Transcript for:
Practical Tips to Become a Better Copywriter

today I'm going to give you all of my practical tips to become a better copywriter immediately so I think you can take some of these things and Implement them in your work right now I I want to just tell you how much copyrighting has changed my life and it's the reason why I've got so much conviction when I talk about copywriting it's like I was a freelance copywriter I traveled the world I lived in Latin America and Europe and Indonesia and um on The Great Ocean Road and you know I did all these things because copywriting made that possible and now I'm in a position where I have a portfolio of brands that do over $10 million USD a year and the foundation for all of those Brands is copywriting and so I want you to have that like I really feel a strong desire to share what I've learned because I think it's it's just it's just been so gamechanging for me so what I'm about to teach you is not just stuff that's worked for me but I've also taught this to other people so I had two interns come in they ended up writing an ad that did over $2 million on Facebook ads and then robin our brand director came in with no copyrighting experience or a marketing experience at all and has now done upwards of $7 million in email copy and in ads so all of this stuff that I'm going to talk about right now is just the stuff that we use every day and how you use it will depend on how much you practice it and your natural talents anyway let's get into it so if this is if this is backlit and blown out then tough so tip one is use the word you now you need to make everything about the reader like nobody cares about you nobody cares about your brand so when you use the words I and you use the words we it doesn't hit for them because they're just in their own world and human being is a selfish content consumer and if there's nothing in it for them then they don't care they move on so you want to make the body of work whether that be an email or an ad you want to make it about them and you want to make as many sentences as possible about them and the way that you do that is by speaking in second person and using the word you the next tip is use short sentences and this is just for the effort scale like every time we can read a short sentence and we get that period and then we move on to the next sentence and we get that period it allows us to flow through the work but if you start to create complex sentences with commas and it just it's just more work for us as readers and we don't like that we want easy to read stuff and so adding on for that is the next tip which is using simple words to increase comprehension as soon as somebody can't understand something they're out so if 10% of the people can't understand some of the words you're using you've just curbed your results by 10% the next tip is use lots of white space and this is really important for when when somebody sees your work for the first time in that initial impression if you're writing in big chunky paragraphs that looks like effort what we do is we we use the enter button like we just keep on smacking that enter button so it's like sentence Enter space sentence Enter space and it just looks like a breeze to read it looks like it's effortless because there's so much white space involved and for whatever reason that makes us feel like um it's going to be an easy read the final tip in the get red part is to be bold and what I mean by that is like do not hedge in your writing as soon as you start hedging and using adverbs like possibly or maybe or uh this could be we as readers have a repulsion to that because it's like we intrinsically know that you've wasted our time it's like if this person's publish something and they're not even completely sure where the [ __ ] are they publishing this [ __ ] and then you B and the other thing that happens is you don't create the authority that you need to create and the trust that you need to create to Be an Effective copywriter so before you hit publish get rid of those adverbs the best way to do that so that you're not thinking about it when you're writing is to go to Hemingway and copy and paste your stuff into the Hemingway app that will actually highlight your adverbs especially when you're using them in a passive way and it and it will literally say don't hedge be bold and it will tell you to get rid of that adverb so that's a really good tool to use okay so moving on from getting read to persuasion as a copywriter you want to make sure that you're creating desire before you think about justifying anything one of the main mistakes I see people make when it comes to persuasion is that they get the structure of their writing wrong they try to logically justify things like they'll justify the price or they'll talk about the features too prematurely before the consumer actually has had time create desire um we'll get more into this in a little bit but I just want you to think about this structure you need to evoke emotion and create desire before you start getting into the technical technicalities the next tip is use the magic words so you can to bridge a feature and a benefit let's say that it's 1970 and I'm a writer and you're trying to sell me this typewriter and this typewriter has a feature which has sensitive keys and sensitive keys is just a feature but the benefit would be this typewriter has sensitive keys so you can type faster get your work done quicker and spend more time doing the things that you like to do the words so you can Bridge feature to benefit it's just a nice little hack the next tip is letting the reader know what's in it for them as soon as possible sometimes I read these emails and it's like hey David hope you've been well we've been busy doing this stuff over Easter it's like like bro why do I care about this stuff like I'm a selfish piece of [ __ ] human being I want to know what's in it for me what would be better is if they said hey David there's a huge discount in this email but first let me tell you a humiliating story now there's just been two sentences that have told me that I'm getting a big discount and that I'm going to get to witness the author of the email be humiliated two two little ticks for me I'm going to read that and if the copywriter is smart what they're going to do is they're going to weave into that story story some connective tissue to justify why they're making the discount and why they're putting on the sale and so like I'm going to read the story be engaged and as I'm engaged in the story my emotions are going to open up and I'm going to be a lot more likely to want to click on the link and you know exercise the discount the next tip is understanding that copywriting is a series of head nods which means you want to be them to be saying yes at the end of every sentence as soon as they say no you've lost them so just be mindful of that when you're writing your copy that if you say something that isn't true or it's something that your particular audience doesn't think is true you've lost them next tip is more of a statement but real copywriters don't care about sounding smart about sounding witty or about sounding clever they just care about articulating the value of the thing that they're selling to the person they're trying to sell it to and that's really key you're just trying to communicate the value you want them to see what's in it for them the next tip is if you know what your people want and why they want it now 90% of the work's done the next tip is know the importance of your offer when I heard this statement it like it just changed the way that I viewed everything which was a great offer can still succeed with shitty copy but but great copy can't succeed with a shitty offer so the next tip is in your call to action tell us exactly what we need to do next and if you can create that visual for the consumer and there's no holes there's no blind spots it means they assume there's less effort and they can actively predict what's coming next which curbs a lot of skepticism which is really important and then the final tip in the persuasion part of this video is create a big long list of features and a big long list of matching benefits for the product that you're selling and go into every single product that's on your Ecom store or whatever it is that you're selling and go feature so you can benefit feature so you can benefit and that list is going to be the material for which you build almost all of your copy okay finally let's move on to tools I'm just going to smash through this real quick you want to create a swipe file that's going to be something that you're going to use a lot I use swipe. Co which allows me to access some of the all-time great copy like Frank Kern Dan Kennedy and Gary Halbert like I get to go in and look at all of their great emails and their great advertisements and their great newspaper articles and I draw inspiration from that and I get to see how they kind of flow through their work but if I'm looking for something something more specific go go to really I'll just look at some of the templates of how they present their information and if I have an idea already I'll just be looking for the thing that kind of connects with me and then I'll be like okay I'm going to insert my idea into this template one of the tools I like to use for for the flow of your email is on every single Mac computer which is like you just highlight your text you write click and then you click on dictate or speech or speak to me or whatever the hell it is and you just close your eyes and you listen to that robotic [ __ ] churning out your copy and you'll be able to hear when you've got a uh congestion in the flow the other trick to getting flow which really blew my mind when I first used this was highlighting your text and then changing the font and then make it five times bigger than the stuff you've been writing as soon as you see it way bigger with a different font what's going to happen is all of the patent recognition in your brain is kind of reset now and it's de coding the words again from scratch and it's allows you to view it with fresh eyes which has been really important for me when I've been looking at something like over and over again the final thing which is a tool but it's it's more of like a methodology is if I were you I'd try to master the two copywriting formulas which are AER and pass so AER is attention interest desire action and pass is pain agitation solution there are a bunch of copyrighting formulas but those those two I like because they just kind of um are on two opposite ends of the spectrum so to speak like pain agitation solution is really starting with like the core frustration of the consumer and then attention interest desire action could be anything and if you learn to do both of them you just start to kind of get a better understanding of how the human being consumes information and it'll give you a opportunity to find the one that you like and you just naturally gravitate to that so in conclusion copyrighting is really important change my life I hope it changes yours use the stuff that I've taught you in this video and um see you tomorrow