Transcript for:
World's Strongest Man Challenges and Charity Donations

this is the World's Strongest Man Robert Roberts and he'll be taking on some of the most insane human challenges like breaking through an armored truck bulletproof glass and even holding a private jet this bulletproof truck is made entirely of titanium and it weighs 50,000 lb an inch of bulletproof glass even the tires are bulletproof they going to break in to secure the thousands of dollars inside and we have some of the other safest things you can store your money in which is why we brought in the World's Strongest Man to see if that's actually true starting with a piggy bank just sool oh yeah I mean plastic no chance the ceramic one though that looks like the hardest spot of it too you would have done that if you wanted to though Happ all right I'm going to leave the biggy Banks to Robert Robert if you would like to do that last one real quick n yeah the biggy Banks were nothing compared to on to come but before we can get to the bulletproof truck we have to be level two we're going to show 7-Eleven in Walmart that these aren't safe this is a cash register everybody knows that the money is inside this little safe drawer this is just the top see oh there is money in there is there actually I see I can see the bills can we really just get into this with our bare hands I tried getting that boy bank with my bare hands and I'm kind of black and blue this is why you leave it up to the experts ladies and gentlemen wow yeah scratched the paint and maybe a tiny dent let me go on the inside I want to be in there okay Robert now you should throw it this is the real Triant to Flinch challenge oh I can't help it but not flinch come on he's like a bear all right one more time one more time but with feeling if I don't Flinch you got to like this video I can't how's our uh how's our cash register looking huh openable no way we're not inside oh no we're we're inside this may be prop money but there is $25,000 that we're going to be donating to the North Texas Food Bank in this video you have now made 1,000 but there is $241,000 for charity as we continue to break through these items but before we can even think about tackling the bulletproof truck we're going to need to get some help Welcome to our playground this is where Robert and I can use whatever we want to break into the bulletproof truck because it's not going to be easy we have a lot of weapons I feel like Texas Chainsaw Murder right now okay so this is a saw obviously but it has a blade specifically made to cut through metal this is like industrial strength bolt cutter we've used that one before yeah yeah the actual master sword that's so sick Zelda not included I don't even know how to explain this but this is a it's a thermite pen so essentially it can melt anything it's that hot you strike It On The Ground like a match and it starts burning but I don't even know if we need any of these items because the next thing's an ATM where it go oh it is can you just tear the front off maybe I can't get my fingers in there but we actually have something that's specifically made for this show me the wedgie so now if we get it wedged now we'll just pull off no way you got to be are you kidding me faster than the cash register what okay that was just 2,000 right there in the top that's now going to be donated to charity but there's another 2,000 in the bottom of this ATM that's where it is is it really locked up with just that even though I'm questioning the validity of public banking machines it won't make any difference for Robin I we still have plenty of cash to grab before we can get to the bulletproof truck don't tell me you're going to use a wedge to break a steel I just want to see if it would work Noe N I think we need a crowbar come on we need to be professional robbers here we're robbing for charity look how tall this is what does it say What's the number 69 in are you got to be kidding me that's my height that is genuinely the biggest crowbar I've ever seen but we'll be strong enough to get into the bottom of this yeah we'll use this all right send in Bullet Bill wow the solid lock it's pretty simple one of the first things I showed you guys was this pretty sure one quick little all right that's uh that's just not fair so the lock is off now but even though know that we have the lock off we still have to open this CU it's I don't know I think I'm Robert's script tonight wait what if we lay it on its side oh yeah dude okay I don't like what these Sparks are flying now we're getting somewhere iy hey that charity money better not be on fire huh r and we haven't even broke a sweat yet that is now 5,000 for charity Robert I'd pretend to steal the money but this for the kids this is it the safe one until we get to the bolt proof truck this is where you will store weapons gold cash you name it that's what this is made for so it's probably going to be difficult for humans to get inside without the coat I mean watch this is going to do nothing huh okay didn't I I did not now we're really locked out for what it's worth I expect it harder that is stuck that because it is what's your big brain move here let me whack it one and see what it does all right all right then we'll go brains I don't know if you guys can see the dust is coming off from the top of the safe there's no way we're getting in with just a sledgehammer that would be insane what oh my way the lights's coming through that's the inside right there if we put it down and you hammer it it's over get on your back buddy it's already caving in wait a second bro look at this gravity I got a big one Robert feel like I'm bass fishing with my dad what do you think Sledge right here oh oh oh wait that's give me that show you how man beats a safe one shot look at that hammer of and 3 two 1 and we're in that's another five grand that is now 10,000 G's but there were $5,000 more for charity inside of the bulletproof truck finale we've taken down a safe an ATM piggy banks a cash register did I tell you I did a little Recon a couple days ago I was at the gas station and I saw a guy taking money out of the ATM putting it in a truck so I go over to him and I was like hey I'm doing a YouTube video where we break into one of these trucks could you tell me where's the weakness you know give you a tip no he looked he looked at me like I was literally trying to rob him I might be on a list somewhere is what I'm saying it was finally time we made it to the most difficult challenge yet now let's see how strong this bulletproof truck really is hey hey Robert's been practicing for shot putut is this correct we saw your skills with the piggy Bing I think we need to see if it busts through that front windshield oh what it already corck the glass oh got the windshield wiper that's called a wipe and snipe from the top of the truck this is the POV you've all been waiting for oh oh dude it it is crazy though like wait that's guys through the first layer that is through the first layer with just a shock puted ball I I want to see from up top oh my gosh dude the fact that it's still just stuck wait a sec give me pickaxe it's a dirty job but somebody's got to do it oh yeah oh dude you're almost through it is fully hold it leave it leave it there leave it there oh God this is crazy why does it sound So Satisfied I'm kind of mesmerized by this it's so nice it's like bubble wrap huh let's try this oh yeah buddy oh you're you're so close it might be bulletproof but I don't think it's ax [Music] proof this feels illegal and the best way possible we do one more of these shot put oh rebound whoa oh it's going through oh yes oh my gosh tell us we're in we're so close the entire windshield is caving in I will say though this is bullet like this is definitely oh oh it's not Rober proof he is that guy all right you me Sumo kick in I've always seen this in the movies and I always wanted to do it oh it's so still so crunchy on M wiper coming off oh my gosh K it in oh you trying to break in he's breaking in the side window we're already in let's just see what this is like oh yep that is insane looking imagine you're in this car thinking you're safe and then you see this guy this is what happens you don't think the bus driver in fortnite kid going in Robie ladies and gentlemen the inside oh my gosh now I feel like a professional robber look at there's just shards of glass in here I've never seen something like this hey Rob can you open the door yeah I think I can I mean here it is there we go welcome Robert hey hey here you go buddy that's 2500 for charity that's another 2500 that's right wait wait wait this can't be all the money that's in here no this is only 15,000 so far for charity the other 10,000 is in the back of the bulletproof truck oh my gosh let's freaking do it let's do it explosives right on the locks that are holding the back of these trucks doors open or closed rather oh my that is insane what's crazy because these locks are the highest rated safety locks that money can buy are you ready let's do it oh run it's time to run I got time I got it there we go come on give us some boom all Rob is's about to pop hey you got a dud that for mine I got a dud I really think mine did a ton of damage literally didn't even do anything to your lock not even a mark yes how far did we get in literally nothing this ridiculous that's fine that was level one time for level two the fireworks weren't cutting it but these M this has got to break the lack come on okay let see it's not even budging is it oh I broke the bolt cutters did I just broke the bolt cutters here that was the bolt cutter snapping that's as close as they get good so now they're broken we broke the best bolt cutters you can buy and this is the damage that was done and I think we need to reconvene at the War Room this right here I've been dying to see how this thing works this is the thing we mentioned at the beginning of the video this is literally a military grade thermite weapon that you can use to break into anything it's what the military use this thermite stick Burns at half the temperature of the Sun and because I would like to continue making videos for you guys we brought in our demolitions expert r that is it oh my gosh that's bright wao wo that's crazy that's half the heat of the sun right there 4000° F melting this lock will it be enough I want to look so bad I just want to look I'm just glad that we're not doing this is he even melting oh he melted it off oh one lock on Randy you Chad dude that's literally liquid metal right there but look at the Lock most importantly oh it's jiggling it's still a little hot is it hot through the gloves yeah just a little bit you know I mean it is 4,000 de I don't know if that's going to work oh dude but it's not Twisted enough huh oh don't touch it now give you some lever yeah that's a lot of Levy all right you need more that's looking pretty good just when you see that bar bin like the entire crowbar that he has is bending like that thing can snap at any second I mean technically though to get in the back of a bulletproof truck you would need a thermite pin or something else that could cause 4,000 de of f temperature yeah baby and thanks to Robert we're inside of the bull prooof truck which means $25,000 is going to North Texas Food Bank to feed Doan we built 100 layers of the world's strongest glass including bulletproof glass and that's why you brought in one of the world's strongest men Robert will you do me the honors let's do it this is sugar glass by the way right down the center of the lane nice R how does it taste it's delicious honestly yeah just go and smash the whole thing smash that I love these videos this is so awesome now we have 100 layers of silly glass this is what they use in the movies when they want to pull off some dangerous stuns oh my Wolverine spikes rare that's swi sides were you yep let's see oh boy there's no way it's bending I've got new respect for the guys in the movies that get thrown through this s times again all will this help we love you please like the video in case we die that didn't happen that was stupid oh he's going I like how he just this is like the bear push that is the bear push all right Mr bear will you clap for me my hands are sore give me a big clap one big clap now we've got 100 layers of acrylic glass Stephen do I put this on that's for Robert what this one doesn't even deserve a clap it deserves a snap much better Safety First no accidents get the joke no accidents I'll stick that in my database give us like a half SE I told you to swing gently I did swing gently this is what you came for ladies and gentlemen you got to get one too it's harder than it looks is it yes yes all right to the next one now we're getting to the hard stuff this is a KN glass which is typically twice as strong as your regular window used on sliding glass doors but before we smash this if you can beat me in arm wrestling competition I have to break this dude you know how much more powerful I am in this suit yeah but I get to use two hands three two one no bro this is so all right well first of all we should probably get rid of this table huh oh no our table it's broken That was supposed to be stronger than that we lied to you this is the hard stuff tempered glass and this is what they used in Squid games when the players would jump on the glass that would actually keep them from falling down but I do have a challenge for you okay if you can beat myself and my brother in tug of war I will upgrade your Mallet to this Hammer I think that's that that's do de 3 2 1 go Scott's cheating with that leg I don't have put my foot through the wall oh oh jeez if we're going to use feet I going to use feet oh no that was terrifying my kind sir all thank you thank you all remember I said gentle just a gentle gentle I was gentle wait that was on you bro why was that my fault wait there's more wait let me see I just want let me just see if you can mid it that is hard whack ah see I'm not that weak this is crazy all right I want to see some power right now we want some big Power baby what the the difference between this being metal and this being rubber means we can spin One Tap with this it'll go down is it are you serious yeah yeah it's all right let me go is that first form it's right baby second form what maybe this one's stronger you try it you think okay I hate this video and I hate everything about it I love these videos this is safety glass which is a 100 times stronger than the previous glass we just broke they use this in Banks and other types of anti- theft back there I see money with all that money inside of it that's the bulletproof glass oh 100 times stronger by the way that's not no oh okay we get it we get it okay this is just like a little bit devastating we didn't even think he could get through it with the Pitchfork so we had all these other weapons ready for him and then he forked our expectations oh my crunch what the heck is that oh if there was a teller back there she'd be crapping her pants right now peel the layers back for Shrek oh well our drywall's broken dang this is so like look at this can mere mortals do this let us see if a mere mortal can Fork this glass have you ever broken a windshield in a past life this is exactly what it is I've broken windshields for you check those videos out by the way you have what can you do with little old red oh it looks like our minor is breaking through he's over 18 wait are you I was born over 18 wait you could be my my dad I probably am why don't you conquer this glass dad just so you guys know the glass in this video cost almost $10,000 for us to build having a good time he's having a great time come on jeez that is so cool oh but now it's time for the final layer Bulletproof the moment you've all been waiting for 100 layers of bulletproof glass YouTube won't let us have a real gun so we used the paintball gun let's Hammer this thing oh god oh wao the house shook way more than this I really think that this is in order those look like bull holes literal W can you get a zomb on that bro we're live right now at the bulletproof glass in the fire Warehouse the wall is crumbling the bull prooof glass shows no sign of weakness I'm out of here bro Robert stole $20 oh W oh my gosh this the dry wall around the bulletproof glass is crumbling our asset is in shambles I've never seen something like this before oh my I'm good I'm good will the Wall come down first or will the glass break I think the wall is definitely coming down yep it's it's attacking Robert dude I I don't know what to say you come over here cuz I want a meat Shield yeah for some reason I feel overweight you know what I think you're right I think it's time you know what I just enjoyed when I did the snap more boom that's right fresh to death look at that check out the link below obviously you won't look as good as I do in it but you could try yeah you can try I'd let him muscle me around don't tell bre this is between the two of us and all 40 billion of you guys don't tell nobody else 40 billion heck yeah let's see you bring down the house I'm going back to me Shield oh my God that is what Robert was able to do this is ridiculous push it BL it ladies and gentlemen that is the world's strongest man these are five normal people let's get it I pulled something I pulled I pulled it in this video we see a five normal men and women can battle head to head against the world's strongest man in a series of challenges starting with arm wrestling 3 2 2 1 go this is his weak Hand by the way that was insane every time Robert beats the normies they gain one extra player to help them out all of these challenges lead up to the final of pulling a 22,000lb private jet this is the boxing challenge the normes need to get a higher score than Robert in order to win I think we should let ladies first I got it wa okay it's all on the screen come on 69 D there we go yes he three digits 281 Scott Key's face is right there you got this Key's face right there uhoh uhoh uhoh wait Scott did I beat you yes you beat me it's a huge moment Robert all here we go here we go I barely caught it I barely caught that oh no wait what was mine win that fell a little bit better that's not legal oh my gosh what this is the Minecraft brick walk challenge each one of these weigh 100 lb all right so all we need to take is both these to the other line right fing I know they're the normes get to work together on just one while Robert has to carry two of them all the way down to the Rope the walk starts in three two one go get it pick it up pick it up pick it up okay all right what the heck wait no wait up wait oh my gosh two one throw it Fredy I'm trying like it was so SM wait Preston check the footage we were like that close are you serious yeah it was pretty close all right yeah right here I can see wait wait wait wait wait wait what guys y'all were so far behind next challenge next challenge transition transition chall just do it let's set the embarrassment marinade a little more welcome to the Slime War tug Challenge three normies one strong man and if Robert wins I'll let him give you guys a paddin what o deal take it no no no three two one dog oh my come on you're an ogre you're an ugly ogre Chase Chase no Jase sorry oh Chase Deal's a deal Chase just one and then we'll transition just one that's all over now this is the prowler push they have to push it all the way to the white ROP we have also added in a fourth Nory Rob how does that make you feel BR about the same on your marks get set push give a moment give a moment we hit a ro come on don't these Norms Bea you you're halfway team team work we're going to win oh come on Sweet Home Alabama myio yes it the wait that was amazing I'm going to go throw up a little okay maybe poop my pants Welcome to The Keg to Robert is going to be chucking these KS over this and every time he does the bar is going to get raised even higher oh my go he walks way like it's nothing oh my gosh oh my [Music] gosh my holy raise it up guys raise it up what the so you don't mind if I cele to guest you most definitely not I would love to see you good luck go [Applause] fart that's how it's done right there that's because earlier Robert stretched me I went a little bit like this oh man yeah look he offered he actually offered wait is Robert taking my job oh yeah you didn't you didn't hear your last shoot wa if I if I lose if if I win though I stay yes Robert you're going [Music] down okay hey it's a good try did it almost go three oh my gosh got that side the underneath ready wait we got it three okay normies look we got to just do like you just got [Music] to swing it boys swing it there that's my dog right there what side are you on no no blur that out blur that out oh touch baby wait let me give Scott some motivation he's going to give you a paddle on if you don't throw this over okay what did he say Scott he he say he's going to make my cheeks look like your cheeks if I don't do [Music] this I'm going to get the plank no no no no no no no take the plank have a bony butt he's got a very bony butt he's going to do a gentle this is my favorite event this is what I love to do Brian Shaw has had the world record in this but beat him and he refuses to give me his record well until Brian gives me his plaque technically he's got it if this video gets a million likes give him the plaque Brian Shaw give me my plaque this is the stump chomping challenge Robert has to cut through five of his logs before five of the normes who have only one log a piece can get through theirs hold on I can't are you going to about to go I'm well I can't whistle Stephen yeah so yeah here go go boom this is the most Canadian challenge of the channel today Robert just used his bare hands to split it teamor all right wait I'm just stuck I'm stuck too what the heck come on ah I don't know what's happen over there Rob ignore him yes Robert's got two down you can still win oh my God he one shot it Rob you just got to do five loving the teamwork guys is awesome you got two more come on I'm considering that a split you know you got time to take a breath oh that's a big KN come on guys use your muscles nice little break oh they got one they got one only three left one more oh Chase it's funny how they get excited for one yeah I know right go go go go go come on oh it is going there you go doing teamwork I like the the two on two double teaming these stumps so they're now they're using the axes as hammers yeah it's like monkeys with tools that's uh got it oh he's oh oh well maybe before they kill themselves I'm going to this is your last one they got it in three Lord gentlemen we've been watching for like the last 10 minutes all right Scott no no you're done you're done you're done it's it's it's split it's not splitting 3 two I mean okay okay I'm continue on but uh we're on to the next challenge this is the car deadlift challenge is this pretty regulation this is the first time I've ever lifted a wooden car deadlift let's go and see if Robert can pick this up I don't think you can I don't know I believe in Robert okay is that legal show off I say we put a little junk in the drunk okay perfect I've always wanted to go in yeah I mean come on huh do you know how much this junk weighs Preston weighs like 400 [Music] lb my God that was the ride of my life how are you guys even going to try to pick this up let's get the normies in you guys got this you guys got this I got to go to the bathroom Chase get over here come on I don't have the hips for it three two lift with your hearts there we go [Applause] let's go that's how you do it Preston run it back we got junk in the trunk this time all junk in the trunk yeah down up down up down oh my God this I subed out we didn't need seven you know 8 9 10 okay okay Robert are you going to date that I guess uh six normals equals one me well do you think the six of them can pick it up with you and me sitting back here wait that let's test that one two [Applause] 3 I'm ready go I mean that was up either Robert can take his first L against the normies or you can let every Normie get in the car and you have to try to pick it up again get in the car oh get in the car nor CL car that is a sick backpack isn't it do you know where you can find it free merch fire merch free merch it feels like it's free though with how good it is all right I can't take my first dud okay so we got two normies on the actual car two in the back and three one in the middle and then two in the [Music] front I just can't hold it the wheels were off the ground that counts normies I'm sorry it was so close good all right clown one round two nice nor me get out Nory three three good no space in there wait how many normies do we have in there Norm what the heck Norm five Norm how many normies do we have this is the 100 layers challenge they have to go through concrete glass and finally Pierce this sheet medal in order to win and Robert is no stranger to the 100 layers three two one swing so the normies have this strategy where they're doing the relay race each one of them is taking a hit so they can save their strength which is good but it's slower oh dude this brick is way stronger than I thought it oh he's down he's down go go oh my gosh go for it you got it come on come on go go go go it's about to crumble oh God the walls I'm hiding behind the glass where it's nice and safe oh oh my goodness all right Robert how about this let the normies get through the glass huh yeah I'll take a break guys give me give me one of these give me one of go go go we got to get the top je oh God it it's going he's done this guys okay there's an opening somebody throw some bricks at that glass what oh no we need weapons Boom the normies are climbing the wall like Attack on Titan go go go go wait to the other side it's sharper yes wait you did it like we're done I just have a little bit of bad news what it's just that Rob's been through since you guys what do you mean no he's not guys I can literally reach my hand through what he did well you got a small hand okay normies next challenge here we let's go this is the moment you've been waiting for one of the world's strongest men versus an actual plane can he pull [Music] it he stink hey what Scott he'll destroy you what come on I've never seen him like this before this is it Robert you got this man come on Robert it's already moving it's already going are you guys seeing this Robert you're machine keep going we're nearing the end of the anchor you've got like 20 ft left oh my gosh almost at the end we're so close so close let's go that was a pull my God W that sounds good he pulled that with such ease normies you got to pull this we got it how are we feeling after seeing that display let's freaking go guys let us know in the comments can eight normies out pull the world strongest man we're about to find out what the heck guys you got to pull harder is this a real plane Robert what are they not doing right not pulling it they need real help go home and drink milk that's it take my hoodie off okay take it off yes wa I'm in guys go a don't give up Gucci Gucci I won't be I won't be tamed oh wait wait wait it looks like n nor can pull a plane this is a regular piggy bank but what I'm sitting inside of is made of pure polycarbonate which is bulletproof and that's why he brought in one of the world's strongest men but if he wants any chance of breaking it he's got to go through all of these layers of piggy B starting with ceramic pigs time to go ham you think you can get like a strike can you break it with a golf ball what about that oh my God that was fantastic this one we're going to save I'm lying behind this Minecraft pig is a glass piggy bank which I have a question for you what would you fine Pig's legs ass porktastic stump I want you to break the glass piggy bank with the stump actually wait check one of these out there we got to see this this one's full of pennies why did it sound like glass behind me completely shattered hey what's this on the ground oh yeah that's mine I dropped that so I want to go and let you know that you get to redeem these for different weapons throughout the video a bacon Blade the question is can the bacon blade defeat a glass piggy bank we're about to find out oh okay yeah it's gone that's that of course the the bacon is still standing this makes me feel so proud to be an American right now oh my god oh whoa I I think we need one more right wait what is this wait Robert you got what's a hammer that's a fullon ham right there this is literally two hams combined into one this glass piggy bank is stronger than we thought but it still cannot withstand the hammer of Robert oberg that's how it's done baby this is the metal piggy bank and of also Robert can get me into this pig costume in under a minute I'm happy to donate to any charity you want $500 starting now okay I want this money to go to charity I've never been this I feel like I'm in a trampoline park where am I we're in clear Please Subscribe this right here is a money it is made out of pennies and metal I want to see you shot put through this metal Pig oh my God you seeing this and now we have the meat piggy bank bro I was just going to say you look like you've been working out look at these hands baby oh it's buoyant the pig fight back I've got this Hammer yeah yeah baby you beat that fat up you thinking what I'm thinking uh-uh table wait tear it off oh yeah this is so gross I know there's got to be money in here for a cart here here here oh you found the money note eat the whole pile of lar you're lying to me yeah you know it was and this is a Lego piggy bank hey can you uh let go my pickaxe oh yeah my bad if you think this is epic just wait until we get to the bulletproof piggy bank yo you didn't even do anything look at how efficient this weapon is now that was pretty bad I can hear the other side breaking before I hear the front side of it breaking wait get his eye I want his eye rip it what I thought these were supposed to be secure picky oh we have these concreted together and he's just pulling them out yeah these are not Legos your kids are playing with let me tell you that much you got you got this oh wait what is it crossbow oh yeah baby what that is the wooden pigy bank and the reason we're sitting over here is because we have a crossbow real deal right there and this is coming from someone who's used this this is real shoot it at the wooden piggy oh I got him in the the nose I never miss look at how angry the people are I don't know if I can give you this Robert I was going to give you the first ever money Mak you know what if you can tear that gate off I'll give you the money ma see he could only get one fence Peg off he can't get the whole fence off well okay take my maze it's actually heavier than it looks wait a minute a flaming sword now we're back to the money maze oh that's a 2x4 you can't do that with a mace there's no room to be in there with a pig I'm standing right here bro well I was this is the moment you've all been waiting for a polycarbonate bulletproof piggy bank we were told by the people who built this that there was no chance you were getting it they said no chance I want you to prove them wrong by breaking it with a pork chop okay well those were just for show I don't think that's done any damage so they literally said that if you you were to shoot a bullet through this it would not go through maybe I'm stupid but I really feel like I could just stab a knife straight through it what about the money maze how about that wa wait do that again what did you do dude you gave the pig rain damage that's crazy not a single Pierce wait wait wait look at this baby listen you still you haven't made it into the pig I'm not even trying on the big stuff P all right we spent almost $5,000 on this because it was supposed to be bulletproof and Robert is literally using his hands to open it what give me that money give me that money she said I wasn't getting in what the [ __ ] I feel so lied to I feel so betrayed pick it up and shake the money out yeah let's try oh my gosh all right flip it over oh there we go I don't like this I feel like I'm being robbed you are what are you doing what is that all right I mean it's already broken so you might as well go ah and use this let's do it did you cut it in one hit pretty close I'm in what two hit I wonder Rob can you hit the seams over here and split it in half oh my gosh I keep promising my family I'm not going to do stupid stuff like that and then I go and do it oh wait here we go twist what are you doing there's only one screw holding this together anymore right now no smash that like button watch me Smash this Piggy's face in that pig he just busted the entire biggy big open what have you done you can have all the money but I want to keep this one this is the one you want yeah could I have that one well yeah you got to just go pick it up this is one of the world's tiniest steel boxes I have to break through this side while Robert's breaking through his side the only objective is to just get outside of our boxes if that's even possible hey tiny what is this it's a hammerax Robert you could go not even just kidding I'm a little intimidated by this wall you know we built some good structures when one of the world's strongest men is a little bit intimidated oh that's loud I'm going to switch out the pickaxe oh dang not bad well unfortunately the box is so tiny it's loud and I don't want to go death so I'm going to put these on got it oh I knew look at this we got chains in here there's no shot I'm going to try and open up a little bit bigger hole God Bless America all right I don't think it's hammer time anymore this metal is really sharp if I wasn't wearing gloves it would be cutting me open I don't think that's doing anything we H we found the [ __ ] in the armor I'm a little bit worried about hitting it in this direction oh oh right we're going to just make a nice little pile of these I don't really want to get nailed you know what does nail subscribing what did you say subscribing what subscribing yes I love when you nail that subscribe button Robert how's it going it's going great right bro I'm on basically through no you're not I'm not we actually have the same layer Robert has one other Secret inside of his box that I don't building's coming down baby oh oh I didn't expect him to be that powerful yo where's the scissor man that needs to be the next Marvel Superhero what this you almost got it oh oh ah I don't know if I should just pull it oh wa I can see the wood underneath very big moment it doesn't look like a lot knocking this loose is a big deal that's something I wasn't going to get through obviously so I need it out of the way the steel has got to go that's our problem right now I think we should focus on the edges oh hold it like a pancake he me do me a favor if you think waffles are better than pancakes if they are just go and leave a like on this video okay I have these on and I can still hear Robert pounding pounding that box dude oh oh they knew I was going to beat Preston so they threw this bar in here these chains and I see a wire through here W just a little bit of a wham bam thank you man hey this bar is loose okay um I was left my cameraman left me he's pretty deep oh my God what I can just hear the poundage it's safe in here this is a safe place yeah I think Preston needs some help I'm cruising right along here so I'm going help hey bud I'm I'm coming in what what you can't fit are you Hey listen I don't know if this is a good idea I'm just going to go and let you know right now that uh Hey waa that was more of Robert's cheeks than I've ever seen in my life just had burritos too oh my gosh this is way smaller than I thought oh okay you just you're moving the entire Fox we're good we're fine hey why are you going where are we going to go where we're good I should have brought a tool with me yeah you know this is the closest I've ever been with another man oh what are you guys doing guy talk talking about why waffles are better than pancakes yeah I'm going to try and hit this twice with my hands okay that's solid you rattled the whole thing but it's super solid I was expecting it to be flimsy I'm I'm going to leave you in this son thanks I'd appreciate that that was that experience it's so often do you get the world's strongest man's cheeks in front of you or behind you all right this is actually not that loud so I can all right that's kind of loud well my goal is to get rid of this piece of ten foil otherwise it's going to be stuck in my way oh we're getting there are you ripping it with my bare hands thanks Ryan for putting a bear on my hand it's hmer time there we go see we have all of this wood to get through and I don't know what the best method is ah thank you a Ryan Trey hand thumbnail very cool oh no oh no our table it's broken aha yes the tiniest Swiss army knife thank you Switz Lin this is a very cool and unique invention give it up what is what the what how am I supposed to shoot a tiny cannon inside I don't know I'm going to try and stri right here downwards this is not street legal these haven't been legal since 1800s if you stick around until the end of the video we will figure out how to use this tiny Cannon tiny pizza oh it's oh and it's stuck I handled that really well oh my gosh it just exped I got to open up the hole a little bit more to get all the way through what grandma taught me which is to scissor the wall grandma taught you that yes grandma was a big fan of scissors I have no room I've got no room this is as much room as I have look check this out they welded these to the pipes but I knocked it off the Weld and I took it off I wonder how president doing considering he was cheating my old man used to tell me cheaters never [Music] Prosper this thing looks awesome but it's not really worth much stick in the wall right [Music] there well you bent the sword oh that's gnarly I just take a moment here to let like oh yeah all right this is where we pray to God thank you Jesus Christ what what is this wo oh let's go yes all right I I just ripped that welding off with my bad hand oh waa whoa wait maybe we can break through these hold up oh my wait we actually were able to get through all the bars we have one more up top oh yeah both Cutters baby and are they bar Cutters oh she snapped her right in the half girl all right I don't know what's going on in Robert's box but I am hearing it's loud so yeah it's very loud we're going to cut every single piece of this Barb Wire oh you're so close hey Preston where you at I'm I'm I'm cutting I'm chained you're a chain is that the second to last lover I mean I'm used to being chained you know I'm married well just so you know I'm in here looking straight at the last sheet of metal that I got at the end no you're not you naughty sausage all I know is I'm about to bust through this last layer and then I'm going to stand out there and watch you struggle the game's on buddy well you heard him it's it's been for fun and now it's for play what was that sound I don't it sound like he just escaped wait now I'm struggling there throw all the rest of my tools at it can you push on it I tried oh you're so close it's not enough it's just not enough room he just threw an axe out of it oh my gosh you can see the outside uh press no I can do this oh God hitting sideways is the hardest part of this you can hear the wood [Music] cracking think I got to I got to cut this bad [Music] boy [Music] Freedom oh wow the wood is so inviting and sharp in the battle of the Giant versus tiny steel BLX still Robert managed to defeat me thank you for watching subscribe