hello everyone welcome to music business 281 the second level of the business and music series of classes um many of you um have already gotten yourself up to speed of course with terminology and many of the areas by which was covered in music business 181 so um it's going to be fun now to watch you grow and uh apply this working knowledge that you've gotten from you know from the 181 um topics that were covered so it is week one so what i want to do is just give you an overall go over a couple introductory points um as you know we're going to combine these videos with um it's like a hybrid class in that where you combine the videos that we're gonna do here with um an online virtual class uh which obviously will be you know shorter you know it's not gonna be three hours online to go crazy of a virtual class but we'll take a weekly time to do that uh to schedule a class time take what we need time wise you know it won't be too excessive but combined with these video online classes along with the files and the pages which will have these videos and the contracts that you will need okay so we have contracts online under files and under the pages we'll have the videos files make sense you know that we can separate so you can click on those accordingly um and these will be all the kind of contracts we'll be covering what's great is they were now at your fingertips and to be able to access it you can actually print them out if you want to um and i suggest that actually because after you're you know you're no longer a student of course at the college or um in the future can't access this this class material it'll be very upsetting to you to not be able to have an actual physical copy of some of this this material because it's very very valuable to you okay so you want to navigate on your canvas site you want to look at your files you want to look under pages very important okay so check those out and you already start getting comfortable also the syllabus is online for the music 281 for both sections of the class so feel free to check out the syllabus to get yourself to speak to how the grading uh the grading will work for the class and so forth okay so this gets you the introduction gets you going a little bit and what what we're doing um i guess it is our first introductory video class for week one which will be combined with the live virtual class which we'll do obviously during the class times of the sections you have enrolled in i think i want to start by saying i i i feel that i do these things differently every time so so what i want to say is i think you'd be very excited about how in depth we go here see it's one thing we covered understand publishing and writershare and ascap bmi and the importance of those you know um you know those licensing agencies to protect your music as a publisher and or as a writer we've we've covered all these different areas music supervision music contracting all these things but i think it's very important very important that you'll see quickly how detailed we will now get in the application of this knowledge i actually give you real working contracts we talk about um music uh basically music licensing okay master license agreement synchronization license and what that is all about and what that actually is what's great about the videos also is you can watch these again more times than one and or back it up and watch something i say if it runs by you too quickly to really absorb the content of what we might do the video classes are always um around 10 minutes long just not to bore you too much because it's a long time to sit there to watch these videos sometimes so i make them in sections 10 minutes in length so this is the introduction of of the overall course um and the structure which we'll talk about also in person and in the virtual class um but moving right along here the first topic of what we are going to cover is the music master license agreement and what it's like to take music that you hold the publishing rights and control the publishing rights how you can get this placed in film or television so under files you will see there is a master license contract which is a real tv show which music was placed in um from my library it's a real show that was on the air it's on the cw and um network and uh you will see these master lights agreements got very specific guidelines and even the money that was paid out for the licensing fee now the licensing fee means the money that was paid for the usage of this piece of music that was used and you'll see that in there now that is not a royalty a license fee is exactly that it is a licensed fee a royalty is what you get for the actual airplay of what is being used okay that's that's a big deal the airplane now you have a major you have just one q remember what a q is from 181. a queue is a piece of music that's been placed in tv or motion picture and then online you know and video synchronization right it's the start in the end let's say it's a minute and 22 seconds uh that means the start at the end of that pc music goes from one minute 22 seconds synchronized to something video happening in that show or a movie now that one cue and is going to be on a cue sheet and that comes off of the synchronization license or this master license agreement which you sign as the publishing holder okay assuming you of course have the publisher but you cannot sign it right as the administrator of the publishing you sign that with the producer that's the producer of the show don't get confused not the producer of music it's a different you know there's all kinds of producers we're talking about the producer that owns the intellectual property that's the show that you will be placing this music on okay so this this is the first uh contract i want you to start looking over it's the master license agreement it is actually uh in files under your canvas you go into the class look under files and you will see just look where it says master license click on that open it up and away you go if you have a printer i suggest you print it out because it would be very helpful for you okay that's where we start the semester off it's talking about synchronization agreements one more time synchronization agreements is the agreement between the publishing holder and the producer of the show they pay a licensing fee and in addition to the license if he gets paid out they also will now put you on the cue sheet and assuming you were smart enough of course to register your music with bmi or ascap as the publishing holder and if you're the writer as well as the writer that means that they will collect the royalties as they are earned for the airplay of that show that specific queue on that show for that you know that piece of music now if you have ten cues in the show you have ten times more royalties basically speaking right more music you have to show the more money you can basically make right so i just want to make it really clear here that the lights master license agreement is a real contract which i have signed between i signed it as the music publisher okay and they signed it as the producer of the show and the show itself actually is called la complex which was a show um it was kind of like a realistic entourage if you guys do have entourage on hbo like a real entrepreneurs where everybody was living in uh mass housing together starving to death basically trying to get a gig that's the real world of hollywood of course and actors and so for trying to get work that's what l.a complex was all about it was actually a very interesting show um it only made it though unfortunately two seasons i believe or one season um maybe just one so unfortunately that in perpetuity which forever royalties means that it probably you know i doubt if they'll air season one because then they'll follow up to other seasons ever again but you never know hard to say that's what's great about placing music with these master license agreements or synchronization agreements two words for the same thing that's what's great about placing them okay is the fact that these synchronization licenses and these synchronization agreements as you want to call them um enable you to collect royalties in perpetuity forever so now you're on a show like handmaid's tale which i have a lot of music in handmaid's tale which is on hulu there's a great example for you handmaid's tale now is blew up season after season and they had tremendous visibility and interest so now that royalty base is pretty significant now that was not on tv as per say as one might say okay i mean tv meaning like broadcast television like a network uh you know nbc abc cbs fox it was actually though online which also bears a lot of royalties as well the pricing for that is a little different it's usually i believe last night i checked 19.25 for 40 000 downloads or should say you know views right now you know um people that have watched that show based on that that's pretty that's pretty amazing because they had millions and millions and millions of views so if you have one queue alone do the math on that it's pretty significant so i want to say this is part one of business 281 uh get you started getting navigating around the canvas site and i just want to give some information about music license agreements which is where we start so go on canvas and check it out uh there'll be a part two coming right up i'd like you to watch as soon as you're able as well thank you