Transcript for:
Revelations and World Events

the new movie and for time sake start at no just start from the beginning start just play it this is a trailer put it up [Music] listen this is a National Emergency Detonator [Music] charge we're in the race against the Nazis and I know what it means if the Nazis have a bomb I have a 12mon head start 18 how could you possibly know that we've got one hope all Americas industrial might and scientific innovation connected here secret laboratory keep everyone there until it's done let's go recruit some scientists build a town build it fast if we don't let scientists bring their families we'll never get the best why would we go to the middle of nowhere for who knows how long why why how about because this is the most important thing to ever happen in the history of the world you're the great improviser but this you can't do any your head are we saying there's a chance that when we push that button we destroy the world chances are near zero near zero what do you want from Theory alone zero would be nice this is a matter of life and death I can perform this miracle stop go back a few seconds right there listen good to what he calls it it's a matter of life and death I can perform this miracle stop go back again y'all might have missed it dnam but I can perform this miracle he said I can perform this what miracle miracle give me Revelation 13 please Revelation 13 and we're going to start at verse 13 I think this is the Book of Revelation 13: 133 and he doeth great wonders and he does he is the white man amalec Tean go ahead so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and in the sight of the Nations go ahead and deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those Miracles those what those Miracles Miracles Miracles Miracles he said I can perform this miracle the Bible's a true book I don't know what y'all playing with y'all keep on playing with this thing read that again Revelation 13:13 and he doeth great wonders so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those Miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast sight of the Beast was his other his allies okay go ahead saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast which had the wound by a sword and did live now what does that mean make an image to the Beast give me that next the uh uh the head of Christ the head of Christ should be a link the head of Christ right there that's it raise it up let's read that the head of Christ also called the salon head is a 1940 portrait painting of Jesus of Nazareth by American Artist Warner Salman now let's jump down for time raise it up this is the head of Christ here raise it up uh let's say Origins I forgot where it was but uh yeah go ahead read there Origins the head of Christ originated as a charcoal sketch entitled the son of man done in 1924 and sold to be the cover of the Covenant companion the jump to 1940 in 1940 cuz that's when World War II was yes sir in 1940 he was asked to reproduce that painting by the students of North Park Theological Seminary now raise it up uh raise it up some more I want yeah okay right here the Baptist Book the Baptist bookstore initially popularized the painting Distributing various siiz lithographic images for sale throughout the Southern United States the Salvation Army of the YMCA as members of The Uso handed out pocket-sized versions of the painting to American servicemen heading overseas during World War II so during World War II this image that image became famous this is the image image that the Bible is talking about okay raise it up let me see if there was anything else oh that was it okay let's go back to the scripture Revelation 13: 133 and he doeth great wonders so that he maketh so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those Miracles which he had which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast and so what else happened during this time read saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast which had the wound by a sword and did live cuz that image comes from Rome Rome had the womb by a sword meaning it fell and it was resurrected during the Renaissance that image comes from Rome okay okay so now from there from there give me now write this down 1945 to 1950 nine we are going to talk about write this down Operation Paperclip where in the United States recruited 1 1600 German scientists engineers technicians who were former Nazis from Germany give me Psalm 64:2 Bishop yes Bishop I thought that I was a receipt connoisseur Bishop you dropping all the receipts right now if you if you still confused as to who the nation is whom the most high has had indignation for forever you sleep go drink some milk get you some warm milk go lay your ass back in the bed this right here is Bible prophecy unfolding No Other Nation you see that the the Edomite I forget his name Bishop who on Earth would think to create a missile or a bomb Oppenheimer Oppenheimer that could kill everybody he going to test it it's a it's a zero point it's close to zero chance that it'll kill everybody on Earth but we're going to try it anyway Edom is the only one by thy sword shalt thou live this nation is the only National Earth that thinks like this bishop they say you um you could tell the mass murderers and the serial killers from Young they they kill little animals in their neighborhood and stuff like that Edom is the only nation that enjoys killing animals his whole life Bishop right this is how he moves by his sword he thinks through his might he can be successful exactly get that Psalm 64:2 Psalm 64:2 hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked from the Insurrection of the workers of iniquity the reason I went here is to show you that Esau Edom has secret councils and one of the secret councils is called operation paper clip I'm going to give you another scripture Isaiah 29:15 Isaiah 29 verse1 15 woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord and their works are in the dark and they say who seeth us and who knoweth us so again more secret counsels give me Isaiah 47 and10 Isaiah chap 47:10 mhm for thou has trusted in thy wickedness thou has said none seeth me why none seeth me because they did everything in secret covert uh uh actions go ahead thy wisdom and thy knowledge it ha perverted thee they created the Adam Bomb they created many all these Great Inventions y'all see out here the vast majority of them I see it like that go ahead and thou has said in thine heart I am and none else beside me so because of those Miracles that they created they said I am am I am God go ahead verse 11 therefore shall evil come upon thee Thou shalt not know from when it riseth God got a trick bag for them go ahead and Mischief shall fall upon thee Thou shalt not be able to put it off and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly thou which Thou shalt not know read stand now with thine enchantments stand now with your enchantments go ahead and with the multitude of thy sorceries wherein thou H has laid from thy youth go ahead if so be thou shalt be able to profit if so be thou mayest Prevail so now so now I'm going show you a couple of videos about Operation Paperclip give me that first one how long is that how long is that okay go ahead play [Music] that in 1945 a Polish lab technician discovered pieces of paper floating in a toilet at Bon University little did he know the discovery would trigger one of the most controversial intelligence initiatives in United States history when around 1, 1600 Nazi scientists were recruited to the US those pieces of paper were fragments of the assenberg list a roll call of Nazi Germany's top scientists rocketeers and Engineers Nazi leaders aimed to identify and reassign them from the battle to the laboratory in the desperate hope of turning the tide of the war but when the war in Europe ended and Nazi Germany was defeated news of the assenberg list made it into the hands of us intelligence where it was seen as an opportunity for the US government to recruit the scientists for themselves at the end of the war and with the approval of President Harry S Truman operation paper clip commenced in 1945 it was so secret even the Justice Department's Nazi Hunters whose job it was to track down Nazis for criminal prosecution didn't know of its existence between 1945 in 1959 around 1,600 Nazi scientists were recruited as part of the operation many had previously served as high-ranking Nazi officials including Infamous aerospace engineer verer Von Brown creator of the third reich's deadly V2 Rockets weapons used to bomb London England during the war due to Operation Paperclip Von Brown became director of NASA's Marshall space flight center and the Chief Architect of the Apollo moonlanding launch vehicle with a successful firing of the Saturn a gigantic stride has been taken in the exploration of space specialists in chemistry physics and electronic engineering were also hired the roughly 1600 scientists and their 10 billion dollar in Technical and intellectual secrets that included patents and Industrial processes were considered intellectual reparations and a part of Germany's War reparations details of the covert operation finally came to light in 1958 when Time Magazine ran a story on verer Von Brown yet despite the publicity no paperclip recruits were ever charged or held accountable for their war crimes and many went on to live happy successful lives as US citizens what can happen happen when ethical lines are challenged or crossed by the government you see the hypocrisy of of of AMC H Hypocrites all of them hey and a lot they all changed their names too they all changed their names hey give me the next clip it's a short yes is the only good Nazi a Dead Nazi that was the sentiment during World War II but after the war the American government was willing to make some exceptions approved in a secret directive by President Truman operation paperclip was a secret us intelligence program that recruited over, 1600 scientists engineers and technicians from Germany between 1945 and 1959 many of these people were not only former Nazis but in some cases they were even former leaders in the Nazi party oh with Nazi Germany defeated in World War II and the Red Menace seen as the new threat to American democracy the government was willing to overlook the former affiliation of these individuals if it meant gaining an advantage in the Cold War and winning the space race one of these scientists was Veron Brawn Chief Architect of the Saturn 5 launch vehicle used in all of the Apollo missions to the moon give me the next one from NASA play play play go back go back go back pay attention imagine a top secret operation that involved the recruitment of Nazi scientists and Engineers by the United States Government after World War II sound sounds like a plot from a spy movie right but this is not fiction this is Operation Paperclip after the end of World War II the United States government was in a race against the Soviet Union to develop advanced technology the US government secretly recruited over, 1600 Nazi scientists and Engineers to work for the US Military and intelligence agencies among them were wner Von brw who had developed the B2 rocket for the Nazis and Arthur Rudolph who had overseen the production of the B2 rocket at the middle work Factory where thousands of concentration camp prisoners had died the operation was highly classified and the the US government went to Great Lengths to keep it a secret the scientists and Engineers were given new identities and their Nazi pasts were erased some of the scientists and Engineers had been involved in war crimes and there were concerns about their loyalty to the US there were also concerns about the ethical implications of recruiting former Nazi despite these concerns Operation Paperclip continued for several years and the Nazi scientists and Engineers made significant contributions to us technology and science you can't make this stuff up what you got for me de what you got let me get the article I sent you Captain Azariah all right so after um Oppenheimer and his people set off that plutonium bomb there was a whole bunch of reports of Chariots so-called UFOs right go down go down I want to show y'all something go down keep going go slow go slow hold up go back up go down go down go down right there start reading from where it says it is difficult it is difficult to predict what the attitude of international law will be with regard to the occupation by by Celestial so this is this is a unclassified at one time it was classified then it became unclassified way later decades later this is a letter from Oppenheimer to Truman okay about so-called UFOs go ahead by the OCC uh to the occupation by Celestial peoples of certain locations on our planet but the only thing that can be foreseen is that there will be a profound change in traditional Concepts so he said there will be a profound change in traditional Concepts when The Invasion happens go ahead we cannot exclude the possibility that a race of extraterrestrial people more advanced technologically and economically may take upon itself the right to occupy another uh Celestial body that occupation that it's talking about is Christ coming here to invade this planet go ahead come on how then would this occupation come about go down keep reading the let's blow it up a little bit the no the other way brother the that right there read number one come on the idea of exploitation by one Celestial state would be rejected go ahead they may think it would be advisable to Grant it to all others capable of reaching another Celestial body but this would be to maintain a situation of privilege for these states read number two read a little faster the the division of a Celestial body into zones and the distribution of the of them among so basically what they're doing they're listing different ways that they would be able to so-called co-inhabit this planet Earth with the so-called UFOs I'm going to show you something because a lot of these apologists Bishop they like to call us UFO nuts and so forth read verse uh I'm not verse read number three go ahead and then we're going to go up read three indivisible o sovereignty coign let me read it let me read it let me well indivisible co- sovereignty which will there will be no co- sovereignty because this whole planet Earth is going to be under Christ and the Israelites giving each celestrial state the right to make whatever use is most convenient to its interest independently of the others this would create a situation of Anarchy as the strongest one would win out in the end who's the strongest ones Brothers Christ Christ absolutely go up now for the sake of time note the other way go back up I just want to get to keep going I want to show y'all something what this white devil these [ __ ] know that the whole world doesn't know cuz our people are still asleep go up go slow go down to the fourth paragraph right there at any rate international law should make place for a new law on a different basis and it might be called law among planetary peoples following the guidelines found in the pent now put that in Google for those who don't know so what is the white man talking about here he's telling you that when The Invasion happens the whole planet Earth is going to be under the pent tuak let's type that in for those who don't know who for those who are watching online what is the pentak if I don't even know if I'm pronouncing that right pentu the pent 2 includes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible so who wrote that letter go back go back go back go back go back so to to all these apologists oh they're UFO nuts they crazy we ain't crazy you crazy go all the way down let's see who wrote this letter go down go down keep going let's see who wrote this wrote go back up go back up go right there go up right there Dr J Robert Oppenheimer that's some good stuff that's some excellent stuff so that was what we discussed was 19405 something occurred after World War II 194 48 give me that uh newspaper article newsp 1948 right there yep read that who's reading Captain limuel go ahead its name is Israel us recognizes Jewish state so Israel became a state this is when it got all of the uh kesar idumi from Poland Russia Germany Kazakhstan who's Bean uh to come to this land to make a new state give me the next article read that top the New York Times Zionist Proclaim new state of Israel Truman recognizes it and hopes for peace Tel Aviv is bombed Egypt orders Invasion okay give me the next picture with the American flag yep America helped set up a uh this new modern Israel with the help of the League of Nations that's what the the United Nations was called at that time the League of Nations so America was instrumental in establishing that new state give me Daniel 11 and verse 14 Daniel 11 verse 14 and in those times there shall many stand up against the King of the South of the South is Egypt like we just read earlier a few minutes ago there was a war with Egypt go ahead also the robbers of thy people the robbers of thy people is amalec the robbers of thy people are these Edomite converts read that part again also also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves what did they robbed they robbed our land cuz now they taken the land again they robbed our land and our identity read that again also also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves exalt themselves as the Jews to establish the vision to establish the vision that they are the Jews not only that did they establish themselves as Jewish people they not only that they took the land not only that they created a new form of Hebrew that yish form of Hebrew go ahead but they shall fall the prophecy says but they shall fall so I want y'all to look at this verse when it talks about the robbers of thy people that extends from the time of the herodians from antip that we already discussed to the kesar to 1948 it covers all of that everybody understand that yes sir okay all right uh give me Ezekiel 35 and let's start at verse one Ezekiel 35:1 I want try to pay close attention moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man set thy face against Mount sier set thy face against Mount who sier uh read Genesis 36 and8 again please so we know I know some of them on at home they already forgot who Mount sier is Genesis CH 36:8 thus dwelt Esau in Mount sier Esau is Edom see that so now when we go back to Ezekiel 35:2 again son of man set thy face against Mount sier and prophesy against it so we prophesying against the [ __ ] go ahead and say unto it thus sayith the Lord God behold oh Mount sier I am against thee God is against thee go ahead and I will stretch out mine hand against thee and I will make thee most desolate God said I will make make thee most desolate come on I will lay thy cities waste ah see that I will lay thy cities waste and thou shalt be desolate and thou shalt be desolate go ahead and thou shalt know that I am the Lord and thou shalt know that I am the Lord go ahead because thou has had a Perpetual hatred and has shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their Calamity hey remember during the time of Babylon we discussed it what the [ __ ] did they helped Babylon overthrow us Ezekiel was in the Babylonian captivity he's already prophesying these people helped kill us they took our land not only that remember it happens several times in the future read that again verse 5 because thou has had a Perpetual hatred and has shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their Calamity in the time that their iniquity had an end in the time that their iniquity had an end what happened what happened remember I discussed earlier when we were emancipated that wasn't it that they wasn't finished with us they said no no no let's Dawn our hoods let's set up uh uh Black Codes and Jim Crow laws and let's kill us some [ __ ] that's what they did go ahead verse 6 therefore as I live sayeth the Lord God I will prepare thee unto blood and blood shall pursue thee see when you read the Bible when you reading prophecy you can't just stop during the time of Ezekiel no it goes go on God's prophecies go on it don't stop to where the apolog the Apologetics will say no you got to just stop and leave it there no they don't know the Bible they don't know the spirituality of the word of God go ahead sit thou Hast not excuse me sit thou Hast not hated blood even blood shall pursue thee thus will I make Mount sier most desolate and cut off from it him that passeth out and him that returneth M and I will fill his mountains with his slain men so his mountains we know ain't nobody living over there now so what is it talking about remember what we read hold up I know you forgot get go back to Genesis 3 uh 27 you read about the blessing on Esau watch this Genesis CH 27 verse uh verse 30 n and Isaac his father answered and said unto him Behold thy dwell in shall be the fatness of the earth thy dwelling would no longer be mountsier it said it would be the fatness of the Earth the best places on the earth you would live you and your descendants go ahead and of the do of heaven and of the do of Heaven meaning they'd be everywhere go ahead from above and by thy sword shalt thou live how would they get to all those marvelous and beautiful places where they would live by the sword they would kill people destroy Nations let's go on back now Ezekiel 35 and verse what verse was that verse eight go ahead read eight again and I will fill his mountains with his slain men in thy Hills and in thy valleys and in all thy Rivers shall they fall that are slain with the sword so you'd be looking Christianity got you looking in Mount sier there's nobody over there nobody lives there so God is letting you know if you know the Bible you know they would live everywhere France Germany Russia America Canada Australia all these various places read I will make thee per I will make thee perpetual desolations and thy cities shall not return ah you see and thy cities shall not return this is prophecy go ahead and ye shall know that I am the Lord now playay pay close attention to verse 10 verse 10 because thou has said these two Nations these two Nations go ahead and these two countries and these two countries shall be mine uhhuh and we will possess it whereas the Lord was there so what are the two Nations talking about Judah and Israel what are the two countries talking about Israel and America those are the two main places they always wanted why many of you can understand why they wanted Israel because we live there why America because the northern kingdom dwelt here or this side of the earth so read it again because thou has said these two Nations and these two countries shall be mine and we will possess it and we will possess it whereas the Lord was there what does it mean whereas the Lord was there they took the land of Israel how as Jews Jewish people they took America as what Christians they said we're the people of God in both areas and the Lord is with us read therefore as I live sayith the Lord God I will even do according to thine anger and according to thine Envy which thou has used out of thy hatred theyve always been envious against us they've always had hatred against us go ahead and I will make myself known among them when I have judged thee when I have judged thee go ahead and thou shalt know that I am the Lord and that I have heard of all thy blasphemies and I have heard all thy blasphemies go ahead which thou has spoken against the mountains of Israel saying what saying that are laid desolate they are given us to consume the people of God have been taken into slavery we can now take the lands that's what they did go ahead thus with your mouth ye have boasted against me and have multiplied your words against me I have heard them he what the Lord said I have heard them go ahead thus sayith the Lord God when the whole earth rejoiceth I will make thee desolate God said when the whole earth rejoices cuz the Lord going to come back I'm going to make you desolate I'm going destroy you go ahead as thou didst Rejoice at the inheritance of the House of Israel because it was desolate so will I do unto thee Thou shalt be desolate oh mount sier in All I Do Me Wait Wait who's I do me put it on the screen who's I do me I know some of y'all forgot already read that idia Bible meaning red or Edom see that's the [ __ ] that's the [ __ ] Scott's talking about back to verse 15 one more again as thou didst Rejoice at the inheritance of the House of Israel because it was desolate so will I do unto thee Thou shalt be desolate oh Mount sier and all iduma even all of it some of it all of it even all of it go ahead and they shall know that I am the Lord and now go to chapter 36 and verse 5 please Ezekiel 36:5 therefore thus sayith the Lord God surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the Heathen and against all I doia wait wait put idia back up on the screen put it back read that again idia Bible meaning red or Edom so now let's go back to the script go ahead therefore thus sayeth the Lord God surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the Heathen and against all idia which have appointed my land into their possession not only did they possess the land during the time of Babylon when Ezekiel was living they did in the future time during the time of Rome and during the time in 1948 to this day read that again which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart with despiteful Minds to cast it out for a prey what does it mean to cast it out for a prey they have all their fellow idian take part take a piece of of it they call it fellow idian from Poland uh Kazakhstan usbekistan uh Poland Germany Russia all over they said come to Israel come get a part of this land as the Jews that's what they did okay from there from there give me Revelation 12:9 Revelation chapter 12 verse 99 wait a minute wait let me get it let me get it go ahead and the Great Dragon was and and the Great Dragon and the Great Dragon go ahead was cast out was cast out that old serpent that old serpent called the devil and Satan so what did this old serpent called the devil and Satan do which deceiveth the whole world uh-huh he was cast out into the Earth and his angels were cast out with him I want to know who this Dam D devil is real quick real quick real quick go to Revelation 2:9 I'm curious who is this Dragon who is this Devil Revelation 2:9 Revelation 2:9 put some pictures on the screen for me I Know Thy works so Christ says I to the real Jews I Know Thy works and tribulation I know all the hell you done caught go ahead and and I know as a whole you are impoverished but Thou Art rich but Thou Art Rich you are the Jews of God you are the Israelites all the promises in the Bible pertain to you go ahead and I know the blasphemy and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not and what and are not but who are they but are the synagogue of Satan but you know what Christians will do they'll say no no hey give me the picture about anti give me up the follow anti in case you want to be stupid go back to the yeah right there the genology these are all converts all these people plus 15 more children like it says at the bottom Herod the Great had five other wives and 15 children and all all these people lived during the time when John wrote this thing right yeah so read it again verse n please I Know Thy Works in Tribulation and poverty but Thou Art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are yours wait put it back on the screen and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews that's these people here that's them go ahead and are not and are not who are they but are the synagogue of Satan of Satan synagogue said now give me the new pictures give me their current visuals how they look today yeah that's right put it up on the screen this this is them put on the screen read on verse 10 fear none of those things which Thou shalt suffer M behold the devil now what's now he went from calling him the synagogue of Satan to the devil go ahead the devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried and ye shall have tribulation 10 days be thou faithful unto death cuz they put us to death at that time go ahead and I will give thee a crown of life now watch this go back to Revelation 12 now verse 9 again and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan so now put the red dragon up again put the great yeah put that up so not only were these the seven heads of Greece Rome Spain France Germany Russia Great B and America and their 10 horns read that again and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the the devil and Satan that includes their other the rest of their people called the devil and Satan that call themselves what Jews and are not go ahead which deceiveth the whole world what did they do deceiveth the whole world this race this people the Bible for tells us has deceived the whole world guess what that includes CNN BBC NBC ABC all of them they've deceived the whole world go ahead he was cast out into the Earth and his angels were cast out with him now watch this watch this watch this jump down to verse 15 watch what watch what's going to happen and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood now this is a a metaphor the serpent is the same serpent in verse 9 it just jumps back in time which is now our time it says and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood what's their mouth their media their media thank you their media which is run by amalec so-called Jewish people they run Sony Paramount Fox Comcast Walt Disney uh TMZ CW CNN HBO all of these vice vice right Vice news thank you very much they control all of that that's the mouth of the serpent read that again verse 15 please and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood the water coming out of his mouth out of the immedia is lies lie every you ever notice every year they got a new movie about World War II we are the Jews where you feel sorry for us every year go ahead after the woman uhhuh the where the woman where the bride of Christ go ahead that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood they want us to be carried away of the their lies go ahead and the Earth helped the woman the Earth that's going to help Israel is the prophets reading the Bible the Earth that helps the woman is the prophets reading the Bible go ahead and the Earth and the Earth opened her mouth and the Earth the prophets are opening what the Bible we're opening the Bible go ahead and swallowed up the flood which and swallowed up the lies swallow up every lie go ahead which the Dragon cast out of his mouth uh-huh and the Dragon was wrong so now we ain't get to verse 17 yet we still in verse 16 today right now we in 16 but listen Brothers soon to come verse 17 is coming don't sleep read 17 now and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war went to make what make war war war war go ahead with the remnant of her seed which keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ we ain't got to that point yet we have not entered that yet we still in verse 16 but 17 is coming give me wisdom of Solomon 2 please wisdom of Solomon 2 we're going to start at verse 10 for time sake wisdom of Solomon the Lord's being very patient with us to build ourselves up for us to build you men and women up because if the war came today nine out of 10 of you go back in the Christian church praising white jesus nine got aend of you cuz you're weak undisciplined and you really don't believe as yet read wisdom of Solomon I don't care how many muscles you got I'm speaking to you first and foremost go ahead wisdom of Solomon Chapter 2:1 come on let us oppress the poor righteous man this is what the ungodly says about us let us oppress the poor righteous man we are the UN poor unrighteous man go ahead let us not spare the Widow They Don't Care About You Widow women nor nor reverence the age the ancient gray hairs of the age they don't care how old we are as a people you older men you old women they don't give a damn go ahead let our strength be the law of Justice this is why they send their sons and daughters to fill the courthouses they want to make sure they fill the cour houses as lawyers and judges this is why they do that go ahead for that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth that's us we're the we're feeble go ahead therefore let us lie and wait for the righteous see that part right there let us lie and wait for the righteous come on because he is not for our turn no we are not for your turn we see your lies we see your conspiracies go ahead and he is clean contrary to our doings we are contrary to your doing we're contrary to your talu your education go ahead he up Brath us with our offending the law and you break all the laws of God you don't abide by it we see that we testify against you goad and objected to our infamy the transgressing of our education because your education comes from the talmood go ahead he professed to have the knowledge of God yes we do have the knowledge of God go ahead and he calleth himself the child of the Lord and we are the child of the Lord come on he was made to reprove our thoughts we were made to reprove their thoughts go ahead he is Grievious unto us even to behold they can't stand the way we look this is why they changed the image of the prophets and all that to to fit their images to make images more pleasing to them go ahead for his life is not like other men's his ways are of another fashion come on we are esteemed of him as counterfeits you are counterfeits you are fakes you are frauds like it says in Revelation 2 in case you forgot go back to Revelation 29 and 10 please about being counterfeits Revelation chap 2 verse 9 I I Know Thy Works in Tri tribulation and poverty but Thou Art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not they are not the Jews go ahead but are the synagogue of Satan but they are the Sy synagogue of Satan go back now to wisdom of Solomon 21:16 we are esteemed of him as counterfeits because the Bible says your counterfeits we know the many times that you have converted to becoming Jewish we know the times Esther 8:17 all right when was John hianus after that during the time of quesaria we know uh 1948 we know go ahead he abstained from our ways as from filthiness he pronounce the end of the just to be blessed our end shall be blessed brothers and sisters go ahead and maketh his boast that God is his father and yes we do boast that God is our father and not yours go ahead let us see if his words be true watch this and let us prove what shall happen in in the end of him see see see now now we're getting into verse 16 to 17 that we read in Revelation 12 go ahead for if the just man be the Son of God he will help him and deliver him from the hand of his enemies y'all see that watch this let us examine him with despiteful despiteful and torture this is verse 17 that we read in Revelation 12 read that again let us examine him with despiteful and torture that we may know his meekness and prove his patience come on let us condemn him with a shameful death see that this is the war this is the handson war no longer words they ain't going to be talking to us no longer no more they going to lay hands on men and women I hope y'all understand what you in for what you signed up for go ahead for by his own saying he shall be respected such things they did Imagine and were deceived for their own wickedness ha blinded them their own wickedness shall blind them go ahead as for the mysteries of God As for the mysteries of God they knew them not AMC you so-called Jewish people you don't know the mysteries of God go ahead neither hope they for the wages of righteousness you don't hope for the wages of righteousness that's why you don't do righteousness in the earth go ahead nor discern a reward for blameless Souls you don't discern a reward for blameless Soul we are the blameless souls okay from there from there I'm going to give you a story now I'm going to give you a story this is how I know that many of us some of you men and women are not ready for what's about to happen there's a sister in South Kine and I lie not she fell on hard times with her rent she didn't tell nobody guess what she did this is last week by the way week was it week before last last week she decided to marry a pork chop eating white jesus worshipping preacher for a dollar for a do for a dollar now they married he telling her she can only worship white Jesus and she writing us what should I do sister shut the hell up don't don't write us if you will betray the Son of God for a dollar what will you do to save your life and that's why I said the physical war of them laying hands on us the Lord's holding it back now for many of us to build our spirits up cuz if it came today N9 out of 10 everybody listening right now be right back praising white jesus bowing your head kissing a white man's feet you ain't ready yet you ain't ready yet give me Matthew 10:33 please Matthew chapter 10 verse 33 and especially you brothers and sisters that never congregate that stay at home on the internet Lord knows you would betray this truth like that why don't you congregate oh my job they'll fire me well if you will do that for your job what else will you do to save your life read that Matthew 10:33 please but whosoever shall deny me before men whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven he what Christ said him also so will I deny before my Father which is in heaven this is heavy Christ said if you will betray him if you won't confess him he won't confess you either that's some heavy stuff right there read that again but whosoever shall deny me before Men read 32 and 33 together whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven mhm go ahead but whosoever shall deny deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven now you I'm I'm I'mma pose something to you about those verse verse 33 mainly cuz everybody right now you at home listening you all I I confess the L I confess Christ what state or condition do you think Christ is making reference to read from verse 31 fear ye not therefore ye are ye are of more value than many sparrows why do you think he starts off in 31 and says fear ye not he's talking about a time of tribulation he's not talking about like right now you at home in the comfort of your home you got your pool your yacht you flying from here today you're doing all of things you you got to you got you got everything you want it ain't talking about read 31 again fear ye not therefore ye are of more value than many sparrows actually let's start up above it let's start at 28 thank you you let's start at 28 and read down so we can read the context Matthew 10: 28 and fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and Body in Hell meaning the Lake of Fire go ahead are not Two Sparrows sold for a forthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground which without your father meaning a sparrow does not die without the father's consent his father the father's consent his say so go ahead but the very hairs of your head are all numbered Christ said the hairs on your head are numbered you heard that Deacon laa the hairs of your head are numbered go ahead fear ye not therefore now he comes back fear ye not therefore ye are of more value than many you're more important than Birds Christ is saying read whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess also before my Father which is in now we understand the condition he's talking about under the rest of death go ahead but whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven this why it says we ain't ready we ain't ready yet these classes are meant to build you up you men study apply apply study pray apply you women study pray apply cuz if if it happens today you'll be kissing the dirt from the white man's feet and you'll be cast into the Lake of Fire Matthew 16:24 now hey bishop yes sir also when we go to to the macab Beast it show you how those seven sons they were torture in front of their mother sometime Esau could even use your kids that's right they going they might torture your kids in front of you to see if if that going to break you okay when you read about Peter Peter wife was killed with him you know Peter smiled and he told his wife he said listen remember the Lord okay it's the same way you you brothers and sisters we got to build ourselves up to and we got to teach our kids that too those seven son those seven sons that died they their mother taught them listen you leave this world you going to be with your Christ Christ going to resurrect you you know they were taught that from Young that's why they and they were built that's why they were able to endure the Tor the torture that they went through okay that's why they was able to because they prepared theyself for it all right that's right exactly get Matthew 16:24 Matthew 16:4 then said Jesus unto his disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me a lot of times when I hear brothers and sisters break down take up his cross and follow me you go oh that means if you fall on Hard Times you can't pay your bills it ain't talking about you can't pay your bills it's talking about death if you are not willing to give up your life read it again then said Jesus unto his disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himself deny yourself and take up his cross take up your cross be willing to die be willing to sacrifice your life go ahead and follow me and follow me go ahead for whosoever will save his life shall lose it how do you try to save your life you deny the Lord oh no no no I don't I don't I'm not with them Israelites no no that black Jesus I'm not with that sir no I don't believe in that crap uhuh see I married a preacher we worship white jesus read that again for whosoever will save his life shall lose it you're going to lose your life you're going to be cast into the Lake of Fire go ahead and whosoever will lose his life and whosoever will lose his life life sacrifice your life for my sake shall find it you w't find your life meaning eternal life the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth that's what he's talking about I hope everybody understand that you better meditate on that over and over you got to believe it now give me the map of khazaria I didn't finish with you Esau give me the map of khazaria what is a [Music] nation DRS nation is men leading by [Music] example nation is family nation is community nation is children with role mods we have a we have a nation is [Music] Unity nation is you and finally my brother he's strong and his one his his his uh