without any further ado i'm gonna bring up the sister i'ma let her speak for herself um i told her that she reminds me of my mother she actually looks just like my mother and she said well i hear that a lot but i sincerely mean it you got her same vibe you coming through here i mean we are so honored to have you um this is the best birthday present i could have ever received i kid you now i feel like a little kid now i'm so happy i'm blessed you know i mean i could go out there oh no it's my boring day's my day this is the best birthday present i have i've ever received and without any further ado dr frank scripture [Applause] so [Applause] good afternoon everyone i am really honored to be here and to have been invited uh by shahbaz wilson and clemson brown i haven't been in new york in a long time but i'm thrilled to be here and happy birthday thank you and many more i'm going to as usual talk about racism white supremacy my mother is deceased but one time she said to me what are you going to talk about francis and i said mother you know i only talk about racism and she said well can't you talk about something different but everything is racism and i want to talk about it i'm a general psychiatrist and child psychiatrist practicing in washington dc and i have arrived at the point where i feel that the most important thing that we as black people need to understand is this powerful dynamic of racism those of you who are familiar with the work of nealy fuller know that he has said if you do not understand white supremacy racism what it is and exactly how it works everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you so i believe that if we are going to move further into the 21st century and into the 22nd century and into the 23rd century that we have to have clear insight as to what this process is all about i think it's in the book of isaiah if you do not have those who do not have a vision if if there's no vision the people will perish i guess that's if there is no vision the people will perish meaning we have to have a more global understanding of exactly what the forces are on this planet so we can actually do short-range planning as well as long-range planning i started thinking about racism when i was doing a residency in general psychiatry at st elizabeth's hospital in washington d.c and it was a program that was based on freudian psychoanalytic theory and nothing was really being said about the mental health of black people i'm a third generation physician my father was a physician his father was a physician and my parents told us that you were getting an education not to leave your community you were getting an education in order to help your community right so the black patients that i would talk to and take a history on within the history of every black patient would be aspects and dimensions of racism and when i was an undergrad i considered myself to be a marxist i thought that economics was causing racism that it was a means for economic exploitation where you can have ideas as an undergrad but when you are a physician and responsible for the care of patients you really have to know what you're talking about i remember going home when i was an undergrad you know my parents and my grandmother were sitting at the dining room table and i announced i'm a marxist and my grandmother said the more education they get the dumber thing but anyway talking to patients and seeing this gigantic monster in the middle of their history about racism i said i've got to really understand racism and death and the training program that i was in it was at a federal government hospital all the people in charge of the training program were white people and they actually taught us there were a few black residents i think three out of 12 that black people did not have the intellectual potential to benefit from psychotherapy that the best treatment for black people was medication well that did not compute for me so i said out to myself i want to understand really more about racism i happen to have been at a social gathering and these were black people sitting around after a black power committee meeting and i heard a gentleman across the room say racism is a system it was almost like a light bulb going on that was nearly full or how many of you are familiar with his work i consider him to be one of the critical thinkers in our group in the 20th century and into the 21st century he was saying that racism is a system and let me because we got to get this really in our heads he said it was a system and the system functions in all areas of people activity economics education entertainment labor law politics religion sex and war and that the purpose of this system is to maintain the power equation of white over non-white white power over non-white powerlessness and so i thought this was a very profound concept those of you who are familiar with the work of dr du bois dr du bois in 1903 said that the problem of the 20th century is the question of the color line this is the problem of the color lines so i said to myself why would a system for the purpose of maintaining white power over non-white powerlessness why would such a system evolve on this particular planet planet earth and then i thought about some of the things that are said within the system one of the critical things is that we are taught that white is a majority is that right and we are told that non-white is genetic inferior and then i just thought about the things that you know you learned going to school for a long time and going to medical school i said wait a minute why is a tiny minority fewer than one-tenth of the people on the planet have white skins and instead of black people being genetically inferior the ability to produce this black pigment melanin is a genetically dominant trait and we have an excellent example in our president barack obama his mother is white was quite his father was black and you mix these together and what do you get a person see always a black person so i said that okay on this planet planet earth in the 15th century we had columbus 1492. coming out of europe and realizing that the earth was round and not flat and everywhere these white people landed they found colored people right and if those men were sexually frustrated and the people were over time and they the women had sex or i should say that men have sex imposed sex however you want to look at it if they waited around nine months they found that all of the children looked like the mothers and so they realized wait a minute we are a tiny minority in europe and no other place where there are white people so they said wait a minute what if these men got in votes and started going from south to north we could genetically disappear now this may not make sense to black people because under white supremacy black people try to get rid of their color don't we white people don't want to disappear and i have asked audiences of white people do you want your children to become do you want your grandchildren to be covered do you want your great-grandchildren to be colored do you want your [Music] great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren to be colored i'm polite and they're polite what do they say no meaning they don't want to disappear so i said if you mean this then you have to do certain specific things in all of these areas of activity so that white does not disappear on planet earth now unbeknownst to us this is the critical underlying motivation for all of the behavior of people who classify themselves as white on this planet i don't know how many of you are familiar with the name tom mexter he was one of the is one of the arch white supremacists of white separatists some years ago i was on a television program in los angeles when president reagan's son had a television talk show and so this particular show was a panel of people rather than 10 people talking about race and racism i just happened to be sitting next to mr metzker and so during a commercial break i kind of touched him on his arm i'm sitting right next to him and he didn't say don't touch me [ __ ] i said mr mester tell me something what percentage of people who classify themselves as white are fearful of white genetic annihilation and he answered very politely he said dr wells seen nearly all of them but they are ashamed they were afraid to admit it now i can understand that in other words this system is about quite genetic survival now if some people have organized the system for their genetic survival what's the chance that they're going to give that system up see they worked hard and we can consider it unjust it's the most unjust system that has ever been devised on the planet where you have one-tenth of the people deciding that they need to control nine-tenths of the people on the planet but all along i maintain we have not understood this we thought when we were formerly enslaved if they would just take off the chains everything is going to be okay so they removed the chains and then what did they do next they put laws in place to accomplish the same thing and we went through the 1960s in what is being called the civil rights era and the black people with all of their dignity and their pride and their courage going up against horses and hoses and dogs to get the vote to get that changed coming out of that movement saying black pride black is beautiful black power black self-respect and the people who had something else in mind said that's dangerous if people are talking about self-respect and dignity then i encourage everybody to look at the film's eye on the prize and look at those black people men and women and children going up against a horrific force but they were determined and they had their self-respect with them but the system said this is dangerous if we let these people go forward talking about black pride black dignity black is beautiful we will be in trouble so we have to have something for them and i maintain that's when they decided well we have to feed them images of superfly prostitutes pimps selling drugs men kicking women all kind of language following that up into the present with having black people call themselves [ __ ] and dogs and gangsters and thugs and [ __ ] and hoes that's right now once that's in the brain computer that's right you can do anything see that's the complete annihilation of self-respect now we didn't understand it we thought oh this is just entertainment like the movie monster ball or the movie precious do you see or the movie for color [Music] see girls we don't have a clue we don't have a clue about what is going on see we we've been thinking and god bless dr martin luther king a minister but a great political scientist he said it's about love everybody should love and he got killed and i say the reason being that if everybody on the planet all these people white non-quite loved and the love was expressed in sexual activity what would happen white would disappear did you see so kill him because that would mean our genetic disappearance so the system is about quite genetic survival what do they have to worry about most black men white women right okay but let's even take it further in that if the concern is quite genetic survival they don't have to worry about black women why i'm saying this see the test is gonna be next week the reason being is that men males whether they're white black brown red or yellow can impose sexual intercourse if i would you know try to impose sexual intercourse on any of the gentleman here and they said i'm sitting next to my wife and i went to my person i got my uzi and i frightened the man what's going to happen i hope everybody got that the erection cannot be maintained in the presence of fear so females cannot impose sexual intercourse you know like ultimately what writing the man now the creator made that possible so somebody if they were in danger they wouldn't be in conflict this is fear i mean fear about unemployment could cause a man to have erection problems are you always making it so there's a reason that if the concern is genetic survival and see we are decoding this material because we have thought somehow there's some white people who are going to work with us sometimes we thought it was republican sometimes we thought you know with lincoln and sometimes democrats but even president obama is finding out [Music] it could be republicans or democrats but if it's a black man that they're being asked to support they start jumping [ __ ] because the test for white people see they in other words they work 24 7. they don't sleep they got three shifts going see we work one shift and then go to bed they work 24 7 about maintaining the conditions for their survival you see because it is very serious to them and if they have some people who classify themselves as white who start looking like they're getting out of line what's the question that they ask are you a [ __ ] lover do you see are you with us or are you with them now this is a fundamental question that has to do with the issue of their survival so that we cannot depend on communists conservative liberals dreams libertarians and see this is not a lecture about hate white people it is a lecture about understanding the opposition and one of the best analogies to have in mind is the game of chess see what is the game of chess about strategy those are nice bc answers white always moves first so white is playing what our favorite defense black has to play defense this is what we have now this is distressing to a lot of people because we wanted to believe as we were even programmed to believe in the area of religion see i don't know how many of you i'm a little bit older than many but if you went to sunday school my grandfather was chairman of the deacon and trustee board so we were in sunday school before we could see straight but what did we learn that god is white can anybody think they didn't learn that god was white see if you were given that little sunday school card with a white picture of jesus your brain automatically concluded that his father had to be white his father could not have been black now if he was a historic figure he was black even billy graham said that jesus could not have been white but we are programmed to think that jesus was white and therefore his father is white and we were taught to sing jesus translate white man loves the little children all the little children of the world red yellow black and white all are precious in his sight how many know that song or no more church going in these chapters there was a time when everybody knew those basic songs you see but being taught that god is white and they got a musical came out some time ago arms too short the box was gone meaning arms too short to box with the white man see when i was a little child having seen the sunday school card with jesus on it i had just drawn my own conclusion that the man on the quaker oats box must be god [Music] see he was somewhat older with white hair jesus was younger so you know now we thank him for the food we just had this big quaker oats box in the pan i mean that was my conclusion but if you any of you saw a sunday school car with the white jesus your brain jumped to that conclusion too without your knowing it that's called a subconscious conclusion so anyway this was deeply programmed in our thinking but i tell people that the truth is you cannot hide it that it will come out in material it will come out through the subconscious because if we break the name jesus down in ebonics it spells just us that's who we're waiting for right just us to get our heads together and i say that as black people we greet each other a zillion times a day we're saying hey what's happening what's happening what's happening because we don't know what's going on see we keep running into a wall and wondering how come things haven't worked out because we have been deceived we have been told we are in a democracy where everybody is equal the truth and the reality is is that we are in a system of racism white supremacy see we're told that the system of democracy has imperfections no we are in a system of white supremacy that has been perfected and that's why we keep staying basically in the same position and as long as we don't understand we're dealing with a system every week we just complain another black man has been shot another black man has been killed she said oh 10 over there three over there oh well let's add up the statistics and somebody will run and complain about it but if it's happening over and over again that implies intentionality and if the system is about quite genetic survival who is the enemy of the state now the black man see in a war if you can take care of the business as defined the problem is like genetic survival so what do you have to knock out in order to not worry about white genetic survivor the attack has to center on the black man now years ago 19 in the 1970s i was teaching at howard university college of medicine and i would have nearly fuller lecture every monday night from eight until one o'clock in the morning and it would be students and people from the community and mr fuller used to talk about the system of racism white supremacy is going to have black men wearing dresses and now this is 1970 about 72-73 and that sound is so far out nobody you know what's he talking about what has recently happened at morehouse college the president of morehouse college had to announce and lay down the law that the black male students those who were so inclined could not wear high-heeled shoes could not wear dresses and carry pocket books now this is two zero one zero that is the system see in other words we have to keep system about white genetic survival this is what the system is about and the system is working 24 7. turn if i turn the black male into a female can i relax about the fear of white genetic survival absolutely now i don't know what goes on here in new york haven't been here in a while in d.c we have a lot of men with their pants hanging down in the train station when i bought my ticket to come here there's a black gentleman had on some expensive clothes had some nice luggage his pants were down here so he would pull the luggage like this after he got his ticket and then he had to stop imagine somebody looking down from another galaxy or planet that's right you see in other words psychiatrist behavior all behavior has significance you just have to understand the context and the power that is controlling it this is what i'm saying so to understand what is happening because what are we told seventy percent of the households are without fire read a book recently where a young black man is talking about having gotten into some difficulty doing a carjacking carrying a gun at 16. and he said in the book i had to go to prison to find my fathers he said father he said in prison was the first time he had an opportunity now he didn't consciously put himself in that situation but looking for fathers i had a black male child say to me you know somebody brings a child to the psychiatrist because he's not studying or something i had one child say to me who was about 10 or 11 years old dr welsing i think i could do my homework if i just had an official father now that makes a psychiatrist want to fall under the destiny and start crying i had another child say if i had a father he could at least have taught me what goes on under the hood of a car i had another child all these children are brought into the psychiatrist because somebody says teacher principal they're smart but they won't do their homework or they won't study this child came and i said sweetheart don't you want to work hard in school this is years ago so you can help black people and this little boy said no he wasn't being smart alec he wasn't being rude and i said you know the psychiatrist wants to hear the child say yes he said no and i said why not he said if you try to help black people you're going to be killed now this is a little black child about 11 years old said malcolm x george jackson i said iq 265. if you try to help black people you are going to be killed was he right that's like president barack obama has had more death threats than any president in the history of the united states you see because just that presence of a black man in the white house like i think a lot of white people who initially voted for him wanted to appear liberal yeah you see but once he's in that white house and a black man with a black wife and a black grandmother that's the whole package they begin to understand oh my god if he's in power and not only that the reception that he receives all over the non-white world do you see so they started shaking because people who classify themselves as white are not consciously carrying around in their mind fear of white genetic annihilation they repress that you see but how do we how do we know based on other behaviors that they engage in and just like tom mexter said the majority of white people are fearful of their genetic annihilation sometimes white people will say to me dr welsing what can i do to help and i say tell black people what white people talk about when there's no black people around they all go silent because what are they talking about they're either talking directly or encode about white genetic survival i had a white college professor say to me after i had i had been invited to speak at a prison white university giving educational programs in a prison 100 of the prisoners black males so i went and talked about the same thing i'm talking about here about racism so this white professor said to me because she drove me out there drove me back home she said see sometimes when you push truth and i'm not being rude and disrespectful people felt feel compelled to come out with their truth so she said dr wilson you know i hate to admit it but on all social occasions not some not a few on all social occasions with white people together and there's no black people around she said we are talking negatively about black people and the assumption is that everybody present is in agreement so i told her that i understood that see they're simply talking cold they're just talking cold about their survival they are not going to reveal them just say to us isn't it nice that we're in a democracy you see but they are talking cold about their survival and at the same time at the same time that a black man is in the white house there are millions of people locked up in prison millions thousands of black men locked up in prison you can say the incarceration of black genetic material now i say that the system 24 7 is talking about this critical problem an activity that you would not think is talking about quite genetic survival so one day one sunday it was so quiet i said gee what's happening it was so quiet see when it's quiet you can think yes and this is why they say now this is your music boom see all that live music turns off the brain computer because of sensory overload see they use loud music our loud music to torture people in guantanamo to torture people to make them go crazy but they feed it to us and say this is your music this is what we want you to hear but when it was quiet and i said what's going on and it came to me ball games and i said to myself work ball games to have a whole city be quiet the ball games must have a significance an important significance that we're not generally focusing on so it's just proxy once you understand the context meaning system of white supremacy for white genetic survival this is the context in which everything language speech activity takes place so it just occurred to me came into my computer there are two series of ball games in the system of racism white supremacy if you read the isis papers don't answer what are the two series of ball games see you're looking at it all the time but if you don't see the context you won't see it but you're looking at what are the two series of ball games if you read the book you're going to be expelled two series of ball in games system of racism white supremacists our big brown and no you read the book brown is small white why so because once we're talking about genetic survival this is what automatically comes in the brain computer subconscious and this is not a man with glasses see why does this come into mind because this this is a diagram of male genitalia this is a phallus on the penis these are the testicles the testicles contain the genetic material what are the testicles called colloquially fall is that right see i don't make up stuff i just observed balls so out of the same brain computer that set up a system of white supremacy comes to see this doesn't come out of our brain computer didn't have to so the big ground balls mean the genetically dominant balls and they are brown and what are they football basketball basketball small white marbles tennis balls but do you see what i'm saying now to me this is this is just fantastic this is coming out of a system that is worried about white genetic survival and by their thinking of the white ball as small and producing small white balls means they at a subconscious level are aware of their genetic vulnerability are you following me seeing this is being played out these ball games are going on all the time 24 7. so it doesn't matter whether you are picking it up consciously or subconsciously it is still getting the message across so beyond that in the game of well first of all what do white females say about their ideal mate [Music] and so in the football this big brown ball goes into some white upright legs the basketball goes into a white net are you all with me is this an adult class and it's white girls and short dresses dancing on the side and a black girl can hardly get on the squad is that correct now a white man said to me dr wilson do you know what white men say i said no i don't he said white men say they're not men until when until they have had sexual intercourse with a black woman see it's a lot of young people in here see this is this is the underpinnings in the culture this is what the culture is really thinking about it all the time the people who were thinking so the most powerful men play what ball games now our president just got hurt playing basketball you see but what the game that the white president's play now how is that game played a long stick held between legs trying to get the little white ball in a [Music] in black mother earth [Music] and if this is a written aren't any little children i see a couple i'll dress the grown-ups the golf course is laid out and it always has waterholes it has rough it has sand traps and then it has a hole that is supposed to go in now anybody studying anatomy and female anatomy will understand this is pubic hair see the ball happens to go in the rough before the ball can go in the water see the female generator you have the vaginal opening you have the rifle where the urine comes out then you have the anus and that's the sand trap are you all with me yes i don't want any ruin anybody we have got to understand racism we have got that while we're playing they're staying on the case 24 7 and that's how a minority can control a majority on the planet see by words by symbols what about the game excuse me what about the game of billers or pools greenfield long stick triangle whole lot of colored balls see the triangle is the female vaginal orifice take the triangle off and what's the game about the white long stick white ball knocks all the colored balls under the table and what ball is left on top of it the white ball the black ball is the last ball to go in we're doing too much parting and eating and not observing the black ball is the last to be knocked in and the expression is what president obama you don't want to be caught where behind you see if you're behind the eight ball that means that the black maker is in power what else can we look at already let's look at the password that the black community use these at least it used to be the people in new york brooklyn say [ __ ] yes yes one day i came out of the clinic and it was some young people passing and they were so my first reaction is oh my god the second reaction if a word or a phrase is used with high frequency there has to be a reason behind it so i said to myself in the system of racism white supremacy there are five people categories man woman boy girl baby who is the man i said here comes the man you are any other male has four choices black men fought historically don't call me no boy is that the right supremacists say okay you got three choices woman girl or baby it used to be that woman and girl were out baby was in how many black ladies have called the black man that they are highly familiar with baby [Applause] lying to yourself how many gentlemen have called the lady that they're familiar with mama hey mama can i ride with you let's get a witness how many gentlemen have called the place where they sleep a crib man who calls himself baby calls the woman he sleeps with mama calls a place where he sleeps a crib [Music] we'll call himself what a [ __ ] are you all with me now my mother bless her soul my mother was a chicago public school teacher so this is some time ago she's deceased now but she caught up i'm in washington she's calling from chicago hi mom hi my mother said hi francis she said i heard that you said that word in public and i said mom what you know i said no i don't my what what she said marilyn farmer i have never heard that before but you know i said my don't worry it's a political expression how so man who calls another man the man and calls himself baby the power of a man compared to the power of a baby who's powerless politics political means the power relationship between people nobody has to feel bad this is the system that we're talking about the system of racism white supremacy has to take power from the black male if there is going to be quite genetic survival are you all with me see now if we begin to understand this so that we understand what we are dealing with then we can begin to have choices about what we're going to do on the black side of the chessboard because white supremacy is coming down attacking us by any means necessary see whether they have to do it with tuskegee syphilis experiment hiv aids ebola whatever cholera in haiti whatever for their survivors so if we don't understand the game what in the world can we do you see but once black people once black men understand the game basketball is a game about tactics and strategy football is about tactics and strategy [Music] so all the person wants to know is what's the game how's it played what are the rules but we have been deceived so we haven't understood what the game is all about so we're floundering all over the place not understanding and not making points because we don't understand the system and i maintain for those who want to do something about this critical situation neely fuller has said there are four possible ways that a victim of a system can respond they can submit they can cooperate they can resist or they can engage in destruction of now destruction of those are the people who are already dead like martin luther king malcolm x the people who they're going to move in spite of the pressure they don't mind losing their lives i'm not advocating that these are all individual choices submission means it's too much for me let it just roll on over cooperation with just give me a job two figures three figures resist i'm talking about the system so i'm resisting if they say francis will kill you i'll probably jump back here you see but at least to be consciously aware of what is going on like neily fuller says who is an uncle tom the person you see when you brush your teeth that means see how quiet now that's just cooperating with the system the slave master told uncle tom to take some other slaves to another plantation he didn't run away he said i gave my word so i go back to the plantation the slave master did him in but he was cooperating see if you stop at a red light you're cooperating if you stop at the cashier in the supermarket see you're old everything free every black person is due several trillion dollars for what happened to us you see but so you paid the cashier you stop at the red light we're into cooperation with but people can decide to resist i say talking about what the system is really all about not deceiving ourselves as to what the system is actually about and the people who keep resisting even though they're threats to their lives they're in a special category this is not show-off category it's just where the person's will and where their commitment is and again this is not about name calling white people cursing out white people see i was given a lecture on thursday i said you know one of the most important things we can do in relationship to people who classify themselves as white is to say we're afraid of you all we're afraid of you all see how quiet it is that means that truth but it's not speaking out do we have a right to be afraid look at this i said this is the problem perceived as the problem when a white police officer so-called stops a black man and says i thought he had a weapon he does it's genetic power you see think of all the cases i thought he had a weapon the man just had his wallet in his hand or his keys i thought he had a weapon and that's enough for the person to do what see this is a front view of male genitalia this is a lateral view if you turn that around 90 degrees you get this what does that look like [Music] and what is the gun called in the system meaning you have weapon can annihilate me must create weapon can't do the same thing do you see so where is the gun warm one on each side that's just like this and then it's called justifiable homicide you see meaning any time i see a black male and i get a little bit nervous if i'm authorized to carry a gun i'm authorized to kill him are you all with me i see fear don't feel bad this is war war for white genetic survival by any means necessary do you see but if we don't face what it is then people are engaged in a pretense that everything is all right but everything is not all right we are in a state of a slide towards genocide see you cannot have the men from a community removed and have a people are you all with me see but white supremacy is so bold on the front page of the washington post a little while ago they said black women you should start because i know the black men are all gone so you should start dating white men on the front page of a newspaper do you understand that's just like slavery we're killing off the black men so hey you want to have a man so-called you had a wife mate you seen that on the other side they're saying now we are unleashing a certain number of white females to go with black men because that will make them believe that racism white supremacy doesn't exist a young man came up to me on thursday at my institute and said i just came back from germany dr welsh there's a lot of black men who are out of the service and they're they're married to german women he said if it weren't for the color they got you know they're kind of built like black women see that's the caroline brigade so i said i guess you'll be going back to germany see that the system has figured out informal slavery when this white slave master would be rapidly raping african women but the mother would be black and she would tell the child you're black white females tell their offspring you're not black you're mixed now what does that mean she actually is thinking about black to say to the child you are not black but let him try to stop a cave let him try to get a job so he becomes schizophrenic because he has been taught by the mother to hate black i really don't respect your father you see but these are all of the kinds of confusions and difficulties that go along with maintaining the system of racism white supremacy so every black person has a whole lot of choices to submit cooperation or try to destroy so this is where we are so what do we do seeing somebody because what we need we need some strong people over here males are females of life so if i could wave a magic wand if i could wave a magic wand i would say for us to fight racism white supremacy we need some strong people where do people start getting strong twins that's not the answer i'm looking for they start getting strong before the sperm meets the eggs know people used to insult people by saying you're a bird brain you know because birds have little tiny brains but i say the bird knows you build a nest before you lay an egg are you all with me yeah see nobody has to feel bad in other words we have been victimized by a system that does not want us to be strong and functional the system can't tolerate black people being strong self-respecting and functional and so it creates where we are but if people are going to be strong i would say now don't chase me out even soon see if i can wave a magic wand because i'm trying to get an army over here of self-respecting black people so i was saying black people need to be 35 as males 30 as females before having sex and they need to be married because what the system has us doing see we're under fire 24 7. this is stress city at least for people to be old because if i'm 14 15. there's no way i can pass on strength to a child it's no possible way it's no possible way that i can take care of somebody for 25 years to stand them on their feet are you with me in formal slavery we were breeders and stubs and the offspring we're sent away to different plantations that's called foster care are you all with me yes yes i'm so sick and tired of seeing patients in foster care who were sexually abused 10 foster homes how can somebody come out saying the intention for them to come out saying was not the goal you are so hot see this is my fight back i mean oh no you're not genocide guys you see but they have see once you teach people call yourself a gangster call yourself a thug call yourself a [ __ ] and a hoe then it doesn't matter what happens to you what's supposed to happen to a [ __ ] what's supposed to happen to a hope what's supposed to happen to a dog the system says hey i'm really wiping you out if i can and the only response is no you're not no you're not for those who can't no you're not but see we don't really have a convincing response to that so they can how many people have seen cnn and so that o'brien talking about jonestown and they keep putting it on and putting it on and putting it on a thousand black people were killed i say they had to be gassed following a white jesus called jim jones i said they had to be gas because dogs don't drink kool-aid and they had dogs dead laying with their feet up in the air you see and if you had drunk cyanide you would be convulsing but not laying straight but what they're doing is saying that we're going to kill a thousand of them and see how they react let's see we'll kill 40 they don't react right let's see i killed two thousand in haiti and telling us they have no reaction are you all with me these are experimental testing see what they do have resuscitated and having them repeat gangster and thug and [ __ ] and hope and [ __ ] they're saying those are terms of endearment either we have to give the sister the seniors mission accomplished mission tournament one you see so we have to think how how can we start valuing ourselves see when people are working see if you turn on your tv in the morning you're getting fight fight white white fight fight fight blonde white women white black white white fight fight fight quiet quiet quiet fight fight fight fight quite quite white see and then anderson cooper can come on cnn and have the little children a little three-year-old white child how many of you saw those programs yes it's too bad the audience didn't see it because they gave little white children a strip with colored faces on it you know like white face little tan face all the way to a black face three-year-old white child which child is stupid without hesitation the black child which child is ugly which child is bad without a moment's hesitation and then they did the same thing with some black children beautiful little children which child is ugly black which child is dumb and stupid black seeing both parents a white parent and oh we don't know how those are just primary lessons in the system of racism white supremacy and all you have to do is put a child in front of the television and they learn the lesson not to mention conversation that might go on in the household about isn't that girl purdy now was she crystal black no no see as the vibe fell my back is turned because i see we have to get in touch with the truth see little black babies the day they're born the family goes to the hospital they're looking through the glass the nurse says this one is your uh uh no that must be a mistake no that check the bracelet again what does the system teach if you're black [Music] see i can do this in london and if you're playing see now this is just color-coded white genetic survival because the more genetic power you have your skin is crystal black a next lesser level of melanin production so-called brown slide red in there and yellow white is not at all and so it stands to reason if the system is about white genetic survival dark has to be out so parents bring the little children to the psychiatrist dr welsing my daughter says she's going to kill herself because the boys say she's too dark to date are you all with me see we have to cure if we're going to have any response going this way we have to cure color sickness just embrace yourself just say this is fascinating i tell my patients don't say i'm stupid just say this is interesting this behavior that i have is fascinating the behavior is just coming from what the system is granted 24 7 non-stop for its genetic survival see teach them to hate themselves and then all we have to do is bring some drugs in well first we have to have unemployment see now it costs forty five thousand fifty thousand dollars to maintain one black man in prison for a year why couldn't he be paid forty-five thousand dollars take care of himself a wife and two children oh no we would rather have him locked up learn how to be a lady are you all with me the person doesn't have to feel bad no a system is operating on us that we don't have a clue about but we can begin to understand where there is no vision of people will perish where there's no understanding the people who perish so we have to make up our minds that wait a minute we better understand this because just like hitler said i don't care about their religion talking about semi to the jewish religion read hitler minecon he said i don't care about their religion i'm killing them because they're not white see we got a whole lot of black people who miscegenated and could pass for white that's what the semites of the jewish religion they came out of north africa but if you move up into europe and you miscegenate we got a lot of black people i think i'm gonna have a baby by a white man because it's gonna give my child a better chance anybody hear that before we know all about that so they had the same process going they thought they were in you see but germany's economy websites does that sound familiar and when everybody is shaking and nervous adolf hitler came on the scene so what we're going to do is go we're going to kill him i'm going to kill 11 million was the number he set for himself he succeeded in killing 6 million see six minutes you ever start wondering where the people who are moved out with gentrification where are they where are they going out of sight out of mind and if we are in a state of not caring about ourselves we won't even raise the question see we will not raise the question because what i don't care about myself i don't like the way i look it's okay if i'm dead so what it's not about frightening it's about seeing i say this that the creator of the universe made black people the first people i'm not talking about a monkey the first human beings the first people to know about family life the first people to know about god the first people to know about mathematics philosophy architecture engineering and the creator said i made you the parents of everybody on the planet so i think that the creator in a certain sense is okay i'm gonna test them i'm gonna have them taken through hell and let me see whether they will rise up with what i made them to be we are the parents of everybody including white people all we have to do is have a mutation to albinism and that's why it's a passage in the bible the sons of god saw the daughters of man and they were fair meaning the sons of god the crystal black people saw the daughters that were mutations from man and they were fair what does fear mean what see this is like i gave a lecture in new hampshire a long time ago and i told the white people i said you know maybe we owe you all an apology we black people say maybe we were the first child abusers because we are the first people how many people are reading the articles that are coming out of africa about how black people are treating the albino mutants mistreatment right so here's the huge continent of africa here's the mediterranean here are these little tiny countries of europe human life began right in this parish these are crystal black people but for some reason some albino mutants were produced and we chase them out and i say that's the book of genesis adam and eve were in the garden of eden they ate the forbidden fruit and became ashamed of their nakedness see doctors even now try to you know some abnormality comes about one of the first things we want to ask the mother what did you eat did you eat the forbidden fruit so the albino mutants were pushed out and directly north of africa is what europe so they were pushed down up here and thousands of years they collected collected collected formed a big group and then what did they do they came back home and got the mothers and fathers who rejected them and took them west to america and said now you're going to take care of the white people put that little black baby in a box out in the field and you're going to nurse this white baby and he's going to take care of us without charge and then western culture history said that western civilization began where come on class you don't want to read greece rome and the founders of brown and remus and what were they doing so romulus and remus had to suckle on a wolf they meant that means they are foster children are you all with me and then what do romulus and rhema start a culture that says what see the wolf is a canine the dog is a canine and the culture says the dog is man's best friend the dog is treated better than the black people are you all with me see and if anybody has any experience with psychiatrists sees this all the time let's say a child is given up by the parent and so you know the fantasy is that one day the mother and child will get back together and they will embrace and live happily ever after but that's not what happens there may be an initial embrace and then what is the child's response going to be angry you gave me up and so and so and so on and anger and hurt and mistreatment father so i say you know maybe this is the whole story and so what do we do we apologize to the white people and say but now since you set up this system of injustice we're going to stop it so this is not going to continue because this is not the way that we can have peace on this planet and we are the parent people of the planet and we are going to take our parental responsibility because i can see the creator sitting up he she combination of both maybe saying hey i made you all the first people on the planet i gave you everything nobody is more than you so don't call on me [Music] i don't want to hear i want to see whether you are in touch i hear that black people are the most religious people are we in touch see are we in touch you know even the white people say what the most powerful thing in the universe is what a black hole and now they discovered the thing that holds it all together is dark matter now i say that if if we are hating black see we need to review george washington carver black man crystal black mate he said he would go out early in the morning when it was quiet and the plants would talk to him and tell them tell him what they could do see this pigment black is a superior absorber of energy everything is energy everything is energy what if these cells that we wish we could get rid of oh god give me some more bleach what if the creator is saying i gave you they say scientists say the melanocyte that produces this black pigment is the second most sophisticated cell in the human body second only to the best b-e-t-z cells that are in the cerebral cortex that we think with and we can't stand god please make me white dr welsing please create a pill that if i take on monday it'll turn what is mommy's favorite color of a person what is daddy's favorite color a little child will tell us what we think is beautiful and so you just use that not to shame yourself you just use it as a corrective you say this is fascinating how i've been programmed under racism white supremacy this is absolutely fascinating so do you all follow what i'm saying yes people who classify themselves as white are not going to deliver us and the question is whether we care enough about ourselves to deliver us well let me stop and let you all ask some questions [Applause] whoever has questions i want to make it as ordinary as possible um if anything if you're close to this side make a line here at the second row and over here and make a line from the second row whoever has questions that they would like to document the answer and we're gonna do one side each all right i'm starting on this side [Music] real loud [Music] all right everybody we gotta we gotta get some order here so she can get the uh so my question for dr wilson is do you what do you feel about do you believe that black women are being used strategically as a tool like with the color girls not just the movie but also the clay uh the color purple waiting to exhale a lot of black women in literature in particular who are respected by black people do you believe that we're being used as a tool to criminalize and to demonize and to destroy black men well say as long as we do not understand the system we will be tools of the system whether we're male or whether we're feeling if you see in other words black women don't have anything to do with white people making strategic decisions we don't have to worry about the women do you see the in other words if we control the men and destroy the men the women will also perish in the process you see so it looks on the surface and then it's like if we don't understand racism white supremacy where the sister will say give that woman a job and pay her more than you pay him first of all that's going to create tension in the household you see now a lot of times a man will say it doesn't matter to me if she makes more money but his manhood in this system is intact you see so dissension will begin to go forward and he might even subconsciously she makes more i don't really feel like a man how can i feel like a man i gotta have another woman two women three or four children to give me proof that i am a man so then we end up with total chaos in terms of what's happening to all of us you see so it's white supremacy that is making the decisions and we are victims of it you see but they will use that in other words whether it's precious type of fairy or any of the colored girls all of these images just go out and look at these people see a reporter called me from scandinavia and somebody gave her my name and she said dr wilson do black people realize these images and these movies are going all over the world and influencing how people think about black people and see hitler understood i'm getting ready to kill the jews so i'm going to use the magazines the newspapers and the movies to make negative images of them build up that image in the mind of the people the german people so when i'm killing them everybody will be thinking good riddance of rubbish you see people looking at the images of us do you see whether it's music videos all that trashy behavior i'm suffering we have been reduced to trash and somebody from the outside looking at it my god look at those people they don't deserve jobs they don't deserve health care they don't need education [Applause] he's going to record the answer if you don't mind because this is for us don't worry about it all right all right good um shy pacheco hamilton from facebook asks she said to ask you what do you think about suicide rates rising among black youth why not see it's like if you see some of these male children that have what i call father hunger they want their father so badly i was just talking to a gentleman who's a social worker on thursday night and he was talking about a child who's acting up in school and he said that you know of course the parents are not married and the father promises to come but he doesn't come and that hurts the child to his soul i don't care what the mother is doing the mother is not a man this is not in other words we are victimized as a people and to the extent as nealy fuller said if you don't understand white supremacy racism what it is and exactly how it works exactly how it works it's attack on black people in general and black men in particular for white genetic survival do you see so it's not about blaming ourselves it's like trying to find the courage to look at white supremacy finding the courage to say to white supremacy we're afraid of you we're afraid to focus on you i mean that gets a whole lot of mileage we are afraid i'm afraid i gave a lecture in london and the people have been raising sand about me coming so i'm standing in front of this audience and i said let me say this first of all i'm afraid of you all i don't know what you might try to do to me oh no no oh don't worry guys i'm saying but we should say no we're afraid of you what's the history should the native american people be afraid yes yes we're afraid lynching castration beating justifiable homicide why wouldn't a sane person be afraid so if we start saying that they'll start saying well what are you going to do we don't know we're too afraid right this minute [Music] but we're trying to face reality appreciate it okay all right my question is my question is it's a little bit off the topic but it's based on poster management and how black women think of men black males lazy they don't want to work you know they're not the father they're supposed to be they're not protected of a black woman they're not providing for the black woman they can't sustain a family to call them out their names they want to be pimps is this because generations of generations not being able to protect and provide because you couldn't because you had a weapon to your head to watch your mother your daughter being slaved and raped repeatedly but you couldn't lash out that you feel now that you feel more as a man by dominating another black man but you won't dominate a white man because you could dominate a white man you couldn't look him in the eyes but they never gave you therapy to say you're free but i'm gonna sit you down and tell you why you act the way you act because you wasn't a man before you was a boy that was a european word for adolescent you never evolve into a man that's three-fifth of you know so the reason why a lot of black men have a problem they not understanding my question is how can you make the black woman understand why the black man at the way yeah let me just say this again the black woman is not the black man's problem thank you [Applause] do you understand what i'm saying i want the black men to understand this well in other words we gotta like embrace ourselves [Applause] and then let's get down to understanding you remember some of the cowboy old cowboy movies and it would be somebody like gary cooper or john wayne and he's telling the woman she's don't go don't go i've got to go and fight the indians you stay home i hope i get back yeah but if i don't i'm taking care of business now i'm not see i'm not talking about black men going out and finding a white man to kick now it's about understanding what is being done by the white collective see black men need to if i could wave another magic wand say no we're gonna work see we we want jobs we want a job see but you can train people if you have several generations of mothers going to work and coming home and feeding male children and that male child will grow up and ask a woman what kind of job do you have see now this is this is just tactics and strategy on this side of the board that we haven't been thinking about we haven't understood so then we quarrel with each other and as long as there's fear it's like the man on the job his boss kicks him he comes home and kicks the dog and picks his wife who's his problem the boss on the job do you see so this is where we have to get to you see the woman is not going to teach the man how to be a man you see what i'm saying and this is why i say that if black women would do their part our part would be you really are fine you really are good but 30 35 2 three see mary what if black women were saying not out of hatred this is not a game bringing children in the world thank you see this [Music] no we're men we're going to work see we are going to work but as long as the sex comes first do you see like this what do they say why pay for the cow and you can get it and so we don't have to feel bad these are patterns that we have fallen into not understanding what the structure process goal of the system is but it's like i can't say often enough black men stop focusing on the woman [Music] see stop folk you're my if it weren't for you i wouldn't have a problem it would be better if the black man said look i can understand i can understand your frustration because i'm not in a position to protect you defend you i can't protect myself i can't take care of any children now if we were all saying that was that this was not a war see nobody in afghanistan is jumping out of a foxhole over behind a rock and talking i gotta get some right see what i'm saying i mean we've gotta tighten up we've got to get into discipline if we are serious about ourselves see one of the secretaries of agriculture's name was butts years ago said all black people want now he said this in public it's tight [ __ ] loose shoes and a warm place to piss now he said it in public why because they had bred us to be that did you see not to stand on our feet because in other words i'm not going to let you be a man if i can help it so black people have to say no we're gonna be men now we and we're not gonna be wearing dresses and high-heeled shoes and earrings okay [Applause] so i'm asking why is it we don't have a clue if it's so obvious it's not in other words see imagine children in the first grade black children white children in school and the teacher says boys and girls good morning everyone we are in a system of racism white supremacy and this is how the system works the system is unfair to black and non-white children and it treats white children as though they are superior now then everybody starts understanding you see but what there is such a thing as mis-education yes it is see it's just like going all over africa and saying okay now here are your guns now i want you to fight these people over here they're your enemy and they don't have a clue so all over africa people are fighting and killing each other you see just like here all over after i teach you to hate yourself yes that's first i've got to teach you to hate yourself so when you look at your image you're saying i hate there's another one that looks like me yeah i'll kill him i'll kill her see so we've been miseducated for a purpose they're one-tenth of the people on the planet the only way that a minority can overcome a majority is divide and conserve and this is what they they are masters we could go around saying to the white people you are the masters they'll say what imagine being at a cocktail party with white people you're supposed to be acting like everybody's equal oh no master no i'm not your master you've got two degrees no you are the master you are running a masterful system we're just beginning to understand now one thing you will not be invited to another culture second part the second part is what role does um these planned parenthood clinics in the middle of the black community and even the saint francis emergency room and the fast food burger king what role does the duties play in the system white supremacy well let me just start at this end that they have chemicals perhaps you've heard about bisphenol the chemicals that are in plastics and in baby bottles that will turn a male into a female [Music] now if you had this problem would you put it in a big mac if you could yes did you see what i'm saying or any anything else it's like we need to focus on the fact we've got an epidemic of a feminization of black man even the pediatricians are noticing it but afraid to talk about it see we ought to be saying wait a minute wha what is going on here that's just like hiv aids see they could be doing saturation in the 80s i was in london and if you turned on the television you would see commercial after commercial get tested get tested get tested get tested they don't have any mass movement to test people here they can test everybody in the prison testing when they come out no why should i why would i make a biological weapon if i don't want it deployed and if i deploy it i'm not going to pull it back i've got a purpose you see so black people ought to be saying hiv is biological warfare until proven otherwise if you're going to have sex decide you're going to have self-respecting safe sex do you see or have you been tested yes yes see but it's like if my brain has been reduced to i'm a dog and i'm a hoe and i'm a [ __ ] why should i be tested it doesn't feel the same or why should i use a condom meaning i don't care if i die i don't deserve to live see like they were saying in nazi germany about the semites of the jewish religion life unworthy of life life unworthy of life we have been conditioned to feel that about ourselves and to step into i don't care which is programming in the system so i hope that answers [Applause] reading is more repeat after me reading reading is more important i get on trains every day to do my poetry my question is this how can i we wake people up with your messages when most of our people throw up 20 foot walls close their ears in their minds and i see this every single day when i get on the trains and everything and i'll get in the train of cards and everything and like there's always like a small a certain amount of percentage that always gives me and i'm gonna like they'll you know acknowledge and everything like that you know but um how do we make people want to ingest the truth you know any suggestions if you have any advice yes see how do we relate to one another yeah and like the church says whosoever will let him come not whoever i can bang over the haters right you see so somebody says look i don't want to hear anything about racism that crazy dr wilson i don't want to hear it you see that say that's okay that's okay do you see it if you don't get anybody to listen you write your poetry right do you see what is you know people say to me dr welsing i heard you 20 years ago and i knew you were crazy it was 20 years later then they'll say now i understand you see what i'm saying so no we have to embrace ourselves and we have to embrace one another and let me just say the stops nearly fuller these are stops stop name calling one another thank you stop stop gossiping about one another stop squabbling with one another yes stop cursing one another stop snitching on one another yes stop being discourteous and disrespectful to one another stop robbing one another stop stealing from one another stop fighting one another and stop killing one another yes now i've added some to it stop using and selling drugs to one another see because the thing that they're bringing out now is medical marijuana now that's going to say to every young black person oh this is medicine but we won't have a clue as to what's in it and they had a two-hour long program on tv they got a black couple who are one of the chief manufacturers see that's to suck us in yeah so please be careful so stop using and selling drugs to one another stop making black children think that as children they can be adequate mothers and fathers stop pretending that racism white supremacy does not exist stop throwing down trash where black people live work and play yes if you're willing to live around trash that's right you're thinking of yourself as trash every black person needs to get a phd in broome stud [Applause] stop allowing racism white supremacy divided black brown red and yellow people okay [Applause] my name all is i'm a um college student i'm a double major africana studies in anthropology and i just wanted to say that when i'm in classes it's the disrespect level from the teachers like they want i sit in the front you know where i dress up you know i raise my hand the non-acknowledgement and even this could relate to a job what do you suggest that we do in order to deal with that because sometimes it makes you feel like it made me feel reminiscent of religion just the emasculation that happened well you know it's like if you read our history there are black people who have integrated schools and they made black people sit behind the screen yes you see you were not allowed to be in the same space with whites see now if you have in your mind they're supposed to like me they're supposed to accept me as opposed to i understand racism white supremacy you see and the teacher is doing his or her best to discourage me to make me give up like they did study some time ago where they found out you know a little black child let's say he's seven years old and he's got the answer and he's raising his hand like that and the teacher just keeps ignoring and then come down and he is despondent because he thinks now imagine you see if you go into class and say well this is interesting this teacher is acting like they think of me as the enemy well i understand fear of white genetic annihilation so i'm just going to sit here do my best to pass the exams and come out and help black people [Applause] [Music] the more i become myself the more i'm conscious of white supremacy it's like i feel like the world is against me now because i'm trying to awaken my people around me what did you do when he was going through it because i was seeing you at around my knees and now i'm i feel like i'm an issue at that time but now you're in 2010 where the consciousness of black youth is not the same so it's now it's like it looks like i'm the crazy one to think in a certain way and trying to change the youth and i have like teachers like god said making me feel like i'm wrong for speaking from my own experiences in life what did you do to humble yourself from being angry or rational because like i get into battles with these teachers or people and i'll tell myself that's not the way but i feel like and i'm very respected to like i speak to them the way i should but i still feel like at the end of the day i'm the one that's cast out and put to the side like i don't know what i'm having to do well see in other words we are in a war and if you don't understand you're in a war you why are these bullets coming at me you see no you gotta really understand i would say to patients sometimes because they would be complaining about discrimination on a job and i say you've got to have in your mind that the clothes that you're wearing might as well be battle fatigue you see you're going into the war zone and you are being you know if you're not being promoted if you don't have the right salary and all that stuff that goes on like the young man was talking about this is what happens in the system of racism white supremacy it's not a system of justice you see so you may have to pick your battles but the most important thing you have to decide i value myself that's right you see and i say self-respect is sort of like the armor of god yes it is did you see that you have to value yourself and that's why when they were running all that negative imagery at us it's weakening our armor of self-respect you see so you have to just understand the process of the war and decide that you are going to be self-respecting and patient i gave a lecture at a hospital one time and i'm talking about racism white supremacy so a white doctor got up and he said uh you're paranoid and i just smiled and so then a black person got up and said he said you're paranoid and you just smile i said no he gave me a compliment he said i understand racism white supremacists they said i'm saying the system doesn't acknowledge itself right it's not going to validate you see if they acknowledge that their whole system was fear white genetic annihilation their thing will be washed up tomorrow yes do you see so they're not going to acknowledge and see the more they ignore you and the more you practice being calm and self-assured like during the vietnam war i used to look at the woman on tv who was not the north vietnamese negotiator madam ben and she was so calm and i used to wonder you know her people are being really ward physical war against and she's just calm and i used to say i want to be just like madame [ __ ] you see where you know what the war is and you can stand up and talk about it without yelling and screaming now is it difficult you see but it's like you have to everybody has to find out what is my purpose what am i supposed to be doing on this planet all right what am i supposed to be doing as the mothers and fathers of everybody on this planet [Applause] good evening the question is this if um the story of remorse and wrongless is true and they are children um is it also true that they have less active strains of dna than we do to what i understand they have only six and we have nine well see let's not just focus on what they don't have right because whatever they don't have they're standing on us this is it i'm saying and so what you want to look at is what are they doing what are they doing to us now what is our counter strategy right you see because of the things just like saying you are genetically inferior in terms of intelligence you see or you're a minority when they're the minority right you see so all that stuff what we have to understand is what is it that they're doing and why are they doing it they're doing it to genetically survive but if we say you know it's like i'll say white people are smarter than we are now that usually doesn't go down well with black people you see but what are you saying i mean that's like whatever football team is your favorite team and if they lost do you see what i'm saying you say they lost they lost see the fact that somebody is smart people who are standing on you are smarter than you are right at that moment in time because you haven't figured out how to get them off exactly so if we just went around saying you white people are really smart you don't have to say smart ems you say you are smart you are you all are smart you all are seen follow you are a tiny minority on the planet and you're controlling the whole planet now you make them want to go home did you see what say you're smart we haven't figured out how to checkmate you yet yes but we're thinking about it as a matter of fact we are putting partying on the side like a young man who's in law school in florida called me up and he said dr wilson the black students are failing their courses but they're doing the step in law school staffing see it's like we have been led into foolishness and he said the asian students are looking at him what in the world are they doing why aren't they in the library yes see so it's a whole lot of things we got to examine that were okay when we were not thinking about victimization see we can give up singing and dancing we got phds in that we got phds and foolishness do you see what i'm saying that what we don't have phds in is getting people off of our backs right you see we don't have phds and behavior that reflects that we respect ourselves and that's what we got to go after okay [Applause] [Music] i um a sister of mine told me that you were in town and you you should your ear should be ringing because i mentioned your name all the time i have followed you since the days of first woman and from then until now um everything that you have said has come to pass um it's unfortunate but it has um i heard a tape of yours a while back and i remember you stating that what is going on with us could have started even biblically and i am in theology school right now and it has and even before that um right now i live in brooklyn i'll just say this to everybody and i live in flatbush and it seems as though to me it's like a genie has just come out of a bottle and all the negativity that we have learned for whatever thousands of years is just you know just coming forth and i guess my question to you in one way is why that's the first question the second thing is that um like you said before we get into the intellect i mean it's nice to be educated but we keep looking and comparing about we're smarter and they're smarter and at this point it's neither here nor there to me to me it's like you said it's a question of self-respect and finding out why we're on this planet and on doing the creators work um something else i was gonna say to you and i can't remember but i'm so thankful that you're here i'm so thankful that you that have continued to say the same thing i told my friend one of the things that i have found with you all the time that you have been always able to get your message of course without using curse words and i personally have a problem with that because i say that if in the beginning was the word and the word was and the word was good then i think that when we're communicating with each other in terms of lectures that there is no need to go into that white supremacy mode i mean i think you've been around long enough and we've discussed in terms of the language the ms and all the other words that go along with it that we should try to alleviate that i mean i don't use the word but my favorite word at home is aws and every time i use it there's a jar that i have to put adoption okay so um again i um thank you so much and one last thing you mentioned somebody mentioned about reading i read a book on dickens it was on crime and education i was reading it online and i'm just curious to know it's like a script when you read it about the educational system that went on in england during his time it's like a script that is being done right here within the board of it and my question is why um is that and i just want to hope for that [Applause] possibly about the education system in different times do you see where they had classes and they were you know economic classes and interested in holding certain people locked in their lower class so they don't get an education to see why should you educate people that you want to hold down down or hold into a pressure you see the people have to like black people did in formal enslavement where you could be killed if you tried to learn how to read did you see but people learned how to read on a dirt floor or they snuck and tried to find ways to learn how to read did you see but now we have the programming has become more what should we say intensified and sophisticated so we have young people saying if you're trying to learn you're acting white you see which means that black people we are stupid and we are supposed to be stupid and the white people are supposed to be white i'm supposed to be quite supposed to be smart you see so again it's understanding if you understand the system that's like if a doctor understands the disease then the symptoms are placed within the framework of understanding the disease the doctor who's just running after the symptoms is doing poor medicine but thank you very much [Applause] [Music] i thank you for being you and all the work that you have done over the years and your contribution it is really important most important i will say because many of us are stumbling blind under the western domination without realizing it and searching for answers and continue to search for answers and continue to have questions no one other than yourself with the exception of a maybe i can compliment one hand that has given us explanation to whiteness and why that and why am i overqualified to get a job or why i'm not just getting a job i just didn't understand and you yourself i've been funny for at least 10 years you yourself and others have made that abundantly clear and i want to thank you for that and i would also like to say that one of the reasons for um white survival not white supremacist although it's part you know although they complement each other is the fact that um scientifically the caucasian race cannot reproduce the offspring to the rate of a black queen so this is another angle and another reason for the white supremacy um yeah mike um one one of the questions is a short statement then a question i would like to say that we as the people don't owe them an apology for nothing why because going back when they were in africa as albino genetic mutants before they were cast out they were cast up because they misbehaved so this is the reason why they were cast out in the first place because we had no system or society for jails and things like that so i just i just wanted to say that and there's so much more but time is of the essence and i thank you we must thank touch you know in our society there are children born who are deformed and have various severe abnormalities and right here we push push them away we put them in institutions do you see so just like in africa today do you see the albino mutants might not be doing anything but we're saying something is wrong with you and you don't look right see it's nothing wrong with apologizing right you see somebody might be able to come up with a cure for albinism any black person in this room could have an albino mutant offspring all right did you see so it's like you instead of being afraid like the people in some of the african countries think that the albinos have power now of course being under white supremacy they do have do you see them saying they have power you got white people running over to rescue them and everything and so white represents power in a system of white supremacy so it's nothing i tell parents you know sometimes parents do things to hurt children yes and adult might come to the psychiatrist's office and i say you know they're talking about the abuse and the kinds of things that the parents said and i said will your parent come in will your parents come in not so the doctor can throw a vase at them but to say this hurts your child could you apologize as the parent do you see can you say i am your parent i brought you in the world you didn't have a say about it and so if i have hurt you in any way i'm going to apologize to you or i'm going to sit silently and listen to you tell me how i hurt you because i'm your parent i brought you in this world and my shoulders are broad enough to hear your criticism you see and that helps the person begin to heal because it's wounding this i mean that's just you know humility and ain't nothing wrong with being able to say i'm sorry i made a mistake you see we could say we knew you were going to raise all this happening you see but that the first time i did it i thought that the white people were just going to go into because i said obviously you think we are your kin which is why you have aunt jemima feeding you uncle ben's feeding you do you see you got oprah [Laughter] she's the wealthiest lady in the entertainment world yes she is she telling to come and tell tell us tell me blessings doctor thank you for being here uh you have you have nine um yes and i heard recently that you added attempt health no it is well uh maybe i'm misunderstood but could you just explain how health i mean it's obvious because you explain your voice how health plays a big part see how you can put the nine areas of activity economics education entertainment labor law politics religion sex at war and so when stuff is going wrong in any of those areas of activity that impacts the well-being of the person you see the stress in economics the stress in education the stress with unjust laws all of that is impacting health so health doesn't have to be a separate area of activity okay that's my opinion yes first and foremost i would like to um i'm very nervous i am so honored to be in your presence because this is my first time hearing about you i just recently learned about your works and i listen to your video tapes and everything and i'm beginning to understand the situation but i also want to let the audience know that i brought my son here who was 21 years old and i told him if you can watch all of that foolishness on a television that you have to make time to come and see [Applause] [Music] you know somebody might say well how are you able to do what you do and you know what is in my mind i say because i had the parents that i had see because i had the grandparents that i had my paternal grandfather was a physician in chicago he died in 1909 and my father uh who's now deceased but at some point much later he gave me some written material that his father had written about and my grandfather had written how dare anyone think that they're superior because of the color of their skin thank you do you see now i never knew him and i ended up writing about racism and color when i wrote the crest theory i was sitting down talking to my father sitting at the dining room table and my father said okay i read the crush theory now you have to find out what's in the melon and i never would have thought that you see without my father guiding me in that direction so it's like i am extremely grateful that i had the parents that i had parents who were political do you see parents who would drive you know dragged us to hear paul rosen who would drag us to hear w.e.b du bois do you see we might be sound see my parents didn't say did you want to go no you are going to go and hear this you see you are going to take these courses in school because you need that in order to do thus and so so i'm just extremely grateful for the parents i mean you know you don't have anything to do with selecting them but i'm glad that i had the parents who were political people politically thinking people left-wing thinking people like richard wright wrote some of black boys in my godmother's house in chicago do you see so these are people who because of the way they were thinking they guided us to you know feel that we have a right one time the fbi cia was investigating me because i wrote a letter to the president and they killed the children in birmingham and so my mother called up and said you know the government people have been here questioning us and i said you know questioning my parents about my activity and so i asked my mother what did she say and my mother said she said i told them that we raised you to protest so what more can you add on that note you kind of like answered the question i was going to ask because myself as a parent of a six-year-old daughter um i didn't have that from my parents with the politics i only have parents of haitian descent so it's within their blood which transferred to me to open myself to the information to pass on to my daughter my mother she's more religious so i was always i would always be there because i never she never asked me do i want to go did i want to go to church i just had to go to church and i would sit there and it would always be so confusing to me so as i got older and i started reading and meeting different people who were giving me the information and reading your book my child now was in a school that was that was run by our people but they still held on to the traditions of the white supremacy and things that i tell her that are not productive for her and her melanin dominance and her role in this phase of everything so my question was she is now in a different school where it's still a situation where she's still trying to find herself i feel like everything that i'm giving to her she's looking at it as you're always talking about that stuff but this is what everyone else is doing but we are i tell her all the time you are in this world but you don't have to be of it you know but you have to kind of like find your way i know you're six years old but i'm gonna keep giving this information to you because one day it will make sense it will make sense because i know right now with your peers my current in our current environment is going to uh um feed for the children to still look a different in a different direction they're going to want yes that straight hair because she tells me i want my hair like this and i wanted to do this and drop like this no it's not going to happen like that honey um you have curly hair and it's just not going to happen oh well um and i did it the other day i took her into a um into one of these stores and i said well which doll grandma wants to get you a doll and she told me to bring you here so you can pick the doll there were three different shades i said which doll would you like and she didn't pick the um caucasian looking doll but she picked the kind of spanish looking one now the darkest one was in the middle i said well why didn't you pick that one oh okay i'll pick that one no you you chose that one for a reason because in the school that you attend these are the children that you see around you those are the children that get the attention those are the children that the boys kind of lean um towards you know to uh oh i like her because she has this kind of hair or this is her complexion so i wanted to know besides homeschooling what is the best way to kind of like teach your child in this um environment that we're currently in like what's kind of schooling like what besides homeschooling in other words i wouldn't know i wouldn't know a department of psychiatry to tell somebody to train in that is talking about racism white supremacy they don't exist do you see so it's like a lot of education gentle education you see not being upset with your daughter when she says i want the white one or i want the one that looks spanish see i would say just as a suggestion for next time that you said okay mama buy you the one that you select but i'm also going to buy you the one that mom thinks is most beautiful do you see so i want you to have this because mother thinks this is absolutely beautiful but not being shocked or surprised because the children have taken in what the culture is teaching you see i tell children who might be engaged in sexual activity they see two things if not more but one thing i mean all you can do is look at movies and listen to music and look at you know this is sex xxxxxxxxxxx sexy and i say because white people are unhappy if they're unhappy with their appearance you will be unhappy about the act that produced you that goes also for us you see all the negative things that people can have to say about the act that we should have the highest level of respect for you see but not be surprised when the children internalize the culture we're not surprised if everybody in the house speaks english we don't say how did the child learn how to speak english because that's what's being spoken in the house you see but there's a lot of education that has to go on in the home and i will repeat you see the education of the child begins before the sperm meets the egg that's right you see because that's engaging in whether there's going to be respect for the thing that is the product of that activity do you see it if i'm playing with sex the joke is on the offspring okay [Applause] and i was introduced to the isis papers in 2006. and this is what my first thing was oh my god how do i understand why why people hate it so much because i couldn't figure it out okay so you gave me an answer that it was something but at least my hands are kind of answered so thank you for thanking neely also my second thing was this woman has courage to write this you know to stand up and speak and share this information so i have a couple of products what i also want to thank you for having your courage it will affect these brothers for holding the space and creating this space one thing that you said that i wanted you to comment on you said white people have they're smart and i've always said they're brilliant but on the other hand the other night i was on the train to do a spiritual service and i said to myself if i had the courage i would write a book and call it the predator race because that race of people is willing to destroy everything and through the planet everybody i mean i don't think that there's any group of people that i've read about who was more willing to kill everybody and everything in sight and i think that's part of the problem that we're facing i do think that we are now killing each other but not at the level of like the arabs now are beginning to understand what we've been dealing with and so are the you know the people that are doing you know so so okay that's the question that what do we do you talk about the fear when you're dealing with the race of people who would want to destroy everything including the planet and the other thing is i was surprised to find out that whites wanted to have you lecture to them uh speak to them what is that all about no it's like the places where i have encountered white people is when i've been invited by black people wow see it might be a black student union or something like that cause you talk about the fear which is something you see oh that person those people they can they can hurt me they can hurt me make me disappear you're saying so yes they're going to buy anything that they can cook up with their brain computers it's just like people who feel inadequate will manifest that in greed you see i feel deficient so i have to have all the oil all the gold all the minerals all the like all the people all that because i'm feeling it okay so i have to look at this inaudible see in other words we have fear because we have been brutalized by racism white supremacy you see but self-respect helps you get over and get over fear so at some point my self-respect outweighs my fear like sometimes people say how do you get the courage to do that i'm more afraid if i understand something and understand the plight that we are in as a people i'm more afraid to not share it that i am afraid of what can happen to me [Applause] yes i wanted to first start off with the common uh compliment rather of self-respect that i learned from you and then that's going to kind of segue into my question i first read the isis papers keys to the colors back in 1996 and i think prior to reading that book i was functionally illiterate i had never picked up a book or read anything i managed to graduate high school but in hindsight i'm not sure how but when i read your book not only did it give me self-respect but it was it really encouraged me to want to grow as a person to want to learn in order to be able to effectively make changes since that time i'm at nyu now working on my second master's degree my question is at nyu at that uh at uh the lower part of manhattan i mean there's a real disconnect between african americans i mean you can barely get a higher bot from blacks on the campus where do you think we are in terms of self-hate and what can we do as individuals to kind of offset that self-hate that we have amongst each other you know when i was in college at antioch and uh yellow springs ohio and i graduated in 57 and integration that like i was the only black girl in my class so integration at that point was one black girl one black guy so there might have been six or eight black students on the campus and nobody would speak dc because everybody was afraid if i'm friendly with another black person the white people don't like because they can deal with one at a time but we have i mean you know no we've been damaged every time you turn on the tv every time you go to the movies every time you go to a play every time you listen to music most of it is damaging to us it's not telling us we need to embrace another we need to love ourselves and embrace one another so if you understand i'm not taking personally the fact that they won't speak i'll just keep trying but i won't make a nuisance of myself but i'm open to see i'm not i understand i understand why i might have the weaknesses that i have and i understand the weaknesses that they and keep pursuing those degrees [Applause] sisters about um because i feel that education is one of the most powerful ways i feel that education is one of the most powerful ways that we brainwash our people because you know our children are brainwashed from such an early age um so my question is i work in a school middle school i'm a counselor at a middle school the population is 199 percent of black children teachers are on the majority like i find myself feeling like i'm perpetuating the same system that um that i'm perpetuating the same system that i'm telling the children to to question so my question is how do i i feel like if i'm not there in this school they won't have anybody to teach them the truth music blackfield yes i've tried educating teachers i've done a workshop to help the teachers understand the black experience and so my question is how do i i guess how do i work within the system well you may in other words a system is not necessarily going to be open to you teaching black children to have respect for themselves you see but if you have any leeways like it just came to my mind as you were talking langston hughes i believe it was langston hughes corn little brown baby not paul on denver a little brown baby with sparkling eyes come to your daddy and sit on his knees you see so you are looking for i'm gonna be looking for things that i can read to these children i'm going to be looking for pictures that i can put on the bulletin board that are positive images of children i used to be clinical director of a school in a mental health clinic called paul robeson center for growth and development now why paul rosen because he excelled in sports he was a you know intellect he was so you can you know you can make bulletin boards and show children and i believe in asking children everybody every child in school the teacher ought to say sweetheart what do you want to do when you're all grown you see what do you want to become and emphasizing you can be anything that you want to be if you're willing to work hard now that's you know you're not maybe not going to be able to tell them about racism white supremacy but you can say you're beautiful you're black and you're beautiful you see i love the way you look you see as opposed to yanking on somebody i mean you can get on the bus or maybe the train and see what races and white supremacy has done you know get over here you see yanking and screaming there and pulling on children and calling them out of their names as opposed to sweetheart let me embrace you let me help you learn the understanding i'm saying or learn how to speak to them in a calm caring voice so the child really begins to sense this person cares about me [Applause] i think you kind of answered the question a bit but i still want to ask him educating our children at this point you know about racist white supremacy and all and all of these things is almost a violent act now it's perceived as a violent act and institutions such as acs child welfare they'll remove your child from the home if they if they're found saying these things how do i know this recently there was an incident in my daughter's school i was talking to a parent who was educating her i think it was her seven-year-old son about what this was and what was happening and i guess report time came he's in school he wants to do the report about malcolm x and stokely carmichael the teacher adamantly refuses he needs to choose george washington or lincoln the boy refuses to do the situation starts talking about my mommy said this is racist and this is the other sends the child to the guidance counselor next thing you know swarm of acs caseworkers are involved you know in intruding upon the person's home finding out if there's evidence of neglect or what or you're spreading racist propaganda with the child this is mental abuse exactly so now even educating your children about what they're going to be encountering okay it's not it's a violent act that will have your children taken from you well you see again like their ways of thinking through and doing things you see you don't set a child up to go to school and be disrespectful to the teachers do you see like sometimes a student you know could be high school i mean a college or a graduate school student who said dr welsing i want to use your material in my thesis and i said check with your instructor see in other words you are there to get credentials so that you can come out and do something the system is you know it's like i was told i couldn't have promotion in tenure at howard university college of medicine you see because of that paper you wrote okay redeem the christ he didn't even know the name of it you see i subsequently heard oh the federal government made them do that where's the money coming from do you see so no you just say oh this is interesting now um mom teaches this at home if you find a teacher you could as a parent you can go up to the school and ask politely can my child write about student in carmichael do you see would they get a passing or you know a a-class well no we don't really want [Music] you want george washington fine we write about george washington and we can write about stokely carmichael and malcolm x at home thank you [Applause] a lot a large population we all know is in jail a large population of the men that we need i'm saying to fight this war so i think we should be like going more into into getting that info man because the brothers in there right when they in there at this point you know they're not you know you're more conscious i think we should be pushing harder now so when they come home hope for the kids you know the activists and people like yourself and people like me well first of all i'll share with you something that neely fuller says do everything that you can possibly do to stay out of greater confinement you see in other words that's not set up to be anything that is positive so that if somebody fails to master that lesson see in other words it's like it's like sometimes people think oh i'm going against the system using and selling drugs you're not going against the system the system puts that there for you [Music] the system puts that there they got a step by step take his father out of the home right cause him to be depressed cause him to use crack cocaine heroin to deal with the depression he doesn't know he's depressed and street treating depression okay then he will break the law and then i will have him in the concentration camp prison they got it all set up so nobody you're not outsmarting him you're outsmarting him when you say i gotta do everything just stay out of that i got to do everything i can to get a maximum education you see but if i happen to get in there give me some books a lot of places they won't let you have books you see but what you can do is have some code well this is an opportunity for me to practice no cursing no name calling you see those are exercises in black mental health and black self-respect instead of the exact opposite see even if people just said instead of all that you know they see those tv programs lock up do you see and all the yelling and streaming that goes on people just practice you know we're gonna be real quiet again we're going to be real quiet it's not going to be any yelling and screaming there's not going to be any name calling it's not going to be any discourtesy and disrespect people can get in small groups and say you know we gotta practice mental health in spite of the fact that they want to harm our mental health but if we engage in certain behavioral practices we will be improving our mental health in spite of what they're hoping is going to happen you see we have to do everything we possibly can to maintain gender identity you see we have to struggle to not have our gender transformed see which is a struggle for manhood you see it's all a part of strategic encountering you're seeing if michael jordan can fly don't tell me we can't do what we make up our minds [Music] [Applause] thank you everybody thank you all right everybody we have the dvd for this lecture for sale it's twenty dollar secret minister clemson brown also i got to make the announcement bobby jimmy will be here january 16 2011 and sunday also brother brown my man from true south books at 492 notionality between halsey and hancock go check the brother out he's a beautiful brand new for you tonight january 16th right here oh come on go out and support the vendors