Transcript for:
Lecciones morales de cuentos sagrados

Happy Kids Tv The Holy Tales Hello children Hello Holy Is it time for you to tell us another story about one of Jesus'disciples? Yes That's right. Yay!

So who are we going to hear about today? Well today I am going to tell you the story of Matthew. And he also had another name. Another name?

Oh yes he was also called Levi. That sounds interesting. Alright then lets begin with the story. Matthew was the son of Alpheus and he lived in Capernaum His name meant a gift of God. The call of Matthew to the band of Jesus'disciples is of great importance.

Matthew's other name was Levi which was probably given by Jesus when he became a disciple. Matthew was a tax collector and a publican. He was engaged in public service work And gathered the taxes which the people paid.

However in those times the Jews hated the tax gatherers Because they believed that it was the tax collector who was the tax collector. The right of the people to pay taxes as a tribute only to God. Paying it to someone else meant breaking of the law.

The Jews hated the tax gatherers not only for this religious reason But also because they were very unjust and unfair towards them. The Jews regarded these tax collectors nothing less than criminals. Matthew was one of them.

Every other tax collector he would assess taxes for their people and also lend them money and charge high rates of interest from them. Yet Jesus chose him from amongst all the hated men and made him one of his own. Being the master he saw the potential in the tax collector of Capernaum. Matthew was different from all the other disciples of Jesus who were mostly fishing men. He knew how to write and with the power of the pen he brought to the world the teaching of Jesus In the Hebrew language.

The apostolic symbol of Matthew is three money bags It helps us to remember that the Bible is a book of the Bible. That he was a tax collector before Jesus called him. That was quite an interesting story Holy.

So it is because of Matthew that we began to know more about Jesus. I see. I hope you children like the story.

Oh yes we did. I am glad. Holy Tales Yes and today I am going to tell you the story of the Good Samaritan.

The Good Samaritan? Who is the Good Samaritan? We will get to know about that as we hear the story. Ok One day a man came up to Jesus while he was teaching.

The man asked Jesus, Lord, what must I do to live forever? My son. The Old Testament law says, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.

And this, my son, is the only way to live forever. A man looked confused. He asked, My Lord, what does loving your neighbor mean?

Do I have to love all my neighbors equally or just the ones that live close by? Jesus told him, the man a story about the Good Samaritan to help explain to the man the true meaning of loving your neighbors one day a man was traveling alone from Jerusalem to Jericho while he was on his way some robbers attacked him they beat him up and took away everything that he had even his clothes the man was left all alone on the road hurt and robbed he waited and waited for someone to come by and help him Soon a priest was walking by the same road. He saw the man lying on the ground in pain. He looked at him but did not help him.

He continued with his journey. Soon enough a Levite was crossing the same road where the man lay on the ground. Who is a Levite holy?

A Levite is a man who knew all of God's laws. They were good Jews. Oh!

The man lay on the ground and asked for help from the Levite. But the Levite did not help him. He ignored him and went on his way.

Finally, a man from Samaria came along that road. The Jews never liked the Samaritans because they thought them to be selfish. The Samaritans saw the man in pain and immediately stopped to help him. he took out his wine and oil from his bag and put it on his wounds then he lifted the man and took him to a nearby inn there he took care of the man all night to make sure he was going to be all right the next morning the samaritan had to leave for his own journey He wanted to make sure that the injured man was taken care of.

So he gave the innkeeper some money. He gave the innkeeper enough money so that the injured man could stay for the next two months. He even told the innkeeper that he would come back and pay him more money if the man was still sick.

So children, tell me. Which one of these men do you think was a true neighbor to the hurt and robbed man? The priest, the Levite or the Samaritan?

The Samaritan. He was the true neighbor. He helped the man in distress. Yes, this is exactly what Jesus wanted to explain.

No matter who it is, you should always help those who need your help. Every other person is a neighbor not only the ones who live close by Oh so Chubby Gumbo you are my neighbors and so are you Holy and everyone who are around me I love you all and I love them too Haha that's good Freckle Holy Tales Today I am going to tell you the story about the rich man and Lazarus. Hmm, sounds interesting.

Go on with the story, Holy. Can't wait. Woohoo!

Okay, okay. Once, there lived a rich man who wore fine purple colored clothes. In those times, purple was the most expensive dye, and therefore, seen mostly on nobles, rich people, royalty, and sometimes on high level officials.

Every day, this rich man would eat splendid meals wearing his purple robe. He never had to worry about anything in life. He thought everything could be bought with money.

And he had everything coming to him very easily. Outside the rich man's house lived a beggar. His name was Lazarus. He was hungry and wore torn clothes. He had sores all over his body.

He would come there every day. hoping to find some leftover food from the rich man. But the rich man ignored him and never cared or offered him food.

One night, Lazarus died. That same night, the rich man died too. The angels from heaven took Lazarus to Abraham's side of the heaven, while the rich man's eternal resting place was in hell.

When the rich man saw Lazarus on Abraham's side of heaven, he was confused. He did not understand what he did in his lifetime to receive such suffering and pain after death. He pleaded to Abraham, Let Lazarus come down and cool me off by dipping his finger in cool water and putting it on my tongue. I want to be relieved of all this pain that I am going through. Abraham spoke to the rich man.

During your lifetime, you received many good things while on the other hand, Lazarus received nothing but suffering. This was because of no fault of his, but he did. And you did nothing to help him out. Also, there's too much distance between Lazarus and you.

It is impossible for Lazarus to help you in any way. The rich man cried and begged, Please, please, please help me. Where were you when you could have helped Lazarus? Did you ever think of helping him when he sat outside your house every day, waiting for you to give him some food?

And now, after death, Lazarus deserves all the comfort and love he was ignored of in his life. The rich man thought over all the things Abraham told him. So he went back to Abraham and said, Please, can you send back Lazarus to my five brothers so that he can go warn them to change their lives?

Abraham was happy that the rich man was finally being unselfish and thinking about others over himself. But he also knew that sending back Lazarus would not help his brothers in any way. So he said to the rich man, You think your brothers would believe Lazarus, even if he went back from the dead and told them? They are not willing to listen to Moses and the prophets.

So why do you think they would listen to a simple man like Lazarus? The rich man understood what Abraham was trying to say. He had no way of redeeming himself or help his brothers who were living a selfish life. Just as evil.

So what did Jesus try to tell through this story, Holy? Freckles you tell me. Umm I think what Jesus was trying.

I know I know. Jesus was trying to show people that like the rich man's brothers even the people would mock God's messenger Jesus himself. And even if he died and returned they would still not believe Moses and the prophets. Well done Tiff. All right then so I guess all you children have understood the story and I hope you liked it.

So stay tuned and we'll be back with more parables. Bye Bye. The sun to shine in the day the moon and stars to come out at night One day Moses went to Mount Horeb with his sheep There God appeared to him as a flame of fire in a bush Since there was no room anywhere else they decided to spend the night in a stable.

Here Mary had her baby Jesus she wrapped him in a blanket and put him to sleep.