Transcript for:
EDUC6116 Fall Semester Introduction Lecture Notes

all right welcome welcome welcome to educ6116 and 2003 fall semester right I thank you guys all received my email and this email contains very important and links and we have to you know um I I strongly recommend you to bookmark and as clear as possible and first one is course announcement link document link that means and then this document this document I will utilizing every meeting right and um yeah and then you know we will we will work on the this one this document to update and Link and resources so this document is pretty much important document and then also course material folder link and this um link contains nearly every course material which is focus on lecture note and include the lecture video so supplemental course of syllabi and supplemental material and you know how you know directions and guide and everything is organized in here and the online meeting link this link so we will meet every you know um wake in this meeting to talk about our you know you know the course related issue together right even though this is online class even though all material is ready for deliver as asynchronous way but we will having this one hour and 50 minutes synchronous you know type of Bank asynchronously delivered ready to develop delivered but we'll have a weekly meeting to discuss and questions and work together all right I open up the discussion forum for the discourse project and some of you already create a group Team all right and the send email to me that's awesome number one number two due date after sending that one is not a like you know two days ago it will be this Monday right so just in case if you haven't done it yet so please send create team and send the name and emails for the each all member just one of them one list is fine and then send it to me and we will talk about this issue okay right you're the one course objective as long as are you familiar with the using a calculator include the square root that's fine you don't have to worry about high level statistical software or you know calculator yet no as you can use the basic algebra include score boot you'll be safe most of cell phone includes that level of calculating calculator functionality so I'm not worried about you know your Readiness to take this class but if you are um if you have some basic algebra issue right and um that's a different story if you're not if you don't know how the basic algebra works I'm I'm saying basic algebra is a really basic right and please contact me and we'll need to talk about outside of this class right otherwise you'll be fine right I don't need strong stethoscope background or data analytic background some of you had it some of you have a very weak but we understand individual differences right so some of some of you this course is bored to death because you already get through this from high school and undergraduate some of you not we have to get through this one all together somehow some extent we wind up with this class at this way right so um instead of complaining it let's just finish as professional as possible and while we understand individual differences some students are very slow okay and you know my goal is try to find some median not too fast not too slow right so that's reason why this course will be very difficult challenging for some students and this course exactly same course could be too easy to board for some students amen I fully understand okay you understand individual differences right so let's move on um it's a foot learning setting the whole idea is you know what all materials are ready for deliver in asynchronous way so you already received all materials and works and projects and nearly every information you already had it however and I will be here to review material q a and work together and every week right so please understand the difference between difference between and we deliver every lecture in online zoom and you watch video read the textbook and watch video and lecture note and come with questions and this class times primarily used as q a and discussion okay so you expected to teach something to come without doing any work you will get a lost immediately okay so please understand that differences um officially we will make Wednesday 7 10 to 9 00 PM in this link we have additional stuff and then we will talk about you know the reason is this we in this session we also had a hea cohort and that cohort meeting times are this and then in this in this meeting January 25th and February 8th for example next week the class start 6 30. instead of seven are you with me so and in 6 30 to 7 10 I'm going to in this week 31st 40 minutes I'm primary reason I mean that I will utilizing those first 40 minutes and the review previous week material announcement and question are you with me so if you feel comfortable last week's stuff and like for example January 25th you are not a hea court you don't have to come at 6 30 but if you like to come and you know um want to make sure that what's going on and the review last week please come are you with me now it becomes a non-hea court of students 6 30 to 7 10 becomes additional review time for previous work so questions and Q a and you know we'll sometimes chit chat right and group work right group work and then we will split out the different groups and then create um you know um this session and you know more group and in this June and then we work together in each group you're with me so you're very welcome again but except those days we'll we'll start the class at 7 10 right so I will be get ready seven just in case a student had a questions otherwise officially we will start classes at 7 10. okay all right next one is this all right these are tentative schedule and the only one day um um the February 1st and we do not have we do not have synchronous meeting and I will adjust to this particular um class will turning into online uh fully online right I mean not fully online it's just fully asynchronous way so we do not have a meeting in this day and we do not have a meeting not at all meeting in spring break spring break week right in here and we do not have a meeting and April 12th for another conference so you know I will taking care of all questions and then the next two weeks right so you will just watch video and the review video and then you guys will work together and separate from the this one all right but accepted that one all other weeks I will be here and I will sometimes I give you some crash courses and sometimes we do some exercise online exercise and Q a and all those things will be you know delivered and the um the other part right okay and these are a book chapter you're supposed to read and this Monday and for example this week Monday this week Monday um I exp I expect you to turn in course group project part one part two part three and then we will talk about where is course project what do you mean by group course project type of thing and more specifically today all right so these are due date very important what is another important due date finally exam due what do you mean by final exam do I will give you Blackboard online fine exam open book and you can choose three hour blog whenever you want once you start it you have to finish within three hours so you can choose whatever your starting time from this one week window okay nearly 10 day window right so this is how you able to finish finding exam final examination is individual work all the other work is a group project work okay you have to finish finding exam by yourself and then we will talk about more details about final exam later right group project first of all I need I need I want you to create a group once you decided and then please utilize discussion board at Blackboard and then you can hey introduce yourself and the recruit the other members and etc etc I need four names and the four emails okay each group so group leader send out email to me and I know some of you already send out email to me so group leader send out list up name listop email to me by next Monday noon right I mean this Monday noon right and then I will you know I will create that one for you I will create some you know group project document etc etc so that means next week I will explain explain more details about the group project together all right but you know I think I'll I will I will let you know the group project um you know um document today but next week I will announce the group lowster and how you're turning in that kind of thing right so this week create that group member all right all right um yeah so and this part is a little bit implicit what do you mean by course Project online document right how to directly work on the course Project online document I don't understand yeah I'll explain one by one right don't worry about too much which one you have to be uh you know um you know to what you need to do what you need to do is create um your group and then send me the link list up name and email you like to add it uh into I will utilize that emails to you know your um group project document assessment course group project 45 percent fine exam fifty percent okay and participation five percent but it's not a you know um it's not a so much big deal only thing I cares about is when you attend the class turn on the video participate because if you turn off videos turn start to turn off video you start to distract me it's a negative impact to me to teach so if you cannot turn on just go out and the comeback when you're able to turn on the video are you with me let me explain one more time because you start to distract me somebody turn on turn off and nobody respond and it's very hard to teach you turn off the video so it helped me if you turn off it's not a neutral it's impellent too negatively so I don't I want to really possibly dedicate to you guys all you guys out so if you cannot attend this class it's completely okay are you with me just go out and come back when you able to do it okay so as long as you're here please turn on the video and we have some eye contact I constantly watching your faces right now so can you see see look I say I can see it I see your faces and you know oh I'm teaching like this way even though I'm not looking this way all right and final exam individually need to be finished online um a little bit challenging because 50 items and multiple choices however is the multiple choices right open book right but fairly challenging so you need to prepare for an exam with substantial amount of time if you really want to have a in this class are you with me okay of course material yeah if you click the course folder link all 14 modules are organized as a folder so if you click it yo introduction there's all lecture note lecture video will be available in each folder I will explain each module document a little bit later but the most important thing is what which one this 6116 23 fall semester which is still alive course reimbursement and course transfer and lots of reason you need this syllabus okay so save this syllabus in a safe place right because all material will be updated in the next year for example if you ticked after you took this class you maybe you want to review in one year later yes I do my best to maintaining this course access but syllabus will be eliminated are you with me so you had your responsibility to keep the syllabus of this semester I'm not you all right so please keep this syllabus in a sacred place next important document is course project document if you click at it they had a questions all right and which part and which question you have to do it will be all included in part one part two part three all right inside a module there's a supplemental exercise that's not the course project you have to turn in that's a supplemental exercise if you wanna maximize your own learning are you with me so each module folder supplemental exercise is not the course project you have to turn in where is the course project I have to turn in describe in this part each document right and next class after you create all folder and then I will teach you how to actually work on the course project document specifically are you with me so this week create team send me that name and email next week I will let you know how to work on how to turn in course project right and where is a course project described in these three document am I clear thank you quickly learning steps and sequence you know what this is three credit graduate control stat courses right it says challenges as any other course it's pretty much a standardized no matter what different type of graduate program you are in interest that course for The Graduate students it's a nearly newly standardized the same thing same amount of work and definition of three credit is what you can reverse engineer if you take three three credit course we consider as full-time job let me repeat one more time what is definition of d credit workload if you take nine credit we consider as a full-time job that's definition of credit workload right in graduate program because no we don't expect you can take more than you know nine credit you know because this is full-time job unless you're super man or superhero or Superwoman okay so it's a pretty much a standardized and the first one you have to read book chapter textbook um good news is what digital version of the textbook is available I think some students get access to PDF version which is great idea your apt to buy it I think does from time to time our library um provide the pdf version of the text tool that's good news so not only economic economical region but also you don't have to carry that thick book but you have text which the most important learning material period even though I have a lecture note video I'm sorry my lecture note and my video my beautiful explanation cannot Trump over the textbook okay textbook is faster learning resources I'm here to help you to understand the textbook but I cannot teach you better than text all right so you have to read the textbook I know it's because it's a stat it's don't complain the text of the reason is textbook is selected as a most didactically organized textbook ever I mean there's a whole deeper mathematical thing but we have to choose that textbook because this is we believe this is sufficient and mostly accessible for graduate school of education okay so please read the textbook and each week and then you watch Main and mini lecture video and lecture my lecture video with my lecture note and the lecture note lecture video is already available are you with me so I have to read the textbook and then watch lecture note and lecture video and then do other you know participating weekly meeting and then start to do the course project okay and each module and had a some course project then assigned it and then do some supplemental material always after your course project and the maximizing your learning and the preparifying exam etc etc are you with me supplemental is supplemental it says supplemental but when supplemental is maximized it's just you want to make sure and prepare fine exam supplemental optional material is a very good resources to prepare exam and you know review material etc etc do you know what is a proven wrong way [Laughter] pathway of failure do you want me to teach you jumping into step four let me repeat one more time do you want to make sure to fail I mean unsuccessful don't do any previous steps just try to do group project and then you start to frustrate your colleague because you don't contribute and then start to frost date frustrated yourself because you keep spending time you don't know what to do please understand this is proven unsuccessful and make your life harder and the waste your time and energy and tuitions etc etc are you with me because it's your valuable time and then you oh yeah yeah this is Wednesday let's jump into this course I have no idea no question because I didn't read it and I want to do some group project with my you know group group classmate sorry all right it's not a common sense way you can do something about it or you can chit chat with group project and then you can turn in something it's a stat class just that class if you don't know you don't know okay if you have a question I'm here to help you but it's a different story if you keep pointing out oh Dr Choi I don't know that this group project and that's a different story please tell me where you don't know are you with me sorry my I'm I'm experienced enough to understand you do your homework and part one two three step one two three okay I've been teaching this course more than 20 years you're just simple question I could quickly understand which level up to your effort has been made to up to that question please please I'm expert okay so please do step one two three yeah questions I almost finished and we will we will have a q a together so if you send email and names and the next class I will give you access to each document so I will let you know who are the group one who are the group two who are the group 3 etc etc and then I would like I will put you in I will give you access to one of the document but just Google Document so you turn in your work in Google Document by just doing it it's not like a save and email just to work on the Google document that is automatically turning in your group work okay every group member will have access to the each Google Document so I can see your group project progress as a real-time way okay once again just directly work under this Google Document is the turning in your assignment process so if you have a question put comments and then we sometimes I can because I can directly access to your um in between process before you I grade you and then I can see your work and I can see the comments and then sometimes we can work together in this group project you with me so this is how we work as a group project um you know um thing next week I will announce the group project member lineup just in case you cannot find still email me let me let me repeat one more time if you cannot find any member still you have to email your name and email to get access to this document and I will randomly assign you one of the group okay if you cannot create for some you know group and still email me and I will assign you one of the group okay I want you to start the group project immediately next week all right final exam again we will spend sufficient amount of time what's going on final exam content sample lots of information and I will share with the later but still the last week what 10 day window you are expect to finish three hour online multiple choice by yourself right individual find exam in Blackboard so that link will be available by then okay this is what's going on in the final exam and then syllabus and then you know this documenting contains most important part of the syllabus please please read the syllabus carefully and if you have any questions please let me know the best way of conquered this um you know status goal you know course taking drama is you know get familiarized syllabus right all right for example module contents this is just the example if you go to that the folder folder organized in the PDF file like how to consume statistic PDF the whatever I set one or two is what main lecture note after read textbook once again after read the textable and this is lecture note most up and up to each PDF file lecture note you will have there is a link up to that lecture video so this is just the example oh this lecture video but this lecture video is exist in end of the slide of the lecture note are you with me so turn on the video and using this lecture note you can print it out node and finish lecture okay and then come to come to classroom the first step is what read the textbook second step is what watch lecture video and come to class and then we will have a q a and then some announcement and clarification and then group work together so you guys are good you know I created the you know June sessions and each groups are worked together I would jump around each session right and then um assist you to finish your group project are you with me so supplemental material is a supplemental material please this is a supplemental material exercise is not you will turn in the Euro group project exercise you turn in is existing in the root folder of the group project I mean group document like you need to do is worry about it yes what you have to do questions are all organized in this document where you turn in the next week I will give you access to Google Document you work on that Google Document providing answer as detailed as possible okay that's how we do next the way we will talk about a little bit more details about the um developing this one together right and then module one interest that this week next week module two I expect you to do it every week and each module per week right and you can start group project as early as are possible okay but due date on the chunk part one is chunk of the module work turn in that specific date we have three parts due dates okay and then final exam final exam covers every module 1 to 14. and then finally exam review is also available okay and about you don't have to worry about finding exam review at this moment right now we have to do it in one one module by module uh one by one all right all right um this is how the you know how the course organized and I would like to stop the video now