Understanding Learning Disabilities and Testing for Dysgraphia

Jul 23, 2024

Understanding Learning Disabilities and Testing for Dysgraphia


  • Speakers: Lori (Founder & Executive Director of Diagnostic Learning Services) and Abby (Director of Assessment)
  • Focus: Testing for dysgraphia and understanding learning disabilities


Learning Disability

  • Also known as specific learning disability (SLD)
  • Involves average to above-average intelligence with weaknesses in academic areas
  • Can include dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD
  • Defined and delineated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)


  • Individual performs below grade level expectations despite adequate instruction
  • Public schools must rule out attendance, language, cultural, and socio-economic factors

Written Expression Disabilities

  • Specific learning disability in written expression involves difficulty expressing thoughts in writing with logical flow and appropriate grammar
  • Dysgraphia: Difficulty in forming letters, adequate spacing, staying within margins, and handwriting motor skills
  • Dysgraphia also involves difficulties with the serial production of strokes and language-based difficulties


  • Written language disorder involving motor skills and orthographic processing
  • Characteristics include difficulty forming letters, errors, spacing issues, reversals beyond developmental stages, pencil grip problems, slow writing or copying

Key Points in Dysgraphia Assessment

Comprehensive Evaluation

  • Standardized, norm-referenced tests comparing same-age peers nationally
  • Tests must be valid and reliable
  • Consider using tests suitable for age and language proficiency
  • Involves standardized and informal data (parent/teacher input, work samples)
  • Assess writing through letter formation, word dictation, text copying, written expression, spelling, writing fluency, and cognitive processes

Evaluated Areas and Their Impact on Writing

Cognitive Processes

  1. Short-term and Working Memory: Affects spelling, sentence construction, word choice, and organization
  2. Orthographic Processing: Recognizing and manipulating letters and spelling patterns, crucial for spelling and grammar
  3. Processing Speed: Affects handwriting speed, editing, and ability to hold thoughts
  4. Visual Processing: Perceiving letter differences, hand-eye coordination, editing, and proofreading
  5. Fluid Reasoning: Problem-solving, idea generation, sequencing, and logical flow
  6. Verbal Comprehension Skills: Vocabulary and language development enabling rich expression
  7. Long-term Memory: Retrieval of spelling patterns, words, grammar, and writing strategies
  8. Executive Functioning and Attention: Organizing and planning tasks, sustained focus, multitasking in writing

Recommendations and Accommodations

  • Break longer assignments into smaller tasks
  • Use of graphic organizers
  • Voice to text technology
  • Teacher reviews and feedback
  • Teaching keyboarding skills
  • Cursive writing for easier letter formation
  • Reducing the copying aspect of tasks
  • Occupational therapy for improving fine motor skills and writing ability

Frequently Asked Questions and Common Issues

Qualification for Services

  • Many students do not qualify if they don't meet standardized cutoffs but still experience significant struggles
  • Public schools use specific scores and criteria for educational needs
  • 504 plans may offer accommodations for students who don't qualify under IDEA

Dysgraphia vs. Dyslexia Co-occurrence

  • Common, often co-occur with ADHD
  • Evaluations address both areas comprehensively

Utilizing Technology

  • Mixed efficacy in using speech-to-text for students, important to combine with graphic organizers and other strategies

Impact of COVID-19 on Learning Evaluations

  • Takes into account the adequacy of virtual instruction and overall impact on learning development

Assessment Costs

  • Diagnostic Learning Services evaluation costs about $1450

Contact Information

Future Webinars

  • Next session: August 30 with Michael Greshler on strategies for executive function around writing


  • Importance of comprehensive evaluations and personalized strategies for addressing dysgraphia and other learning disabilities. Consider reaching out to professional evaluators and utilizing a combination of technological tools, teaching methods, and accommodations to support students.