[Music] thank you [Music] I need salvation from this place listening that's the way of life that's the other option so I better think twice I'm really really a real life Rich a walking talking wreck hey let's keep saying just do it like the shoes with the check I'm fighting to breathe I'm starting to believe it's a knee on my neck and Lord it got me got me I cannot be defeated I need it believe it I find my strength and witness I'm eating the bread of life he was terrified when I'm fighting to sin I'm fighting to win they go out and fight for my kids from this place is wearing me down my soul is fixed when the trumpet sound I know we got next but I'm throwing punches trying to pass the test saying got my name coming across the Stitch I'm watching my back with every step my thoughts be fixing me all of these bills be stressing me asking the law for the recipe so I cook it up before the death of me I'm staying down by mortality I need a new body from my god without a warranty Lord when will it end I know we gotta conquer sin standing strong against the wind this storm Freaks and it's deep within and the Man in the Mirror On battling so with every fast I'm killing them starving Mountain they don't stand for him be my spirit with the benefits restitution I need all of it Crack the Code I'm solving it through be told I'm bossing it I got to overcome this wickedness get up when I fall you know when I fall please salvation from this place [Music] look at me [Music] though I'm in Salvation from this place 10 things the most high God the chapter that we dealing with today is Psalms chapter 51 one of my favorite chapters in The Bible dealing with our fought for the King David all right before we get into it let's open up with Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 8. Nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 8. the book of Nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 8. so they read in a book in the law of God distinctly and gave the sense right so this ain't the Christian church where you know they'll read through the Psalms or whatever and sing and and have zero understanding of the context of the meaning or the impact that it's supposed to have on you spiritually right but the real prophets of God they gonna break it down distinctly and you're gonna understand exactly what it's saying was that it and cause them to understand the reading so today we're going to understand the reading of Psalms 51 doors will right so let's go to a Psalm chapter 51 and verse 1. Psalms chapter 51 and verse one come on to the chief musician a Psalm of David when Nathan the prophet came unto him after he had gone into Bathsheba so it's giving you the context of the chapter of the psalm itself before it actually goes into it right this is this Psalm was made this was a prayer that David did after he committed the sin of adultery and killed his brother to take his wife after he had done that in the prophet and the done and Nathan came onto him to show him the Judgment from god so let's go to the second Samuel chapter 12 verse one now second Samuel chapter 11 goes into the whole history in a chain of events and how everything unfolded and I didn't went over there many times unfortunately we do absolutely have not the time for that today you understand but in chapter 12 when Nathan goes out to him you will still get the gist of what David did within the Judgment being shown unto him all right so let's read that second Samuel chapter 12 and verse one come on and the Lord sent Nathan up to David and he came up to him and he said unto him there were two men in one city the one rich and the other poor the rich man had exceeded many flocks in hers but the poor man had nothing saved one little elim which he had bought and nourished up and they grew up together with him and with his children it did eat of his own meat and drank of his own cup and lay in his bosom and was unto him as a daughter so the third coming up to David with a parable right now David don't know what this is leading up to he just listening to the parable you know what I'm saying that the brother bring it forth you got a rich man they got many limbs many possessions whatever the case may be you got this poor man that all he got is this little you lamb so we love if you know he didn't brought it up with him he'd been taking care of it for years you know what I'm saying that's his prized possession it's all he got right go ahead and there came a traveler unto the rich man and he spared to take of his own flock so the rich man had a guest come to stay with him right but instead of gifting you know having that hospitable gift for that traveler out of his own flock go ahead and of his own hurt to dress for the wafering man that was coming to him but took the poor man's Limb and dressed it for the man that was come to him he said I'm rich I got power I ain't I ain't got to go in my own hurts and flocks to get his brother something to eat I could just take the pole man stuff because I got power right I can abuse my power like that go ahead and David's anger was greatly kindled against them so remember David don't know why Nathan is telling him this Parable per se he just hearing it so as he hearing it it's pissing him off like what the hell why did Rich Man do that Pro man like that that ain't right go ahead and he said to Nathan as the Lord liveth the men that have done this thing shall surely die wow so look they don't know who's telling he's telling himself what are you worthy of without even realizing it he said that rich man for doing that he need to die go ahead he shall restore the lamb fourfold because he did this thing and because he had no pity no pity watch this and Nathan said to David Thou Art the man so Nathan said Ah that's you David you're the rich man that's you that Parable was about you sir respectfully go ahead thus said the Lord God of Israel I Anointed The King over Israel and I delivered thee out of the land of Saul out of the hand of Saul and I gave thee thy Master's house and thy Masters wise until thy bosom and gave Thee the house of Israel and of Judah and if there had been too little I would moreover have given unto these such and such things so David was their rich man with many possessions because the Lord blessed him the Lord had favor upon him and he loved David so much he said listen if you needed more to satisfy you all you had to do was come and ask go ahead wherefore has thou despised the Commandment of the Lord he despised that should not commit adultery and thou shall not kill go ahead to do evil in his sight right thou has killed Uriah the hittite with the sword one of his soldiers a brother that took lives and put his life on the line for King David he killed their brother go ahead and has taken his wife to be thy wife right to take his wife because because this had this how dirty he was gonna do the brother originally he the brother came from water he gave the brothers some drink tried to get him to go home to lay with his wife so nine months later he would you know the math would still add up like okay this my child even though it was gonna look just like David right right here we're gonna be raising that man's son his whole life and it was just gonna be be between him and adulteress that that's some Wicked ass stuff right there but the plan didn't work you're right he said nah I'm staying back here with the brothers I didn't want the world I'm good on there right now so they were like damn I gotta kill him I gotta kill him go ahead and had slain him with the sword of the children let me use the Heathen to do it he said put him at the Forefront of the hottest battle there's some dirty stuff go ahead now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house so now Nathan goes into the judgments that God is going to do unto him right so jump down to verse 13 sake of time verse 13. and David said unto Nathan I have sinned against the Lord so David didn't try to justify himself he didn't play the blame game right he didn't uh lose his damn mind he confessed his sin he acknowledged his sin right so David is taking steps into repentance in the wake of being rebuked and judged for his sin go ahead and Nathan said unto David the Lord also had put away thy sin thou shall not die so the Lord decided to spare his life even though he had done multiple things within that thing worthy of death you understand the Lord said You shall not die so now let's go into the prayer that David did right that the Lord saw fit to have that type of mercy upon him let's go to Psalms 51 verse 1. now that we know the context in the background leading up to this prayer that David did read that to the chief musician a song of David when Nathan the prophet came unto him after he had gone into Bathsheba verse one have mercy upon me o God according to thy loving kindness according unto the multitude of thy Tender Mercies blot out my transgressions so the look so David is pleading to the Lord have mercy upon me right and he acknowledges he studied Louie he said Lord I know that you full attend the mercies you understand Blood Out My transgressions according to your Tender Mercies hold that let's go to Psalms chapter 103 and verse 2 about the Lord's Tender Mercies Psalms 103 verse 2. The Book of Psalms chapter 103 and verse 2. bless the Lord O My Soul forget not all his benefits go ahead who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases right so the benefits that come with the Lord is his Tender Mercies right he has the ability to blot out all your iniquities and forgive all your sin go ahead who redeemeth thy life from destruction right you may have done something worthy of Destruction worthy of death and he got the power to redeem you come on who crowned thee with loving kindness and Tender Mercies loving kindness and what tender merciles David knew this thing so he pleading unto the Lord according to those Tender Mercies jump down to verse 8 verse eight come on the Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and penteous and plenteous and mercy come on he will not always chat he's not gonna always be mad with us go ahead neither will he keep his anger forever he have not dealt with us after our sins he have not dealt with us according to our sins in Ezra 9 and job 11 he say he is acting tests less than our iniquity deserve cause that's how much love and mercy you happen to his people go ahead nor rewarded us according to our iniquities for as the heaven is high above the Earth the heaviness the sky is high above the ground go ahead so great in his Mercy toward them that's how much Mercy he got to them that's willing to repent of their sin go ahead that fear here Rave as far as the East is from the West as far as the East is from as far as New York in from L.A read so far not as far as Israel is from America go ahead so far had he removed our transgressions from us that's how far he's removed our transgressions from us go ahead like as a father pitted his children like as a father pitius his children because you know you got kids they'll do some stuff you know what I'm saying but as a father you like I've been there you know I even though the father perfect he ain't he ain't done this wicked stuff that we done right but that he is able to activate this same pity times a thousand that we have towards our kids come on so the Lord pity of them that fear Him the Lord pities them that fear Him all right go to limitations chapter 3 verse 22. Lamentations chapter 3 verse 22. come on the book of Lamentations chapter 3 and verse 22. it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consuming the only reason that none of us are consumed is because of the Lord's mercies go ahead because his compassions fail not his compassions don't fail come on they are new every morning yeah what new every morning you know I reset his mercies every morning go ahead Great Is Thy Faithfulness great is God's faithfulness with us all praise to the most high God Micah chapter 7 and verse 18. Micah chapter 7 and verse 18. The Book of Micah chapter 7 and verse 18. come on who is a god like unto thee that partness iniquity right and pass it by the transgression of the remnant of his Heritage he retaining not his anger forever that's the same thing David said he's not going to try forever go ahead because he delighted in Mercy he delighted in Mercy the Lord Delights to have mercy upon us come on he will turn again he will have compassion upon us uh-huh he will subdue our iniquity he will subdue our iniquities go ahead and thou would cast all their sins into the depths of the city throw him in the sea of forgiveness that's a beautiful thing right there I'll pray to the most high go to songs 51 that's not to be abused though all right but now let's go to Psalms 51 verse 2 now Psalms 51 verse two come on watch me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sins so David said Lord wash me for my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin let's go to Jeremiah 4 verse 14. how do you get watched from your iniquity and cleanse from your sin where does that take place does that take place in a bathtub do that take place in the uh the church the love water thing you get dipped in water and you come up and you're washed from you what does the washing take place read what you got Jeremiah chapter 4 verse 14. come on oh Jerusalem wash dying heart from Wicked what did you guys say wash thine heart from Wicked what's your heart meaning your mind your mind has to be cleansed from that sin because that's where it began it David's mind went the hell off when he saw Bathsheba bathing up on their roof you understand so he pleading to the Lord Lord wash my mind I can't be every time I see a beautiful woman I'm willing to take her from her husband that's not right Lord watched it from me wash their wickedness from me all right from their first John chapter 1 verse 9. first John chapter 1 verse 9. first John chapter one and verse nine come on if we confess our sins right like David did right he didn't buck up against Nathan and try to deny it and none like that to blame it on nobody he said yes I have sinned that's exactly what I did I despised the Commandment of the Lord I committed adultery with his wife I killed him to take his wife I did all that right but if we confess our sins come on he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins the Lord is just to forgive us our sins come on and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness to do what cleanse us from all unrighteousness this is exactly what King David prayed for to be cleansed from all unrighteousness let's go back to Psalms 51 let's read verse 3. Psalms 51 verse three come on for I acknowledge my transgressions I do what acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me so David acknowledged his transgressions get that in Psalms 32 verse 5. Psalms chapter 32 and verse 5. come on Psalms chapter 32 verse 5. come on I acknowledge my sin unto thee and my iniquity have I not hit my iniquity have I not what have I not hit because I don't know what the hell the devil will be deceiving us into thinking that we can conceal our sins from the Lord the Lord know what you're gonna do before you did it ain't no point in hide in your sin you give Glory unto the Lord when you confess your sin go ahead I said I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sins so that's the first step to receiving forgiveness acknowledging your sin confessing your sin not hiding it go ahead for this year every one that is Godly pray unto thee so what does that let you know right cause we we understand King David was a man after God's Own Heart Right if just because you're a Godly doesn't mean your life will be without sin it doesn't mean you won't make mistakes you understand because everybody that is Godly gonna have to come to that point where they gotta acknowledge they sin to be forgiven from the Lord everyone that is Godly gonna pray that go ahead in a time when thy mans be found before it's too late go ahead surely in the floods of Great Waters they should not come not unto him so go to Psalms 38 verse 18. Psalms 38 verse 18. Psalms 38 verse 18. come on for I will declare my iniquity and I go hide it I'ma declare it I'm gonna bring it out I'm gonna confess read I will be sorry for my sin and I'm gonna have a penitent Spirit I'm gonna have a contrite spirit we gonna deal with that a little bit in a little bit as well all right so go back to Psalms chapter 51 verse 4 now Psalms chapter 51 verse 4. come on against thee the only have I sinned and done this evil and thy and be clear without judges so what is David saying I have seen in your sight that thou mayest be justified when thou speakeas go to uh three holy children the book of Three Holy children I won't verse I believe is excuse me verse three and four Three Holy children verse three see what David was saying come on for doubt uh righteous and all the things that God has done to us right yay true are all thy Works thy ways are right and all thy judgments true so when he said that there must be justified when thy speakeas right when the lord gave his judgment when Nathan told him the story had never gone apart from your house your wives gonna be laid with before the sun right when he was delivering all them judgments David is acknowledging like yes I've sinned against I deserve that you are absolutely right in your judgment go ahead and all the things that thou has brought upon us and all the judgments you brought Upon Us Lord come on and upon the holy city of our fathers even Jerusalem thou has executed true judgment for according to truth and judgment did his thou bring all these things upon us because of our sins that's exactly what King David is saying that's why he said that that must be justified when thou speak I have sinned against you so you exactly right your judgments are truth Lord from there go to go back to Psalms chapter 51 and verse 5. Psalms chapter 51 verse 5. come on behold I was shaping an iniquity and it said that my mother conceived so now what is David going into he's going into the sinful nature that we're born into dealing with being in his flesh right he said I was shaping in iniquity all right hold that let's go to Romans chapter 7 and verse 14 where Paul said the same thing read that Romans 7 14. The Book of Romans chapter 7 and verse 14. for we know that the law is spiritual the law is spiritual God's laws is spiritual come on but I am carnal sold on the sin but we in his flesh our body is opposite you understand we are a corner sold under sin right we came into this Earth with a sinful nature let's get to the root of that go to syrac chapter 17 and verse 16. so right chapter 17 verse 16. the book of sirach chapter 17 and verse 16. come on every man from his youth is given to evil right from the beginning since the youngin we've been given to evil evil Communications evil lust desires go ahead neither could they make to themselves fleshly hearts for stone and it wasn't nothing we couldn't change our flesh you understand this flesh is not spirit and we in it so we've been battling with this thing since we was young since we was babies infants all right go to uh second answers 3 verse 21. and how did this begin how did how did we all have to go through that process of being shaping in iniquity watch this signatures 321 second edges chapter 3 verse 21. come on for the first Adam bearing a wicked heart transgress so Adam he went off because he had he knew better than to listen to his wife and commit idolatry but he decided he made the conscious decision to transgress God laws because that's how strong the lust was within him go ahead and was overcome he was overcome but at least he had the power to overcome it but he chose not to go ahead and so we all they that are born of him so everybody that's born of him right we deal with their wicked heart that's why we need God's laws you understand so now let's go back to Psalms chapter 51 let's read verse six Psalm chapter 51 verse 6. come on behold thou desires truth in the inward part of the Lord desire is truth meaning sincerity in our inward Parts our heart our spirit go ahead and in the hidden part thou shall make me to no wisdom and in the hidden part that shall make me to no wisdom so let's deal with that hidden part Proverbs Chapter 20 and verse 27. Proverbs Chapter 20 and verse 27. The Book of Proverbs Chapter 20 and verse 27 the spirit of man the what the spirit of man the spirit of man that's the hidden part because when you see people when you look at them you can't see into their soul right you see their body you see they Earthly Tabernacle you understand but the spirit of man is what the Lord is looking upon the whole time right is the candle of the lord it's the candle of the Lord go ahead searching all the inward parts of the belly so that's what the Lord examines that's what the Lord looks upon that's what the Lord judges the spirit of man that's why he desires truth in those inward parts right because that's what he looking at go to wisdom of Solomon chapter 7 and verse 27. where the masalamus 727 wisdom of Solomon chapter 7 and verse 27. come on and being but one she can do all things this is talking about wisdom wisdom is able to do all things come on and remaining in herself she make it all things new she does what make it all things new so wisdom has the capability to make all things new right and in all ages entering into holy souls in all ages entering into holy souls so when he said in a hidden part that shall make me to no wisdom that's talking about your soul you understand the Lord is able to cause wisdom to enter into your soul the hidden Parts go ahead she make it them friends of God and Prophets Jesus I'll pray to the Moses let's go back to Psalm chapter 51 verse 7 now Psalms chapter 51 verse 7. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than so King David is not saying that I've been out here mudding and riding the four-wheelers you know what I'm saying and I got third all over my white skin so Lord rain some water and soap on me so I can be pale again that ain't what David is saying all right let's deal with that whiter than snow what does that mean go to Isaiah chapter one let's start at verse 16. Isaiah chapter 1 verse 16. Isaiah chapter 1 verse 16. come on wash me wake you clean put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes so it's talking about the cleansing of your doings the cleansing of your ways dealing with that hidden man you understand dealing with the spirit re cease to do evil learn to do well seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the fatherless plea for the Widow come on come now and let us reason together save the Lord though your sins be a scholar now your sins be a Scarlet right Scarlet is is red right your sins upon you like a big ass red flag everybody see what the hell wrong with you don't your sins be as Scarlet they shall be as white as snow they shall be what as white as snow through the process of spiritual cleansing that's what King David is talking about all right you could drop that go to Daniel Daniel chapter 11 and verse 35. Daniel chapter 11 and verse 35. The Book of Daniel chapter 11 verse 35 and some of them of understanding shall fall to try them to do what try them to try them go ahead and to purge so do what purge you purge didn't David say Purge me with his top that's talking about a spiritual Purge free and to make them white and to do what make them white because through that Purge you're purging out there Crimson sin you understand like when you wash clothes and you put the uh what that what that is you put in there the stain removal yeah right it purges out that damn Kool-Aid you spilled on your khaki pants that horse thing the hardest thing you understand that's what that that's what our trials is about that's what judgment is about that's what correction is about that's what repentance is about read even to the to the time of the end right so when it says make them white is talking about being spiritually made clean all right so go back to Psalms 51 let's read verse 8. The Book of Psalms chapter 51 and verse 8. come on make me to heal joy and gladness that the bones which thou has broken May Rejoice so it says make me to her joint gladness that the bones which that has broken May Rejoice what is she talking about let's go to Proverbs chapter 17 and verse 22. the brown the bones which thou has broken May Rejoice read that the Book of Proverbs chapter 17 and verse 22. go ahead a merry heart does good like medicine but a broken Spirit Drive the bone right so David is saying that his spirit is broken you and he just got he just found out that the sword Never Gonna depart from his house but if his wives gonna be defiled before the whole nation of Israel you wanna you got like you're saying Hebrews 12 and 11 no chance and it seeming to be Joyce he did not enjoy receiving that rebuke from the time he did not right so he said Lord restoring to me the joy of your salvation right make me to be glad because that Merry heart is going to restore me from that broken Spirit State all right from there go to obey the Psalms 51 verse 9 now Psalms 51-9 come on hide thy face for my sins and blot out all my iniquities 43 Verse 25. so remember Nehemiah 89 giving a sense causing the people to understand is going into precept upon precept right this is how David had the understanding to even pray this prayer read what you got Isaiah chapter 43 and verse 25. come on I even I am he that blotted out thy transgressions for my own sake for what for my own sake so it ain't the fact that the uh you just so good at your speech is so well that you're able to convince he doing it for his sake you understand like when Moses pleaded in Exodus 32 to spare Israel he wasn't saying like Lord they got potential and all that he was like no for your name's sake Lord because if you destroy them all think about what the nation's gonna say about you you didn't brought them people out in the world and it's just in the storm you understand so the Lord forgive us and blood out our sins for his sake go ahead and would not remember thy sins and would not remember our sins go back December 51 so David had this understanding so he's pleading for it he's pleading to receive their Mercy from the Lord verse 10 verse 10. come on created me a clean heart oh God and renew a right Spirit within me all right Ephesians chapter 4 verse 22 we all got to pray for this thing read that Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 22 come on that yeet put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitfulness though none of us got a clean heart you wanna we got to pray that the Lord create one within us because Alice is deceitful according to the deceitfulness read and be renewed in the spirit of your mind do what be renewed in the spirit of your mind renew a right Spirit within me come on and that ye put on the new man which after God has created in righteousness and true Holiness so this is what David was talking about because to defile your neighbor's wife and then put him to death to take his wife his mom was not in right he did not have a righteous state of mind he had to pray for the Lord to create one in him and renew a right Spirit within him he acknowledged his Spirit was completely gone the hell off all right go back to Psalms 51 verse 11. Psalms 51-11 come on cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit for me so understand David understood that the door was plenteous and mercy but he also understood that the Lord wasn't to be played with he had done things that couldn't everybody just slide with right he knew that the Lord Coulda just took his spirit away from him and cast them out spiritually you understand David knew that so he said Lord please don't take your Holy Spirit from me right get that in wisdom of Solomon chapter 1 verse 4. he knew that the Lord had the ability to take their wisdom from him read that wisdom of Solomon Chapter 1 and verse four come on for into a malicious Soul wisdom shall not enter a malicious soul of Soul with evil intent where's the man gonna enter into it go ahead nor dwell in the body that is subject unto sin and even if it makes it into a soul that's righteous at first it's not going to dwell meaning stay or remain if that body becomes subject unto sin go ahead for the Holy Spirit of discipline will flee deceit and remove from thoughts that are without understanding right so the spirit don't the spirit don't coexist with a mind to commit adultery and murder your neighbor and just think you gonna get away and live a lot for the rest of your life you understand so David catching itself like damn hey you could have took this you could have killed me you could have took the spirit from me Lord I'm wrong listen please don't do it please have mercy upon me Lord I'm wretched as hell you understand cause he knew the Lord had the power to do that go to Revelation 2 verse 5. Revelation chapter 2 verse 5. Revelation Chapter 2 and verse 5. come on remember therefore from which thou have fallen remember from which we're falling because David was a mighty man and a spirit that done many good works but he fell from that into some very very Wicked sins go in and repent and repent meaning turn back to righteousness come on and do the first word and do the first works right be faithful and righteous in your thoughts and ways towards me come on or else I will come unto thee quickly because if you don't repent read and will remove that Candlestick out of his place except thou repent so unless you repent immediately that's why David said I may haste in the late night cause he knew it was only so long before the Lord was gonna take his life or take his Spirit from which it which is probably worse you understand I'd rather the Lord put me to death than for me to be twice Dead trying to take it spirit and I go back into the world as a zombie with no understanding do you understand David feared that thing that's why he repented all right go back to uh Psalms chapter 51 that's reverse 12. we gotta speed it up Psalm 51-12 come on restoring to me the joy of thy salvation and behold me with thy free spirit so go to Nehemiah 8 verse 10. restoring to me to Joy your salvation cause you gotta think remember he said the bones which thou has broken he was in a weak estate because he know that others know you understand that just imagine a humiliation and embarrassment are you going from a righteous King and everybody look up to the doing things that everybody know you would have put them to death for you understand his bones was broken he was in a weak state so he said Rejoice restore the joy of Salvation read that Nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 10. come on then he said unto them go your way eat the fat and drink the sweet and simplest to them for whom nothing is prepared for this day is Holy unto our Lord read neither be ye sorry for the joy of the Lord is your strength joy of the Lord is your strength that's why he's here restoring to me to join your salvation so I can be strengthened in the spirit to overcome my sin overcome whatever what I have committed and be be restored in righteousness all right from there go to Second Corinthians 3 17 dealing with when he said uphold me with her free spirit what is that talking about read that second Corinthians chapter 3 verse 17. come on now the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty there is what Liberty that's going into their free spirit you understand through the spirit of the Lord you able to repent and you don't have to remain in bondage for your sin right you could repent and move forward through the spirit of the Lord so from there let's go to Psalms 51 13. Psalms 51-13 then will I teach transgressions the way so verses 10 through 13 is explaining the process right creating me a clean heart renew a right Spirit within me you understand don't don't take your Holy Spirit from me restoring to me the joy of Salvation did I'll be able to teach That's The Power of repentance when you go off when you fall oh and you bounce back and you get your spirit right guess what you have wisdom and experience to be able to help others either avoid that same mistake uh also bounce back from that you have just gained wisdom you gain experience to be able to teach what you wouldn't have necessarily had expertise in before what go ahead and Center shall be converted unto thee so now second is just 14 13. so a lot of us desire to be teachers without following their prices right getting our spirit right making sure we doing what we supposed to do and being right with the Lord before we teach others that's what this prayer is also showing us read that second Andrews Chapter 14 verse 13. come on now therefore said their house in order and reprove thy people come from such of them as being trouble and now renounce corruption so before you teach your people set your house in order right that's the point go to James 5 verse 19. James chapter 5 verse 19. come on the Book of James chapter 5 verse 19. come on Brethren if any of you do Earth from the truth and of one and one convert him let him know that he which converted The Sinner from the era of his way shall save a soul from death and share hide a multitude of sins that's why it's very very important right because body teaches even like myself for example right and other Mighty leaders and teachers that you see they've been in long before me it's very very imperative that if if and when we do fall that we bounce back because this is how you get your it said when you convert a sinner you hide a mother to the sins you see what I'm saying that's a part of your Redemption bouncing back and teaching once you get your spirit right once you get your spirit restored so I'll praise to the motorcycle 51 verse 14. Psalms 51-14 come on deliver me from blood guiltiness oh God thou God of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness for the sake of time we ain't gonna go to to that precept to deal with that but it's Psalms 26 verses 9 through 11 dealing with being delivered from blood guiltiness right meaning he's in the same boat as murderers according to what he did but he is not that type of he's willing to repent and fear the lord Lord take me out of that boat of murderers right their blood guiltiness all right reverse 15 verse 15. Oh Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall show forth thy praise right so now this rock 15 to 10 because I gotta deal with this because Christians when they read because a lot of these songs Christians read with zero understanding zero precepts to explain what it's really going into and they think they praising the Lord because they recite the words off these pages but watch this read that so rock 15 and 10. come on for praise shall be utter in wisdom praise shall be uttered in wisdom in wisdom meaning understanding of God's laws come on and the Lord will prosper it and the Lord only gonna Prosper praise when it's other than wisdom not in Folly not in Christianity so go back Psalms 51 verse 16. Psalms 51-16 for thou desire not sacrifice else would I give it so the Lewis so David understood the Lord was not interested in the blood of animals for the things that he had done go ahead without the lightest not in burnt offering the sacrifices of God all right so verse 16 dealing with that for the sake of time when you're gonna go a precept but there's some the chapter behind it Psalms chapter 50 verses 8 through 14 the Lord explained that ain't what I want I want y'all to sincerely repent unto me you understand that right there is not your scapegoat to get back in good graces with me that doesn't satisfy me right you gotta have your spirit right for that thing to even have an effect you understand David understood that now read verse 17. the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart oh God that would not despise remember I said we was going to deal with this later they're broken and contrary hard that's the true sacrifice unto the Lord that he looking for all right go to Three Holy children Three Holy children uh I think I want 14 through 16. three Three Holy children verse 14 neither is there at this time Prince or Prophet or leader or burnt offering so we was in captivity right we didn't have access to the levitical priesthood go ahead or sacrifice or oblation or incense or a place to sacrifice before thee and to find Mercy nevertheless in a contrite heart and in Humble spirit let us be accepted so David even though he wasn't in captivity right he had access to the to the sacrifice or whatever but he still understood what the Lord was truly looking for that humble and contrite spirit that pinching his spirit for for the mistakes that you made go ahead like as in the burnt offering of rams and Bullocks and like as in ten thousands of fat Lambs so let our sacrifice be in thy sight this day and that sacrifices they're broken and contrite spirit go back to Psalms 51. real quick um read that real quick Psalms 34 and 18. come on the Lord is not to them that are of a broken heart the Lord is near unto them that are of a broken heart right read on and save as such as be of a contrite spirit will save you if you got the right spirit in your repentance your remorseful you're sorrowful for your sin Godly sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation David understood that all right go to Psalms 51 verse 18. we almost done Psalm 51 and 18. come on do good and thy good pleasure unto Zion build thou the walls of Jerusalem so David goes from praying concerning his own soul to going back to pray into it for his people right you understand you grant me mercy Grammy repentance take not your Holy Spirit from me and also don't forget your people go to Psalm 69 verse 35. David with David even though he did he did some stuff when he is still a man he's still an example as a forefather that we ought to strive to walk in the ways of especially in terms of repentance read what you got Psalm 69 and 5 35 oh 69 and 35. come on [ __ ] 69.35 for God Will Save Zion and will build the cities of Judah and do what build the cities of Judah is that it that they may dwell there and have it in possession right so David prayed for that as well Psalms 51 19 last verse Psalms 51-19 then shall thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness with burnt offering and Holborn offering then shall they offer Bullocks upon thine altar so watch this last precept to deal with that Ezekiel 20 and 40. guess what the Lord is saying repent I want sincerity I want a country spirit I want your spirit to be right that's the true sacrifice unto me for you to be redeemed and be redeemed and be back into my good graces right but once that occurs now you can bring your sacrifices to mine altar right now at this time we were still under the old Covenant of sacrifice sacrifices were still in fake but guess what in the Kingdom of Heaven once were cleansed and purged from America in the sins we've done here and our spirit is right with God in the Kingdom guess what we gonna do read what you got Ezekiel chapter 20 and verse 40. come on for in my holy mountain in the mountain of the height of Israel said the Lord Lord God read there shall all the house of Israel all of them in the land serve me come on there Will I accept them where will I accept them read and that will I require your offerings and the first fruit of your oblations with all your holy things right so it's not going to be like in the form of times when we was making offerings with a corrupt Spirit the Lord hated that thing when our spirit is right with the Lord and we got uh the praise in our mouth is other than wisdom and so on and so forth then those burnt offerings would be a true sweet smell of save unto him you understand so I'll pray to the most high Lewis one of y'all got some from that Psalms chapter 51 giving a sense from A to Z subscribe to iusco Arkansas list talk truth radio tomorrow live 4 P.M Eastern don't miss that Christ Bliss let me know