don't think it's fair that the men will have to pay the consequence if we do go into World War III so what do you think women should do in Pearl's opinion that was a pick me getting picked [Music] but she she wants to be a pygmy to everyone calling me a pick me the last thing she wants is to be a skip me I'd rather be a pick me than to skip me that now imagine being skipped by all these beautiful Alpha Bros you know that sometimes gassed themselves up a little bit okay she said okay but he heard okay Daddy skip me skipped buy these dear Alpha Bros that host these red pill podcasts and have that one soundtrack playing in the back of every single one of their Clips with those obnoxious subtitles in your face are those tears flowing down your face yeah that's grief that feeling you have that's grief for being skipped they don't want you you're not high value enough okay but you know who also isn't high value enough Hannah who for some reason is on their side this is what you said you said what's so special about me most women aren't special by their own metrics you know it's their own metrics her own metrics too the average modern woman doesn't have much to offer two men because for some reason she Echoes everything they say women did so much they would stay pure for their husbands we don't we would know how to cook we don't I think the average girl really we don't we most women women know how to cater to a man a man are most women virgins to what do most women bring in 2022 that is special today we're not talking about another alpha male red pill podcast it's a alpha male female red pill podcast run by Hannah Hannah Pearl Davis she goes by just pearly things online and she's been called the female Andrew Tate if that you know gives you a general idea of the kind of stuff she makes but before we dive into Hannah and Her Alpha Shenanigans let me introduce you to an alpha brand that happens to be today's sponsor timu Timo is an online marketplace where you can find literally anything you can possibly imagine for amazing prices they've got free shipping and free returns for up to 90 days what's amazing is right now they've got this site-wide sale of up to 90 percent on top of their already amazing prices so let's let's get you a little something what do you say I want to block out podcast BS well how about you use some of these Lenovo wireless earphones from temu and there's a special link for these Lenovo earphones in my description box below where you can literally score them for 92 cents best you are saving a ton of money or maybe you need some date ideas because we know Hannah's advice is not gonna work modern women pick guys that cheat check out this cool scratch card game where you pull out a card scratch the card that's your date for the night let's say this cute and it's super fun maybe you want to spice things up a little bit in your relation your relationship your delusion ship you could try this one out I won't judge you or maybe some bath bombs the detox I know how to use this she's so damn salty or Journal a cute Journal where you can write out your thoughts because you know what some things you should just keep to yourself so write your thoughts out in this gorgeous Journal it's pretty good for your mental health actually timu is actually offering my viewers you guys a hundred dollars worth of coupons if you check out the link in my desk description box below you can actually use the code on the screen right now join a297 to get an extra 50 off on checkout you're getting you're getting spoiled today bestie what are you waiting for what are you waiting for Go download Teemu right now download the app guys Link in the description box below big thanks to Timo once again for sponsoring today's video Hannah Hannah modern women pick guys that cheat here's another more specific idea because you know at first I used to think red pill stuff was harsh until I started looking at the numbers the numbers you know I took a look at a pie chart once you know might have been felt a little crazy dabbled into some bar graphs and I was like you know what from a historical perspective women are pretty bad yeah that is mortifying this clip is the perfect sum up of the kind of content that Hannah does that self-hating content where she presents you with a factoid which is like a false statement disguised as a fact backed up by those you know years of research she does when she closes her eyes really hard and then you know comes up with things numbers these numbers are crazy or when she you know thought of things from a historical perspective that's funny because a historical perspective is not hypothetical it's about things that happened still she finds ways to skew that perspective like in her argument on why women should not vote so remember but why why didn't women have the right to vote why historically tell us historically men had to go to war and fight that is why women couldn't vote [Music] oh my gosh [Music] no if you had the choice today in 2022 when we were in war and you had to go fight on the front lines would you pick it I personally this is where people take me out of context and say I don't think women should vote personally if I in 2022 had the choice where I had to go fight in the front lines just like the men in a war or I could give up my right to vote I would give up my right to vote you gotta love the the moaning and agreement happening on the other side of the the interview it's always what happens with these podcasts you know you've got the person spewing the BS and the other party that's like oh yeah every red pill podcaster needs their cheerleader and that's what happened back then is they equated voting with going to warp I don't know what parallel universe she walked in from but that was not the way voting worked it wasn't about going to war Earl you need to like revisit that lesson you have to be a land owner to vote initially listen to How what I mean by the the factoids because in my head when I was more like blue pill I was like well why wouldn't women want to vote everyone should vote until I looked into it and I realized um until she closed her eyes really hard that's what she means when she says looked into it at their writings and at the time we're talking about how this you know she saw like some writings like she saw the numbers would be [Music] women having the right choice in the political process we'll lead to the breakdown of the family don't you understand women so that you know the family can prosper like what but this is what I mean by the way she presents her facts factoids okay in social science it's called a spurious correlation it's when you've got two variables that are seemingly related to one another but in reality they're just unrelated the more women vote the more divorces there are could the two be related I'm not here to tell you why they're not related dabble in the stupidity okay I'm just gonna show you how stupid it sounds when you've got a swarius correlation going on that you're using as proof for your factoids here's an example high school graduates and donut consumption here we see that there has been more people graduating from high school but there's also been more people consuming donuts donuts are the reason why people are graduating from high school so these idiots trying to like stop and discourage people from eating Donuts are technically trying to make people stupid or how about the correlation between the number of people people who drowned by falling into a pool and the film's Nicholas Cage appears in we see there is a relatively strong correlation here which can only mean one thing Nicholas Cage ought to stop appearing in movies he's killing people how how factual does that sound you can't make woman vote don't give them the choice to participate in the political process that's a little bit that's funny that's funny and so because before when you got married two became one you're supposed to be one flat what she really thought she did something you know especially thought she did something here if my son came home from school one day and said to me look mum I'll be honest with you I I think I'm gay I would take it honest what if your son came home and said I think I'm black [Laughter] [Music] girl really thought she ate girl thought she ate which I really thought I'm not gonna sit here and explain the difference between orientation and race like that's not we're not there okay we're not that that's not like where we're at right now like right she really thinks she ate because these are you know shorts from her YouTube channel like she wrote the titles for these Pearl destroys woke woman modern women are pretty bad women are pretty bad feminist realizes she messed up so she interrupts Pearl Pearl schools entitled modern women so she really thinks she eats every time she posts a short you know she's like I did that you did you did embarrass yourself every time you just sound a little bit slightly dumber than I thought you were like in this street interview when she got confronted by this lady I honestly really feel like you guys are spreading a terrible message and I'm so sorry that you feel this way because feminism is not a Supremacy movement it's in a movement for equality because women out in the world are not equal are not equal to men well sad you know in plenty places around the world women lag far behind men how so how so she says good question how pick a country pick a country let's go specific every part of the world has its own challenges in the west how so in the West in the UK in the UK what rights do we not have why is it that if we look at the Oxford record of when women are hired against men women are less likely to be hired because they're more expected to have babies and take maternity leave Fair Point that's not necessarily true it's not necessarily true because the numbers that I saw and the historical perspective When I close my eyes really hard right show me something else let's let's open up those eyes a little bit Hannah and let's take what she said and bring it to the U.S and see what examples we have there there's several Supreme Court cases that describe what this girl is talking about there's a 1976 General Electric Covey Gilbert there's 1976 Nashville Gasco V Saudi there's the 1983 Newport News shipbuilding drive.cove EEOC which by the way the EEOC the equal employment opportunities commission exists because equality must be enforced otherwise there won't be equality they gotta take you to court to make it happen 1987 California Federal Savings and Loan Association vigera 1987 Wimberley V labor and Industrial relations commission 1991 United Auto Workers V Johnson Controls 2009 atnt Corp V halting 2015 young the United Parcel Service to name a few court cases Supreme Court cases that have that concept the girl was talking about in the US all right it's where you're from and why is equality so bad like why does it piss people off so much that's what's so funny like the rational being will root for equality right any kind of Supremacy is wrong Female Supremacy is wrong male Supremacy is wrong like that's established am I being irrational like the way people are sometimes it's so funny it's so dumb it's annoying you know it makes me want to pull my hair out and bang my head against the wall besides her ways and presenting factoids she has this different strategy where she likes to lean in you know for a quick jab she says something like you know women love to be cheated on unlike men something she said in the past yeah he cheated but why did he cheat and my point is a lot of you guys are shitty wives but then she pulls back very quickly okay like she did in this interview for The Insider she says for some reason acknowledging a basic truth like men and women are different is labeled as misogyny nowadays women love to be cheated on unlike men a debate or an argument can be had about whether women and men are different or not okay but the argument is never gonna be whether women enjoy being cheated on while men just don't that's the difference like that's not it's not a negative experience is negative for both a man isn't gonna enjoy an earthquake any more than a woman will a man isn't gonna like third degree burns anymore than a woman will these are negative experiences that's like saying the difference between me and you is that you know personally okay I don't like being in debt I don't you on the other hand you love bankruptcy you love being in debt like no that that situation is a negative situation for the both of us regardless of our differences if there were any you know what I mean and what's really funny with a whole topic on cheating is that she has been cheated on it's not funny I'm sorry it's not funny I meant what's really sad you know I've been cheated on right and she thinks it's her fault it was my own fault because I picked him can you imagine she thinks it's her fault that she was cheated on girl has gone above and beyond she can't blame her ex for cheating on her it was her fault she's so pro-man she can't blame men she talks about the importance of taking accountability because taking accountability means that the situation you're in is your own fault and not blaming the world stop attributing your own mistakes externally which is very funny because that's literally the opposite of what red pill is all about technically the red pill says the closest thing there is to a men's movement the hell is that [ __ ] what does it even mean the origins of the the concept come from the movie The Matrix all right so you have the option of taking a blue pill or a red pill the blue pill you'll wake up nothing happens you continue your delusional life not knowing the truth the red pill is what takes you down the rabbit hole of uncovering some truths that you may not like very much so the hero takes the red pill he wants to uncover the truth this move is inspiring to many namely people like Caesar sayok or Alex Jones a far-right conspiracy theorist and radio host or generally men who hate feminism who are against tolerance or the puas the pickup artists online that think you know women have no free will and if you follow this 10-step routine you can seduce any woman you want the manosphere which is like a group of online communities like the mras the puas in cells and you know men going their own way mgtow but it's like demonized to be honest they call everyone in the red pill misogynistic to these groups taking the red pill is a heroic move because they feel like the world has mistreated them while they hang out together in their online spaces they create these false realities these conspiracy theories that centers around them being victims little do they know that that red pill truth they think they have found actually leads them down a path of delusion all right which is actually what they think they're saving the world from delusion they are the ultimate victims and the scapegoats or the unlikely sort of Victors of life to them are typically marginalized people people of color women LGBT etc etc they're all to blame and it's kind of part of human psychology okay when you fail at something you tend to externally attribute the failure it's not because of you because the weather was you know the exam was very hard teacher never taught us this girls are too picky etc etc right but you internally attribute people's failure to themselves he failed because he's dumb all right that's an internal attribution that's that idea is the idea that these groups hold and it's not surprising it's what people tend to do actually to varying degrees let's say mind you it's not okay I'm just trying to understand like where the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is coming from but what is Hannah what is Hannah getting from all of this male attention what is going on in her head does she even have a frontal lobe I get it they think they failed in life why what are you doing what are you what what do you get on that bandwagon for this always comes back to male attention no matter how I try to think of it it always comes back to her seeking male validation and male attention pick me Behavior you know I can't think of it any other way she loves being praised by these same groups of dudes your women do can you give me a sandwich she thrives off it I guess she says I'm just advocating men's Mental Health at one point at what point did you Advocate men's Mental Health when all you do is demean women in what you say [Music] how is that helping my health as a man when I hear you talk [ __ ] about girls like that's not making me feel women love being cheated on thank you I'm I feel so much better now can we be for real okay and call things for what they are you're seeking male attention you know what fine seek male attention but don't try and pretend like you're on some kind of like uh honorable dignified mission to help come on now you want to be a pick me be a pick me and own it okay own it she speaks from such a pretty cheap position okay she loves to preach but she seems to forget that her preachings the comments she makes also apply to her you know she is still a woman she talks about the value of a woman I think a high value woman has to be chosen by a high value man I don't think you can just be a high value Woman by yourself I think women say that because they're delusional but what value do you place on yourself then she rates women she says they have nothing to offer they bring nothing to the table modern women pick guys that cheat they pick guys that everybody knows cheats they pick the guys with kids with other women she is a modern woman who picked a guy that cheated on her she's asking herself and then they're surprised when he cheats what did you think was going to happen what did you think was going to happen okay why are the men that cheat picking you because there's a lot of guys that don't cheat there's a lot of guys that are loyal if they're not picking you then you have to ask why well they didn't pick you did they you picked a guy that cheated on you because that's how it works right it's not his he's not the problem so how valuable do you think you are Hannah does what you're saying by your own metrics okay does that make you worthless she posted this tweet saying yes some men do things solely for women and women alone yes women motivate men but to act like if women disappeared tomorrow society would just crumble is silly it's silly [Music] oh my Lord and places way too much importance on women when it comes to running Society does he love me does he love me yet does he does he love me yet did he choose me did he pick me Hannah you need to learn to love yourself okay a little bit more than loving that attention you see she was asked about her value by her own metrics you know since she loves to talk about it all the time and this is what she had to say yeah I mean sometimes sometimes like you start in a certain place in life but all you can do is improve and get better all you can do is improve and get better and still she finds it perfectly fine and appropriate to talk about people like they are damaged goods most people don't change overnight without realizing that in a way she's talking about herself you know you know the poetic irony is that Hannah's mom actually served in the board of directors for un women USA which advocates for the United Nations gender equality programs by the way so yeah where did this come from like does she does she believe what she's saying that's what I that's what I want to ask okay that's what I'm asking does he genuinely believe in the things she says that belittles women and her consequently and is it worth it Hannah is it worth it is it worth it putting yourself in this embarrassing situation where you've made yourself essentially worthless for the praise of a few men who felt they were wronged by life obviously not the majority of men because I can tell you now the majority of guys they just live life without you know thinking about whatever alpha male podcasters are talking about okay nobody's as calculated as those alpha male podcasters are so the praise you're getting is from that very specific demographic of people that I mentioned the red pill Community the the wronged Community you know the ultimate victims of the game of life and they really appreciated when they see you know one of the victors of Life a woman because she got it easy right when she starts to tell them they feel hope when she starts to see the light you know the delusional light that they they they they believe is yeah that's like it's fun it's a circus it's a circus and you've joined the circus what are your thoughts share your thoughts and opinions down in the comments Below guys you know with the last few videos we've seen there's been a lot of cases of cognitive dissonance okay but nothing nothing is more dissonant than a lady being anti-woman like a woman being anti-woman that's what's so I don't know it's so um it makes no sense there has to be some kind of reason behind it and the only reason that I can keep coming back to Ismail attention seeking male validation is pick me right I don't know it's just embarrassing that's my opinion what's yours [Music]