all right hey everyone welcome back to another video in this video I'm going to be sharing with you my absolute favorite app that I have on my phone I've been using this for over two years now and it is an incredible Financial tracking app it's kind of like the ultimate budgeting app and uh it Aggregates all of your accounts across everything that you possibly have and it's just a really great way for me to know exactly where my money is at all times how it's distributed every dollar that goes in and every dollar that goes out I feel like it is it is honestly the best app I've ever used it's my favorite I recommend it to everyone and so this video I'm going to be showing you the demo version of the app um and then hopefully if you decide you like it you can give it a try it is a paid app the annual fee I think is like it's like 70 a year for me it is well worth it because if you know exactly where your money is every dollar that goes in every dollar that goes out it helps you make better financial decisions and so I am 100 sure that I make up that seventy dollars just through having a better financial literacy and just better knowledge about all of my money and so that's for me but if if you don't want to pay the 70 a year you can get a free trial um so in the description I'm gonna put a link for you to get I believe it's two months for free um so you can always try it out and see if you like it that's what I did two years ago I wasn't really into paying for apps but I figured I'd give it a shot and I gave it a shot and it like completely changed my life honestly with with money with budgeting to this day like I said it's my favorite app that I use I use it probably like 15 times a day honestly this video is not sponsored but I just really am a fan of the app and so let's jump into the app and I'll give you a demo okay so right now I am recording my phone screen it'll be up hopefully somewhere over here hopefully I get that to work and this as you can see at the top of the screen we are currently in demo mode and the app is called copilot as you can see at the top I believe it's currently only available for iOS so I think you you need to have an iPhone to use it I think they're working on an Android version I don't know if it's out yet or not um but I will say that they make updates they release updates very frequently the app is so much better than when I started using it and when I started using it was already awesome and so if you have an Android phone just keep an eye out for this because I I do think the Android version will be out soon if it's not already so let's just go through everything you see on here is their demo mode so none of this is my information obviously I'm not going to be putting my information on the internet um but as you can see as we're scrolling around there's a bunch of different categories and the way this works the way that I think about the co-pilot application is that the dashboard which is the page that I'm currently on this is kind of like the central default page that it opens up to whenever you open the app and so the dashboard just tells you exactly where you are for budgeting purposes it tells you any transactions that you have to review it shows you your budgets per the different categories that you've created and it also shows you upcoming recurring purchases that you have at the very bottom it shows you your income for the month and it also Compares your income compared to last month and so all of these you can click on all of these things and they all do something different but I think before we do that we're going to start all the way over on the left because I think the tabs get kind of get more complicated as you go so in the accounts tab this is exactly what it sounds like it is just a place for you to link and and sync all of your accounts to co-pilot and so you can see at the top we have a net worth and you can kind of change the graphs based on different time points so you can see track your net worth over one year year to date three months one month and one week if you click the little setting icon in the top right of the net worth box you can see that there are other options you can choose to include or exclude different accounts in this chart if for whatever reason you don't want to track something as part of your network you can choose to exclude it and also you can see that we can uncheck combine assets and debt and if we do that now you have two lines and so now you can track your assets and debt individually or if we go back combine them and now you have one line to track your your net worth right so that's pretty cool as you can see this demo mode they have two credit cards um and what the credit cards show you is it shows you which credit cards you have it shows you the balance of those cards and it shows you your uh utilization ratio so this would be dependent on the credit limit so if you click on the Chase credit card we can see the balance we can see the credit limit and we can see the percent utilized of the credit limit and this is really cool information you can see all of your credit cards especially if you have many credit cards or even just like more than one or two it's really nice to see your utilization ratio because it's good to keep that down on all of all our cards if we go to depository this is basically your checking accounts and savings accounts so you can sync these up and basically all these do is kind of track the balances and so all of these sync um you can sync them manually whenever you want to or they'll sync I think like every morning if you don't do anything and so every time you open this app you should be able to see an updated uh balance for your accounts if you want to update it all you have to do is pull down and refresh and it will update then we have Investments so you can sync all of your investment accounts your brokerage account your retirement accounts your crypto whatever you have you can sync all of them up and same thing these track your balances here and if we click on them this is really cool you can uh you know you can change the timeline as we saw before but then it also shows you your Holdings so in this big Robinhood account that they have you can see that there's Bitcoin Tesla Microsoft Disney it shows you the number of shares and the uh you know dollar equivalent of that holding then under that is loans so there's no loans here but if you have a mortgage if you have a car payment if you have student loans you can sync all of that up here and that would be included here it could affect your net worth if you want to uncheck that again you can and then others they don't have anything in others so for me in the non-demo mode for my actual finances in others I actually track cash because there's no I don't have a cash a physical item it's not connected to anything so obviously I'm cashing a bank so that would show up under depository but if you have cash in your wallet or if you have like a a set amount of cash in your home that you want to track and include here you can do that you would just add them manually and you would put them under other and so all you would do to add things here is you would click the add button to the right and obviously it says I'm in demo mode so I can't actually do that but the way it works is it's through plaid so if you've used you know any fintech app basically they all use plaid or some version of plaid um and you just connect it to the financial institution that you want to and all of your accounts that you choose to allow copilot to sync to like if you have uh accounts with like I don't know Chase for example and you have a checking a savings an investment account you can sync all of them you can choose to only sync certain ones so you have full control over what you choose to sync so that's the accounts tab now we have a tab only for Investments and this is important because people want to track their Investments and see how their Investments are performing and so again at the top we have the balance with different time frames then you have the top movers today for me I'm a long-term investor I buy and hold so I don't really use this that much but it's really cool that you can just kind of see how everything is doing all in one spot and what's really cool is because if you sync all of your investment accounts here you would see your top movers across all of them right it's not like if you have Investments with Chase but then you also have Investments at like PNC or Robinhood you have you would have to go to each of those apps to see your top Investments but here because everything's in one place it'll show you your aggregate top performers which is really cool same thing here you have your accounts and you'll notice on the right of accounts and top movers today there's different filters so where it says one week balance if I click on that you can actually change what you see so let's open the drop down for accounts right now it shows you your one week balance but you can actually change that to Performance right so one week performance and the reason it's one week is because at the top we have it on one week but if we change it to like three months now you can see a change to three month performance and then if you just put your balance if you just simply want to see your balance that's what you can do so there's a lot of different options here to play around with as you can see it also shows your allocation so across all of your investment accounts across your entire portfolio it breaks down the different investment classes that you have and the percentage of your overall portfolio that each of those makes up and then it also gives you your overall aggregate Holdings across all of your accounts next let's go to transactions this is where I use copilot probably the most transactions and category slash recurrings which we'll get to but transactions is cool so anytime you make a transaction with a credit card debit card which realistically yeah like for me I use credit cards for everything every purchase I make is with a credit card if I need to use cash for whatever reason I do and then I log it as a manual transaction which you can do by at the very top where you see add a new transaction you can click on it you can change whether it's a regular transaction so just like normal like you spent 20 bucks that's a regular transaction you can mark it as income or you can mark it as a transfer so transferring from one account to another account uh so let's say we bought a transaction for like a hot dog right so you can name that transaction hot dog or you can name it like whatever the hot dog places that you bought it from and the name is only important like for you mentally so that when you look through your transaction list you immediately know what you're looking at then you can put your dollar amount where it says other that's actually the category so we didn't get to categories yet but you can create as many categories as you want and organize them like you can link categories you can like Nest categories under certain categories and you'll see when we get to it but if you add a manual transaction you can choose which category it goes under and then you can choose which account you use so use for example your Chase credit card your Bank of America cards coinbase account Robinhood wealthfront so basically whatever you used to make that purchase you just select that and then it will automatically deduct it from that account here so what I mean by that is when you go back to your accounts if you go back to depository say we clicked that we took it out of our Chase Card it would add um it would add that to your Chase Card balance right so now back to transactions scrolling through you can see most of these would have been things that are done on my credit cards and if we scroll down say we look at like I don't know at the very top Target right so Target the way co-pilot works it is it has this sort of like AI system that it will learn as you use copilot over time the categories that you like to assign certain purchases to so for example here under Target it assigned it Target to the groceries category but say you went to Target just to buy like a hoodie or like sweatpants or something right so that what you wouldn't want to classify that purchase under groceries you would want to classify it under something else so all you need to do is click on the groceries tag click on the groceries tag here and you can scroll and change so if we wanted to we can change it to clothing and if you change the category It'll ask if you want to apply the same change to similar transactions so you can create a rule based on the name so if you do that then let's click on it and I'll show you you can do an exact match so every single purchase that you have in your purchase history in your transaction history with the merchant name of Target you can change it so that right here if I click create rule all of these that say groceries will be changed to clothing or you can do a partial match so if you have transactions for example if you want a partial match to Target and some of these transactions that Target close Target groceries Target whatever that would be a partial match and then all of those would be changed as well um I don't I'm not going to change the category for now but you get the idea it it is really cool you can change a ton of transactions all at once if you needed to you don't have to go in one by one there's also options at the bottom you can choose to exclude this transaction if for whatever reason you don't want it to count against your money like there are situations where maybe uh somebody gave you money and you use the money to to buy this and you just don't you it just doesn't you don't want it to count for whatever reason you just hit the exclude button you can also choose to split so like if you pay for something but you split it with someone else you can split the transaction you can make it a recurring transaction which is another tab we'll get to and then you can click review which is basically just what they're asking you to do here so yeah this is the transaction tab you can see on where it says yesterday you can see Netflix with a little r to the left of it that means Netflix is a recurring transaction that we've set in the app and it's under the subscriptions category if you see kids college fund kids college fund with a little T that means it's an internal transfer and so internal transfers you can see there's two of them one is 60 dollars in Black which means it's subtracted 60 and the other sixty dollars in green which is means it added sixty dollars to your account and the reason it does that is because it shows you it's a transfer so it took sixty dollars out of one account and put it into another account you can also search for different transactions so if there's something you want to find like you know you made a transaction you just want to get to it quick you can um just type in the name of the merchant and it'll bring up all matches so like let's use that Target example if we type Target now you can see everything that came up is from Target and then you can also put in a tag as well like if you wanted to find Target clothing you would just add clothing uh you can also filter right so you can filter by accounts so meaning the filter purchases made through the Chase account through the Bank of America account Robinhood whatever and so you can see there's a lot to play with here as well and you can sort by date sort by dollar amount high low low to high so yeah that's the transaction tab I think you get the idea there uh then we have the dashboard Tab and the dashboard tab remember I said this is the default tab this is what it takes you to when you open the app so on the dashboard tab you can see it shows you your budget for the month so right now it says your you've budgeted four thousand one hundred and twenty dollars and you're 417 over if we click on that you can actually see your monthly expenditure and it shows you your yearly metrics under the graph so the graph shows you each month and if you click on each month you can actually uh see how much you spend each month see how much over or under you were for your budget every month it shows you your total spent this year it shows your average per month this year that you spent you can switch from 2023 to a different date and it also breaks everything down for you by category so how much you spend what your budget is and whether how much you're over or under your budget for the month that you've selected then we have to review and two reviews these are for transactions so when you open the app again you're on this screen you would review transactions here and then they would end up here so looking back we can see Target clothing and again because it's in both places at the same time so I already changed the transaction from groceries to clothing here and so that's why I updated here but you still have to mark it as reviewed and so we're happy with that so I click Mark as reviewed it goes away and if we go back to the transactions tab you can see it's still there nothing has changed because we already edited it and then yesterday it'll just put all of your transactions in one spot and you can click on each of them individually to change them so say we're okay we'll mark it as reviewed and then Thursday circus entertainment sounds good work is reviewed and then you're all caught up and you this way every transaction that you make you see a second time you're reminded of it and you're reminded categorize this quickly it takes you can see it takes literally two seconds you click on the category um usually it gets it right but if it doesn't you click on the category you select the right one you click review and then you're done and then you know that you're tracking things according to the budgets that you've set then we have these budget circles so if if you click on categories here it actually takes you to the categories tab so we're going to hold off on that and then it shows you your upcoming recurring purchases so as you put in recurring purchases in this app uh it'll actually show you like the most the the ones that are closest to upcoming and that's really cool as well so you can see uh like for example we're currently in the month of April but it's showing on May 1st with Spotify subscription that we have to pay for then we have a property payment we have a car payment and so it's just nice to see like oh yeah next week I have these payments coming up it just is a constant reminder of things that you have to pay for and then at the very bottom if we click on this income tab this is really cool too so it shows you your income for every month and you can click on any of these bars and it'll show you different months so let's go back to April so we can see fifty six hundred dollars earned so far and then the net change is one thousand and sixty three dollars meaning from those fifty six hundred dollars we've saved 1063. and it gives you your uh yearly statistics underneath that as well so now moving on to categories categories this is kind of where you set these categories that you then assign your transactions category labels too if that makes sense so I think something I'll point out is when you when you get co-pilot it does take a little bit to figure out how to set up and not because it's complicated to set up but you mentally have to think okay like you have to analyze where do I what do I spend money on and then you need to prioritize you need to set your budget if you never set a budget before this might take some time for you to think okay you know you're going to start entering things but then you're gonna once you actually see the money that you're spending it's going to make you think twice it's going to make you think maybe I should cut down here or add more here and that's good that's a process you should already be doing it's just a lot of people don't do it and this app makes it really easy to see everything in one place which is why I love it so much um so yeah looking at the categories again you can see at the very top there's a little chart that shows you your total budget as well as how much you've spent so far you could so you can see in this demo version in this month this person has already spent over their budget if we see the categories in the middle of the screen you can see home car and transport food and drink and so on and so forth it shows you for each category if you're in the green then you're still within the budget and if you're red you're over the budget you can see a little arrow next to some of them meaning if we click on the Arrow under home they have rent and utilities included which makes up their home category so if they have a rent transaction they would categorize it as rent if you have a utilities transaction you would categorize it as utilities but then the way they want to see that in the grand scheme of things is they want this all classified under home and you can do that however you want that's not by default and so it's really flexible based on just what you think makes sense for your situation and so that's everything and you can see the excluded work expenses and the reason for that is you know if they pay for work expenses but then get reimbursed they would rather just be reminded that they have learning expenses so that if they had to you know submit receipts for work you can just filter for work expenses in here you can see them all make sure you don't forget anything but you also don't want it counting against your net worth or taking money out of your account because really you're reimbursed for all that anyway and then the last tab here is the recurring Tab and this is super super useful this is one of my favorite features of the app so the recurrings tab it shows you at the top you have zero dollars left to pay and you've paid 27.66 so far and the way this kind of works is you put in your recurring so things you know come up every single month or you can do it annually every six months every three months however you want to do it you put all of that in this app and that's what the upcoming feature is useful for because sometimes you might not remember you have a transaction coming up a month from now or two months from now because it doesn't happen every month it might be something that is bi-monthly or or biannually or something like that and so that's why it's really useful to just put everything that you can possibly think of into the app and then it will actually change your budget month to month depending on what you've entered and when you know those expenses happen every year and so this month you can see we have different uh recurring payments that they've put in here say we click on like uh oh lemonade Insurance that's cool that they have that and so these are really flexible so you can name it whatever you want you can make the Emoji whatever you want and then you can tell co-pilot what transactions to look for so that it will automatically categorize everything correctly so a transactions named lemonade insurance so if we wanted to change that we could from three to eight dollars so you wanna put a dollar range um and the reason you want to put a dollar range is because if you put an exact amount for whatever reason it changes even a slight bit it might not categorize it correctly but say you have an annual transaction for example that's like somewhere around a hundred dollars and you know what happens every year um but like maybe next year the price will go up by like five dollars or something so rather than making it a hundred dollars on the dot you can just make it like this name for the transaction anywhere from 80 to 120 dollars on any day of the month so we could change any day of the month you can choose an exact date and here it says every month but then you can change the frequency right so you can make it uh any of these options that you see here so say this is something that we know happens every three months we change it to any three months okay um yeah and then at the very bottom here you can see you have in the future so these are transactions coming up in the future that for example don't fall in this month but you can see in the following Month in May you have an Amazon Prime subscription so that would be an annual subscription um and so it's just nice to be able to see oh okay this is what I have this month what do I have next month that's different and yeah that's it then you have the settings tab and in the settings tab there's a ton of things you can change you can include you can exclude you can get alerts for things like credit utilization alert you can get a low balance alert for certain accounts if you want um you can even do rollovers so for budgeting say you're under a budget and you want to add the amount that you're under onto the budget for next month you can do that so you can enable rollover I never do that because I like to keep the same budget every month and if I stay under budget then that's great I just save more money but a lot of people would like to think that way where you spent less on something one month and that gives you more of a buffer the following month and so you can do that as well you can change the app appearance you can make it look different so you can do all that and then there's also this little uh uh okay so in demo mode you can't do that but in the top right corner you can see that little comment box and in that comment box you can see frequently asked questions that people ask copilot you can also suggest features to the co-pilot team and then you can vote on features that have been suggested that you know when people suggest make suggestions to co-pilot on things to add to the app or change people can upvote it or download it and depending on what gets really high votes copilot will actually display which features there actively working to add which features are on their roadmap which features maybe they are not going to work on and so it's really cool they really listen to the community um and so yeah uh this is this is copilot I hope you like this uh again I'm going to throw a link in the description if you want to give it a try it will be completely free for you you can try it out if you decide it's not for you that's fine literally all of my friends that I've given this link to they've tried it for a month or two again I'm sorry I don't remember how long it's for the free trial I think is for two months but they've all tried it and literally every single one of them has stuck with it and decided yes I'm going to pay the 60 or 70 or whatever it is um and they've been using it ever since and this happens it's like if you've ever used mint it's kind of this a similar concept but the user interface is so much better and if you're into technology if you're into good user interface good design I think you're really gonna like this and so if you found this video helpful please let me know please let me know if you have used copilot or if you are planning on giving it a try um and then you know share this video with a friend share the link and again as always thanks for watching