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Understanding Learning in Psychology
Oct 3, 2024
Learning in Psychology
Definition of Learning
Psychological Perspective
: Learning is a long-term change in behavior based on experience.
Types of Learning
Classical Conditioning
Introduced by Ivan Pavlov in the 1890s.
Experiment with Dogs
Dogs associated the ringing of a bell (neutral stimulus) with food (unconditioned stimulus).
Resulted in salivation (unconditioned response) just by hearing the bell (conditioned stimulus).
Application to Humans
Example: A painful shot at the doctor paired with words "This won't hurt a bit".
Words become a conditioned stimulus leading to fear of similar situations.
Operant Conditioning
Focuses on how consequences influence voluntary behavior.
Key Components
: Increases likelihood of a behavior.
: Decreases likelihood of a behavior.
Positive means addition of a stimulus (e.g., getting dessert).
Negative means removal of a stimulus (e.g., no homework).
Clearing the table and washing dishes followed by positive reinforcement (a hug) increases likelihood of repeating the behavior.
Present in daily life and extraordinary situations.
Pigeons trained to distinguish paintings by Monet vs. Picasso using food as reinforcement.
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