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Fundamentals of Programming Concepts
Aug 4, 2024
Introduction to Programming - Lecture Notes
Steven and Sean
90 minutes
21 segments covering basics of computer programming
Basics applicable to any programming language, avoiding language-specific topics
No software required
Topics Covered
What is Programming?
Getting a computer to complete a specific task without mistakes
Computers understand machine code (binary)
Programming languages as a middleman
High-level vs. low-level languages
How to Write Code
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Syntax and rules in programming languages
Examples of variable initialization in Java, Python, JavaScript
Printing and Console
Console used for outputting text from the program
Print statement basics
Concatenation of strings and integers
Base Power of Computers
Arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Modulus operator
Strings: text enclosed in quotation marks
Store information for reference and manipulation
Types: Integer, Boolean, Float, Double, String, Char
Naming conventions: camelCase
Importance and usage of variables in programs
Conditional Statements
If Statement:
Runs if a condition is true
Else if Statement:
Runs if the previous condition is false and a new condition is true
Else Statement:
Runs if none of the previous conditions are true
Switch Statement:
Used for multiple conditions
Lists that store multiple variables of the same type
Indexing starts at 0
Fixed size
2D arrays and higher-dimensional arrays
For Loop: Repeats a block of code a certain number of times
For Each Loop: Iterates through elements in an array
While Loop: Repeats as long as a condition is true
Do While Loop: Runs code at least once before checking the condition
Errors in Programming
Syntax Errors:
Breaking programming rules
Runtime Errors:
Errors that occur when code is running
Logic Errors:
Code runs but produces incorrect results
Reading error messages
Using print statements to track variable values
Using breakpoints to pause execution
Commenting out code to isolate errors
Reusable segments of code
Types: With/without arguments, returning/not returning values
Benefits of functions: Condensing code, ease of updates
Importing Functions
Use of libraries and packages
Syntax: Import statements
Benefits: Reusing existing, tested code
Writing Your Own Functions
Basic structure: Defining function, arguments, return values
Naming conventions: camelCase
ArrayLists and Dictionaries
Dynamic array that grows as needed
Key-value pairs for quick data retrieval
Searching Algorithms
Linear Search:
Checks each element sequentially
Binary Search:
Efficient search for sorted lists
Importance of efficient searching
Functions calling themselves
Base case to avoid infinite loops
Example: Summing numbers from 1 to n
Stacks and Recursion
Stack data structure: Last In, First Out (LIFO)
Stack overflow and infinite loops
Planning out code before writing
Methods: Flowcharts, writing steps, functionality planning
Choosing the Right Programming Language
Types: HTML/CSS, Scripting languages, General-purpose languages
Factors to consider: Application, personal preference
Next Steps in Learning Programming
Resources: Coding challenges websites (Coding Bat, Coderbyte, HackerRank)
Taking programming classes
Practical application: GitHub, personal projects
Key Points:
Basics of programming, pseudocode, choosing languages
Future Steps:
Continue learning, practice coding, engage in projects
Low Pointer Exception for more content
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