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Methods for Estimating Species Populations
Oct 15, 2024
Estimating Species Population
Multiple methods exist for counting or estimating populations of species.
Choice of method depends on available resources and type of species.
Direct Counting Methods
Complete Counts
: Counting all individuals in an area.
Often aided by aerial flyovers or photography.
Rarely used due to high resource and personnel demands.
Drive Approach
: Individuals walk across an area to count organisms.
Indirect and Estimated Counts
Common due to resource constraints.
Key Estimation Methods
1. Mark Recapture Method
Used for mobile species; also called capture-recapture method.
Capture animals using traps or other methods.
Mark animals with a tag or band.
Release marked animals back into the environment.
Capture a new sample and note marked individuals.
Ratio of marked to unmarked individuals estimates total population size.
2. Quadrant Sampling Method
Suitable for species with limited mobility (e.g., plants, snails).
Use a quadrant to randomly select areas for counting organisms.
Count organisms within the quadrant.
Extrapolate data to larger areas based on quadrant size.
Example: Counting organisms in a 1 square meter quadrant can be applied to a larger area.
3. Transect Sampling Method
Involves drawing lines across a study area.
Walk along transect lines and count observed organisms.
Record distances of organisms from transect line.
Data used to estimate total population based on observed species along each transect.
Various methods exist for population estimation; the discussed methods are commonly used.
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