Transcript for:
Mathematics Lecture Notes Overview

foreign [Music] a National Education policy in the league mathematics uh foreign 11 foreign foreign foreign foreign calculus and differential equations either subject title is a subject code either 21 matte 11. 21 Matt 1121 series mathematically first subjective though first subject to 2100 second semester birth semester birthday or seriously 21 Matt 11 only what is modules video dot AC dot program and syllabus handwritten materials foreign foreign angle between radius vector and the tangent of the characteristic is angle between two curves angle between two corresant either next door equations next content curvature radius curvature and radius of curvature Cartesian foreign foreign foreign assessment of Mark santandra video guidelines is calculations foreign minimum of 40 marks forty percent means 40 marks out of 100 40 marks out of 100 is to credits 50 total hundred but the number of credits you are going to earn Andre first semester uh total number of credits either Wonder foreign foreign differential equations related to more modules very calculus related to module one and module two on the HealthWay module two only limited differential calculation series expansions functions website to e-learning telecast continuous problems first foreign foreign coordinate system in the parametric system on the healthy way system another coordinate system um polar coordinate system is foreign foreign between some value of x for example up to X Phi and then y 513 therefore x 5 o y 51. for example a force A4 size sheet name is if it is a rectangle but this is for square another five cross five square is foreign [Applause] y ah right side x left side is in this case X dependent variable foreign foreign foreign either a basics either now x-axis [Music] this is x axis this is y axis so initial line only Theta equal to zero vectorial angle and the amplitude is zero degree either Theta equal to zero degree either for example in between exactly in between Theta is equal to 45 degrees to 45 Pi n raised to 180 180 divided by 4 180 divided by 4 and 1345 degree it is to 45 degrees 45 degrees 90 degrees 270 degrees foreign mathematical problems transformations a Cartesian in the Hang transformation X and Y are connected to T and the characters R is the dependent variable and Theta is the independent variable independent variable and then left side transformation so standard transformations learning next equation is in the conversion is foreign polar Karu with nitrix with x equal to R cos Theta Serena and Y is equal to R sine Theta as Polar transformations and the hair growth as Polar Transformations tan Phi is equal to R times D Theta by D or either first important equation either to be derived to be derived equations foreign p r comma Theta but either tangent on the correct way when the polar curvy new tangent uh tangent under on the straight line other polar curve your point by means of straight line George specs radius Vector open the radius Vector now we have a e equation Forum in the start body and polar Forum yeah we write like this we write the slope of the Curve in quotation form in Cartesian form as tan scientific is equal to ah d y by d x either equation new puc classes slope represented by means of this tangent of the angle that is tanza is equal to d y by D X ok now either say is the angle made by the tangent and the health d y by D Theta d y by D Theta and whole divided by it is d x by D Theta and the power quantity on the right side numerator with a denominator D Theta in the divert month so either d y by D Theta and D X by D Theta e polar transformation let x equal to R cos Theta and this is x equal to e f of theta substitute and cos Theta this is X is equal to cos Theta and Y is equal to R sine Theta Y is equal to R sine Theta ah that is y is equal to F of theta into sine Theta and the vertical numerator and denominator d x by D Theta becomes [Applause] r equal to F of theta is first into differential of second plus second into differential of first and the healthy F of theta second term cos Theta so first term differentiate F Dash Theta cos foreign thank you numeratory d y by D Theta is f dash of theta sine Theta multiplication and plus of that is e of theta F Theta into cos Theta either denominator F Dash Theta F Dash Theta denominatory either first under d x by D Theta value cos Theta minus F of theta into sin Theta cos Theta Difference by F dash of theta into cos Theta F dash of theta into cos Theta on foreign minus F Theta divided by F dash of theta L is Theta is equal to tan Theta it is foreign foreign [Music] on both sides applying Tan on both sides Sunray it is tan PSI is equal to tan of theta plus 5 okay trigonometrically formulas list of formulas tan of a plus a plus tan B divided by 1 minus product tan a into tan B Serena then ah here N barithra Tan Theta plus tan Phi divided by 1 minus it is tan Theta into tan Phi correct uh uh foreign implies by one and two implies by one and two new a value in a collect marble though or F Theta divided by it is f dash of theta F Theta F Dash Theta and Rain either r equal to F of theta F dash of theta differentiation d r by D Theta is either equal to R into D Theta by it is equal to R into D Theta by Dr now first book work first important equation polar cursory first equation is thank you [Music]