Transcript for:
Robin Hood's Battle Against Tyranny

[Music] come on you scum we'll have you in the dungeons before dark give the rats a chance to see what they're having for suppers yeah [Music] oh what troubles you my lord Sheriff why must you treat these people so these people are treated as they deserve what have they done this time they were found with stolen money surely these are not thieves just hardworking farmers in League with the Outlaws who robbed my Tax Collectors then catch the Outlaws punish them in time all things must come to pass including supper Hilda I trust the lady Maran will not keep us waiting again tonight be so kind as to go to her Chambers tell her I await her company I shall ask her to ready herself when Robin Hood hears of this he'll be bound to try to rescue them and he will hear just as as he seems to hear of my every move my Lord try not to concern yourself about a spy if one is here he'll not Escape my eye for much longer that I hope for should it take much longer your eyes will surely fail of age [Music] thank you my Lord that supper was most excellent Maran for 6 months now you've eaten excellent meals at my table will you not reconsider my proposal of marriage I guarantee that you shall want for nothing for the rest of your life no my Lord I cannot perhaps when my father returns from the Holy Land We Shall speak of it I would not wish you one moment of Despair beloved lady but you must understand there is no guarantee of his safety he will return I'm sure of it and I will retire now with your permission oh Terry just a few moments more forgive me my Lord I grow so weary then I would not detain you if her father should ever return I know he'll not agree to our marriage rest easy my Lord remember I have said before the Earl of va shall never again set foot on English soil it is indeed a comfort to me to know that I have such a trustworthy Lieutenant trust is a very strong word I would never commit myself s with such language Let Us instead agree that without you I could not be so sure to eat and live so well so I am to you no more than an employer and I to you and the means by which you retain this position let neither of us overstep these boundaries make haste help me with this cloak Maran you must not go tonight the lieutenant suspects every one of us loosen this tie the sooner I'm gone the sooner I return I'm ready where's the rope help me with this make [Music] haste oh I'd like the nail to war my Bon seems all too quiet tonight I don't know I think something [Music] night watch Night Watch what is this why do you call out the watch I heard a horse Galloping away from the castle this must be the traitor who carries messages to Robin Hood it could so we'll organize a search of all the bed Chambers if we find one empty we know the identity of the spy and when he returns the scaffold will be waiting for him or perhaps her her you know there are very few women privy to my thinking then it shouldn't take long to search the lady Marian's chamber don't be so foolish Marian is no spy I could trust I said before you use that word too lightly indeed you did so now let's both go together to her room and prove you wrong [Applause] gentlemen is something wrong the guard called out the night watch it appears there is an intruder in the castle and I was concerned for you I thank you for thinking of me but as you can see he is not here only myself and Hilda who's asleep in the bedroom I'm much relieved to see you here alone I wish you a good night we won't disturb you again we've other rooms to search I hope you find your man good [Music] night Robin that dinner was delicious I'm sure King Richard himself would have been proud Des serve such a fine roast I'm sure he would considering it was one of his own beer he would never begrudged the odd haunt you venison to ones as loyal as we of course not to good King Richard someone's hurt don't forget these this could be another of my Lord left tenant's tricks sorry stay here you two oh help help don't worry me young lad I'll help thee you're so kind now that to stay [Music] put I do thank you sir my horse slipped in the mud that I can see and now you're a wearing most of it I've slapped you once before Robin Hood and I'll you'll do nothing youngg unless you want to be a man before your time stop talking like that you great o use your eyes oh forgive me you ladyship I didn't know who is this I'll tell you as we walk back to the camp who is that giant the newest of the merry men I met him this afternoon down at the for you know how narrow it is I wanted to cross and so did he one of us will have to stand back then it'll be the I think not Make Way for your better I've not yet been bettered well then prepare for this he picked me up with one hand and threw me back up to the bank and you landed on your pride well yes but when the rest of the merry men appeared he seemed to realize who I was and pleaded with me to forgive him and to let him join us what is his name well his real name is John little but with a body like that I've retitled him Little John I think he'll be a huge asset Mariam you know how much it pleases me to see you but isn't it getting a little too risky the sheriff and that leftenant are not complete fools you know are they not you don't know of their latest scheme but you're going to tell me I'm going to tell you of the scheme and then what to do about it thank you they have arrested six men from milter for what for taking the money you gave them but it was theirs in the first place by the time you stole it it had become the sheriff's but those people were starving in order to pay that much in taxes he knows only that as long as they don't starve quite to death they'll keep working and while they live they'll pay his taxes not while I can do something about it and that's the other thing I've come to tell you you are to do nothing to help those six prisoners but Marian listen the sheriff won't harm six good taxpayers but he's quite ready to use them as a bait to catch you yes I see that he'll soon get tired of waiting for you to appear and then he'll release them you're very wise my sweet maram but not wise in Affairs of the heart I here oh [Music] maram no please I could tell you nothing I don't know leave him try the next my Lord You're not torturing these men torture is a strong word my dear no no the liutenant simply wants a little information I'm sorry if it distresses you but one of these peasants must know who is passing information into Robin Hood you can't be sure of that my dear Marian can you explain how every time my tax gatherers are carrying money in Sherwood Forest that Outlaw knows of it in time to waylay them he never attacks when they're empty-handed it could be that someone in the castle is carrying messages we shall find out soon enough this afternoon the lieutenant will lead his men to melter village where he will collect again all the taxes Robin Hood has stolen should he run into any trouble with Outlaws we shall know there is an Informer among us but you still won't know who it is the leftenant has eyes through every window no one can move 6 Ines without he knows of it well Hilda there are no windows down here and the atmosphere makes me feel quite ill let us go for some air good morning ladies good morning my Lord good morning [Music] continue Marian you couldn't be so foolish he means what he says the lieutenant trusts no one then how can I let Robin know about them reimposing those taxes you cannot Robin will have to deal with this without your help [Music] cut me down get me out of this oh dear me and I I I thought I'd caught my dinner do I look like a deer cut me down you bloated toad is that the way you'd address a man of the cloth sir a man of the cloth turn poacher yes how much is it worth to me to release you enough to guarantee yourself Passage through the Greenwood you may have heard of me I'm Robin Hood the very man I came to see please allow me you've twisted my ankle take my arm and I'll help you across the stream you'll have to do better than that you'll have to carry me across I fear you're mistaken good sir the only only fear you need mention is that I should pierce the blabber you encase yourself with walk sir I know not how deep might be the water you can stop when it reaches my chin don't worry about the cold your petting W let you freeze don't stop now you've done a grand job and here one [Music] [Applause] [Music] better very uncharitable of you master frer and this more so no more I concede me thinks you could speak those words with more sincerity I have no breath to speak again enough to say yes to my request I pray and what is that to join Robin Hood's merry men unless you move there will be merry men but no Robin Hood forgive me don't know me own wait will you now tell me your name my name I'm afraid has gone from my memory for so long the cruel insensitive men with whom I shared a table have mocked my appetite I answer now only to the appalation tuck Fri tuck it is I'm sad to say so Fri tuck it is and ever shall be now let us hurry to the camp dinner should be ready and I expect you're hungry what takes your eye my Lord I'm sorry to say I think the lieutenant has met some resistance in mccaster how so do you see that smoke has your bully boy Set Fire To The Village I think he must have what a terrible [Music] shame don't he burn no more we had the penny piece to give this I know that Robin Hood returned to you people the tax collected but 3 weeks ago pay up your lawful debt and I'll burn no more of these dogs kennels you can't take what we un to not to give them I'll take what belongs to the sheriff or you'll have no houses left at all I do so like to e play that loot of yours yes indeed a tune would wet our appetites hold will lady Marin should hear this and if I'm not mistaken she will appear at any [Music] [Applause] [Music] moment help her she's in is not Maran is Simon of melter it is his mind the body I think is broken tuck bring a mug of Ale can you talk I but you'll not like what I say the liutenant has torched mccaster Village he's done what we hid the taxes you returned to us once they' arrested six from our village we was scared to be found with it that should have been good sense except when you know how far the sheriff and his leftenant will go for money hush Robin another horse I think you followed Joel can you deal with this all right I can I called you an oath the last time you dunderhead please me lady get up I must speak to Robin a little late for that I fear well don't get angry with me you must have known what the sheriff was planning I didn't and even if I had I couldn't have been here before now my every move is watched by the lieutenants now then no use in quarreling if you spent some part of the day with your eyes open instead of playing poacher you would have seen the smoke the same as I did it too late please arguing between ourselves they'll get us nowhere I'm sorry Little John and sorry Maran I'm not really angry with you my love and neither I with you what should we do Marion I have but one idea and it's not particularly good that's one more than I at any rate before will Scarlet joined you here in the Greenwood he was a roving trador am I not right that he was I often he him play very good he was your plan Marin that will should resume his former profession no one in Nottingham knows that he's now one of your men he can visit the castle sing for his supper and slip off into the night whenever it so pleases him Marian that's a wonderful idea thank you but let's see what will thinks [Music] good Mar to you sir would you be kind enough to introduced me to the sheriff there he is my Lord Sheriff one moment please my Lord you called me minstral I did my Lord but begging your pardon sir I'm not a Minstrel I a bet trador small difference true but still a difference enough to guarantee a few nights entertainment new songs new stories the price not High supper a bed perhaps another meal supper you shall get a bed will be made in the stable all else you find for yourself I cannot refuse go and wash yourself and be ready to sing Come supper time that man that stranger a Wandering Minstrel wants to sing for his supper I've not seen him before I wonder where he's from and what he's doing here I'm sure it will take you no time at all to find the answers to those questions [Laughter] [Music] A Thousand Years here and gone since man so wonderous was seen a thousand years shall come and part here we see of lion I do wish these vagabonds Could Sing of something other than Richard the lionart my Lord the king is well beloved by his people well beloved perhaps but also well nigh [Music] forgotten was seen a thousand years shall come part and we see the equal of the L in times with the and V above the King Alone uphold theor of the crown A Thousand Years here and gone since man Wonder there was seen a thousand years shall come and pass we see the equal of the Lion [Music] Heart this is to show you how we treat spies in Nottingham Castle sp sp he's one of Robin Hood's men oh surely this cannot be my Lord liutenant would not lie my dear take him down to the dungeon what will you do with him don't you concern yourself about that the liutenant will know how to treat him I think we all know what that means [Music] Robin That's good I've always enjoyed a good tale and you can tell them better than me most I expect you'd have a few of your own Master frer no monk has ever reached your proportions on a monastery's menu to take a chicken from here and a duck from there is no match for your saddle bags full of gold ingots I fear [Music] hush I don't think that can be Marian she doesn't need to leave the castle now that will is there to deliver messages I better safe and sorry I'll just take a quick look if it should be Maran try not to harm her this time it's SL down [Music] [Applause] there John it's Maran please step aside this is [Music] urgent Maran it's good to see you but why have you come it's will Robin someone recognized him they've locked him the dungeon at the castle the lieutenant will torture him slow down I know what will happen if they can force him to tell how to get here the sheriff will bring every soldier in the county there'll be a hundred of them to every one of you then we'll need to free him before the leftenant has the time to break him tomorrow provides a good opportunity the sheriff has arranged an archery contest in the castle grounds the prize is a purse of gold so people will throng there from All Parts it would be easy enough for a couple of you to slip through the gate pass the guards and if we can fool the guards we might as well enter the contest it'll be good to take the sheriff's money without having to steal it you're going too far now getting into the castle shouldn't be so difficult but if you shoot in the competition you'll be bound to be recognized Maran just for this one time I'm not going to listen to you I'm we robbing Maran if we can make this work our names will go down in the history books and if it doesn't work you'll go down 6 ft under with your heads in separate caskets [Music] from the East rip ores from the East big and juicy [Music] oranges Min my ribb fine ribbons for me lady fine ribbons fine ribbons for me lady for a [Music] penny oranges from the East Pig and juicy oranges ch [Music] [Music] what causes the mer pray I'm sorry John but when they say you can't make a silk purse from a s's ear they must be thinking of you Robin if I only had room to swing my arms in this jacket I'd make the E those words [Music] here ye here ye the first contest this morning is between me Lord Sheriff's two finest bman the winner of this first heat will then take on anyone who cares to challenge him silence silence the contest will commence if that upstart Robin Hood is here he won't be able to resist the urge to show off there's only one fault with your plan how will you recognize him I believe there's only one man in England who could outshoot your Champion that man will be arrested he will prove to be Robin Hood mark my words it could be embarrassing should you be wrong he's here somewhere while everyone is watching these dullards you find your way to the dungeon most of the guards will have left their posts for r view of the contest hi Robie your [Music] target [Music] shoot first round to master F prepare to shoot again fck your [Music] target shoot round two the fer of the [Music] stand so much as ble but I'll run you through not with this you [Music] [Applause] [Music] won't he wins the competition [Music] [Applause] we have a champion now who will challenge him there is a purse of gold at stake I'll take it not so fast SP you must win it first that's what I mean to do how do you call yourself loyalty King Richard will do King Richard it is step up to the mark and take it [Music] shoot we must judge there a tie prepare to shoot again will Scarlet will I in here John how did you get down here we're more trouble than the I dare say h seems your tongue is so sharp you can cut through these bars with it perhaps I'd better leave you here to learn to be a little more grateful oh no don't do that and be be [Music] [Applause] quiet take away one full ey well my fine pair it seems hard to choose a champion so now we'll do it with the one target Peter will shoot first take a shoot now you who calls himself loyal to VCH you take Aim [Music] Shoot it is yours sir prepare for the second [Applause] heat that's better a fine effort thank you little John Let's Get Back Up upstairs watch out for [Music] Robin better [Applause] [Music] willingly a moment I have a side wager to make do that again and you shall have this along with the other and if I do it twice more what then do I get would this be a fair prize I should like that one above all others then prepare to shoot again I think your scheme has proved itself are your men ready one signal from me and a dozen pairs of arms shall grab him shoot at your pleasure [Music] [Applause] it must be him arrest him he promised to do it again let's see how good the braggot really [Music] [Applause] [Music] isy take him that's Robin Hood this pass to the [Music] maning I'll save this later [Music] take those three let's get out of here not without the prize if you can give this away for so little you obviously have no need of it d [Music] [Applause] [Music] he was here right under your nose and you let him Escape my Lord I have not known that he was so quick witted compared to you a donkey has Keen wits I Lord shut up I don't like losing I don't like people who take from me what I should have I don't like to be disappointed now the end today I nearly captured my worst enemy but he is escaped I think as compensation it could be considered fair that I turn from the one my heart despises to the one my heart desires We Shall Set a wedding date my Lord Sheriff you know that to be impossible until my father returns from the Crusades to give his consent I can be betrothed to no one half the soldiers Richard has with him will never return to England your father has always been a peaceful man unskilled in the Arts of War a perfect Target for a sarason blade as your guardian I have the right to assume your father's authority over you that you do not but he most certainly does my sweet lady we shall be married on St sn's day no no [Music] no since sn's day is the one day of the year you can rely on to be fine just as well I thought of that indeed and if I might pass comment I think your new suit of clothes is equal to the Glorious brightness of the weather only a few hours before my wedding and yet I still pray for a miracle that will save me from this miserable fate we can't rely on Miracles between us we must be able to think of something all I can think of is Robin how could he allow this to happen I'm not sure that even Robin could help this time the sheriff has doubled the guard yet again even though the entire Castle has been locked and boled every night for the past 2 weeks every night that's right what's right he's locked the whole place up like a prison at night but I've never tried to get out during the day you mean now I do indeed but Marian when I disguise myself in your gar at night I rely on the darkness to hide our differences if anyone should come looking for you while you were out now they they will recognize me at a glance not if you were wearing this if you were to wear the wedding dress this would cover most of your face well I can get to Robin and back before noon before that monster forces a ring onto your finger I certainly hope so I wouldn't like to witness Daniel's face when he returns from the Crusades to find his wife twice married worse still that your other husband is the Sheriff of Nottingham Now quickly Maran and be twice as careful as ever before I shall be there and back before you have a chance to miss [Music] me stay quite still you are all easy marks for our Arrow who speaks these words I do well that's no reason for concern then perhaps this is these I assume are the Outlaws who call themselves The Mery men they are and you are Robin Hood who dubbed them such I am indeed I heard that Robin Hood stole only from the rich and with his booty paid money to the poor your information is correct then why stop a small band of penniless monks my Lord of Nottingham would stoop to any trick to transport his cruel taxes through the Greenwood and you suspect that we are tax gatherers in Disguise that's exactly right not exactly right but I grant you half a truth we are in [Music] Disguise King Richard it's the king oh it's King [Music] Rich a rapid change of status eh Master Robin stand up all of you your majesty I do so welcome you back and apologize most humbly for the rudess of our greeting I should probably have your head for it but I do believe you may have been driven to this wild Behavior your majesty I crave a moment of your time I would acquaint you with the condition of this country since you left your brother to rule in your absence PR I know how much the people suffer under these tyrants that's why I'm here in Disguise we welcome you sir as your most loyal servants loyal servants do not achieve a girth like yours without a meal or two of Royal venison an old stag occasionally don't worry big belly you have pardoned your transgressions and so the rest of you those on the C Robin excuse me Your Majesty there's someone [Music] coming Robin Robin get your bow come with me hey up there W there's no time to be wasted hurry Ela will be married to the sheriff bro what forgive me my dear we are newly arrived in this country and know not of what you speak my companion Hilder is to be married to the Sheriff of Nottingham that be awful she's already married to one of King Richard's Knights by the Saints then why would she commit bigamy the situation is desperate the sheriff is trying to force me to marry him and Hilda has taken my place while I seek Robin's help please sir do not question me further Robin's the only one who can help us don't be so Hasty dear Marian these Friars could perhaps be of assistance then put bows in their hands and let's be off I like the idea of the bow although I've always preferred heard this and I feel more comfortable with one of these and you I think you know how well I wield this mace Robin who are these monks well the one waving the broadsword with the Royal Crest is King Richard the lionard this is the Abbott of Gloucester this a curet and the man with the battle axe your father my dear oh hello man Daniel thank heaven you're here we must must get back quickly or Hilda will be forced to marry the sheriff in my place please please do something before I faint this is no time to remember your lady a jolly party but one that carries too long I fear you're right fed frer harness these two horses and we'll all jump in the [Music] cart the sheriff is still waiting me lady please tell him I shall soon be there sun is not good enough he wants you there now just a few minutes to compose myself this is a big step to be taken and the only way to take that step is to put your right foot forward come on now one moment I feel faint if you faint I shall be forced to carry you believe me one way or another you are going to the chapel [Music] [Music] get up get p let me go oh no this is one time you do exactly what I want [Music] no sir eus the quickest way but not the nicest [Music] well go on I never performed a ceremony in this manner before and improvise get to the part about the ring I believe this may be it Benedict [Music] [Applause] Dom I want to do this for a long time no one now shall deprive me of this [Music] pleasure I think I've had enough of this game let's see how you enjoy a fair match what are you doing in there open this door better do as he says behind [Music] you open this door in the Name of the King [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what news please your majesty of my husband Daniel why don't you ask him yourself oh praise me I better check on Mariam well it's a beautiful day for a wedding shame to waste it Robin Marion a word with you please oh yes well now we have the Abbot of Gloucester to perform the ceremony the Earl of Vault to give the bride away and Limitless groomsmen and I'm sure the sheriff has prepared a wonderful banquet and Hilda would love to return the dress she borrowed from Maran I can think of no reason why we shouldn't see a wedding after all your majesty there's one thing missing what's that my dear Maran you haven't given us a present oh how very Lex ask me anything you will it shall be yours I know what we'd like the key to the Sheriff's cell most certainly and the key to my Lord lieutenants shall be buried under the tallest oak in your beloved Greenwood [Applause] for [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music]