hey there Gamers it's Professor mag and this is a preview of Call of Duty the board game that's right Call of Duty is now a board game brought to you by the team at Arcane wonders based on the video game by Activision Call of Duty is no longer something you play alone in your basement in the dark with your headset on and a Mountain Dew it's now something you can play at a brightly lit table with a friend right across from you uh this is Call of Duty the board game uh please keep in mind this is a paid preview and this is also a demo copy all of the demo components are subject to change and something that I think is very cool is this map is the rust map this map was made for only demo copies this will not be in the final games so nothing is spoiled for you and all of the maps will be special in the final game this project is currently on Kickstarter it'll be linked down below please go check it out and with that we're just going to jump into a preview of how this game plays uh so I do have this setup for a two-player basic match I'm going to go over that first and then I'll explain some of the extra things that you can go through but please keep in mind there are other modes that you can play with uh there's 2v2 there's free for all there's Team Deathmatch which I'm sure everyone is looking for so there are different things but this is a basic 2 or 1v1 two-player match so at its heart in Call of Duty it is a planning game where you will be planning out your phases and then executing and trying to beat your opponent for as many kills as possible which is very reminiscent of the Call of Duty board game uh what you'll be doing is players will have these hidden screens uh as you can tell there were two maps there's a mini map for your player and there is a regular map where you'll be executing all the moves on the board but you'll have these little uh screens that you'll use to protect your mini map please play with these I am now going to remove it from the table uh that way it's just not blocking anything but please always play with it it would be silly if you didn't you want everything to be a secret and I will get into that later um but those are usually used now getting into the game players will pick an operative and they will pick a weapon now you can mix any weapon with any operative ah so you do have that option and on their Advanced sides the operatives also have special abilities and a kill streak bonus uh the kill streaks lines don't change but their special abilities do so that can change things for you now uh to explain what the weapons do your weapons will determine your dice pool so for the M60 you would get six red five blue and four green now what do those dice mean the red dice are your aggressive dice these ones do Straight damage uh as long as you don't miss you will add that point of damage as long as you were able to make the hit now these are your agility this is how well you are able to aim and hit the opponent uh sorry yes this is your aim this is your agility so the green is your agility and that's how well you are able to maneuver how fast you're moving how hard it is to be hit uh so you're kind of using these two dice against each other adding up those numbers and then you will do damage if you are able to make a successful hit I will get more into that later so I don't get too confused but that is the point of the three different dice that you're using now your weapon will determine your dice pool but you will always bring seven uh seven dice into combat so you will have to choose from that now Meg being mag if I had this spread I would probably go for four red too blue and a green but with these options someone could also say you know I really want to make sure I hit them and I only need to do a little bit of damage things like that now going into the game you're going to have four action markers our action markers for the basic game only have the move ability slotted into it but as the game progresses there will be other things that you can slot into these action markers which are very cool uh so your action markers are marked one two three and four and that's not how much you're moving that's the order that you're doing the actions in so with this little mini map your Miniatures have these rings on the bottom to show you what color you are so we are the red meeple and you will be putting your action marker where you would like to be moving so let's say we want to move this way and be a little bit sneaky uh we would move to here now I left this oriented like this on purpose to show you that this point is where you will be pointing your gun scope so it's very important to think about it and determine where you want to be pointing for where the enemy might be because line of sight is determined by these solid colored lines so if I was here someone here would have line of sight all the way now they would have to get up there so we don't have to worry about that right now but let's say I was worried about this I would point my gun scope that way as I move now say instead I wanted to point it Forward I would put my action marker this way and it's showing which way I'm pointing my gun that matters for combat it will give you a certain bonus which again we'll get there later but in case you're wondering it doesn't matter if you're pointing at the person pointing at you it just makes sense so let's say we had our move action there uh and we want to be pointing this way because we're scared and then we would move this way kind of watching our back skirting around the place um then maybe we would aim this way and finally that way and that would be your move sequence throughout the game now you would have each player program there are four moves that they would like to do that they anticipate that they are able to do and place them onto their board once everyone's ready uh you will start executing your actions so for us we would then move our miniature this way now let's say we were later in the game and this wasn't exactly like this but let's say he was here um and he was pointing this way we are now within line of sight of ghost and that is going to enter us into combat uh we are not pointed toward him so we would not get the On Target bonus however ghost would and he is also near this Shield which would give him a bit of a cover bonus now we are still able to fight with him we would still enter into combat however he would be able to have an extra bonus because he was looking at us now a few other things that happen when you enter combat are you will choose your dice pool you will choose a card to play and uh another bonus that you were able to get is if you are the first strike so once you roll your dice there are some yellow lightning bolts on these as well as on the cards that you may play and whoever does that will go first and get an additional bonus now these bonuses are applied on your tactical meter which is up here this will give you your uh different bonuses for cover and things like that and then your weapon will be what you are using your dice for so once you roll you will take your you will add up your aim and your agility and you will subtract your agility from your opponent's aim and your opponent's agility from your aim and as long as you are landing within this track you are still hitting so it may take your meter down uh if it does then you will not hit but as long as it does you will be able to do the damage for the round now depending on where your Cube ends after you're figuring out that number um it could end up in the yellow if it does if you played fast maneuvers you would be able to do the six points of damage plus that plus whatever you rolled from your red after that you would compare the damage between the two and whoever did the most damage kills the opponent now in a situation like this um you would also determine which track to do I actually put this on the lower track but if you're further away you would actually be using this higher track different guns are better at different ranges and things like that so you may want to get up close to shoot someone or try to do it from far away depending on what weapon you're using another thing to note is that if you end within five points of damage of the other person so after adding together all of your damage points uh if you are within five but you are still killed you will do a wound back to that person whenever someone takes a wound they will take it on the two wound side because at the beginning of every round you will go down to one if you ever have three you also die this kind of prevents people from killing too often too quickly and being able to just beat up on you uh they will also take damage back which makes sense because you also shot at them so that should happen now you'll be keeping up track of kills on this different uh kill tracker up here uh and depending on the game you'll be playing to a different amount but whoever reaches that amount first just wins you did a great job and then you can reset and play again or try a different mode things like that different guns anything you want so now we are going to get into the advanced aspect which I think is very fun so the advanced aspect gives you a couple of different things so your operatives do have their Advanced abilities for example General Shepard has Magnum pistol starts equipped with the .44 Magnum I don't know guns I don't know if I should say 0.44 or if that's right but he starts with a magnum in addition to a second item and here is the Magnum that he would start with this is an item he can use if you engage an enemy at range zero discard this card and immediately deal two wounds to that enemy so that is a great example if they already had a wound perhaps from shooting you earlier you can come back clock them and they are just gone um so it does give you different item cards that you're able to use there are some items such as a grenade that you will use during your turn um where you will use your action marker and you will put your little item thing right on top so that that's now the action oh my gosh I've been doing this and not pointing how embarrassing you can do this and put your item thing right on top uh and then that will show that you are using your item for the turn instead now grenades are cool you can throw in them and just do a bunch of damage however there are also mines and mines you can lead throughout the board and even if you die your minds do stay there so that's a reason for the opponent to be a little bit nervous even if they just took you out uh let's see what are the other things you can do there is a Reload uh so this is something that I didn't mention but when you die you reload which means all of your cards go back to your hand as you are playing cards for every combat you're just discarding them and you don't get them back until you die uh there is a Reload in the advanced mode where instead you'll forego an action to use the reload action and that will determine how many cards you can take back up out of your discard I did it again I did it again you guys um and that will determine how many cards you can take out of your discard at least I look confident when I'm doing it at least you guys know like what we look like what we're doing when we do this I'm sorry this is a silly preview but I'm really excited about this game so I'm very I'm into it I'm having fun um so I mentioned before that there's the killstreak bonus um so this is one that you would slot in and once you hit a certain point with your kill streak chart um you'll be able to do different things so for the kill streak you you get a point every time you kill someone as you would expect um but there are different things that you can get such as let's see the RC XD the RCXD is this little remote control car where instead of you moving you stay where you are and you start sending it out zipping after the other person it's very fun and cool um let's see you're also able to Sprint Sprint allows you to move two spaces all right and the final one is ads or aim down site this is another one that's going to slot into your action marker and this gives you an additional aiming bonus during combat but requires an operator to not move to enter or remain in ads as shown by The Gnome movement symbol on the token so this is one where you are kind of staying where you are crashing down taking better aim but you're not moving one other thing I haven't yet gone over is the capture the flag uh so this is something that players will also be doing while they are trying to kill each other so there's a flag placed on the map and what happens is any time that you move through that spot you're able to take a token of your team's collar and put it on that flag if you do so at the end of every round you will get an additional point over on the point tracker it's a way to win faster because you can only eliminate an enemy once per round um but it will get you that point until that is taken away from you now this has been an overview of Call of Duty the board game I hope you enjoyed this preview uh please keep in mind remember this was a paid preview and these are demo components however I had a great time playing this game I'm someone who did play Call of Duty back in college I played Modern Warfare I stopped with World at War beautiful Maps um but I did play a bit of it and I played uh Team Deathmatch so for me uh this is very much a quick elimination game I think it's very much in the heart of Call of Duty uh I think that it plays very Snappy um and it's also it's very tactical where it can be fun to learn your opponent and learn how you think they might move or how they understand the map and then try to anticipate what they might be doing uh it's definitely something that if you enjoy playing games with your friends you'll get to learn your friends better and what they're doing and how to really play against them so this has been Call of Duty if you'd like to check it out the link is down below thanks for watching and I'll see you later