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20 Things You Need to Know When Starting to Drive for Uber

all right so let's talk about 20 things that you need to know when starting to drive for [Music] Uber hey everyone my name is Chris and welcome to the ride share guy now driving Uber can be a great way to make money or extra money depending on what you're looking at but there are definitely things that you need to know when starting to drive for Uber and if you've been driving for a little while maybe there are a couple of things that you didn't realize or that you didn't know and let's clear them up so let's go over 20 things right now so the first thing that you need to know when it comes to driving for Uber is you need to know your costs associated with driving so you need to know your miles per gallon how much it's going to cost per mile for you to drive and then that way it's going to help you know if you're out there making money actually breaking even or losing money remember you're using your car it's using gas there's wear and tear oil maintenance tires all of that stuff is going to affect how much it's going to cost for you to drive which brings us to number two and that is you don't have to accept every single ride so if a trip that comes in isn't worth it to you or it's taking you into an area that you may not want to go or end up in then you don't have to accept that ride number three is most markets in the Uber platform have something known as upfront fairs which means you're going to see the pickup the drop off and also how much you're going to make with a little bit more extra information like distance time expected all that good stuff so you're going to be able to make a more informed decision whether that ride is going to be worth it for you or not now a little bonus tip is once that ride request comes in you only have 10 seconds in order to say that you would accept or deny and you may have to figure out some information in between now a little bonus tip on the accept screen or the offer screen is that it only lasts for 10 seconds on the Uber platform so if you're not paying attention to your phone if if you're driving around and a ride request comes in it's going to feel like it's a lot quicker so train your brain to know whether it's going to be worth it for you to take or not number four Uber is usually the busier platform when it comes to ride share but to maximize your potential earnings you should sign up for multiple platforms so also make sure you sign up for Lift as well and if you want to do something like food delivery or last mild delivery make sure you sign up for those particular apps as well and then you can take advantage of all the different apps that are available in your area now just know that ride share is usually the one that pays more when it comes to ride share versus food delivery in most circumstances but not all number five is you need to have a dash camera whenever driving ride share you need it for many different things whether it's an unruly passenger whether it's a passenger who files a false complaint against you whether it is an accident or something for safety it is is necessary now Uber just recently announced that they are going to be able to offer something called a record my ride using the front-facing camera on your phone in some cities but not all and most areas but the problem is that particular phone recording is not going to be able to pick up everything that you may need when it comes to getting a dash camera so I always recommend have the dash camera because that's just good to have as a backup in the event something does happen number six is you can multia which means you can be on multiple platforms all at the same time and that means that if you signed up for Uber Lyft door Dash you could be on all platforms all at the same time so if one app is slow you have a greater chance of getting an order or a ride depending on what service you are providing for that particular time but don't dirty app which means don't be using multiple apps when you actually have a ride going on or when you have an order for food going on just make sure that you shut off the other apps or go offline when you have an order or a ride coming in number seven when you are on a ride make sure you hit stop new requests so you won't be getting any new requests coming in which could be a safety issue or a problem especially if you're driving and all of a sudden it pops up and it diverts your attention to the phone versus on the road another little thing when it comes to that is it makes it seem like you're offline and therefore there would be less available drivers on the road which could increase surge in your area and speaking of surge number eight is do not Chase random surge don't chase it one of the best things you can do when you're starting out starting in a new market or driving at a different time is seeing what trends are available so take note on the app when you are planning on driving see what areas are surging on a regular basis because that's going to be regular surge that's something you can predict and that's something that you can can position yourself to be able to take advantage of and get surge on rides instead of trying to chase random surge one of the problems with chasing random surge popping up is the other drivers that are out on the platform as well too they're going to see that surge they're going to drive there and then it's going to disappear when you get there it's like trying to chase the end of a rainbow you can't actually get it number nine as an Uber driver you are not above the law you are not above the law in any way you are still considered a person who is just driving around which means you have to adhere to all local traffic laws so when you have an order that is coming in and you go to pick them up and you realize that your car can only fit four people and there's five or six people trying to get into your car don't take it because if there's any problems or any issues you are the one who will be 100% liable as the driver not only that don't take children without car seats again that's against the law don't take unaccompanied miners it's against terms of service now Uber does have Uber te in several markets already which means anybody from the ages of 13 to 17 are opted in to be able to take Uber teen rides and you can either opt in or out of taking teen rides whether you want to or not but just note no unaccompanied miners when it comes to Uber X or anything beyond Uber teen number 10 sign up for everything on the Uber platform sign up for ride share sign up for all the parts of ride share that you can sign up for Uber Eats package delivery shop and pay everything you can why because you can always turn off those preferences if you don't want to take it maybe there's a time where you don't want to take ride share and do some sort of shopping or pick up some food or anything like that those types of things can all be done within the Uber app so sign up for everything and then turn off what you don't want to take and in the event that it's slow or you want to switch it up a little bit it's all within the app now number 11 is when you're looking at the map and you see those gray clouds with the dollar signs that does not mean that it is busy now that means it's going to be busy or they expect it to be busy in about an hour so it's using a predictive algorithm to let you know what it's going to look like in the future but it does not necessarily reflect reality so pay attention to that don't fall for the great clouds with the money signs make sure you're paying attention to the app when you're driving so again you can see where those surge areas are actually happening and then that way it's going to help you maximize your earnings and position yourself best and number 12 is when you are planning for your week or month or however you want to go out and drive however you're planning make sure you know that the bonuses on the weekend are always usually better than the weekday bonuses it's not always the case it also depends on your market and where you drive and all that but just know that the average weekend is usually busier than the weekdays number 13 is that Uber has hidden The Surge amounts in some areas so if you look at your map you might see either the surge with some dollar signs or you might not just know that the real Reds and deep purples are going to be the areas with higher surge now number 14 is make sure you subscribed to the ride share guy and check out all of our Uber related content so it can help maximize your earnings on the road not only that to stay up toate with the most relevant information when it comes to driving Uber or lft make sure you check out show me the money Club live Tuesdays 600 p.m. Eastern 300 p.m. Pacific with myself and my co-host Sergio where we dive into what's going on in the ride share community and we talk about some of the changes that you should be watching out for knowing and all of that not only that we also have the course here so if you're a new driver and you're looking to learn more about the app more about the platform and maximize your earnings and get a go-ahead against the other drivers in your area make sure you check out our course and if you use the link in the description below with the code you'll be able to get 50% off number 15 is you're an independent contractor which means you need to track all of your miles your expenses and also make sure you track your income and then try to subtract out what your expected taxes are going to be and any maintenance you may need for your car so then that way everything is going to be covered and you won't have to worry or scramble when it comes to trying to pay for car maintenance or your taxes all right number 16 is talk less drive more that means when somebody gets in your car say hello good morning how you doing whatever it might be let them answer and then take note from them are they talkative are they talking to you or not don't be the person who tries to make conversation with everybody try to mirror what your passenger is it's just going to make the ride better overall so if they want to be quiet and stay quiet Hey listen to some music and drive if they want to talk then that's cool they'll talk and you'll know number 17 is Drive during the times that it's busy or when the bonuses and promotions are being offered so make sure you take advantage of those bonuses and promotions that may be available in your area and then just take note of when it's busy and that's going to be the best time for you to maximize the earnings instead of sitting there waiting for a ride to come in all right now number 18 which is very important and this comes dealing with lost items nobody wants to return lost items because it's a hassle trying to get a hold of the passenger try to work it out it can just be a pain plus the distance could be really great compared to where you drop them off and where you're located there could be a great distance and again it's just not a hassle that you want so when the ride is coming to an end and you pulled over and they're getting out of the car make sure you take a peek behind look at the floor look at the back seat see if the passenger passengers left anything if they did let them know right then and there that way you don't even have to worry about a lost item number 19 is become familiar with the Uber app it's a pretty complex app there's a lot to it and becoming familiar with it is going to save a lot of headache when you're trying to find something so say you need to make a report or say you need to update your documents or your vehicle information or your AA preferences when it comes to what you want to drive and all that there's a lot of things within the app so become familiar with it and stay tuned for a full in-depth Uber driver tutorial app breakdown right here on the ride share guy coming real soon number 20 if you want to be a better driver become a passenger see what it's like from a passenger's perspective and how you can improve as a driver now that is 20 tips for being an Uber driver and things that you need to know now if you'd like to know 40 more things on what you need to know as an Uber and lift driver make sure you check out this video right here again make sure you subscribed if you're not already and drive safe be smart and we'll see you next time