jelly j j j J J is for jell j j [Music] j k is for kitten c c kitten K is for kitten c c l is for lion l l lion L is for lion l l l m is for monkey m m monkey M is for monkey m m m n is foress n Ness n is finess n n n o is for ostrich o oh ostrich O is for ostrich o oh [Music] oh p is the Penguin p p penguin P is for penguin p p p q is for queen quq Queen Q is for Queen quq qu R is for Robert r r rot R is for Robert r r r s is for Sun s s Sun s is for Sun s Sun T is for turtle t t Turtle T is for Turtle T [Music] U is for umbrella ah a umbrella U is for umbrella ah a V is for volcano v v volcano V is for volcano v v v w is for whale w w whale w is for whale w w w x is for xylophone xylophone X is for xylophone Y is for yellow y y yellow Y is for yellow y y z is for Zebra z z Zebra z is for Zebra z z [Music] z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 o n e [Music] 1 two t wo 2 [Music] three t h r e e three four f o u r four five f i v e five six s i x 6 seven s e v e n s eight e i g h T 8 nine n i n e 9 10 t e n [Music] 10 1 2 [Music] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [Music] 10 a [Music] amp amp B bird bird [Music] [Music] see [Music] car car [Music] D [Music] dice dice [Music] e [Music] elf [Music] elf f [Music] fox [Music] fox g [Music] goat goat [Music] Bo H heart heart [Music] I iron Iran [Music] J [Music] Joker [Music] Joker k [Music] Kum [Music] Kum ow lawn [Music] lawn M or [Music] mouse or Mouse [Music] M nut nut oh onion onion pee pencil [Music] pencil cute quack [Music] quack [Music] R [Music] ring ring [Music] s star the star [Music] [Music] T [Music] truck truck you [Music] up [Music] [Music] up wee Ren [Music] [Music] Wen [Music] w [Music] whale whale [Music] x [Music] x x [Music] [Music] why y you y [Music] you Z [Music] aa aa oals these are pink ows a pink truck comes here and Pickups the o wall let's see what is the object matches the O chip [Music] oh egg this is a neck egg shape and oval shape are about the same triangle orangee triangle an orange truck comes here and pick up the triangle let's see what is the object matches the [Music] triangle triangle cheese a yellow cheese cheese sheep mat is a triangle [Music] shape rectangles green rectangles are here a green truck comes here and pick up the rectangle let's see what is the object matches the rectangle [Music] rectangles Led Led is a rectangle shape squares blue squares a blue truck comes here and pick up the square let's see what is the object matches the square shape Square clock clock shape and square shape are about the [Music] [Applause] same octagon these are yellow octagons a yellow truck comes here and pick up the Octagon let's see what is the object matches the octagon [Music] [Applause] shape octagon octagon has eight sides 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the octagon has eight sides spider web pider web shape matches the octagon shape let's go to the next shape heart these are red hearts a red truck comes here and pick up the heart let's see what is the object matches the heart [Music] shape hard lollipop this lollipop is a heart shap Stars these are purple stars a purple truck comes here and pick up the star let's see what is the object matches the star [Music] shape star starfish starfish shape matches the star sh shape Pentagon these are great pentagons a great truck comes here and pick up the Pentagon let's see what is the object matches the pentagon [Music] shape pentagon pentagon have five sides 1 2 3 4 and [Music] five pentagons have five sides house house is a pentagon shape Circle these are brown circle brown truck comes here and pick up the [Music] circle let's see what is the object matches the circle shape Circle wheel is a circle shape hexagon these are black hexagon a black truck comes here and pick up the hexagon let's see what is the object matches the hexagon shape hexagon hexagon has six sides 1 2 3 four 5 and six the hexagon has six sides warning sign warning sign matches the hexagon shape ruses these are white ruses a white truck comes here and pick up the rumus let's see what is the object matches the Rus shape ruses kite kite is a Rus [Music] shape tomato t o m a t o [Music] tomato onions o n i o n onion potato p o t a t o potato beans b e a n s s [Music] beans okra o c r a okra eggplant e g g p l a n d carrot c a r r o t e [Music] carrot radish r a d i s h radish garlic g a r l i c garlic ginger g i n g e r Ginger pumpkin p u m p k i n pumpkin cabbage c a b b a g e [Applause] cabbage lettuce l e t t u c e lettuce broccoli b r o c c o l i broccoli cauliflower c a u l i f l o w e r [Music] cauliflower this is number one there is one cookie so delicious this is number two there are two lions one and two here we have number [Music] three there are three robots one 2 and three this is number four there are four dinosaurs 1 2 3 and four this is number five there are five pandas 1 2 3 4 and five and here we have number six there are six cars 1 2 3 3 4 5 and six this is number seven there are seven flying 1 2 3 4 5 6 and seven number eight is this one here there are eight bees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 this is number nine there are nine Birds one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 this is number 10 there are 10 aliens 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 a apple a a [Applause] apple e alligator a a [Applause] [Music] alligator B bug BB bug [Music] b ball BB [Music] ball C cat c c cat C kick KK kick d do do d d [Music] dog D dog d d [Applause] [Music] duck e egg e e [Music] egg e l e l f for f f [Music] for f food f f [Music] [Applause] food g go g g [Music] g g guitar g g [Applause] [Music] guitar H hat [Music] hat H hamster hamster I insect e e insect [Music] I iguana e e [Music] [Applause] iguana j j j j j j Joker J J [Music] Joker K kid KK Kid K King KK [Applause] [Music] King L line LL line L log look L log [Applause] [Music] M M M M [Music] M um monkey mm monkey m not [Music] nnn and nest NN [Applause] [Music] Nest oh olives oh oh [Music] olives oh octopus o o [Music] octopus P penguin p p penguin P Pizza p p [Applause] [Music] piz Q Quil C [Music] Quil Q Queen C [Music] [Applause] Queen R rocket r r [Music] rocket R Ron r r Ron s sailor s [Music] sailor s Sun s Sun [Applause] [Music] T tiger t t [Applause] tiger t t t t t youu up uh uh up you umbrella ah ah [Music] [Applause] umbrella we went v w w we vegetables v v [Music] vegetables W wagon v v wagon [Music] W water v v water X fox [Music] fox xbx [Music] [Applause] box why yarn y y [Applause] yarn y y y y y z Zebra z z Zebra z zipper z z zipper A is for apple a a apple A is for apple ah a ah B is for butterfly BB butterfly B is for butterfly BBB C is for cookie c c cookie C is for cookie c c c d is for Dolphin d d dolphin D is for Dolphin d d d e is for elephant e e elephant e is for elephant e e [Music] e f is for fire truck f f fire truck F is for fire truck f f f g is for guitar g guitar G is for guitar GG H is for hat h h hat H is for hat h h h i is for ice cream i i ice cream I is for ice cream i i i j is for jelly J J jelly J is for jelly j j [Music] j k is for kitten c c kitten K is for kitten C C L is for lion l l lion L is for lion l l l m is for monkey m m monkey M is for monkey m m m n is foress n n Nas n is foress n n o is for ostrich o o ostrich O is for ostrich o oh [Music] oh p is the Penguin p p penguin P is for penguin p p p q is for queen qu- qu- queen Q is for Queen quq qu R is for Robert r r Robert R is for Robert r r r f is for Sun s s Sun s is for Sun s Sun T is for turtle t t Turtle T is for Turtle [Music] T U is for umbrella a a umbrella U is for umbrella a a V is for volcano v v volcano V is for volcano v v v w is for whale w w whale w is for whale w w x is for xylophone xylophone X is for xylophone Y is for yellow y y yellow Y is for yellow y y y z is for Zebra z z Zebra z is for zebra [Applause] Z One 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 what one o n e [Music] One two t wo 2 three t h r e e tree Four f o u r four five f i v e five six s i x 6 seven s e v e n 7 eight e i g h T8 nine n i n e n 10 t e n [Music] 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [Music] 10 [Music] e and and B bird [Music] bird see [Music] car [Music] car D dice [Music] dice e [Music] elf Elf [Music] F fox fox [Music] g a [Music] goat a [Music] goat he H heart [Music] heart I iren [Music] Iran [Music] J [Music] Joker Joker [Music] K [Music] Kum Kum [Music] low Lawn [Music] Lawn M or [Music] mouse or [Music] Mouse M nut nut oh onion onion [Music] p pencil pencil [Music] cute [Music] quack quack [Music] R [Music] ring [Music] ring s star wow the [Music] star T [Music] truck truck [Music] you up up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we Wen Wen [Music] [Music] W [Music] whale the [Music] whale x x [Music] X why youu you you you [Music] [Music] zillaa oh walls they are pink owls a pink truck comes here and Pickups the oal let's see what is the object matches the oal [Music] shape oh [Music] egg this is a neck egg shape and ow shape are about the same triangle orange triangle an orange truck comes here and pick up the triangle let's see what is the object matches the [Music] triangle triangle cheese a yellow cheese cheese shape matches the triangle [Music] shape rectangles green rectangles are here a green truck comes here and pick up the rectangle let's see what is the object matches the [Music] rectangle rectangles L LED is a rectangle shape squares blue squares a blue truck comes here and pick up the square let's see what is the object matches the square shape Square [Music] clock clock shape and square shape are about the [Music] [Applause] same octagon these are yellow octagons a yellow truck comes here and pick up the Octagon let's see what is the object matches the object oon [Music] [Applause] shape octagon octagon has eight sides 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the octagon has eight sides spider web pider web shape matches the octagon shape let's let's go to the next shape heart these are red hearts a red truck comes here and pick up the heart let's see what is the object matches the heart shape [Music] heart lollipop this lollipop is a heart shap Stars these are purple stars a purple truck comes here and pick up the star let's see what is the object matches the star shape [Music] star starfish starfish shape matches the star shape Pentagon these are great pentagons a great truck comes here and pick up the Pentagon let's see what is the object matches the pentagon [Music] shape Pentagon pentagons have five sides 1 2 3 4 and [Music] five pentagons have five sides how house house is a pentagon shape Circle these are brown circle brown truck comes here and pick up the circle let's see what is the object matches the circle shape Circle wheel is a circle shape hexagon these are black hexagon a black truck comes here and pick up the hexagon let's see what is the object matches the the hexagon shape hexagon hexagon has six sides 1 2 3 4 5 and six the hexagon has six sides warning sign warning sign matches the hexagon shape ruses these are white ruses a white truck comes here and pick up the rumus let's see what is the object matches the Rus shape ruses kite kite is a rambus [Music] shape tomato t o m a t o [Music] tomato onions o n i o n onion [Music] potato p o t a t o potato beans b e a n s [Music] beans okra o c r a okra eggplant e g g p l a n d carrot c a r r o d [Music] carrot radish r a d i s h radish go glic g a r l i c garlic ginger g i n g e r Ginger pumpkin p u m p k i n pumpkin cabbage c a b b a g e [Applause] cabbage lettuce l e t t u c e lettuce broccoli b r o c c o l i broccoli cauliflower c a u l i f l o w e r [Music] cauliflower this is number one there is one cookie so delicious this is number two there are two lions one and two here we have number [Music] three there are three robots one two and three this is number four there are four dinosaurs 1 2 3 and four