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the question is how much of ourselves will we give away to the technology they want to make this a policy to implant all newborns with computer chips to make them more competitive in business and so that they can be more successful in life so the people that are proposing these they're techies and all they're saying is we're going to we're going to push this technology as far as we can as fast as we can but this is how you lose a species in one one generation they say one of the things one of our flaws is human intimacy the need the only way we exist well what they're saying is when a man and a woman come together to create a new life it's imperfect because we never know the exact outcome through the technology we have now you can determine the hair color the eye color the IQ so why not just do that why take the chance on on something this is where this thinking is going Danica I'm sitting in Arizona and it never rained here but it's raining forever I look at the skies when it's a beautiful sunny day and I see Chemtrails all over the place and I want to get into this sort of sphere of like global warming geoengineering Chemtrails emfs the other day there was clouds that were absolutely frequency clouds they aren't natural like that I feel like and so I want to talk about that I want to talk about transhumanism Consciousness since somebody just got up Uplink to neurolink and then kind of just generally how we approach that you know I love that that quote from Buck Mr Fuller that you always mention which I feel like is at the end of zeitgeist maybe they put it at the end of that movie you know a lot of people a lot of people are using it now yeah yeah yeah but it's and I fight this one too because I've kind of been drawn into this political world and by drawn in I mean called and I'm like man do I fight or do I I've always wondered do I just live my life how I want and not fight anything and keep it going so those are kind of the buckets I want to get to but you know I figured we'd start off with why in the world it's so rainy and awful and you are you are so up my alley today Greg and Dana take one here we go okay let's get into let's get into what's been on my mind a lot lately um I live in Arizona and it's been cloudy and it's raining and I mean even the West Coast has got a lot of weather right now but even in just like in Arizona it's always sunny here and I'll have a beautiful sunny day and then all of a sudden there's 20 Chemtrails in the and I'm like those are not contrails those evaporate these are chemtrails and just the other day I was leaving my house and I looked up and I was like what are those clouds they look like frequency clouds they have the whole sky was covered in these perfect even frequency clouds and just in general geoengineering and I just feel like I get so frustrated when I look up to the sky and I think how do I escape the control of government and corporations and and to some degree that's the one I feel like is so an escape capable it's Global it's in the sky where do I hide from that so what are they doing to us right now you discovered a lot of ground and you you ask a few questions so but let's let's begin I'm I'm a scientist and I feel like I am qualified perhaps more than a lot of people in my genre to talk about this because I'm a degreed geologist a lot of people are speaking from emotion uh I I am also a systems thinker that and I I think a lot of your guests are what that means is we tend to look at the the really big picture we Zoom wide to look at the context and then within that context we can we can zoom in on a nanc of our lives and find out what what that means so I'm going to begin with a context we are living a time there are multiple competing Visions for what our world and our lives should look like based upon multiple competing agendas for what our world and our lives should look like now that statement isn't really anything new because we've lived in a world that's always been that way what has changed is technology is now allowing those agendas and those Visions to to take on a new meaning in in our lives and there are two primary areas uh they're related but we can break these down for the purposes of conversation into into two uh two topics there is an effort to remake this planet and I can say that as as a geologist and I'll talk to you about why that is there is an effort to remake our humanness and I feel very very close to this uh and I for for a lot of reasons I think we're going to touch as as we get into this those the narratives that uh are needed to do both are now part of what is called fifth generational Warfare and I imagine maybe some of your guests have talked about this we are all casualties every one of us is a casualty of five gen Warfare what is what is five gen Warfare it is a Warfare that begins in the mind it is a psychological warfare uh that begins with the way we think and the way we see ourselves our relationship to ourselves our own bodies our relationship to other people our relationship to the world all around us Financial Warfare is a part of that mental Warfare is a part of that uh psychological warfare emotional Warfare uh and the events I I was just at the conference in your backyard we I was just in in your part of the world last weekend and people from all over the world came Dan and they can't believe that the events happening in our lives are purely spontaneous they're saying they used to believe that youed saying this isn't it interesting what a synchronicity all these things are happening at the same time this is by Design and uh and there's so many different ways of of looking at this what we know is we've all heard of the world economic Forum Davos meetings they began in 1971 and I've I've followed the WF most of my adult life they have a report that comes out every year uh it was on their View and what they think the world needs and it was always interesting but it was pretty benign because they had no way to implement their policies that changed in 201 2019 it's important to me that the supplements I take are the highest quality and that's why for two years I've been drinking ag1 unlike many supplement Brands ag1 is researched and developed by an in-house team of scientists doctors and nutritionalist with Decades of experience in their respective Fields so many people have asked me if ag1 is actually the real deal and trust me there's a reason why been drinking it every morning for so long quality for ag1 isn't just a buzzword it's a commitment backed by expert leading scientific research highquality ingredients industry-leading manufacturing and rigorous testing at each step of the process ag1 goes above and beyond industry standards I know I can trust what's in every single scoop of ag1 because of this meticulous process they go through taking care of my health shouldn't be complicated and ag1 simplifies this by covering my nutritional bases and setting myself up for success in just 60 seconds a1's ingredients are heavily researched for efficacy and quality and I love that every scoop also includes prebiotics probiotics and digestive enzymes for gut health I partnered with ag1 for so long because they make such high quality products that I genuinely look forward to drinking every single morning first thing in the morning so if you want to replace your multivitamin and more start with ag1 try ag1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D plus K2 and five free ag1 travel packs with your first subscription at drink pretty intense that's drink pretty intense check it out and a lot of lot of people don't know this in 2019 the world economic Forum signed a formal agreement with United Nations and the UN is now involved deeply in involved with uh a project that is called un sdg 2030 United Nations sustainable development goals 2030 they are for any viewers that may not be familiar with this these are 17 goals that were identified by the United Nations uh that they want to have accomplished by the year 2030 that that program is now being viewed as the implement ation arm of the WF Vision so and and this is not a secret I mean the there was a a news conference they shook hands they held up the the the formalized agreement both of them signed and they they believe that this is a healthy thing what we're seeing Danica is a handful of people that we did not elect trying to implement their ideas of what they believe the world that we live in should look like and perhaps more importantly and what touches Our Lives more deeply they want to implement the lives that we are living they want to implement a a degree of social engineering in such a brief period of time uh that it causes tremendous suffering in my in my estimation unneeded and the people that can afford these changes the most the people on the very edge of society people living paycheck to paycheck they don't have the bandwidth to absorb the kind of of social changes that are are are being implemented so on a systems level everything we're going to talk about if we can keep this in mind that there is a a directed movement it's not spontaneous it's not by accident it's not by accident that our social bonds are being broken because when we are in a fragmented Society we are more vulnerable and more susceptible to the ideas of other people so so the big picture these goals need to be met we can talk about why why that is and and where they're going uh the goals were laid out one of the reasons I know about this I was invited to speak at the United Nations with a dear friend U spiritual brother colleague Dr Bruce Lipton and I I know yeah you know Bruce a lot of a lot of our our community here does Bruce and I were invited to to speak at the UN not you know the general assembly it was a a special group at the UN and we were invited to give our perspective of what we saw happening in the world and they work in 15-year segments Danica so this was the year 2014 is when we went beginning in the year 2000 the UN had had created something called uh uh un sdg uh it was the millennial development goals is what they were called m mdgs in the year 2000 okay 15-year plan in the year 2014 they said okay that plan expires what we do for the the next 15 years and that takes us into 2030 so that's where that 2030 comes from Bruce and I Bruce spoke from a life sciences perspective I spoke from an earth Sciences perspective and also from a humanistic perspective of how we follow cycles and rhythms of nature Financial Cycles conflict Cycles War Cycles these are are all Linked In The Natural rhythms uh we could do a whole a whole program on that so so that was where I began to understand what was happening with this uh you know with these sustainable development goals the the feeling has been that they're lagging uh behind in their implementation because most people when they find out what's happening nobody wants it so let me just say something about the sustainable development goals if you read if you go to the website now and you don't do it now because you're watching this podcast but after the podcast if if you do it they are beautiful goals in word who wouldn't want them who wouldn't want uh to reduce poverty in for people who or in poverty who wouldn't want uh uh a healthy a healthy world you know and and Universal uh health and things like that then you read the fine print of how they want to accomplish those goals and the only way to accomplish those goals is to remake the world and remake our lives in ways that touch every facet of Our Lives Dan and no one has asked us about this we didn't elect these officials most of them are behind the scenes we don't even know who they are and and when you read that fine print you say well people aren't going to go for that so the only way to go for that is to create a world where that Vision makes sense or a world where that Vision looks attractive one of the catalysts for that is the false Narrative of climate change and this is really tricky and I I want to be really really clear with our viewer I'm gonna look right in the camera to to it's it's your your community and my family and my community too climate change is a fact and as a geologist we were talking about this in in 1979 I remember talking about this and what we need to do uh to adapt to the climate change that is happening as a result of of rhythmic Cycles you can go back before humans ever appeared on Earth we we only showed up 200,000 years ago you go back into the ice cores before that and exactly the same rhythms yeah are are there you're the one that's proved that to me with the whole global warming thing and what's happening is like yes when you zoom in on right now it looks like we're in trouble but when you zoom out up to a million years or whatever I've seen it's it just goes in these rhythms well so this is I I didn't know what we would talk about this is completely unscripted ladies and gentlemen completely unscripted the Greg and Danica show so uh so I I just did a video on this I have a couple of notes that I can refer to for for accuracy so so the climate change is is a fact and this is where it gets really tricky uh because what the science is showing is that humans are not the cause of the climate change and a lot of the the fear that's being driven is on one facet of climate change that is the the story of carbon dioxide carbon dioxide we're being told that carbon dioxide levels are higher than they've ever been uh that they are in in dangerously high levels that they're causing the warming on the planet planet is you know going to die in 10 years is what some of our politicians have said it's on you know the YouTube videos so this is I I want to be really really clear about this uh we are not causing there is an increase in carbon dioxide first of all and that increase is is not being driven largely by human industry we are certainly contributing to it okay but uh there's a you can go right to their their website I've got a direct quote right here right off of 90% of global warming is UR ing in the ocean causing the waters uh to internal heat to increase all right so so what's happening is the oceans are warming and if you remember any high school or maybe even grade school physics water holds more gas when it's cold cold oceans hold a lot of oxygen a lot of carbon dioxide the ocean is is called a sync sin n k it's one of the the largest carbon dioxide absorbers on the planet so whatever carbon dioxide is being put out oceans and forests are are absorbing that when the water warms it means those little molecules are are moving fast it can't hold as much carbon dioxide so the ocean is releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere so there is more CO2 where's it coming from 90% is coming from the oceans and and let me just to help people with kind of a I mean when I hear these num statistics you know it's hard to wrap your mind around them uh humans produce between 38 and 40 gigatons of carbon dioxide a year so it's a lot most of that is reabsorbed by Forest and oceans the oceans produce about 340 gigatons per year so 40 versus 340 so we know and scientists know that a lot of a lot of this is coming from the oceans now so so already we're saying okay there is climate change there is an increase in CO2 humans are contributing but we're not the cause of this the oceans are are contributing uh to this and where the UN and the WF now where they're coming down on this is they're telling people that this is carbon dioxide is is poison it's bad it's dangerous we need to reduce this CO2 so as a geologist what I can say is this and if this is is where oh man I don't I mean there's so many places we can go with this if you look at a map that is on some of the websites that are out there it's cherry-pick data so do we have more CO2 than we had 10 years ago absolutely hands down no argument do we have more than we had 50 years ago yes we do is it the most Earth has ever had absolutely not we are on even with that increase we're on the low end of where the CO2 levels typically are on our planet we go back okay so right now we're I don't know the number I think it's between 4177 and 421 parts per million depending on where you get the data so right now we are averaging somewhere between 417 420 parts per million you go back in the ice cores in geologic time and I I just I'm got a couple notes from the last video that I did if we go back to the Jurassic per period everybody knows Jurassic because of the movie Jurassic Park we had over a th000 parts per million CO2 the average global temperature in fahrenheit uh daytime was about 80.6 Dees and the average nighttime temperature is about 50 59 degrees then you go to the Cretaceous now this is really interesting the Cretaceous Period the average carbon dioxide was 2,000 parts per million now keep in mind we're only 417 421 and the temperature was still average 82 degrees in the day 52 at night wow you cannot say with 100% certainty that CO2 an increase in CO2 caused an increase in temperature as a matter of fact and we've got videos showing this very clearly there are times when the CO2 levels have been high the temperatures have been low there are times when the CO2 levels have been uh have been uh low and the temperatures have been high there and there's another factor and I'm I'm going to get to it but the point I'm making is that what we're being told Danica is not true yeah and I also I want to be really clear this isn't about making somebody wrong I don't want to make somebody wrong because a lot of the people out there are simply repeating because they're not scientists they're repeating are are I mean I like some of the news personalities that I hear they're repeating lies that someone else is and even politicians they're not scientists yeah they get on a righteous soap box and they repeat data but the data is not supported by the evidence and I'm going to talk about that as well so we don't have the greatest amount of CO2 we've ever had we're on the low end when you look at geologic history we don't have uh the the Earth the during those times Jurassic and Cretaceous what did Earth look like Earth was green Lush forests were green and Lush and we had much less ice on the planet because the because it was warmer it was a warmer climate is it warmer than today yes is it the end of the world no now I did a little experiment uh in January of 23 because I I could see what was happening and and here in uh in the office I took a few days and I said okay let's accept all of the numbers that we're being given as benchmarks by the UN by the WF let's accept those let's say we meet those marks what does Earth look like what what does my world look like you're saying the projection of what they say this this is what they're what they're they're asking us to turn our world and our lives upside down cause a lot of suffering and in some cases death because when you cut out the energy source is in the middle of winter in northern Europe and have nothing to substitute that with people are dying and that happened that that has happened yeah and even even parts of America are having problems with that so I said what if what if we met the CO2 goals that they want so they they're taking 2010 levels and they want a 45% reduction from 2010 and so they're saying stop drilling stop and so here's where this gets tricky I'm not saying burn burn burn I'm not saying saying that we I want to have that conversation as well this is where it's it's a very intricate conversation MH because if we truly if we truly wanted a source of energy that produce zero greenhouse gases could not be weaponized could not melt down like a Fukushima reactor is abundant and inexpensive we've had that for over 70 years and we'll talk about that as well so let let's just stay with the CO2 right now if we met those CO2 goals they want uh a 45% reduction from the 2010 levels that would push us back Danica to a global carbon dioxide level of right around 280 is parts per million this is a really low CO2 level what scientists tell us what biologists tell us is if CO2 drops to about 185 parts per million that it's it's a death sentence for the forest that is uh untenably low CO2 levels and not like you can dial you know uh parts per million you know a couple here a couple there 185 is dangerous they want to push this back to 210 that is really close to that 185 okay what does that mean what is Earth look like if we do that so I went to a geologic map and the last time our planet and and they want to reduce the average global temperature by about 11° from uh right now we're about 56 degrees uh average global temperature they want it back down to uh 40 45ish degrees global average that's that's a cool planet so they want a cool planet and low CO2 the last time we saw this Danica was during a time in geologic history called the Pline the pine ERA this was when about 30% of the Earth was covered with ice the ice killed the for the CO2 levels were uh were about 250 parts per million that's scientific fact why would why in the world would we want to take this beautiful lush green Planet yeah back to a time when the temperatures are about 11 degrees cooler on average CO2 levels lower forests are dying more ice on the planet when we're not hot we're in an ice age well what what you have to say you have to say this is it's not good for us it's it's not good for humans so who's it good for that could be a whole conversation unto itself as well but what control is this feed into a population control narrative or no it may I I would have to speculate on that because I don't know for sure yeah but it certainly is not good for us why I mean why and they want to do this by the in six years they're trying to to meet these goals by the year 2030 so so what we're saying now I just wanted just covered a lot of ground CO2 is not a poison uh it is necessary and I think most of our viewers know that we exhale CO2 but in this beautiful symbiotic relationship where the plants your house plants your filodendron and your roses and all the forest they inhale the CO2 that we exhale so when there is more CO2 and NASA has just come out and they said this Earth is now Greener and Lusher than it has been in over 20 years because of the little the little bit of the Increase of CO2 we really haven't increased that much and already Earth is is greener and Lusher than it has been so CO2 we're not the highest levels we've ever been uh Earth is not the warmest it's ever been now in in all fairness I want to be very honest about this there was another time in geologic history the Triassic period CO2 levels were also about 2,000 parts per million and the temperature was warmer it was like Dubai all over the world the average global temperature was uh about 122 degrees that's Phoenix temperatures in the summer exactly yeah it's it's warm it's warmer than we are now it's not a death sentence to the planet but but see look at what's happening here's Triassic 2,000 parts per million 122 degrees here's Cretaceous 2,000 parts per million and it's only 82 degrees it's not the CO2 that's that's driving this so so now okay so what is now this is where it gets really really interesting so I'm going to go back uh to the the statement it's saying the 90% of the global warming is occurring in the oceans causing the water's internal heat to increase the oceans are warming from underneath the Glaciers are melting from underneath if it was atmospheric warming as we're being asked to to accept right if if it was because the air is warmer you would expect those glaciers to to melt from on top the oceans are warming from underneath as a geologist this is fascinating to me right the reason the oceans are warming from underneath is because of phenomenon that only happens about every 12 to 13,000 years so we haven't seen it Cycles Cycles if we haven't seen it in our Lifetime and if you don't think in terms of Cycles if you're looking at 5 years 10 years 50 years you're never going to see this and and then there's the political component where where a phenomenon is being used as disingenuously as The Leverage to force people into accepting change that benefits a few and hurts a lot of people does that make sense if I say it that way 100% you just yeah and I'm sure you you've had guests say the same thing so so what's happening is there is a process and I mean I don't know how deep we want I don't want this to be really technical but there is a process every 12 13,000 years there are dynamics underneath our feet in what is called the core of the earth so basic geology Earth Earth is not solid we've got layers underneath our feet and the inner layer is is called the core it's a solid uh it is a solid dense solid made of iron and nickel and the outer core around that is molten and around that is the mantle it's about 1,800 miles thick and then the crust floats on top of the mantle there's a dynamic that I won't get into unless you want to that is forcing uh they're called pertubations they're they're ripples in the outer Manel from from the core uh forcing molten magma from the mantle up toward the crust in the places where the crust is weak right and and thin the crust is thin under the oceans and it's weak at the plate boundaries so what we're seeing is exactly what you expect to see we're seeing an increase in earthquakes uh what are called large magnitude six and greater large scale earthquakes and volcanics you look at uh okay so this this forcing is created two massive plumes under the Earth one is under the Pacific and so that's where you're going to see the the earthquakes and the volcanics you know in gpic's Islands Hawaii the Pacific Ring of Fire yeah uh Japan on one side and then usually it balances back out with Alaska and California on the other side the good news is it rather than having one big earthquake in California there's like this slow Contin continuous lowlevel Rumble which is good it's a a you can't really tell where one earthquake stops the other one begins but there's such a low magnitude and they're so deep you don't notice it and and that's good because we're very blessed in this way because it means there's a slow gradual continuous release rather than yeah than an explosion a quiet time and all of a sudden boom you know so uh and then the other place where this plume is coming up is in Northern Africa and underneath the Middle East right underneath the Middle East where do we see the big earthquakes turkey 7.8 magnitude and there was another one Pakistan India and and it's interesting because as a geologist I love I'd love to see these things there is a place right there it's called a triple plate Junction there are three plates that actually come together right at that place and and the magma is being pushed up under there in Turkey in the Middle East is that where you're referring to now it is and the last time we saw this happen was during a time and there has been a a whole um History Channel special done on this period of time it's a Time called the younger dras yeah and it it's interesting because it has direct impact on the rise and fall of civilizations it is Atlantis is this Atlantis yeah well it could it's that there were technologically advanced civilizations and and one of the arguments that archaeologists have is how come we haven't found them the assumption is that Earth is is static that if they were there we would see it in the desert sticking up out of the sand the reality is that during these uh these Cycles there are times when the Oceans Rise so those civilizations are now underwater there are times when volcanoes what are called super volcanoes erupt and they bury these civilizations yeah uh and it happens uh I've got a YouTube uh video and I I just did this for on Gia Gaia TV they have a program called ancient civilizations and we just recorded this on on ancient civilizations what happens is during this cycle there was always one major it's called a super volcano and we haven't had one yet the last one was about 13,000 years ago it's in a place called The Fan Fields it's in Italy and then you go you go back another 12 to 13,000 years and it's also in the feran fields in Italy and then you go back from that and there's one in Russia and you go back from that and there's uh one in Indonesia and you go we can do this all the way back we can look at these Cycles back over 72,000 years every every 12 to 13,000 years is when this molten magma begins to to move in this way one of the byproducts is it warms the ocean releasing CO2 into the atmosphere and causing climate change every 12 to 13,000 years if you look at cosmological Cycles I know some of your guests have done this because I watch the danap Patrick Podcast and I'd like to see your your guest 13,00 years is one half of the precession of the Equinox is the 26,000 year cycle at something is happening and again this goes on and on it happens in in the core in the center of our Milky Way uh releasing uh a a volley of cosmic radiation that takes about 13,000 years to to travel and reach our our solar system and we're we're in that now it's it's happening now to some PE I'm going to acknowledge right now to some people what we're saying is a very different way of thinking and I totally acknowledge that and I would never attempt to convince or persuade you of anything I'm I'm sharing this information for this reason we've just taken a little journey uh in terms of what's happening with our planet now I'm going to bring this back around and answer the second part of your question this phenomenon is being used it's being weaponized Danica rather than talking to people in a kind way and say we are living a time of extremes and something is happening let's work together as Nations let's work together as people uh it doesn't have to be a problem if we're if we're prepared for it you you do simple things you bury the power grid under the Earth so whatever the extreme weather is people still have power they still have electricity in the winter uh the telephone poles don't go down wires don't get covered with ice you encourage people maybe uh to have a little extra food in case the roads are closed in case the storms are bad which happens during these periods of time people work together but look at what's happening this is being rather than being used to bring us together in community which could still happen it's being weaponized to divide us and I'm going to give you a perfect example in my I live in a rural community Northern New Mexico this last two two summers ago there was a climate rally Outdoors downtown they had speakers come in They Carried The Narrative they angered young people they frightened young people and they empowered young people after the rally to go into the community and vandalize anything they felt was contributing to the horrible CO2 that was happening so they vandalized cars they vandalized trucks they vandalized businesses uh and this divides us it divides us at a community and when a time when we most need to come together is family and Community we're living this this rare amazing time in the history of our planet so this is one place now we'll go back to the beginning of the conversation wef un have chosen these goals and the only way to meet these goals is to turn our lives and our worlds upside down eliminating uh all fossil fuels and what's so interesting Dan oil is one of the the few components that cannot be replicated in the laboratory and oil is about more than the gas in my truck we use oil and we don't even know this every one of us watching this oil contributes over 6,000 places in our everyday lives we couldn't be having this conversation on this computer with these wires and these cables and these components I wouldn't have the water coming in to my house people say Okay solar panels and windmills what they don't know is they are tremendously fossil fuel intensive to create they are toxic as hell uh made of 17 Rare Earth minerals that are and they are just that they're rare they're not common found in just a couple of deposits on this planet mostly in countries that are not our close allies China and Russia primarily Cobalt comes from Democratic Republic of Congo and I did a video on this and it brings tears to my eyes to watch it these kids8 9 10 11 12 years old they send these kids into these pits Barefoot shorts t-shirts no protective gear nothing no Mass to work with their bare hands to pull the Cobalt Ore out of the mud they put them in these little cloth baskets and send them up to the adults who clean this stuff up and then they sell it to China China takes that and then makes it into the products they sell uh to us for our our batteries we need the Cobalt for our batteries if we're going to go all electric cars that's where it comes from there's there's a little bit from Australia but not much so the the fallacy of green and I I like solar I've got 19 solar panels running the studio where I am right now I to on my house yeah and I like the idea it is it is not one siiz fits all solar panels are not going to power this planet through the extremes you need something it's called it's called baseload Energy you need a sustainable form of Base load energy that works no matter what the temperature wind no wind sun no wind 50 degrees below 150 above and we have the technology do that solar and wind are not doing that they're okay regionally where makes sense but the only time they're green Danica is when they are actually functioning when those solar panels on the roof for 20 years they are green they are toxic to produce and at the end of their life cycle they're toxic in the landfills where those 17 Rare Earth elements are leeching into the groundwater lakes rivers and streams causing a lot of human health problems food chain supply problems it takes a tremendous you have to build the steel uh for the the windmills you've got to build you have to have concrete for the windmills and what a lot of people don't know is is the Silicon for a solar panel does not it's not naturally occurring in the earth it takes high temperatures to to take the silica from the Earth to create those uh the Silicon that we use in in the solar panels and those temperatures cannot be achieved using fos or using solar panels only fossil fuels are able to do that so it's tricky because we tend to think binary it's either all good or all bad yeah you know drill and and burn fossil fuels or don't and I think it's more nuanced than that wow it's just an energy exchange right you want to get from point A to point B it's going to take something it it is so now your first state statement first sentence that you were we're covering so much ground and I'm aware of the time and I want to honor you and I want to honor our community Deep dive I'd rather stay on a topic and and excavated really well so everything you've said is so important to know and and to convince people of what's going on they need this backstory otherwise it's just you know one more person that could be perceived as propaganda or trying to do something for their own good but you're giving statistics as a scientist and as a geologist this is undeniable statistical facts and that's what people need to know well we we do not want to reduce our CO2 levels to to the that they're asking us to do it it's not good for us it's not good for our planet and so what's interesting now here we are uh this is February we have just in January we just had two big meetings we had the cop 28 which is the big climate Summit that was held in Dubai and on the tale of that we had Davos and the world economic Forum climate is being used now they they've identified this narrative and they're going to use this as The Leverage to implement social change social policy uh and it takes politics to do that and you know I this is growing up as a kid I always I wanted to believe Danica that science is a place that would always be true and pure and that politics wouldn't find their way into science and uh sadly that that has not happened so the science has been politicized false narratives are being published I just put up a a video this is Fascinating People Say Okay where does the UN get the numbers where where do they get the information that they're feeding to CNN to MSNBC to Fox News or NPR you know who anybody question so they have it's based on climate models these are computer models that they're using in an attempt to to model climate now when I was I was in college back in the 70s I worked with computer model their own data this is not third party data this is this is their own generated data well yes and no so I I worked with computer models back in the 70s and I worked in an area called remote sensing at Colorado State University as a geology major there was a remote sensing department and it was primitive compared to what we're doing today I mean the models were nowhere near what they are today but and I understand how they work so what they do is and and I show this on on this video it's fascinating they will divide the entire planet Earth into into a grid little squares uh that work vertically in the atmosphere as so they're they're like cubic like you can think of Earth being covered by billions of sugar cubes okay and each Cube has a mathematic representation of what is happening in that Cube what is the temperature of the air what is the temp of the water what cloud cover reflectivity humidity you know I mean all kinds of and they do that for every one of those little cubes and that is how they they create a model well there was Congressional testimony just a couple of years ago so Congress knows this they brought in some of the scientists who were working with these models and what they did was they took the projections from the models which are all showing a very hot Earth yeah that's what everybody's talking about and then on top of that Danica they plotted realtime data from satellites from uh balloons they sent balloons up into the atmosphere sensors and the real time the estimates are doing this the real-time data is down here like this so the term is that the models are running hot that's the term and they are running hot and it's because the Dynamics of our planet are so poorly understood that they cannot accurately model the climate into the let me tell you how how how flawed they are if if it's a good model you should be able to take a period of time that's already happened sure and plug it back in go back and plug in what was and the temperatures it doesn't make sense well and they do that and the models are still wrong of course and they know that so the Congressional testimony the scientists that that were testifying they said that these models are so flawed that they should never be considered as the basis for policy yeah and and this is Congressional testimony and now this is what's happening but the data has been weaponized in a way it's just Insidious what they're doing because they're dividing they're breaking the social bonds of our society if you sit down with parents and kids at the dinner table the kids are in their social media site okay whatever algorithms they're looking at are feeding in the data same with the parents and at the dinner table they're getting different data and and it brings them blows this is happening in the office place it's happening with our F it's happening with my friends it's happening with colleagues that you and your community would know because they're authors some of them you probably had on this program who believe and I've asked it's happening with political candidates I have asked political candidates who were run running for what is arguably the most powerful position in our nation possibly on Earth with the the largest most powerful economy and the most powerful military on the face of the planet and I asked them where do you get the data where do you get the information for the platform that you're presenting to me and I've had them look at me and say well I watch TV like everybody else they're basing their platforms on information that is coming through these algorithms and these filters and it's ter it's shredding our society Danica and that's the sad the sad thing wow so the question is is two parts I want to talk about the details of like what how they're weaponizing what are they doing talking about Chemtrails and geoengineering and the things that we're experiencing and these frequency clouds I've seen or maybe that's what I think they are what are they doing and then ultimately what is the what is what are they hoping to ACC accomplish with this with this misinformation or this these lies or these terrible models that are trying to generate um you know Advantage for for the few instead of the many yeah well and and I I want I really want to emphasize this is not about people being angry although I can see where people can be angered by this it's not about making somebody wrong this is our world it's our planet and it's in our bodies and we have a handful of people that are are trying in my opinion there's some things you shouldn't mess with uh the orbit of Earth which they they are they want to change the orbit of the earth to change the climate that's one of the propositions the the natural sunlight that reaches us from from our beautiful sun exactly there there are proposals they want to modify that and the DNA in our bodies they want to modify that and they're not there's a place where these all come come together and it's not conspiracy it's not because it's on their web sites and it's in their information they're telling us what they believe is good for us in a a world that is the vision that that they that they have they and now they being organizations like not exclusively but like the WF and the UN who who have a lot of influence right now there are other organizations as well so I also want to be really clear not everybody working in those organizations are bad people there are no there there are some really good people working in the UN I've met them and they they come from a Time Danica where the UN was highly esteemed maybe when you and I we both grew up in the midwest you you're Midwestern girl aren't you right Illinois yeah when I was in Missouri we were neighbors and um You probably saw my 1969 Pontiac GTO with a four barrel Rochester carburetor flying through your state at one point I don't know I missed you you were going too fast I probably was it was a beautiful machine so when I was a kid the UN was it was really I mean it like the aspiration of people to want to work and contribute the UN has been hijacked but it's not everyone there's still good people there they're good people in the world economic Forum it's not I have friends that were were there this uh not this year but last year were invited to go there so there are are some people that don't know what's going on and they feel like they're helping the world and they really want to help and and I'm acknowledging that there are other people that don't really take the time to look into this stuff and they're just like going with the flow yeah you know and and that's what they're doing and then there are a few people that know exactly what they're doing and uh and that that is true with the politicians and and we see it locally I see it here locally and I'm seeing it you know of course on on another level where this gets really interesting this year something is happening on Earth this year it's never happened over 40 nations are electing new leaders in the same year and the concern is what direction will those leaders lead their Nations and Lead our planet so they're using this information this the false narrative is leverage so that people will get lead towards different leaders yeah to it's easier to do what they want to do to to get to get with the program to get with the program so and and none of this is new I'm not saying anything right here that isn't you know I mean if you read the book The Great reset if you see any of the interviews that are done from people the great reset is what the world economic for proposed during covid they said the world's in chaos let's remake the world and they want it done now by within six years we're not wired for that Dan America is not wired for it but most people aren't wired for it because it means that we have to relinquish sovereignty and freedom on an individual level on a community level certainly on on a national level uh and it's going to happen in one generation we've got one generation to choose what it is that we value do we truly value uh our our personal sovereignty the sovereignty of our bodies do we value do we cherish the freedom to create and to imagine and to to come together in community uh without having an oversight uh you know of of a greater organization governing or dictating what we're doing do we I mean this is all are we capable are we capable of being good human beings and yeah yeah and and it's not just America I I've spent a lot of time I was in Italy I was in Paris I was in London um I was in Prague I mean this is up for everybody right now and it's confusing to people because if you don't know the context it looks like the world's just coming apart at the seams and there is certainly greed and money certainly can play a role but when you start talking about the the people we're talking about they have more money than they'll ever need it's not about money for them right this this is about form of an Insidious form of power yeah so now I'm I'm just going to mention this we don't have to talk about in this program there's a fundamental battle that has played out on this planet from day one between good and evil and what we're talking about is not separate from that battle uh the the battle between good and evil and and I'm not talking in a religious sense uh but we we are humanist is part of the equation for what we're talking about here because when we are fully enabled and fully capacitated humans when we are at our best we are these extraordinary creatures that cannot be controlled because we have access now I'm I'm going to use a word and then I'll Define the word and it's a word it's a trigger word for a lot of people but it's really on the line it's all those things we talked about are all on the line right now because of what is called our Divinity human Divinity and it has nothing to do with religion if you look at the definition of divinity it's really interesting Danica Divinity is our ability to transcend perceived limitations that's it our ability not not to survive but to become more than perceived they might May even be real limitations our ability to become more than our perceived or or real limitations what does that mean Divinity plays out it's it's a part of us that's Timeless it's ageless it is the source of our direct knowing it's where our creativity comes from it's where our imagination comes from you I um my wife is a voting member of the Grammys and we had the opportunity to go the Grammys a couple years ago physically go I'm a musician when not doing what I'm doing now yeah I would ask these amazing people I'd say where in the world did those lyrics come from that just won you that Grammy or or that piece of music how how did that happen and Danica honest to God everyone down to to a te gave me the same answer everyone said it didn't come from me it came through me exactly that is probably ask authors that you could ask all kinds of you could even probably ask a public speaker that anything where there's a an altered state of high level of delivery I think is sort of a channeled experience scientist Engineers my driving your driving mothers all all of these things and this this opens the door to an aspect of the science that a lot of people are not aware of yeah but it is that our memories and our skills don't live in the cells of our bodies they don't live our memories don't live in our neurons when I when I go plug in a guitar and I play a song that doesn't live inside of me my neurons are the antenna that tune to a place in the field where that information resides scientists now acknowledge there's a field that underlies all of creation no no controversy there the controversy is what is our relationship to that field these would describe like a prodigy you know someone that just sort of knows how to do s things whether it be play piano or sing or math or something that they are connected to a specific area of the field to get this information well here's here's a a perfect example and I know we've all done this everyone listening has done this if you're a musician you've tried to learn a new piece of music Steph Vai Steve VI is is my Guitar Hero is an amazing contemporary is just a very powerful rock guitarist or you trying to learn a language you try to learn Spanish or Tibetan or Chinese you go through the motions at first you play some notes that sound funny or you say words that sound funny then all of a sudden when morning you get up and like you're thinking in Spanish and it all comes together or that piece comes together well here's what happened during the time that you were trying to learn and when it actually happened the act of us choosing to become something greater in the future moment than we are in the present moment the act of us choosing to excel choosing to become become a better version of ourselves is the trigger in biology for the neurons to find other neurons to connect to to build the antenna that Tunes to the place in the field where French or Spanish or Steve guitar lives sweet Joe despenza you have to you know imagine a place greater than where you're at exactly you know Joe my brother Joe and I work together for years and we used to talk about this this a lot so this is important and I'm going to bring this back to the transhumanism that you asked me about because we only can access our own Divinity the best version of ourselves when we have the biology to tune to that field the DNA the neurons the cell membranes don't think of them as sticky gooey stuff in the body think of them from an IT perspective we're talking about antenna we're talking uh about resonance and uh Nim my dear dear brother Nim talks about this all the time we become the best version of ourselves when we reach deep inside of our biology and tune to our deep intuition that is in field to our direct knowing to our imagination to our creativity to our learning skills it's only possible through biology now there is a movement further dividing us as families and societies breaking the social bonds there's a movement that is teaching our young people that we are weak powerless and flawed forms of life that humans are flawed and that we need something outside of us to be successful in life and to to be healthy in the world and that something is being touted as technology and the movement now has grown to a point where it has a name it's called the transum trans means Beyond so the Beyond human movement where body parts uh body chemistry body systems immune systems uh memory systems are now being replaced the proposal is to do this on the large scale but it's already happening in some some societies are being replaced by AI computer chips in the brain sensors in the skin chemicals in the blood now now so just think about what what we just did here if our Divinity and this is a very ancient concept linked to the battle between good and evil if our Divinity is directly linked to our bi biology that communicates with the field and you begin to replace that biology with synthetics that have no DNA that have no neurons and cannot communicate with the field what does that mean to us what does that do to us well I mean it creates local robots I mean we it means we we are still human but we lose an aspect of our humanness we lose our Divinity and without that we become vulnerable and susceptible to The Leverage yeah that is being applied to meet those goals whether it's in 2030 or Ray kwi if you familiar Ray kers is an amazing author he's science fiction author he is the director of one facet of the engineering at Google now uh working with AI and very famously said in in an interview recently he said by the year 203 5 we will all be a hybrid species to some degree we will all have RFID chips computer chips in the brain chemicals in the blood sensors Under the Skin we will become a hybrid species now my this is from a scientific perspective so I'm I'm going to make a distinction I'm going to leave the science and I'm going to go to Greg I feel a deep passion for helping our community to understand how rare we are how precious we are as a species how sacred we are and that our bodies what the Ancients called The Vessel they literally called this The Vessel this isn't about religion it's the vessel that holds the way to get to that knowledge it's the vessel that holds the way to get to the imagination and the creativity I think our greatest task in life and I I think our greatest level of Mastery Dan is is to preserve the Integrity of the vessel that gives us our humanness because if we give this away in one generation the question is how much of ourselves will we give away to the technology and it's going to be it's like the floodgates once it happens it's going to happen it won't be like 10 years from now this is happening right now there's a proposal right now uh uh they want to make this a policy to implant all newborns by the year 2030 2035 to implant them with computer chips to make them more competitive in business and so that they can be more successful in life so the people that are proposing these and and I want to be really clear they're not all bad people they're techies what they're their tunnel vision and all they're saying is this we're going to we're going to push this technology as far as we can as fast as we can unless somebody pushes back on it but this is how you lose a species in one one generation they say one of the things one of our flaws is human intimacy and the need the need only way we exist well not well what they're saying is when a man and a woman come together to create a new life it's imperfect because we never know the exact outcome so what they're saying is through the technology we have now you can determine the hair color the eye color the IQ fast twitch muscles slow twitch muscles for athletic performance so why not just do that why take the chance on on something this is where this thinking is going Danica so so for me technolog is not right wrong good or bad it is how we apply it it's the thinking I'll give you an example a computer chip in the brain of a man or a woman who who's lost their arms in battle in Afghanistan that allows them to use the Prosthetics of their arms to hold their babies and to brush their own teeth and to feed themselves what a beautiful beautiful thing I mean who who wouldn't want that so the computer chip can can be a beautiful thing but to replace uh to recreationally to put one in the brain so that you can communicate with your computer without a cable right so what is the problem with this here here's the problem our natural biology begins to atrophy if we don't use it if you have a computer chip in the brain and it's in a part of the brain it's in it's in the neocortex maybe it's an NE Neal cortex that has a very specific kind of neuron maybe it's a mirror neuron or or that Joe would talk about or something like that pretty soon we are so finely attuned to subtle energy in our world and if we don't use that the body says well maybe you don't need that anymore the same with reproduction the same with the immune system if we create an artificial immune system our natural immune system says maybe you don't need me anymore give yourself a hormone and your body stops producing it yeah yeah okay so so we're at this point now and all this is happening together and this is it's a it's a complex conversation and it's a big conversation and I think it's important to be aware of it because the context the big picture we keep going back is there's a vision for a world and the way we are right now would not fit into that World by the year 2030 the great reset wants a world where everything is digitized everything is controlled and if you have access to your Divinity then you value freedom and you cherish sovereignty but if you lose that Divinity if you lose that access you're still alive you're still a human but it's it doesn't take on the same significance as long as you're comfortable you got some junk food to eat you got a video game and you get a paycheck from the government you're happy you know it's like they're trying to tell you what your potential should be like you should you so the real question then becomes now what is our what in your opinion is our true human potential well this this is and it's going to tie into the question what what do we do so now that we have we have an awareness not to be fearful I please don't be afraid of of the changes we have to choose we've never been we've never done this our society has been fragmented the social bonds have been broken Danica so that we don't have a voice it began with the rich against the poor in 2011 the Occupy Movement and then it was men against women and then Christians against Muslims and then Jews against Muslims and blacks against whites and and now it's adult Against Child and male against female gender blurring all of these things they're all important and they all need to be discussed and we could discuss them kindly to bring us together as a tight Community they've been weaponized to divide us and when we are divided we lose our social bonds and without those social bonds we are vulnerable as a society so when we lose our humanness when we lose our ability to access that Divinity we don't have the same ideas of freedom and sovereignty so what has never happened as a society we've never said this is what we value we've never come together and and we have to do that in the new the new world that's emerging there's a new world emerging and rather than peripheral this needs to be the foundation what is it that we value in life do we value freedom and what does that mean do we value uh imagination do we value creativity do we value the sovereignty of our own bodies the beauty of nature exactly our our ability to appreciate nature through the senses all of that is diminished through the transhuman movement so we have to choose what it is that that we value and I think we're at a point where we have to do that now we have to do that now so all the things we've talked about for some people it sounds frightening uh it's it's already happening it's been going on since you were live and I was alive and we didn't even know it so it's not to be afraid of it's to be aware of and so now what do you do if you fight back you sink to the level that keeps you stuck in the ancient battle that is playing out to begin with you don't want to fight back this is Buckminster Fuller I love this I love this I love this quote and I want you to really get nuanced about the difference of what of fighting itself what does what does making the change versus fighting look look like sure when we fight we succumb to the hate and we succumb to the anger and we succumb to the revenge and then on the the level of the atrocity we lash out at the atrocity and we become part of the problem so when we can transcend that now I'm going to there's a Nuance here we all know there sometimes you have to fight we all do because we all have an inner warrior the question is and this is a really deep spiritual concept it's pretty intense Danica on a pretty intense podcast the question is less about whether or not you fight what does the fight make you become what do you become in the presence of the fight do you fight from the love of what you know is possible and do you fight from the love of those that stand behind you in your family and in your community or do you fight from the hate of those that you your enemies or from or from the fear of what happens if you don't ultimately this is the spiritual this is the the spiritual battle do we allow ourselves to and it it's a deep Nuance conversation right we're all going to get through this the key is what Have We Become what did it make us into or maybe the deeper question what did we allow the conditions of the world to make us into that is how you determine whether or not it's not about winning it's beyond if you win you're part of the battle you don't want to win you want to Triumph Triumph means you transcend the battle it's beyond winning and losing you Triumph and here's and this is the easiest thing how do we Triumph by living every day the best version of ourselves whatever that means because when we celebrate our humanness we celebrate our imagination our creativity our sovereignty our freedom our willingness to love fearlessly in this world without the consequences of what that loving means when we do that that is what this ancient Battle of Good and Evil is all about you've transcended the evil that keeps you stuck in the fear of what happens if you don't and I think that's what's up for for us all right now so we just took a big big Journey that's so good that's that's that makes real sense I was curious where how you were going to open that up and and really explain the difference between the two because you know for myself I feel like I've been called into this um New Direction with the next year with politics and you know a while back I was talking about loving this country and people sort of attacked me as if I was some kind of um extremist for that and I feel um I feel called I guess that's the best way I can say like out of love I feel called to be to stand up for not only myself but other people who just want to love something and um it it I like that because I feel like I'm doing okay then because I wasn't sure if I could participate in the arena at all or if I needed to just continue to live my life as an example but I can live my life as an example in the arena out of love absolutely and and I I've been asked to run for political office twice in in in my state and uh and I have support to do that i' I've opted not to because I was also from people who have run previous presidential campaigns they said that they felt I'd be more effective uh with a voice that's not behold to any one constituency or political a politician you haven't been for now but let yeah can we talk about America for a minute are you okay love to I'm very passionate about this I I released a video on this and it's called a lot of heat for it America is in my opinion this is my this isn't science this is my Greg braen opinion I believe that America is a divinely inspired Nation and when I say that uh and it's not just because of of the history something happened here over 200 years ago that has never happened in any Nation at any time in the history of the Earth where and they were all males at the time a group of men came together and a lot of people don't know this but they were of those 56 signatures uh at least 13 openly and probably more uh covertly were from the Masonic Traditions yeah the Masonic Traditions are descendants of the Templar Traditions the Templars are who funded Columbus to found this nation as the first nation in the history of the world to embody the freedoms that we have in writing in a way that no other Nation will has ever or will ever give to its people so now I'm going to make a distinction here the idea of America I believe is rare and Precious and Beautiful and worth preserving the implementation is deeply flawed many people are willing to throw the baby out with the bath water and I talk to young people now who are being indoctrinated into the idea that America is evil and that America is bad uh and that we are bad people and we need to start over it's a Nuance Danica and it's it's difficult sometimes the implementation may be evil and we have done evil things as a nation that I'm not proud of the idea I think is worth preserving be and here's the reason I I traveled uh I was home about uh 20 28 to 30 days in uh before covid in one year I was all over the world and I would talk to people about their countries and they say what's the big deal about America you know we we got free speech you know in Canada we got free speech in Australia you know we can have guns and Switzerland you know or whatever here's the difference you can until you can't America is the only nation on the face of the Earth has ever embodied in the written documents that those freedoms are inherent in our existence that our government did not give them to us and so the government cannot take them away from us that's what sets America apart no no government has ever has ever given their people those freedoms so the other countries yeah Australia had guns until the government said you can't have them anymore same same with Canada same with freedom of speech you know we're losing our freedom of speech in this in this country I don't even know how much of this conversation how it will be received by some some people or how much of it makes or if it gets shadowbanned I mean I've definitely had people on that reduce that but this this is the thing America is on the line as an idea and there are people that want the idea of America to go away now this is going to go back to the first five minutes of this conversation because when you want to move Society toward the vision and the agenda and the contraction and the control that is necessary to meet those goals you cannot do it with a nation that has the strong economy that has the freedoms the creativity and the imagination America becomes a problem in that and you're seeing that play out in real time in our lives and in our our world right now so and much of it is being predicated on the next 15 minutes of the convers ation on the climate change narrative they're they've latched on to that and they're going to push that narrative they've already told us we're going to have climate lockdowns Regional climate lockdowns because there's too much CO2 in the air what does that do what's that do to someone who's living paycheck to paycheck that loses the paycheck during that time what's it do to a family business that's running on a shoe string you can't run a restaurant and have the food prepared and not be able to use that food within a certain period of time you can't you can't do that it is very very destructive and it hurts the people that can least afford it and in my opinion uh it's unnecessary why not if this is a better world they want us to go to why not honor us and come forward and say look we've been through a hard time as a planet and there are some systems that are unsustainable let's work together let's work together and take this opportunity and let's do something that helps everyone and build a world and you be part of that world you be part of that world they're they are designing a world that we have no say in right now so this kind of brings it all together we've gone from the big picture of the visions and the agendas accomplished by 2030 ideally uh some of them by 2035 and the narrative to support that agenda to to create the fear so that we relinquish freedoms a lot of that's based on climate the the data simply doesn't support that narrative right now the evidence doesn't support the narrative and that's on a geophysical level that's our our environment now we're looking at the social and the biological level we're not wired as a society and we're not wired is biological beings uh for the kinds we're not they have what are called 15minute cities I think you've seen this where I've heard of that yeah where people are compressed into these Living Spaces uh everybody's got the same living space you walk you know to your office you walk to the gym you walk to the restaurant you're pretty much removed from nature unless you leave that 15minute living space they are discouraging rural living and making it very difficult for Farmers uh nextg Farmers the kids got love Farmers protest that you see these days in other countries huh well I love it I love it in in Europe but all of this all of this so if people want to know more about this I mean I'm not making this up read the book called The Great reset or go to YouTube and you can type in the great reset and you can see it coming out of the mouths of the people that are that believe it's a good thing part of the Great reset the one of the proposals is to use artificial intelligence to create the correct Bible I just let that sink in we're not going to have time for it but on another one I listen I watched you talk about the Torah and the coding within the Torah and how they want to use AI to reprogram rewrite the Bible and the danger of that because there is it's it's essentially a ancient extensive coding system within the Torah exactly so so where we're going with this America right now is our best bet for the freedoms of imagination and creativity Community love and sharing that allows us our Divinity so that we can live the best version of ourselves and when we whatever that means it's different for different people but when we do that and when we love without fear of loving ourselves and other people and express our passions whatever that means when we do that we have transcended this Vision that is being laid out for us and and you don't have to fight if you do fight and everybody there are times everybody has to use that Warrior ask yourself this question I'm saying this to our community Danica not not to you specifically but ask yourself the question what is this situation making me into am I becoming something that I would never choose to be in a m million years and if the answer to that is yes it's the opportunity to rethink the response and doesn't mean you don't fight but it means we fight from the love of what's possible rather than the fear of what's not it means we fight from the love of I I say behind this because I think of of my family my friends and my community behind me rather than my hate of those that that might want to to hurt us in in front of us what we become in the presence of this and and how do we fight from love rather than fear and and I think it's a deeply spiritual conversation that's up for all of us right now wow because you you see the things in the media and it triggers us what does it make us into if you go through the day carrying anger and hate sure and and and deep hurt and you don't have a way to resolve that uh then you succumb to these other things the way you resolve it we did in our last podcast is through coherence between the heart and the Brain uh where we're wired to to be able to heal those deep hurts and that's another conversation so oh W it's just a mirror right so that's why I always doing the inner work is so valuable because it changes the way you perceive and see things and and the reality that you live in when you change yourself I mean for sure that's been my experience and my journey over the last you know three five seven years is just you know the work that I've done on the inside changes the way I exist in reality so I think that's uh number one the first place that we can start I I agree it begins with us and I it's the first time hearing that you have been invited in the political Arena I think you would be absolutely awesome and maybe and maybe asked to be an office on some level too like I was like what me like I I don't know anything about it but the words were that's exactly who you need because that's what it used to be that's what the system used to be government was not it was the people that were leading the way in the community and not necessarily career politicians that have just been in the fold forever they were people that they you don't need to know about government you just need to know about what the people want and uh while it's definitely not um not happening right now and I can't see it happening but I never say never um I I think it's a good reminder of where we're at now and where things used to begin because I think that a lot of times things do originate with a lot of positivity and good and then man gets a hold of it and I say man in general for all human beings and gets a hold of it and power control and greed come into it but we have a chance to um have a have a new world in a much different way than the one that they're trying to give us we do and and one of the reason first of all thank you for that Dan and you're you speak so clearly and people relate to you on such a really deep level and and a very accessible level if you choose to do that I think you'd be really I I think You' do really really well same for you you are an incredible speaker well thank you for that I I don't know uh if my I don't think I'm I don't know if I'm mean enough to be a politician I don't know I don't know but uh the other thing when we started this and we talked about climate one of the things I found is that so many people are either fearful or theyve they feel so guilty they've been made to feel so guilty so part of the reason that I wanted to develop that part of our conversation was maybe to relieve some of that guilt and um you know we didn't get to the part about alternative energy sources but I just want people know we have those sources and if if our politicians were serious about eliminating CO2 we would have been allowed to bring those energy sources forward decades ago and and we will we'll see them but it tells me that there are other motives that are out there so Dan I want to just tell you it takes a lot of trust when you invite me on the program because you don't know what I'm going to say to your community and so I want to tell you how much I appreciate your trust I hope and I really hope that you're okay and and uh the editing staff is okay with everything that that we've said Greg that was phenomenal well we want to do it responsibly and professionally but honestly truthfully and factually not to anger or make anyone wrong but to show us how we can move in in a positive direction and I I think that's really what's up for all of us right now so thank you for the opportunity to do that well said Greg appreciate it you are wonderful thank you so much and um I think a lot of people are going to have a lot of peace of mind after this and um as well as inspiration so thank you by hope so all right thank you take good care I look forward to our next thanks everybody for listening to the pretty intense podcast today I hope you enjoyed it if you like what you heard today and you want to hear more please click on the Subscribe button