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Understanding Multi-Armed Bandit Techniques
Aug 22, 2024
Multi-Armed Bandit Problem - Chapter 2 Notes
Introduction to Multi-Armed Bandit Problem
Explore the fundamentals of the multi-armed bandit problem.
Focus on exploration vs. exploitation.
Techniques covered:
Absolute problem solution.
Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm.
Thompson Sampling algorithm.
Key Concepts
Exploration vs. Exploitation
: Trying out new options (e.g., new restaurants).
: Utilizing existing knowledge (e.g., returning to a favorite restaurant).
Important to balance both for long-term strategy.
Sacrificing some short-term gains for better long-term rewards.
Multi-Armed Bandit Problem Overview
Scenario: Facing multiple slot machines (bandits) with different winning probabilities.
Goal: Identify the best strategy to maximize long-term rewards by playing different machines.
Consider infinite trials to accurately estimate probabilities.
The problem is a single-state problem where rewards do not change over time.
Basic Approaches
Play each machine a fixed number of times
- naive and inefficient.
Random exploration
- lacks strategy and knowledge accumulation.
Epsilon-Greedy Policy
Randomly explore with a probability of
and exploit known rewards otherwise.
Epsilon might decay over time to shift from exploration to exploitation.
Epsilon-Greedy Strategy
Generate a random number to decide between exploration or exploitation.
Epsilon decay: Start with high exploration and gradually reduce it as knowledge increases.
Updating Actions and Rewards
Calculate the Q-value for each action based on observed rewards.
Arc Max
: Retrieve the index of the action with the highest Q-value.
Challenges in Epsilon-Greedy
Tuning the epsilon value and decay rate can be complex and crucial for performance.
Upper Confidence Bound (UCB)
A smarter approach that favors actions with potential for optimal values.
Calculate a confidence bound for each action based on play frequency and reward estimates.
UCB Equation:
UCB(a) = Q(a) + sqrt((2 * log(T)) / N(a))
Q(a): estimated value of action a
T: total number of trials
N(a): number of times action a has been chosen
Thompson Sampling Algorithm
Uses probabilities to decide which action to take, inspired by the beta distribution.
Parameters: Alpha (successful trials) and Beta (unsuccessful trials) change based on machine performance.
Iteratively sample to update action probabilities, leading to better decision-making over time.
Reviewed the concepts of the multi-armed bandit problem, Epsilon-Greedy, UCB, and Thompson Sampling.
Assignment upcoming: Compare the performance of these techniques in practical implementation.
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