Transcript for:
Seven Lessons on Personal Growth by Junu

when you do something for long enough you tend to recognize patterns right and that helps you differentiate between what is working well and what isn't self-growth has been that for me you've seen that being documented publicly for the last 4 and a half years online but that's been a huge point of e sis for a very very long period ever since my parents went through a very nasty divorce 10 plus years ago and they suffered with their mental health we as a family struggle financially and it was at that point I took it upon my own shoulders willingly to provide for my family one day and although that set heavy on my shoulders and certain points of my life now that I'm on the other end of it and I've been able to provide for my family in ways I could have only dreamt of I have learned a lot and I want to share those learnings with you this is going to be a video about the seven lessons all about personal growth and where your tension should be best put for the most utility right there's a lot of noise out there there's a lot of distraction but I want to be telling you exactly what I've learned and how you can take practical action in ways that matter my name is Junu if you're new to the Channel welcom if you're returning welcome back I know that this is a different scene uh we're normally accustomed to I'm usually on my desk but I'm currently traveling in London where this video sat heavy on my heart I felt that this was something that I wanted to share was something I thought about a lot on my 8 9 hour flight so I hope that you enjoy it if you've seen any of my Concepts to this point you know it's all about the internal Foundation First when you can have that strength cultivated internally and you can be able to set your eyes on that on a daily basis great things tend to happen when you can stack those winds up over the long run and that is going to be lesson number one it's your mental it's your physical it's your spiritual and your honest accountability wins that you achieve daily I had just created a video about this in terms of Designing a life that you're obsessed with there was writing prompts and exercises so that you can come out of it identifying your exact wins that you can cheat so I highly recommend that video we won't necessarily go into the details again but this is how you cultivate A Life That's aligned to you not a life that's put on to you as a societal expectation or an expectation that was put on to you by your parents no this is an expectation that you have for yourself because you know that it matters to you this is how you do it please please go watch that video and achieve this four wins we know that genes 4 wins have now become something that has taken this community by storm a lot of you guys are posting on your Instagram stories I'm so happy to be able to celebrate you in the eyes of 5 million plus people where I we share your stories all the time so you guys doing a fantastic job and if you haven't started on it yet please do lesson number two delay gratification there's so many of us in our society that want instantaneous gratification we put a little bit of work in and we want that immediate Praise of others or we want to be able to immediately monetize of our work and it's such the wrong Focus right you want to be able to put your attention on the work without expecting results immediately if you can stick to something for long enough you will eventually win why because most of the world will have given up because most of the world wants instantaneous gratification don't be like that right success takes time and you have to be somebody that's okay with failing enough so that you can start to hone in on that skill and be able to then learn all the details of it so you can be a master of that skill and you can leverage it for all the opportunities that you want from it but that takes time and time isn't something that we should be afraid of it it everything requires that if you want Tru outage credibility in that domain so don't run away from it it's hard work but it's hard worked in the way that matters and it's going to pay dividends in the long run don't shortcut it don't look for the instantaneous gratification it will cost you more than it will help you in any measure lesson number three do not follow the crow this is a point of conversation where I say it's the few versus the many and I say the fewest in those that have been able to achieve highly successful lives and I don't mean success in the way that most people Define it and I've said this over and over and over again it's not about the fame adders some money that most people equ equate success to but instead I Define it as somebody that's living a life that's fulfilling to them that's aligned with them and most people don't do that because they never ask themselves the question of hey why am I doing this right why why am I even trying to pursue this job so heavily like where is my own passion what is my purpose and these questions tend to be put under the r because they're hard questions to answer they're very uncomfortable but they're meant to be right and most people don't and those are the individuals that follow the crown they just pursue things mindlessly they pursue gave status of money and then they wonder why they're miserable at the end of the day like you hear so much of it right you hear so many people that are so successful and you think they have everything they still complain that their life is miserable it's cuz they're focusing on the wrong things right can you go ahead and not follow the crowd can you go ahead and realize you know what I want to be part of the few I know those few at one point in their lives had to make this decision too to leave the crowd and I it's this decision that I want to ask you are you willing to make knowing that that's going to help you remain focused on the area that matter and not just focus on the distractions that are put on to you again as societal expectations I think you're meant for more than that and I hope that you can understand that it's okay to do things alone it's okay to do things with the few because I believe that's where your power is lesson number four choose what is hard if you have two choices in front of you and one is easy and one is hard and you know that the hard one is going to better progress you in whichever capacity the decision has already been made choose the hard one 10 out of 10 times it's for multitude of reasons but the ones that tend to be already talked about I won't necessarily address I'm going to address this idea of building habit when it comes to making uncomfortable decisions these are truly things that that happen all the time we as human beings made 10,000 decisions a lot of them subconscious and a lot of us tend to make decisions that are comfortable for us but if you get the habit of saying you know what I got to run 4 miles and I just traveled 10 hours I've been slept in 30 6 hours and I just spend all the day moving uh the last thing I want to do is that for M run but I'm still going to do it right it's about cating this mindset where it's always about choosing the difficult one not because people are going to think that you are normal people going to think they get crazy but it's when you can choose the difficult decisions over and over and over again that you will haveit towards it so when you're making these decisions whether they're subconscious or not you ultimately choose the one that's going to actually better progress you I'm not always saying that it's always the most difficult path that it's going to further progress you but if you in the habit of appreciating the difficulty then you're going to actually give both sides a fair chance instead of what most people do is immediately choose the Comfort route and make excuses and try to validate themselves for not choosing the hard Brun don't be like that you got those two decisions you know which decision to make okay lesson number five telling everyone your plans this is something that I find happens a lot especially in the social media world where people will post on their stories and say hey I'm going to do XY and see watch me and i i f it's so counterproductive right people tend to make those statements when the motivation is high and a lot of times the motivation dies down they're not actually the types of individuals that's willing to stick through it long enough to actually have the success that they want right you want to be somebody that doesn't need to declare to the world because it's going to do two things for you A lot of times I'm going to be completely honest it's going to cause chaos and confusion and please me this in the nicest way but your mom your and your brother your sister your grandp your grandmother your aunt your uncle your cousins and your best friends truly do mean the best for you and they want the best best for you but if they're not living a life that you want to live eventually you have to be very careful where the feedback is coming from right you have to be very careful which feedback you're taking to heart and a lot of times because you care about these individuals they care about you they mean well for you it Causes Chaos and confusion what's that going to do it's going to deter you from taking action which is going to further prevent you from ever achieving momentum which is what we're aiming for and that is far from what we want from you so be somebody that works in silence and I promise you once you have the success it will make its own noise you don't have to declare it to people people will recognize it already and they'll say it for you so just go ahead and focus on what matters which just doing the hard things for long periods of time keeping your head out and you don't have to let anyone into it even while I'm doing social media right there's a lot of hard things that are ongoing and it might seem like a lot of my life is public but in reality there's a lot that's private right and a lot of the projects that I do a lot of things that I haven't do for the last several years have been really really personal intimate to me and I didn't necessarily declare it to the world that I was doing it until I succeeded at it and it already came out right and so I think that there's got to be a level to us willingly choosing to work in private with we don't need the admiration or the Applause from other people to do what we need to do okay cool number six not having a routine this is the difference of the highly successful people and then those that have some success right because the Highly Successful People are very careful to spend their weekends just as effectively as their weekday the Highly Successful People are those that are very care careful to spend their summer vacations just as well as they spend their school year right and these are the highly successful individuals that are very careful of how they spend their 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. before their 9 to 5 and how they spend their 5 to 9 afterwards as well and what I'm trying to say here is we need routine we need structure in a manner that's practical right I don't mean to work every single hour every day that's far from anything that I talk about within this Channel and I have a great example of this um so I have a upper classman that I know that took the exact same B engineer classes walking both their bachelor and Masters simultaneously now they're several years into industry they'll had message me there's several of them that messag me and say hey J I want to start business can you help me on X Y and Z I'm like yeah that's great tell me more I I would love to help and I'm like these are great ideas why what's stopping and they're like oh it's a lack of bandwidth and I asked I'm like H as a brother that wants to push you this sounds a little bit crazy because I know that you were working 14 15 hours a day as a biom medical engineer student you never complain right that's just a part of we were that was part of the environment that we were in and they would look at me and they're like yeah but that was a different time and and I'm asking them I'm like is it I don't think that you changed with your personality I don't think your work I think just disappeared I think you're excellent at what you do because people love you at your work and 9 to 5 you're incredible but man do I think that we can improve upon your 6 to9 and what you do from 5 to 8 right I think there's things that we could add there that could be a little bit more High utility and it could be even just 30 minutes or an hour an hour a day spent towards that business this over 365 days in the year that's going to compound right and it's it's why not why not do that if you're have such a great idea why not put your effort towards it on a daily basis with a little bit of structure right so stop spending your weekends it's completely different for your weekday because you're like oh this is my time to take off yes have the time to relax and recharge enjoy yourself but don't do structure don't start waking up at 10: p a.m. on Saturday and Sunday because you you're just wanting to or you wake up at noon no go ahead sleep early on Friday or sleep at a reasonable time on Friday so you can wake up at appropriate time Saturday and you can get at least a few hours of productive work in and then you can enjoy the rest of your time this is how you compound over the long run so having an ability to have routine even when most people are off will really set you apart number seven creating opportunities is always your responsibility but this should be music to your years you don't ever want somebody to dictate what type of opportunity you have right you want to be in control of that here's an example that all can resonate with there's such an emphasis right on which school you go to because of how prestigious it is and then thinking that that name or that name of the college on your degree will help you differentiate massively across your comp competition and there's truth to that there's legitimacy to that to a certain extent but I will always argue it's more important what you do there right it's about the networking that you do it's about projects that you get involved with it's about the internships that you complete it's about the type of body of work you Cur and it's about the opportunities that you build in your free time that's why the Learning System is there The Learning System is for you to do your academics at the highest level while doing it extremely efficiently so you have the bandwidth to be able to have success in other domains and I would choose one high value skill to really focus upon and do for an extended period of time and for me that was personal branding over the last four and a half 5 years I've curated a video every single day and I've shown that it was practical but what I'm trying to say is is that has opened the door for me that I could have never dreamt about at the age of 23 right I've been able to build a massive business I've been able to have a lot of success while leveraging just a true passion of mine right I get a chance to have an incredible incredible audience and connection with you guys and deliver a message that I believe is truly important that aligns with me and so that was an opportunity that I curated with a ton of work over an extended period and I truly believe it's up to you to take hold of whatever opportunity is important to you that you eventually want to live out find a skill that Associates with that and work tirelessly at it right if you can do that in free time where other people are taking off and you can just have that 1 hour one and a half hour that 30 minutes even that 20 minutes 15 minutes and that's why the mental infin Ms associated with that skill again those types of efforts compound over the long run so please take control of your own opportunities I believe that you can have massive success in our mentorship program in the last few weeks we're covering personal branding we're do Workshop calls around it and helping these individuals do what I've been able to have success in but if personal branding isn't for you find whatever you want to do and just make a decision you're probably going to have a ton of options just choose one work on it for a long period of time see what that's going to build for you and then you can always build upon and uh adapt to whichever new situation you find yourself in with a different skills as well so stop waiting for the perfect time to create your opportunities it's right now all right with that being said those were the seven lessons that I truly believe of high utility and with all the noise in our society today I know that a lot of it can be distracting so if you know where to put your attention towards which I believe are these seven lessons that I've been able to hopefully identify as practical tips like these are things that you can immediately take away I think you'll have a lot of success look I say it over and over again so maybe you say it with me I will see you all at the top truly I mean it I think you're going to have tremendous success in your life I'm happy to be able to witness it I'm so proud of how far you've come you have such such great things coming your way and you are going to absolutely look killer once you do so um I love you guys so much please take care and I'll see you in the next one [Music]