Transcript for:
Understanding Numbers and Gematria in Scripture

Shalom welcome to another episode of Torah on location I'm avi Ben Mordechai on this episode we are going to take a look at the numbers the language of numbers it's all in the numbers when we look at Scripture come along for our journey next into gamma tria [Music] why you [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now let's open up to Yochanan or John chapter one let's go to that very famous passage that everyone seems to read they quote they memorize it but do we really know what's going on in those words I think we can we can learn that let's read it together and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth now we'll take a look at some other details concerning that verse as it relates to second chronicles 24 20 and a number of other passages and that will be on a future program now the idea of grace and truth I think is something that is seriously misunderstood not just in Christian circles but also in the Messianic ministries and the words and the teachings of the Ephraim might movement the Israelite movement the Hebrew movement places like that people just simply do not understand the concept of grace and truth now whilst I'm not going to actually get into a whole study on grace and truth on this program however in a future program I do hope to be able to address some of these issues what I do want to do is I want to explain to you the concept of the masculine and feminine aspects of this verse and you probably are saying Oh what are you talking about okay well you're gonna have to review some of the previous programs on masculine and feminine to get my drift here however let me just kind of present it this way the term Grace in Hebrew hen that is pet noon hen this term is a feminine idea now keep in mind in Genesis 1:26 through 27 we learn a very very important principle leading up into our program on the aspects of of gamma trio or the numbers in in the text however take a look at Genesis 1:26 through 27 just to establish a point here okay it says Elohim said let us make man in our image according to our likeness and of course this idea of image and likeness is reflected it's it's taught all through the Brit hadashah Paul Shull goes into this all over the place but we'll have to save that again for a future date however take a look at verse 27 now in the text Elohim created man in His image in the image of Elohim he created him and then it says male and female he created them now the obvious connection here in Genesis 1:27 is that since Elohim created man in His image and his likeness and it says he created man male and female that's naturally going to beg the question if he created us as male and female in terms of a domme man then clearly Jehovah you'd have ave has to have male and female characteristics in him as well or in that divine name you'd have ave it must because scripture says that he created us in His image also his likeness that means that he too is male and female now that leads us back to where we started our program here in the book of Johanna nor John chapter one so let's take a look at this together please John Jochen on 1 verse 14 please the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory of the word the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth such a beautiful beautiful concept so unbelievably beautiful as I said grace the word hen pet noon grace is a feminine term it's kind of like a mommy it's very very feminine very nurturing very building things of this nature grace now also in this verse truth truth also is a characteristic of Jehovah however it is not feminine its masculine how do we know Emmit truth is masculine because it is what Yeshua said in Yohannan John chapter 17 verse 17 John yochanan 17 17 Yeshua says sanctify them in your truth in his prayer to ABBA to the Father and then he says your word is truth now we know the word the devar that is the word of Elohim as people will call it the Word of God the word of Elohim is a masculine idea it's kind of a reference to the concept of the Sun like the sunlight not s o n but s UN Shemesh in Hebrew the sunlight is a very powerful force on planet Earth it is the powerful force of how do we say of regulation regulating the climate and the word likewise regulates the spiritual climate of the earth and the earth can also be us because in Hebrew earth is honor it's or the land of urs so we are very much a microcosm of the concept of the land Haaretz we're the land also but a microcosm of it ok so the concept of truth being connected to the word the word and truth are connected and since the word is masculine therefore the truth is masculine because it's the word of truth feminine is Grace masculine is truth so here in Johanna John 1:14 we have a reference an idea that shows us that there are the two sides of the Godhead that are flowing through Yeshua masculine and feminine which is exactly what we would expect because if you pick up any kind of a piece of fruit and you look at the seeds within the fruit the seeds in a piece of fruit a seed is an embryo that an embryo contains both masculine and feminine within it ok now with that idea in mind when you read Johanna nor John 1:14 it says the word became flesh that means that this entity that grows into a unit has to contain both the masculine and the feminine sides of the divine name you'd hey Bob hey it must contain both sides okay it's got the aspects of the masculine it's got the aspects of the feminine which I'm going to say is the to the the hey at the beginning and the hey at the end and the divine name and it's going to filter itself or maybe a better term is to flow itself through the valve and the Bob in the middle so you have the you'd which is the power the strength the authority it's a lot of things and a lot more that we're not discussing here flowing through the first a which then gives its energy its strength its life its force its source of energy it flows it through to the other hey at the very end of the name which is the feminine side you have the masculine feminine and together they flow into the valve and the valve is the valve man that is the combination of masculine and feminine taking the word from heaven to earth which explains why issuer would say things like I have come down from heaven in Johanna John chapter 6 now we're going to take a look at grace today we'll deal with truth I met in another program the idea of grace is het noon at noon now grace is a Hebrew word that means charm favor goodness grace it's this idea pretty much comes down to the idea of great favor great acceptance something that we are given though we really don't necessarily deserve it it's a picture of being given something that we don't necessarily deserve grace is the concept now if you reverse the term pet noon grace do you know what word you arrived at maybe I shouldn't say a word let's call it a person that's far more accurate well if you reverse cat noon you arrive at Noah or Noah there's the passage in scripture in the book of Genesis Noah Noah in Hebrew found grace in the sight of Jehovah you'd have Ave so here is a play on the idea of grace in the term Noah or Noah now this is really interesting because the idea of Noah and grace shows us a picture of Messiah or Messiah in other words Messiah or Messiah was seen understood explained in Scripture as coming through Noah Noah the builder of the ark was in fact a picture was a reflection was a likeness of mushiya in his generation it's a really interesting idea how can we look at this in terms of numbers or the language of numbers let's take a look at this concept of hat noon the Hat has a numeric value of 8 the Hebrew letter hat has a numeric value of 8 the noon has a numeric value of 55 zero thus you add the two together 50 plus eight of course is 58 so this tells us that the term grace or favor in Hebrew is a numeric value of 58 now when you look at 58 all through Scripture and how scripture arrives at the number 58 you are sure to see reflections of the Messiah in that number but not just that number because Messiah is reflected in all of the Torah the prophets and the writings so multiple numbers are associated with the Messiah or Messiah however grace is a really important one because of what we're looking at here in Yochanan or John 1:14 where the word became flesh and it was full of grace and truth now another point that we could consider is that when we add up the digits or the numbers five plus eight five plus eight this equals the number thirteen thirteen five plus eight is thirteen what is so important about the number thirteen ho ho Oh plenty you see the number 13 is connected to a cod that is in Hebrew oneness a oneness and unity of oneness Akkad and thirteen is also connected to the Hebrew word comma love AHA ba love now with a hava love being 13 and oneness being 13 each of those play an important role in understanding grace do you understand that I think you probably do now with that idea you go to John Johan on 17 11 and 17 22 through 23 both versus 17 11 and 17 22 to 23 and you'll see Yeshua talking about love and unity love and unity is 13 love Ahava unity of oneness 1 13 13 plus 13 is 26 and 26 is the numeric valuation of the divine name you'd hey Bob hey that too is a number of 26 so we have here you Dave Ave Jehovah with its total evaluation total numeric equivalent of 26 which is broken down into love and unity each with their components of 13 now when you get 13 and 13 of course as I said you get 26 but 13 when you break that down you can get an 8 and a 5 8 plus 5 58 so we're just playing with some ideas and how we put the numbers together and there's lots and lots of different ways of doing this but it just shows you the beauty of Hebrew that you have so much latitude in being able to work with these numbers now let's go on and we'll talk not just about grace but now let's also talk about the concept of the stone of Israel the stone of Israel okay and we'll actually pick pick up this this study on a on the next program because we're not going to be able to cover all of this in today's program and we'll do a kind of a little bit of a review on the next program so that you're not getting lost and all of these numbers that are flying all over the place here okay now let's look at psalm 118 verse 22 psalm 118 verse 22 let's go there together the stone which the builders rejected has become the rosh pina or the chief Cornerstone the Rosh Pina or the chief Cornerstone the stone which the builders rejected here the Hebrew word is Evan Evan I suppose if you know somebody with the name Evan you could call him in Hebrew the stone okay Evan is a stone Evan and this is spelled in Hebrew Aleph vet noon olive that noon Evan now Evan has a numeric value of 53 53 take a look Aleph is one vet is to newness fifty fifty plus two plus one that's 53 so now let's take this idea and go to Genesis 49 24 Genesis 49 24 but his bowl remained in strength and the arms of his hands were made strong referring to Joseph or Yosef remember in the gospel narratives Yeshua is called ben Yosef the son of Joseph continue on but his bow remained in strength and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty of Yaakov elohim Yaakov from there the shepherd the stone of his rail [Music] now when we come back on our next program we're going to learn that this 1 1 1 this numeric evaluation this numeric number 111 with the three ones this is the numeric value for the letter Alif when you add up the olive that is the olive the lammott and the fay it spells Olive which is the first letter of the hebrew Olive bait that is the head the chief the chief Cornerstone of psalm 118 verse 22 the chief Cornerstone the rosh pina we'll talk more about these things on the next program okay thanks for joining us today on torah on location from Eretz Israel I am avi Ben Mordecai and we are studying the language of numbers gematria and I have a lot more to say on this subject as we move through these move through these different episodes here dealing with mathematics and the Hebrew Scriptures it's all very beautiful and you can't get away from it ok we'll look at the next program and deal with this concept where we left off today take care and Shalom to you and yours from everett's Israel and Torah on location I'm avi been more [Music] why you [Music] [Music]