Transcript for:
Cal State LA 2023 University Commencement

foreign welcome to the California State University Los Angeles 2023 University commencement at this time we ask that the graduates and the audience please take their seats during the ceremony police remain seated and keep all Isles and walkways open for safety and accessibility in the event of an emergency please proceed to the safest and nearest exit and follow the instructions of safety personnel after the ceremony concludes guests will be directed to the nearest exit gates as the graduates will be exiting from the middle aisle now please sit back and relax the gates will close in five minutes and the ceremony will begin in 10 minutes thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] everything I remember [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] oh yeah [Music] evil simulator [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] when you sit down [Music] your boss [Music] myself [Music] hold up a mirror to the city of Los Angeles and what is reflected place where Innovation thrives where opportunity abounds and intellect expands creativity produces new visions passionate his Science and Technology Drive progress hold up a mirror to the city in what is reflected place that Embraces all people [Music] where we transform lives with each step up the ladder of prosperity where we energize communities where we reinvigorate our region and shape the future of our city our state and our nation hold up a mirror to the city and what do you see Cal State LA we are la join us As we soar to Greater Heights [Music] Cal State LA ranked number one in the nation for Upward Mobility [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] to the California State University Los Angeles commencement ceremony for the College of Business and economics thank you for joining us as we celebrate the achievements of our graduates during the 75th anniversary of the University well everyone in the class of 2023 who is able please rise to be acknowledged by your family and friends now will everyone who is able please rise for the academic procession of the faculty and platform party [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone please remain standing for the national anthem [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] was still there goes to save us away [Music] [Music] from the Lord [Music] thank you please be seated good morning students honored family members and Friends I'm Ty Jackson dean of the College of Business and economics welcome to the 2023 commencement ceremony [Applause] with great respect Cal State LA acknowledges the tongues of people as the traditional caretakers of tovngarde the tongva world including the Los Angeles basin South Channel Islands San Gabriel and Pomona valleys and portions of orange San Bernardino and Riverside counties Cal State LA is located within these lands as an institution on unseated tongue the land we pay our respects to the ancestors elders and their relatives relations past present and emerging consistent with our values of community and diversity we have a responsibility to acknowledge and make visible the University's relationship to native peoples by offering this land acknowledgment we affirm indigenous sovereignty and will work to hold Cal State LA more accountable to the needs of American Indian people [Applause] over the course of your academic career our faculty Administration and staff have focused their expertise on your success they have become your mentors and for many of you your colleagues at this time I would like to acknowledge and thank the chair of the academic Senate Chris bazdesny members of The Faculty emeritize faculty staff and the administration for assisting our students to Excel and achieve their goals will these members of the university community please stand and be recognized [Applause] thank you you may be seated please turn your attention to the screens for a video university community is like a family each generation seeks to build on the success of the past so the future will be brighter for those who come next generation Works to take the family higher to contribute in ways that leave the whole better the golden eagle family has accomplished great things together during the 10 years of President William a covino's tenure together we have created Innovative new ways to learn and to contribute together we have expanded and enriched together we have collaborated and served we've experienced tough times and we've deepened our ties to our communities together we became Champions and together we have shined these achievements are your legacy you are the generation whose dedication compassion and insight have left the university better for those who will come next to learn to teach to support and to lead thank you to every one of you staff faculty students alumni emeriti faculty and our Community Partners more good things await Cal State LA we are golden eagles we are la good morning class of 2023. here you are this is it this is the day you've worked hard you've dreamed about it and here it is your day in the Embrace of so many people who appreciate and admire and love you your loved ones are gathered here with you your professors are beaming uh and and on that note let me just uh ah move away from the script for a moment I I just want one more big shout out for the people who wake up every morning focused on your future and your success and your accomplishments and have worked so hard to get you to this point and we'll continue to Mentor you as you move into your future The Faculty of the College of Business and economics please stand once more there we go thank you all thank you it's great to see you great to have you here and let me add as you look around and think about what a wonderful day we have here uh let me add that the staff of Cal State LA has dedicated this whole week to celebrating you to being here all day every day to do whatever is needed to make this day special it's a complex elaborate Enterprise these commencements and without that staff dedication and their focus on you it would not be possible they're wearing black shirts and gray shirts and white shirts All Around The Pavilion so a round of applause for the staff of Cal State Illinois well it's clear it's beyond dispute this is your time this is your time I agree I agree so let's uh let's do a Let's do an icebreaker here turn to the people next to you and say this is our time with enthusiasm this is our time all right all right that's okay good good [Applause] [Applause] I didn't ask for all that participation but I think that's great I think that's great let me introduce the university officials who are here on stage you have heard uh from Dean Ty Jackson and we have some very special guests joining us today the vice chair of the California State University Board of Trustees Jack Clark Jr is here with us today our honorary degree recipient Guillermo Willy suniga also here today the chair of the academic Senate Chris bazdesny associate dean of the college Ramon Castillo our Provost and Executive Vice President Jose Gomez vice president for advancement Robert Avalos vice president for administration and finance queen king vice president for Student Life Grace Castillo the dean of students who just yesterday earned an EDD at Cal State LA Danielle Chambers Dr Danielle Chambers our associate vice president and Chief Information officer Joma dubisi and our newly elected student body president for 23-24 who is here with us and is going to hit the ground running to to address all of what's best for the students here at Cal State LA yahir Flores I'm Bill Covino president of Cal State LA this is my 10th year as president lots of commencements which have been the high points of every year in every way this is for me commencement number 99 so yeah I know I I I'm trying to get to an even 100 and that will be this afternoon right so I've had I've had lots of lots of experience getting to know you and getting to know your aspirations and your hopes and your dreams and your abilities and one thing that I know for sure is that today is one of the special days in your life you'll remember it as you remember those special birthdays or Gatherings with family or weddings and all of those events that populate your mind but the education that you've received here at Cal State LA is different because it's going to remain with you in a different way Moment by moment day to day all the way into your great future what you've learned here as a student what you've taught yourself here as a student will be with you for the rest of your life not only as the beautiful memory of a special day but as a fundamental part of who you are expressed in the way that you think the way that you view the world built expressed in all that you now know so whether or not you exactly feel it yet your education has changed you and that change sometimes materializes in ideas and and and and and uh intrusions uh from this voice of Education uh who's who can seem like a very cool but Annoying best friend who's always in your head always saying remember remember try it this way right remember uh if your vision is to go in this direction and these are your steps and that'll work out fine oh here's a new answer to an old problem oh by the way there's a new opportunity to serve the community those kinds of that kind of dialogue will be forever part of your thinking and feeling and doing this best friend of yours will keep reminding you of your potential to push yourself and to do more and sometimes this education voice will call on you to see life with golden eagle eyes always reminding you that the world as it is is not how it has to be and who better to change the world than you and if not you who right when this education calls to you reminding you that you can change the world you might be tempted to ignore it yes yes yes I know I do want to change the world but I'm busy give me a couple of weeks I'll get back to changing the world later on well let me tell you this that your education and all that it has created in you will be persistent that voice will not go away you cannot unfriend it you cannot block it you cannot ghost it just ask any of the amazing Cal State LA alumni who once sat where you sit today today you will join the ranks of more than 245 000 alumni of Cal State LA and More Than 3 million alumni of the California State University system our alumni include tennis Legend Billie Jean King congresswoman Maxine Waters congresswoman Lucille Roybal Allard Dr sumanta Paul the director of the kidney cancer program in medical oncology at City of Hope Hospital executive director of Los Angeles civil rights Capri Maddox members of the family that owns gavinia coffee our distinguished friend representative Wendy Carrillo who serves Us in the state legislature and the members of the family that owns Porto's Bakery yeah I know there's always a little Ripple that I get when I mention Porto's they know that that I'm talking about them this morning and they are stocking the shelves for the onslaught of grad they haven't promised a discount or anything I wasn't able to work that one out yeah I know I know I'll keep I'll keep trying so you are the you're the Alum of all these great people who have done all these great things and you are graduating during Cal State LA 75th Anniversary our first class graduated in 1948. you saw their pictures on the video all seven of them seven of them in that black and white photo that was the first class you have much in common with them even though all these decades have passed and the student population has grown and the world has changed in many ways you share with them the experience of those hours in lectures and labs and the library all the time writing papers and uh and con and doing that lab work and and Consulting with your professors and in study groups with friends those were all moments those were all tasks that have resulted in a new version of you it's it's as if you've been creating an avatar right an avatar is a representation of you as you know and you get to pick the attributes of your average Avatar as you go along during your time here you've had that same opportunity to create the attributes to create the you that embodies those attributes and given my years of getting to know you here at Cal State LA getting to know your strengths and and your aspirations I figure that your avatar is smart and Savvy and quick and resilient confident full of the potential to touch the lives of others in important wonderful ways however that said you're of course better than an avatar you're the real thing you are the real thing this new version of you that we celebrate today was never just about you alone you wanted a future for yourself for your family for your community you wanted to make your parents and grandparents and family and friends proud you wanted to show your teachers and your neighbors at church mosque Temple synagogue that they were right to believe in you that they were right when they told you don't give up you can do it and they were right when they offered you love and support they all helped you achieve this goal how many of you here today are the first in your families to receive a University degree how many how many all right lots of you lots of you so you know and everyone knows here in the Pavilion that it takes a network of love and understanding and encouragement to bring us to this point and in that Spirit I'd like to ask the parents of our graduates the parents to please stand and let us thank you all of the parents now let's add the brand parents the grandmothers and grandfathers you stand and the aunts and uncles and the sisters and brothers the nieces and nephews the cousins and spouses and partners and children and all of the friends of the class of 2023 thank you thank you thank you thank you all right the all right we'll let the shout outs subside and then but listen for your name because at a certain point you're going to hear it the class of 2023 includes 72 veterans who served our nation with Valor and returned to earn a degree at Cal State LA I'd like to ask all of the veterans here today among our graduates and among all of our family and friends all of the veterans in the Pavilion today to please stand and let us thank you [Applause] terrific all right thank you you're graduating at a time when we're celebrating your intelligence and accomplishments but when the world is also fascinated by artificial intelligence A.I right in artificial learning machines and Computer Applications gather data from across the internet and use algorithms to learn from features and patterns and apply those features and patterns for a wide range of uses artif artificial intelligence then is a technology in which machines mimic human intelligence artificial intelligence has become part of our daily lives whenever you pick up the phone to pay a bill and speak to an automated voice instead of a person that's a form of artificial intelligence when you're online chatting with a chat bot that's artificial intelligence we've grown we've grown familiar with it and we've grown in some senses to depend on it we're used to saying Hey Siri and expecting something to happen hey Siri turn on Fast and Furious hey Alexa play Anything by Beyonce hey Google where can I get Bad Bunny tickets I tried that you know that's that's that's my own effort with uh with Google uh it didn't work out very well in terms of the availability of the tickets but uh but I figured you're never too old to get with it right so I gave it a try and now with uh with more advanced artificial intelligence like chat GPT the things we can expect are even more complex artificial intelligence can write essays in poetry and organize calendars and spreadsheets and imitate the art of Picasso or the lyrical Mastery of Jay-Z but I'll tell you I've been I've been uh meeting and greeting and uh and and acquiring a great deal of Wonder uh about and appreciation of every class that has proceeded from uh from Cal State LA out into the world and I can tell you after getting to know so many of you over the years that I am not fascinated by artificial intelligence and all that it can do When I Look At You class of 2023 I'm fascinated by you and all that you will do you're not an imitator you're an original you're authentic your unique there is nothing artificial about your intelligence you have been educated at Cal State LA right [Applause] and and since 2017 Cal State LA has been ranked number one in the United States for the upward mobility of its students out of you can applaud that yeah out of the thousands and thousands of students and the thousands of universities that were part of this study assessing which universities offered the most access to the most students and from those universities what was the highest proportion of students that rose on the economic ladder once they started their careers and they tried it again and again and again and the study kept coming out the same way number one in the country for Upward Mobility is Cal State LA you are number one and parents parents just a note so this upward Mobility thing this usually corresponds with work and income right so there may come a time not too far away when your graduate will be able to buy you a meal might not be right away I mean but don't reach for the check so fast next time see if see if something's developing you are you are a Marvel you are powerful resourceful caring full of exciting new knowledge there is unlimited greatness inside of you and I know that you will continue to build new achievements to use your education to make life better for your family your community and the world so I would like to issue one more hey request not to Siri or Alexa or Google it's not a request to artificial intelligence it's for you graduates class of 2023 go and change the world for the better you are now and forever golden eagles and you will soar congratulations now we've come to another special part of today's commencement on the recommendation of the California State University Board of Trustees Guillermo Willie Sunica has been selected to receive an honorary doctoral degree California State University trustee Jack Clark will read the citation from the Board of Trustees trustee Clark [Applause] thank you Mr President congratulations to the class of 2023. it is my my pleasure to read the citation Guillermo Willie Zuniga is Emeritus president of Grifols Biologicals LLC a manufacturer of life-saving therapies derived from Human Plaza plasma excuse me and use for patients with rare chronic and often life-threatening conditions worldwide the company is a North American manufacturing subsidy of global health care company Grifols sa headquartered in Barcelona Spain Mr Zuniga who resides in Glendora California grew up close to the California State University of Los Angeles in austerno and attended Wilson High School he started his career in BIO Pharmaceuticals industry as an entry-level manufacturing technician in 1979 with Alpha therapeutic Corporation right across the street from the University he attended night classes at Cal State LA and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the College of Business and economics in 1986. throughout his career he has demonstrated extraordinary dedication to serving his community he has worked with Los Angeles Trade Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Los Angeles Mission College and Citrus College to support their chemical technology process technology I'm biotechnology programs recruit manufacturing technical candidates and to keep top talent in this region he has also served on the Executive Board of the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation and the city of Los Angeles Workforce investment board now called the Workforce Development board working with the mayor the city council to develop strategic initiatives for regional development and training under his leadership griffolds collaborated with Cal State LA to offer the summer Science Academy which has trained more than 80 high school students in microbiology chemistry molecular biology and similar work the academy which state started in 2015 allows students to work in University Laboratories under the guidance of professionals and California LA California State LA faculty members he's a member of the Cal State LA president's Council received the LA biostar award in 2018 from the California State LA bioscience for his contributing to the regional industry in 2022 he named Cal State LA's alumnus of the year in recognition of his dedication to the health and professional development of his community and to the collaborative efforts for the betterment of students in the Los Angeles area the Board of Trustees for the California State University and California State University Los Angeles is proud to confer upon Guillermo Willie Zuniga the honorary degree doctor of letters by the authority vested in me I confer upon Guillermo suniga the honorary degree of doctor of letters with all the rights Privileges and honors pertaining thereto Willie congratulations okay all right it's your turn okay you're ready I am ready all right how's it look good morning I would like to start by thanking all of you for allowing me to participate in your special day with your permission I would like to share my story with you I don't doubt that parts of my story may be very similar to yours my parents were raised in Juarez Mexico and came to Los Angeles with many dreams as a toddler I was raised speaking Spanish we lived in a one-bedroom house my brother sister and I slept in the one bedroom and my parents would pull out the sleeper couch bed every night I have memories of sitting on the floor with my toys as my father would listen to the Dodgers on the spot Spanish broadcast channel [Applause] mom was a rock of the family my dad was the tough love kind of guy in fact I was recently telling one of my sons that I do not remember my father ever telling me that he loved me I guess it was just kind of implied I have three children and five grandchildren and I hug them every single chance I get absolutely no need for anything to be implied I did pretty well in high school in fact I had stray days wait wait there was that one being 11th grade U.S history the teacher Mrs Mann I have to tell you that she still haunts me to this day things got a little crazy in my senior year I was inflicted with a disease the name of the disease turning 17. it was crazy overnight my ears completely closed and I wouldn't listen to anything anyone had to say I would speak without thinking and all of a sudden I knew absolutely everything about absolutely anything I would venture to Guess that some of you out there may have caught the same thing heck I still get relapses decades later coming out of high school I wanted to be a medical doctor I attended the Claremont colleges as a science major and then life happened I was married at the age of 18. my first wife got pregnant in my sophomore year of college and I quit school I quit school to make sure I could care for my beautiful daughter Aida a relative referred me to Alpha therapeutic located literally right across the street from here I had no idea that they manufactured these amazing therapies that have huge positive impacts on very sick patients a job and a paycheck soon turned into an amazing career who knew that I would spend the next 43 years saving lives in the same community that I was raised in after a few years of working it was time to go back to school I was determined to finish my college education how fortunate for me that Cal State LA was located right across the street I started over as a business major and I have to tell you it was not easy working full-time I now had three small kids at home as Robert and Raymond joined the family and night classes for over five years when I finally finished I was so exhausted that I decided not to graduate on stage I was done please just mail the diploma this was a decision that I regretted many years later in 2003 Grifols purchased the assets of Alpha and asked me to be the president of their manufacturing operation I would have never imagined that I would become the president of a large company as a kid running around in the local neighborhoods I was also given the assignment to have Grifols become a strong member of the local community it was the perfect opportunity to return to Cal State LA after what was way too many years away I want to thank this University it provided me the means to finish my education and become a first generation college graduate thank you it welcomed me back to the campus 20 years ago with open arms I was able to create a wonderful relationship between the university and Grifols the university provided and provides an amazing pool of candidates to hire from it gave me the means to become just one of many examples of successful upward Mobility and as you heard Dr Covino just speak to us golden eagles we're pretty good at this and most importantly I want to thank the university for allowing me to return 37 years later to graduate on stage I would also like to thank my family especially my wife Christine Chao for supporting me in my career over all of these years and we are celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary this week I would like to close with the few key suggestions as you prepare for what comes next first off every one of you needs to understand that you are interviewing every single day of your life your reputation will become your resume so always present your very best self at every opportunity life happens so have a plan A a plan B and a plan C please begin to help others in need it is never too early to start passing it forward I consider myself a very fortunate individual I had the privilege of working in an amazing industry I enjoy going to work every single day I made a good living that allowed me to take care of my family and I was able to provide others a better quality of life I wish similar successes to each and every one of you congratulations and thank you for listening [Applause] thank you Dr Zuniga will you please give him another round of applause among the students earning Baccalaureate degrees in the College of Business and economics are those who will graduate with academic honors Ramon Castillo associate dean of the College of Business and economics will acknowledge these students Dr Castillo the university grants the baccalaureate degree with Latin designations to students who maintain an outstanding academic record while earning their degrees these students wear gold braids drape under black gowns to mark their outstanding academic achievement will the candidates for graduation with honors from the College of Business and economics rise and be recognized [Applause] thank you please be seated thank you Dr Castillo president Covino I present to you the candidates for the degrees in the College of Business and economics they have met all of the requirements for their respective degrees and are recommended by the University faculty who taught them Dean Jackson please approach the lectern to commence the hooding ceremony [Music] [Applause] the recipients for the master of science from the College of Business and economics will now be hooded on stage well the staff Marshals please lead the graduates to the stage [Music] thank you master of Business Administration Luis Alberto Blanco [Applause] Sandra tenorio [Applause] Maria barriga Beltran Debbie Maria lemus hike kosoyan Luis Ernesto Garcia Estrada [Applause] [Music] Andy Joanna Jonathan Aseem Khan Ji patan Ronald Adrian Alex [Music] Joseph Michael Santana [Music] Cameron shell it is [Music] Morgan Sydney Nunn [Music] Derek fine Maria escamilla Juarez [Music] Sharon Stephanie Garcia shahil [Music] [Applause] Alyssa jeunesse Nicole Belton Andrew fields Ethan Kyle Lee Alexia Jung me Chang [Music] Diane Marie Margo [Music] hey Sue Cho [Music] arabo Andrew safarian [Music] foreign Rigo Vargas [Applause] [Music] Parseghian Karen Yasmin Meza Pearl 10. [Music] Andrea lucrecia Galvez [Music] Nancy lamb [Applause] Manuel Francisco Garcia [Music] Christian Anthony villalba Cynthia Guadalupe maravillas [Music] Michelle Macias thank you [Music] nazil Mahmoud atar [Applause] a picture [Music] Miguel magana [Music] Carolina Andrea Gonzalez yoseline Gomez Wendy R Kano [Music] foreign [Music] Ali Rita a Fatima caitan Prasad [Music] [Music] Andre davodian [Music] Emma O'Rourke [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] Kimberly Watson Manuel Garcia [Music] [Music] Maya [Music] Gerardo Aleman [Music] Alexandra Ortega surely Pinky chowduri Giselle Cindy Chavez Molina [Music] Alexis Janine Serna [Music] Christina Placencia polio Michael okonitrio [Music] [Music] Tamiya Marshall [Music] Melissa and Marie Fenn [Music] Ariel bloom [Music] Carolyn springborn [Applause] foreign [Music] Gibson [Music] Ashley Elise Rodriguez Lee Tang Ingrid angelka Genie foreign [Music] gas Dao Marie Rodriguez Kathleen Marianne travieson Francisco Javier uriarte foreign James Nelson Arnold Gabriel Rodriguez [Music] Josue Montenegro Salazar Monique core [Music] cigar Sarah harsini [Music] Lee Hua fan [Music] Lin Chi Wei Wong [Music] Jared Leonard Smith [Music] ten win [Music] pratik daftari Savannah simonian [Music] ramji [Music] omara Gomez [Music] [Music] Gladys Yolanda Mendes Linway Queen [Music] Eric Aaron sortino [Music] foreign [Music] with a master of science in Business Administration see Ting Chang edong Mega Suresh are here Jessica Alejandra Ardon chiati raka master of science in accounting Eric Hernandez [Applause] Adrian Arturo de Leon Lorena Robertson [Music] Ina dagonian [Music] [Music] Fatima Hussein Brianna Santana Crystal Bella and setiadi Michael afendi [Music] Jonathan minchan [Music] Raquel Elise Sanchez [Music] Glenda V Cortez Anna Benson Molina [Music] Madi omidi [Music] Stephanie Lopez foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesse Joshua Figueroa [Music] master of science in Information Systems Rashmi Parikh [Applause] Mercy adelaida magayanes [Music] Rafael Cruz Jr [Music] Phillip art Ming Wong akriti RuPaul [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] vishra rajeshbhai Patel [Music] summon ramizani hashjin Uriel Avila [Music] Vijay Jabba Kumar muttu pillai [Music] jiven Dewey Hall Kumar pancholi Santi Vijay halavi Jindal [Music] disha maloji Hong kalas yakshit vasant Joshi Krish Rashmi Kumar Doshi [Music] bhavishya angadi [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rohan J deep tosar a malatha ramakrishna golagani Surya Kiran [Applause] [Music] mayur patil [Music] congratulations [Applause] the candidates for baccalaureate degrees from the College of Business and economics will now be presented on stage [Music] Bachelor of Science in computer information systems Justin Anthony lisaya Jorge Eduardo pivaral Eric dinoko Luis Gustavo banigas [Music] Rosas [Music] Joel Flores Jerry Brian granillo Solomon manichiel finte Eduardo Hernandez Jr [Music] Gerald toribio Sanchez Mandeep Singh Bui [Music] Renee or Barillas Daniel Anthony Galindo [Music] Derek Ryan Dung Jordan zalazar lewogen Eddie Victor takum tekum Henry Chi Fernando Esquibel Alberto Gomez Omar Paredes [Music] Asim Nasir Khan patan [Music] clever Isaiah lemus [Music] Aaron Joshua massenson Flores [Music] Alejandro Castillo [Music] Jesus Javier Barba Javier Alejandro machuca Freddy Romero Dylan lamb [Music] Vanessa tuason Munoz Carlos Sanchez Michael Montano Kenny dong [Music] Desmond Eugene Joyner Timothy Hui trend [Music] [Applause] Ulysses ananias Pena urja kamleshlad Milton Arnoldo Lopez Ashley Mariana Martinez [Music] William Benjamin bolce Gomez Stephanie Marquez Renee Rafael Daton Henson Xavier Colin Joyce lamb [Music] Walter Robin Cameron Louise zenissa Denise akbari of Kami [Music] Javier Emmanuel Gutierrez Adrian Arturo Soriano Delfino Mendez [Music] Giovanni Rodriguez [Applause] Gabriella poche Rankin [Applause] [Music] Alin Saito with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Vanessa Michelle Pena Christina oropessa Jimmy Liang [Music] Brian Gonzalez Adrian Gonzalez Blanca pinion Nancy Pineda Morales [Music] Sam bakri Brendan quach OS thank you Ava celis Raphael Ojeda [Music] Jacqueline Renteria Anthony Alexander Roque on Gabrielle gavan Diana K Morales Marilyn Aguilar Maldonado Reuben Isaac Padilla Diana Grace Vargas Jacqueline looking [Music] Ochoa [Music] Pandey Christopher Cordova Yumi Hayashi Amy ten Hong Fame madiha Lopez Cheryl Diane Zachary Markel Hassan Angelo [Applause] Amber Arias [Music] Chloe e Sandoval Jericho Luis aspelli diato [Music] Daisy Amador Matthew Kent lemoncito Salazar [Music] Alexis Alexis Stephanie Luna Samantha Valentina Arcee Max Gonzalez Cindy Elizabeth Rodriguez Sarah khalafi Iman Fung [Music] Alexis Marie Padilla Janet Teresa Huerta Alan luong [Music] Vincent Kenny Truong Julia Marie crisolo Chelsea Michelle Vega Erica Martel Celeste Gutierrez [Music] Carolina Gonzalez Christian Gutierrez Luisa Angelica Ramos Roxanna Martinez Caitlin Nicole Pena Sofia Ponce Caligari Alcantara Jackie tongue mock Matthew Austin blancano diagran Veronica Angel Mireles Vanessa Acosta Albert Castro Alex argeta [Music] Sergio Angel Dias Matamoros Joseph Ramos Miriam Wesley vestil Edward Jesus Leyva Jay Joel tree fam Carolina Vargas Kenneth Austin Sanchez Nicole Cherie Hoskins Javier Rodriguez [Applause] Eduardo Moreno [Music] Elwyn luo George Enriquez Irene McGinnis Dawan Jose Antonio Cano Sylvia A Ramos Jasmine Hernandez Luis Mario Monterosa Jr Sydney the end too patanin lamb Yasmin Patricia Dimas Peter Jiang Joseph Rodriguez Anthony yarena fam [Music] Samuel fadela Jr Mark Diaz [Music] Abner Arriaga gohar gillingarian Reyes ansaldo [Music] Jaime Eduardo Guevara Veronica sarate Robles Shiloh rain Davis Marisol Orozco [Music] Mejia Georgia America is Arthur Chris sedillo arakon Alfonso Ivan losoya medicine Grace McAllister Brooke ramler Jennifer luevano Myra Alejandra Flores Lance Albert carrading lizazo Sarah Grace Trent [Music] Stephanie Hernandez Armine Jonathan Angel Jimenez Jimenez aureli Sosa Patricia Maria de la cuadra Julia Garcia Lopez [Music] Hannah Lee Cortez Myrna Janet Garcia [Music] Hugo Chang Matthew Herbert Tovar [Music] Ryan H Lou [Applause] [Music] Colette Perez aguinaldo [Music] Luis miramontes Daisy Crystal Torres Naomi Giselle Nava Jennifer Romero Alejandra Toledo Ibarra [Music] [Applause] de la Frozen [Music] Adriana Alex Christina Fajardo Andres Felipe Del vasto Maria navarrete [Music] Maria Barrios Matthew Barajas Jesus Vega [Music] yang Nathan Lazarus Garcia Anton olipson Jessica Gonzalez [Music] Karen Jocelyn maravia [Applause] Myra apparition Daniel Anthony Martinez [Music] Christian Rosas Eric Gonzalez Miranda Carlos Cerritos [Music] Eric Neal Anderson she sells Santa Cruz Melissa Gonzalez Daisy Guerrero Christian Tom Howen [Applause] [Music] Roberto Carlos Cruz Enriquez [Applause] Justine Elizabeth Tran IA Sami Gustavo Rocha Logan Lannon Moises Garcia Connor silver Sandy Sanchez Perez Mario muruato Davey Stone Edith avandano Alyssa Taylor Johnson [Music] [Applause] Jesse Beltran Sandoval [Music] Justin Khalil Pinckney [Music] Baltese pawar performance Jose Giovanni Cruz Emmanuel London Bessie Stephanie Rosario [Applause] Henry Nui [Music] Andres Tenna nothing Gracia 9. Edwin Rendon Alice orientu Lee Christine taon [Music] Jasmine Stephanie Elias Yunnan Guan Brian Omar Bernal [Music] Arturo Jimenez [Music] Vanessa Amber loverso Eduardo cemental Brittany Ortiz Ana Maria Flores David Diaz de Leon William arderell James Thomas Chestnut Jr [Applause] Serena Costco Torres Lauren Yamaguchi Cipriano Andrea Galicia Stephanie Olivos zamudio Ernesto Lozano Victor Francisco Ayala Michael Jordy Aquino Marisol Hernandez nieblas [Music] Matthew Eli Martinez Leslie free us Ivan Flores all right you Meiji takihiro Aiden salting [Music] Rudolfo Antonio masses Jr Antonio Aguilar [Applause] in money Alexis Washington Brian Owen Camargo Kim none not win Han Hong Yesenia Diaz Alexis Ayala Castro Daniel Emanuel Dickerson Guadalupe Maria Martinez foreign Riley Williams Vincent Bose asuncelo Jeremy Andrew bencomo Anthony Alexander bayoso [Music] Paulie Lee sin [Music] Han darrenu bajarona Morales Hugo argeta anayeli veraldo Stephanie Michelle Sandoval Henry Alexander Sandoval Stephen Toro Yasmine Valencia Valencia Risa Rivera Casey bregman [Music] [Applause] Franco Andre Romani [Music] Crystal luck Stephen Brian ilario foreign [Music] Julie Selena ear Anthony Quinn Harrow James Lopez Guadalupe Herrera Nicole Marie a Sante April jovanka quesada Monica Garcia Kevin so win foreign Castro Xiang MI [Music] Ramon Nolasco Jr Ramirez [Music] Jasmine Maria Reyes [Music] Jordan Anthony Martinez [Music] Christian Javier Diaz Anna Maria Murray [Music] Daniel Beason Jenny Guadalupe Lopez Navarro [Music] dayonara Rodriguez Michael Mendoza Amy Flores Genesis stuffino she went low Alison shear Tiffany Wong Ariana Ortiz [Music] chazoba in kimchika awarie Lee Hong win Zhang yoning Lee [Music] George Aguayo itself Nancy Molina castillanos Brandy Cano Maravilla [Music] Celeste Felicitas Dias Cruz Axel Orozco John David bun thank you Nancy Tomei Stephen Escobar he longed in Robert Hernandez Jr Sandra Yadira Samora Aguilar Issa Gabriela murgia Antonio farfantapia [Applause] Nancy Robles Paulina pelayo Sarah Elizabeth Park foreign cow Darwin Josue Flores Jamal Salas [Music] Ena Lupita Garcia and last but not least Adam sarmiento congratulations to all the graduates [Applause] that was really good you look great we're just gonna you know that was the rehearsal we're just gonna we're just gonna do this no okay okay okay all right all right all right shall we make this official [Applause] will the candidates for master's degrees from the College of Business and economics please rise by the authority vested in Me by the state of California and by the trustees of the California State University I hereby confer upon you the Master's Degree for which you qualify with all the rights Privileges and honors pertaining thereto congratulations you can be seated for a minute now I have another group I need to talk to here will the candidates for baccalaureate degrees from the College of Business and economics please rise there they are [Applause] by the authority vested in Me by the state of California and by the trustees of the California State University I hereby confer upon you the baccalaureate degree for which you qualify with all the rights Privileges and honors pertaining thereto now you can move the tassel from the right to the left congratulations everybody up everybody up everybody up here they are the class of 2023 take it home I know [Applause] I would like to thank all of the University staff faculty students and volunteers involved in organizing the 2023 commencement ceremony and acknowledge the members of the honors and commencement advisory committee thank you after the ceremony we invite you to take photos and celebrate with the faculty of the College of Business and economics you may meet them in the Gathering space outside the Pavilion at this time the university hymn will be performed please turn your attention to the screen foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] all right thank you [Applause] [Music] congratulations graduates [Music] please give the graduates for the College of Business and economics for the 2023 another round of applause [Applause] this marks the end of our ceremony please follow the directions of Staff Marshals as you leave the Pavilion and meet your guests thank you foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]