Transcript for:
Understanding the House of Jacob

Shalom I'm Eddie chamney of hebraic Heritage Ministries and we're going to be sharing with you a teaching today entitled who is the house of Jacob and this is a part of the HEB break Heritage Ministries Yeshiva discipleship program the discipleship program is a series of teachings to give you a foundation in understanding the Hebrew roots of Christianity in today's world those who believe in the god of Israel and try to express their faith in him if you're Jewish you are referred to as following Judaism and if you believe that Yeshua is the Messiah the term that the world uses for those who believe on him is Christianity however when we we use and think of these terms Judaism and Christianity referring to the people who believe in the god of Israel it will cause us to misunderstand our Bible because we need to understand the Biblical name of the Covenant family of the god of Israel and understand our Bible in the context of the name of this Covenant family so what is the name of this Covenant family it is the house of Jacob and so what we're going to be learning in this teaching is that in the Bible there's a people referred to as the literal House of Jacob and these are the people that entered into Covenant relationship with the one that brought them out of Egypt and gave them the Torah at Mount Si them and their descendants would be referred to as the literal House of Jacob and then we have a people that believes in Yeshua as the Messiah and they're going to be regarded as the redeemed or the saved House of Jacob and so it's possible that not everyone who believes in Yeshua as the Messiah is physically descended from those who were at Mount Si and so this is why we have a redeemed House of Jacob and so um once we understand that Yeshua created the heavens and the Earth John chapter 1:3 Colossians 1: 15 and 16 and that Yeshua made Covenant with Abraham Galatians chter 3: 16 Cross referencing what the verse says there with Genesis 17 in verse 7 with the one that was with the children of Israel in the wilderness who in 1 Corinthians chap 10:4 is referred to as being their rock or Yeshua then the one that defeated pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea was the right hand Exodus in chap 15 and verse 6 that this is all referring to Yeshua the Messiah that he's the one that brought his people out of Egypt he's the one that gave the Torah at Mount Si and the name of his Covenant family is the house of Jacob that there's a literal House of Jacob and there is a redeemed House of Jacob and so this teaching is going to go over who is the house of Jacob explain to you the distinction between the literal House of Jacob and the redeemed House of Jacob yet both the literal House of Jacob and the redeemed House of Jacob are a part of messiah's Covenant family let's first review what we're going to be covering in this teaching it's going to consist of the following points number one we're going to learn that all believers in the god of Israel are commanded to see themselves as if they were redeemed from Egypt number two we're going to learn that the literal House of Jacob who is redeemed from Egypt consists of the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob as well as a mixed multitude who came out with them number three we're going to learn that the literal House of Jacob was saved or Redeemed by the grace of the god of Israel when they by faith put the blood of the Lamb upon their doorposts number four we're going to learn that one Torah was given to both the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob as well as the mixed multitude who sojourned with them number five we're going to learn that the literal House of Jacob was divided into two kingdoms or two houses known as the house of Israel a reference to the northern kingdom and the house of Judah a reference to the southern Kingdom and this happened after the reign of King Solomon number six we're going to learn that the literal House of Jacob is liken in the Bible to an olive tree we find this in Jeremiah 11: 16-1 17 number seven we're going to learn that the house of Israel or the northern kingdom is referred to in the Bible by these alternative terms the house of Joseph aphim because the tribe of Ephraim was the leading tribe so all 10 tribes then were referred to as ephriam also the house of Israel and then Samaria number eight we're going to learn that the house of Judah or the southern Kingdom today is referred to by the people in the world as being Jews number nine we're going to learn that all Jews meaning everyone who is of the house of Judah every Jew is an Israelite meaning of the House of Jacob because it was Jacob's name that was Chang changed to Israel as we read in the Book of Genesis but not all Israelites meaning those from the northern kingdom are Jews meaning from the house of Judah number 10 we're going to learn that the northern kingdom or the house of Israel was taken into captivity by the Assyrians and the southern Kingdom or the house of Judah was taken into captivity by the Babylonians number 11 we're to learn that it's the role of the Messiah to restore and reather both houses of Israel and he will rule over a redeemed House of Jacob forever when he sets his feet down in the Mount of oliv sets up his kingdom and then following that for all eternity in the new heavens and the new Earth number 12 we're going to learn that the redeemed House of Jacob is likened in the Bible to an olive tree number 13 we're going to learn that the redeemed House of Jacob consists of members from the literal House of Jacob as well as those from the Nations number 14 we're going to learn that the literal House of Jacob is visibly recognized today and referred to by the people in our world as being Jews and the world refers to the redeemed House of Jacob or those that believe that Yeshua is the Messiah as being Christians number 15 we're going to learn that it's the ministry of Elijah who will bring restoration to the literal House of Jacob and the redeemed House of Jacob in the end of days number 16 we're going to learn that the literal House of Jacob will Unite with the redeemed House of Jacob and return to the land of Israel in the end of days and then 17 we're going to learn that it's the Messiah who will rule over United House of Jacob and they will keep his Commandments in the end of days so this is what we're going to learn in this teaching on who is the house of Jacob let's begin in First Corinthians in chapter 10 veres 1-4 we are instructed by Paul that Believers in Yeshua as the Messiah are to see themselves as if they came out of Egypt now in 1 Corinthians in chapter 10 Paul is writing primarily to a non-jewish audience he says this to them in 1 Corinthians chap 10:1 moreover Brethren I would not that you be ignorant don't be ignorant of what that all our fathers were under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea and they were all all immersed or baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea they did all eat the same spiritual meat they did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Messiah now I want you to see here that five times Paul says that the event of coming out of Egypt that it happened to all that all our fathers were in the cloud they all passed to the Sea they were all immersed in the Moses and the cloud and the Sea they did all eat the same spiritual meat they did all drink the same spiritual drink now when one wants to emphasize something they repeat it so Not only was the term all repeated but it was repeated five times so that we could grasp and not miss the fact that in referring to the children of Israel coming out of Egypt that it happened to all our fathers and so why the emphasis on all well Paul is writing primarily to a non-jewish audience and something that it's very difficult to convince a non-jew of is that they were somewhere that they never were uh let's say uh most of you have never been to Antarctica and what if I tried to convince you that you were in Antarctica you wouldn't believe me and so um the audience that Paul is writing to their fathers and forefathers did not literally come out of Egypt Paul's father and grandfather didn't literally come out of Egypt my father and grandfather didn't did not literally come out of Egypt yet in speaking of the children of Israel coming out of Egypt he says don't be ignorant that all our fathers came out of Egypt so why does he speak of the coming out of Egypt in this way that happened to all of our fathers well doing so Paul is actually teaching you from the Torah and a Tor principle when Paul says that all our fathers passed through the sea that is not literally true since it isn't literally true what is the basis or the means by which he can then make the statement it's because it is a Torah con concept where we find this concept in the Torah what was Paul referring to in 1 Corinthians in chapter 10 veres 1-4 that all our fathers came out of Egypt well it comes from Deuteronomy CH 29: 12-15 where it is written that you should enter into Covenant with the Lord your God and into his oath which the Lord your God makes with you this day speaking about Mount Si verse 13 that he may establish you today for a people unto himself that he may be unto you a God as he has said unto you and as he has sworn under your fathers to Abraham Isaac and Jacob now the key verses are verses 14 and 15 verse 14 says neither with you only do I make this Covenant in this oath but verse 15 the Covenant and the the oath is being made with him that stands here with us this day before the Lord Our God and here's the key part and also with him that is not here with us this day I want you to notice that it's being explained in Deuteronomy 29: 12-15 that the Covenant at Mount Si is being made with two groups of people it's being made with those who are there and and it's being made with those who are not there and so even though you were not literally there you are to see yourself as if you were that is if you are part of the Covenant people that came out of Egypt and if you are one with the one who brought them out of Egypt and the one that brought them out of Egypt Egypt is even Yeshua the Messiah he's the rock that was with them in the wilderness we are told in John 1:3 vers and then Colossians 1: 15 and 16 that Yeshua created the heavens and the Earth We're told in Galatians 3:16 that Yeshua made Covenant with Abraham and the one that made Covenant with Abraham brought the children of Israel out of Egypt gave the T to them at Mount Si whenever you accept Yeshua as the Messiah you enter into Covenant relationship with him and so therefore because he made Covenant with Abraham he brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and the one that brought him out of Egypt gave him the Torah at Mount Si thus Yeshua being the one that gave the Torah at Mount Si when anyone enters into Covenant relationship ship with him through the shedding of his blood when he died on the tree for the Forgiveness of our sins when we repent of our sins and accept Yeshua as our Lord and savior we enter into Covenant relationship with him and in doing so he then sees us as if he brought us out of Egypt and we are supposed to see ourselves as if we were brought out of Egypt as well in Exodus in chapter 13:8 one of the 613 Commandments is the following and you shall show your son referring to the celebration of Passover and you shall show your son in that day when is in that day it's in the future when's in that day it's a reference to Messianic times that this is being done because of what the Lord did for me when I came forth out of Egypt so the Commandment is to tell your son in that day that the reason why we're celebrating Passover is because of what the Lord did for him when he came out of Egypt but wait a second the sun in that day did not literally come out out of Egypt so if the sun in that day did not literally come out of Egypt why is the Commandment given that you're to tell your son when you're celebrating Passover that Yahweh Elohim brought him out of Egypt this is because that it is a Torah concept that the Covenant Mount Si was made with those who were there and those who were not there Deuteronomy chapter 29 in verse 15 what is the name of the people that were brought out of Egypt and were at Mount Si the answer is they're called the house of Jacob and at the end of exodus in chapter 19 and verse3 it is written thus you shall say to the house of Jacob the house of Jacob at Mount Si consisted of two groups of people people it consisted of the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who put the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost and it consisted of the nonphysical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who put the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost and what does the Torah call the nonphysical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who put the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost and thus came out of Egypt with the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who put the blood the limb on the doorpost they are called the mixed multitude in Exodus 12: 37:38 it says and the children of Israel journeyed from ramsy to cot and then it says and a mixed multitude went up with them how are the non-physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob a part of the House of Jacob the answer is they are regarded as being the following in the Torah they are said to be strangers sojourners they are adopted or they are grafted in so we see that the Torah establishes a principle that when the god of Israel redeems his people from Egypt fulfilling Covenant promise that he made with Abraham in Genesis in chapter 15 that that redemption or salvation is made available to not just the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob but to all those who would accept the terms and the conditions of being a part of that Covenant so what was the terms and the conditions to be delivered from Egyptian bondage you had to put the blood of a lamb on your doorpost so we can see then that in the Torah explaining the children of Israel coming out of Egypt we see the principle that the god of Israel is not a respector of persons he acts on behalf of his Covenant but he's not a respector of persons and he makes his Covenant available to all those who would accept the terms and the conditions and those who do accept the terms and the conditions he makes them a part of his Covenant family now what happened at Mount Si did the god of Israel instruct Moses now uh you take the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and put them on one side because I have a lot of Commandments for them it's going to take a lot of time to go over these Commandments and then did the god of Israel say to Moses but the non-physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I want you to put them on another side because I'm going to make things real easy for them I only have two Commandments for them that they just love me and they love everyone else is that what happened no that is not what happened the same Commandments were given to the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who put the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost and the nonphysical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who put the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost so in Numbers chapter 15 verses 15 and 16 it is written one ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation and also for the stranger that sojourns with you that there's to be one ordinance for both the native born in the stranger is an ordinance forever in your Generations as you are so shall the stranger be before the Lord one Torah in one manner shall be for you and for the stranger that sojourns with you next in understanding the way in which the Redeemer of Israel brought his people out of Egypt we want to see that it was done by grace through faith in Exodus in chapter 3: 21 it is written I will give this people favor the Hebrew word is H it is the strongs number 2580 and it's translated in Genesis in chapter 6 in verse 8 as Grace where it says says Noah found Grace or in the eyes of the Lord so I'm going to give this people favor or Grace in the sight of the Egyptians and it will come to pass that when you go you will not go empty so the grace of God was present to deliver his people out of Egyptian bondage but just because his grace was available does that mean all those that were eligible actually did come out and the answer is there were those who were eligible who did not come out of Egypt now what the exact percentage was our Bible doesn't tell us but in the midrash which is uh the rabbis uh commentary and teaching on the Torah they say that only about 20% of those that were eligible to come out of Egypt actually did come out by putting the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost now I don't know whether it was that exact percentage or not the point is is uh not that we know the exact percentage but that that the percentage was something less than 100% so even though the the grace of the god of Israel was present to deliver his people God required another thing besides Grace and that is Faith and what was the faith that he required was that they put the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost the instruction to do so is given in Exodus 12:3 and verse 7 where it says Speak unto all the congregation of Israel saying in the 10th day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb according to the house of their fathers a lamb for a house and they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door posts of the houses wherein they shall eat so why was this an act of faith for several reasons number one faith is obeying and doing what God says and so obedience to the instructions shows Faith but secondly in the Egyptian culture Lambs were regarded as Egyptian gods so therefore you may have a neighbor someone in your neighborhood Who regards the lamb that you're going to kill as one of their gods and in their religious views uh maybe it's offensive to them that you would be killing this lamb so therefore when you take the lamb into your house kill the lamb put the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost you better be sure that God said this is what you're supposed to do so therefore the children of Israel came out by grace through faith salvation or Redemption by grace through faith then is a Torah concept it is a concept that is established in the Torah when the god of Israel redeemed his people out of Egypt therefore when we read in Ephesians chap 2 and verse 8 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God that is not a brand new original New Testament concept it is a concept that the New Testament affirms as being so or being true that was first established in the Torah when the god of Israel brought his people out of Egypt now I want you to notice the pattern of things first the children of Israel were saved by grace through faith and then as an expression of being a saved and delivered people out of Egyptian bondage that they came to Mount Si and there at Mount siai they were given Commandments on how to live their lives on a daily basis as a saved or a redeemed people then in John in chap 1 and verse 29 referring to Yeshua it is said of him that he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and in response to Yeshua shedding his blood being the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world Yeshua went on to say in John CH 14:1 15 if you love me keep my Commandments the keeping the Commandments is a response to being saved by grace through faith thus we should be able to understand this truth as Paul himself affirmed in Romans in chapter 3: 28-31 now in Romans 3: 28-30 it explains that both Jew and non-jew or Justified or saved by grace through faith Romans 3: 28 therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the Deeds of the law is he the god of the Jews only is he not of the Gentiles yes of the Gentiles seeing it is one God which shall justify the circumcision by faith and the uncircumcision by faith so here after Paul explaining that justification or being saved by grace through through faith is the way in which the god of Israel saves both Jew and non-jew Paul then asked the question in Romans in chapter 3:31 do we make void make void means the do away with do we make void or do away with the Torah through faith well if Paul did not answer the question there could be element of doubt and we could debate the issue but he answers his own question how does he answer the question of do we make void the Torah through faith he answers it this way God forbid we establish the Torah we establish the Torah after we are saved by grace through faith and we can see the outline of this Principle as well in Ephesians chap 2: 8-10 where it says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of Works lest any man should boast so now after stating that we're saved by grace through faith Ephesians chap 2:10 goes on to say we are his workmanship created in Messiah Yeshua unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk in them walk in what good works when after we are saved by grace through faith and so um the right way we are to live our lives is to obey the word of God to love Yeshua and to keep his Commandments because Yeshua explained in Matthew in chapter 5 in verse 14 explaining to Believers in him you are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid verse 16 let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven so our light is supposed to shine before men to glorify Our Father in heaven after we are saved by grace through faith through the shed blood of Yeshua hamashiach when we repent of our sins and make Yeshua our Lord and savior so next we are going to understand what happened in the history of the House of Jacob following the events at Mount Si and ultimately because of breaking the Covenant at Mount Si the house of Jacob was divided into two kingdoms known as the northern kingdom and the southern Kingdom now we need to firmly understand that the name of messiah's Covenant family is the house of Jacob and it was Jacob's name that was changed to Israel we find this in Genesis chapter 32 and verse 28 it says your name shall be called No More Jacob but Israel and so Israel is a term to refer to Jacob and all those that refer to or belong to his family and who is of the family of Jacob the Bible refers to him as the House of Jacob and the family of Jacob got divided in their history into northern kingdom and Southern Kingdom and so the southern Kingdom referred to themselves as Jews after the name of the leading tribe of the Southern Kingdom which is the tribe of Judah and when we refer corporately to the southern Kingdom we are referring to the tribes of Judah Levi and Benjamin now that is the case even though in reality there are members of all 12 tribes who are sojourning with Judah or the house of Judah then if we look at the northern kingdom the northern kingdom are Israelites why because they're of the House of Jacob regarding the southern Kingdom they are Jews the Bible refers to them as the house of Judah so all Jews are Israelites every one of the house of Judah is of the House of Jacob the house of Judah is referred to as Jews all Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jews be because we have Israelites meaning those of the family of Jacob or the house of Jacob that are of the northern kingdom so being of the northern kingdom they'll be of the House of Jacob Jacob's name was changed to Israel so they would be Israelites but they would not be Jews because Jews refers to the southern Kingdom now the northern kingdom is also known as the 10 tribes scripture also refers to them as the house of Israel ephriam the house of Joseph in Samaria because under the rulership of the first king of the the northern kingdom that would be king Jobo he set up a capital in Samaria and so when we're corporately talking about the northern kingdom we're talking about the 10 tribes and we're talking about those tribes that are not of Judah Levi and Benjamin those tribes Judah Levi and Benjamin being associated with the southern Kingdom but in reality there are those from all 12 tribes who are with and are living among those of the northern kingdom but those who are sojourning with the northern kingdom um are not enough to be identified through their own tribal distinction so that's why when we speak of in general terms about who's the southern Kingdom we say that consists of Judah Levi Benjamin the other tribes would be the northern kingdom or they would be of the 10 tribes and so understand though that uh in reality there's been an intermingling of all 12 12 tribes but this is the way that we classify them on the corporate basis now when those from the northern kingdom sojourn with those of the Southern Kingdom they are referred to um the name of the Southern Kingdom that would be Jews or of the house of Judah so if we're going to understand who is the house of Jacob we need to understand Jacob's family in the distinction between northern kingdom and Southern Kingdom because this is such an important Point Let's reiterate that those of the Southern Kingdom who are Jews they are also Israelites so all Jews are Israelites or all Jews are part of the House of Jacob however not all those from the house of Jacob are Jewish the northern kingdom they are Israelites but they are not Jews in the history of the northern kingdom they were originally taken captive by the Assyrians they were taken captive in three stages and we read about the first stage of captivity in 2 Kings chap 15: 29 where P King of Israel in his days as king came iglot piser king of Assyria and it says that he took various uh cities and among them he took the Gilead in the Galilee and all the land of Nepali and he carried them away to Assyria the southern kingdom was taken captive by the Babylonians in King Nebuchadnezzar in 2 Kings chap 24:10 it talks about uh Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon he ultimately took the Jews of the Southern Kingdom captivity into Babylon now the first king of the northern kingdom was jeroboam and in First Kings in chapter 12 we're told about a system of worship that jeroboam set up that is likened or compared to what the children of Israel did in Exodus in chapter 32 in building the golden calf and so in effect what jeroboam did is he set up what is called in scripture as a golden calf system of worship First Kings in 12: 28 and verse 29 it is written wherefore the king that is jobon took counsel from those around him and he decided that he would not go to Jerusalem to keep the annual festivals as is instructed in the Torah in Deuteronomy chapter 16:1 16 and the reason is he was concerned that his people might show some allegiance to King rabo the first king of the Southern Kingdom so as an alternative for his people it is said that it is too much for you go to Jerusalem behold your Gods o Israel which brought you up out of the land of Egypt so he set up two alternative places of worship one was in bethl and the other in Dan now Bethal means House of God Dan comes from the Hebrew word Dean which means to be judged I look at it this way he called the places that he set up houses of God but in the end God was going to judge them the the book of Hosea is written to the northern kingdom it explains to the northern kingdom the sins that they committed in Breaking the Torah and the Judgment that would come upon them but it also prophesies of their eventual restoration and as a part of this restoration it entailed believing in Yeshua as Messiah and then ultimately being United with the house of Judah or the southern Kingdom and to represent or to personify this judgment we have for us that a marriage took place between Gomer and Hosea as we're told in Hosea chapter 1 and verse two where the Lord said to Hosea go take you a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms for the land is committed great whoredoms departing from the Lord and so we're told about three children in Hosea chapter one that is born from this marriage and the names of the children are prophetic of the Judgment that would come upon the northern kingdom let's look at the names of the children the first one in Hosea chapter 1 and verse 4 is called jezrael now jezrael in Hebrew means God will seow or God will scatter that the northern kingdom was going to be scattered into the nations of the world in doing so he was not going to show them Mercy Hosea 1 and verse 6 the second child is named low ruhama low in Hebrew means not ruhama means mercy so the second child is called No Mercy because it says in Hosea 1:6 I will have no more mercy upon the house of Israel and then the name of the third child is low am me loow in Hebrew is not am is people am me is my people so low am me is not my people so it says in Hosea 1:9 call his name low of me for you are not my people and I will not be your god well the Judgment of the northern kingdom then is he's going to sew or scatter them intermingle them amongst the nations of the world and in doing so they will lose their understanding and their identity regarding who they are they would lose the identity and the understanding that they are from the northern King Kingdom they would take upon themselves the identity and the ways of the people that they're living among and who they interent marry with and so this is going to be the Judgment upon the northern kingdom and when the god of Israel says regarding this judgment of jezrael being sown or scattered that along with this that he's not going to show a mercy and their not going to be his people that is not good news and that is a way of saying that he cut them off from the Covenant but in cutting them off uh we can see an association as a result of breaking the Covenant in uh Jeremiah in chapter uh 11 in verse 16 that the branches were broken but but there is a prophecy found in Hosea in chapter 1 that's good news and it's a prophecy of redemption and restoration that prophecy is found in Hosea 1 and verse 10 yet what does yet mean even though no mercy and not my people yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor numbered well when you see the phrase the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured or numbered what comes to your mind what should come to your mind is those are the words that were promised to Abraham that is the sentence would be as the stars in the sky and as the sand of the sea so linking the thought together we are being told that the way in which the god of Israel is going to fulfill his Covenant promises to Abraham is going to be through this judgment of the northern kingdom where they are going to initially have the status of No Mercy not my people but then we're going to see if we continue reading the prophecy Hosea 1:10 it will come to pass that in the place where it was said you are not my people where is it said you are not my people right here that it will be said in the future in future Generations from not my people it will be said you are the sons of the Living God so this is a prophecy that physical descendants of the northern kingdom would become Believers in Yeshua as the Messiah John 1:12 it is written as many as received him as many as believed that Yeshua is the Messiah to them gave he power to be called the sons of God even to to them that believe on his name so from being cut off no mercy not my people they were going to be restored through the Redemptive work of the Messiah and in believing and receiving Yeshua as the Messiah they would have the status of being a son of the Living God that's going to be the first step in the Redemption first to be a son of the Living God and then following that we have the prophecy of Hosea in chapter 1 in verse 11 that then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together and appoint themselves one head who's the one head it's going to be the Messiah and they shall come up out of the land for great shall be the day of jezrael so the prophecy is that the northern kingdom first would be called sons of the Living God meaning they would believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and following that there would be the uniting of the 12 tribes of Israel and when the uniting of the 12 tribes of Israel takes place that they will the 12 tribes will appoint themselves one head they will be in agreement regarding who is is the Messiah of Israel they will be in agreement ultimately then that Yeshua is the Messiah and so um this is the destiny of the northern kingdom they're going to be scattered in the Nations they're going to be cut off from the Covenant by breaking the Covenant and being cut off being given the status of No Mercy not my people but then and through repentance uh the offering of restoration so that they become son of the Living God a believer in Yeshua as the Messiah and then the uniting with the southern Kingdom the Brethren of the house of Judah and declaring the Messiah of Israel and so Yeshua in speaking to the Pharisees in John in chapter 10 wherein John chapter 10 is Yeshua answering the question that the Pharisees ask of him in John chapter 9 and verse 40 are we blind John chapter 10 is his answer so speaking to the Pharisees who is the house of Judah or the southern Kingdom he says to them other sheep I have in John 10:16 other sheep I have I have is past present that means before Yeshua dies on the tree he says he has other Sheepfold besides the Sheepfold that he's speaking to and who's he speaking to the Pharisees the house of Judah or the southern Kingdom and he says them I must bring why must he bring them because ultimately the prophet says that the Messiah is going to gather and unite the 12 tribes of Israel and regarding the other sheep it says they will hear my voice they will believe that I am the Messiah is one way to interpret they will hear his voice they will believe in him and the other way is hearing his voice means ultimately in the fullness of things that they would follow his Torah because the phrase here he or obey my voice is the phrase that was spoken at Mount Si in Exodus in chapter 19 and verse 5 where it says if you will obey my voice or hear my voice and keep my Covenant so obeying his voice and keeping his Covenant are synonymous Yeshua said that the other Sheepfold um would hear his voice and then ultimately Yeshua said after they'll hear my voice then he says there will be one fold and one Shepherd that's the Gathering uniting of the 12 tribes of Israel so what Yeshua said in John chap 10 verse 16 is parallel with Hosea chapter 1 verse 10 and verse 11 but Yeshua then explains that before there can be one fold and one Shepherd that he's going to John chapter 10:1 17 lay down his life and now we see uh in Psalm in chapter 80 this prophecy Psalm 80 verse1 give ear o Shepherd of Israel who's the shepherd of Israel it's a reference of the Messiah you that lead Joseph like a flock so the prophecy that The Shepherd of Israel would be leading Joseph that is the northern kingdom like a flock that corporately speaking it would be Joseph who would believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and they would be following him long before Judah as a corporate people would do so and so um messiah's family back to Mount Si is the literal House of Jacob but his family that believes on him is his redeemed or his saved family that's also called the house of Jacob Luke 1:31 these words are said and behold you shall conceive in your womb bring forth a son referring to Mary and shall call his name Yeshua and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end so Yeshua is ruling and reigning over a redeemed House of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end that the name of messiah's Covenant family is the house of Jacob now the literal House of Jacob is likened to an olive tree in Jeremiah 11 verses 16 and 17 it is written the Lord called your name a green olive tree who is this green olive tree the end of verse 17 of Jeremiah 11 it says the house of Israel and the house of Judah and then it says in Jeremiah 11:16 at the end of the verse that the branches of this Olive Tree are broken what caused them to be broken they broke the Covenant at Mount Si so the literal House of Jacob is liken to an olive tree whose branches are broken this Olive Tree is defined as the house of Israel and the house of Judah well how are the broken branches going to be mended or restored it's going to be through the Redemptive work of the Messiah and this is what Paul explains in Romans in chapter 11 reviewing what we're told in Jeremiah 11: 16 and 17 that this green olive tree represents a literal House of Jacob consisting of the literal House of Israel and the literal house of Judah Romans 11 is talking talking about a restored olive tree through the Redemptive work of the Messiah the Messiah is the root of the tree he's the root and The Offspring of David he is the bright and The Morning Star as we're told in Revelation in chapter 22 and verse 16 and this olive tree that that Paul speaks of as being restored through messiah in Romans in chapter 11 consists of wild branches Romans 11:1 17 that are grafted in and natural branches when they believe are grafted into their own Olive Tree I want us to understand that in Romans chap 11 Paul explains that both the wild branches and the natural branch es in believing that Yeshua is the Messiah that both are grafted in Romans 11 verse 17 explains that the wild branches are grafted in and if some of the branches be broken off and you being a wild Olive Tree was grafted in among them and then Romans 11: 24 it explains that the natural branches when they believe are grafted into their own Olive Tree it says if you were cut out of the Olive Tree which is Wild by nature and you are grafted contrary to Nature into a good Olive Tree how much more shall these which be the natural branches be grafted into their own Olive Tree next we need to understand that the New Covenant or more correctly understood the renewed Covenant was only made with the house of Israel and the house of Judah we're told about this in Jeremiah chap 3 1:31 behold the days come says the Lord that I will make a New Covenant in Hebrew you can read it renewed Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah Jeremiah 31:31 is quoted in Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 8 where it says and finding fault with them he said behold the days come says the Lord when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah Romans in chapter 11 is describing a redeemed House of Jacob consisting of the redeemed House of Israel a term for the northern kingdom and the redeemed house of Judah a term for the southern Kingdom next we want to understand the redeemed House of Israel and we want to understand how do those from the Nations who may not be physically descended from the 12 tribes how do they become a part of messiah's New Covenant family known as the house of Jacob the answer is when they believe that Yeshua is Messiah they are adopted or they are grafted in and then in describing the branches of messiah's family it's got two primary branches messiah's family consists of Jewish Believers and non-jewish Believers and what's the name of the Jewish branch of the Believers in Yeshua as Messiah they are the redeemed or the saved house of Judah and what do we call uh the redeemed or the saved House of Israel they are aam they are referred to as the 10 tribes and non-jews from the Nations who believe that Yeshua is the Messiah what's the name of the branch of messiah's family that refers to non-jewish Believers it's the house of Israel so if we look at the redeemed House of Jacob those that believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and look at the non-jewish side of the family who belongs to the non-jewish side of the family well who belongs to the non-jewish side of the family are physical descendants of the northern kingdom or the 10 tribes who believe that Yeshua is the Messiah fulfilling the prophecy of Hosea 1 and verse 10 as it is is associated with John 1 in verse 12 and it also consists of those who are not physically descended from the northern kingdom so uh let's look at this who are the redeemed House of Israel or the non-jews they consist of two groups of this branch of messiah's family they consists of non-jews who are physically descended from the Northern Kingdom and non-jews who are not physically descended from the northern kingdom but are of those from the Nations now on an individual basis would an individual non-jew know if they are physically descended from the northern kingdom or whether they are physically descended from the Nations the answer is no because on an individual basis we don't have the documentation of who our ancestors are going clear back 2700 years so when we're talking about the general classification we know that the general classification does refer to non-jews who are physically descended from the 10 tribes but it also consists of non-jews who are physically descended from the Nations once again on an individual basis though we would would not know so why on an individual basis would we not know if we are physically descended from the northern kingdom well first of all like I just said we don't have our genealogy records but also in Messiah it doesn't matter because in 1 Chronicles chapter 5 in verse 1 it says that that the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel that he was the firstborn but for as much as he defiled his father's bed his Birthright was given to the sons of Joseph the sons of Israel and look at this in genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright and so those who believe that Yeshua is the Messiah they are a firstborn family in him Hebrews 12: 23 it says you've come to the general assembly in church or the congregation in Messiah of the firstborn now let's look at the situation with the literal House of Jacob that is physical descendants of those who were at Mount Si do they believe that Yeshua is the Messiah well there are some physical descendants of the house of of Jacob that believe that Yeshua is the Messiah but there are those that don't believe that Yeshua is the messiah in in expressing in our minds uh for the sake of argument physical descendants of the House of Jacob as being Jews because we can identify who are Jews today most Jews don't believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and so let's look at those who do believe that Yeshua is the Messiah his redeemed or his saved family biblically called in Luke 1 verse 33 the house of Jacob do they believe that they should follow the Torah do they understand that he gave the Torah at Mount Si do they understand when he said in John 14:15 if you love me keep my Commandments it's referring to following the Torah well there are some some Believers in Yeshua as Messiah that do believe uh and do understand that they are to express their faith in him after they're saved by grace through faith by loving him and keeping his Commandments or following his Torah but most Believers in Yeshua as Messiah do not understand this and don't understand uh that Yeshua gave the Torah at Mount Si and loving him and keeping his Commandments is following his Torah so in reviewing this today the house of Jacob is divided because most of the literal House of Jacob being personified in our example by the Jewish people don't believe that Yeshua is the Messiah but most of the redeemed House of Jacob in our example being personified as all believers in Yeshua as the Messiah don't believe that they should Express their faith in him by following the Torah and so as a result of this situation prophetically this causes the god of Israel to send forth the ministry of Elijah and what is the ministry of Elijah it consists of the pointing out to the people of the god of Israel where and how they departed from the Torah and calling them back to father following the Torah in Malachi 4:4 it says remember the Torah of Moses my servant the subject being remember the Torah of Moses and then in verse 5 it says behold I send you Elijah the prophet why is Elijah the prophet being sent with the message of remember the Torah of Moses and so Elijah's Ministry is not only going to call the people of the god of Israel to follow the Torah of the god of Israel showing them where and how they've departed from the Torah but Elijah's Ministry is going to also consist of preparing messiah's Bride for his coming um in Isaiah in chapter 40 we're told about the message of Elijah where in Isaiah uh chapter 40 in verse three it says the voice of him that cries in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God and so we're to prepare the way of the Lord and make straight in the desert a highway for our for God and so uh this is a part of preparing the bride now uh John the immerser or John the Baptist who were told in Luke in uh chapter 1 and verse 17 his ministry was of the spirit in the power of Elijah that John's message message we're told in Matthew in chapter 3 verses 1 through3 it says in those days Came John the immerser preaching in the wilderness of Judea saying repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and it says this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness quoting from Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 3 three and so John himself being of the spirit and the power of Elijah said that um he in his ministry is that of being one of the two witnesses in a Biblical wedding known as the friends of the bridegroom and in John in chapter 3 and verse 28 John yokan on the immerser says you yourselves bear me witness that I said I'm not the Messiah but that I am sent before him he that has the bride is the bridegroom but the friend of the bridegroom which stands and hears him rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's joice this my joy therefore is fulfilled and so part of the Elijah Ministry um is to to prepare the bride now if we go back uh to Isaiah in chapter 40 Isaiah chapter 40 another part of Elijah's Ministry is to prepare the people of God for messiah Gathering and uniting the 12 tribes of Israel so um after it says in Isaiah 40:3 the voice of him that cries in the wilderness prepare the the way of the Lord goes on to say in verse 11 speaking of the Messiah he shall feed his flock like a shepherd He Shall Gather the Lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and so this is all a part um of Elijah's Ministry which is sent uh before the revealing of of the Messiah for the purpose of bringing restoration because the Covenant family of the Messiah the house of Jacob we have those that's not following the Torah we have those that don't believe that Yeshua is the Messiah we have those that believe he's the Messiah but they're not following his Torah and so ultimately then through Elijah's Ministry we have the Fulfillment of the prophecy of Ezekiel chap 3 7: 15- 28 that is the Royal Messiah to gather and unite the 12 tribes of Israel and the end result is Messiah ruling over the house of Jacob where they decare him as their head Hosea chapter 1 and verse 11 and he has gathered in uniting the 12 tribes of Israel and and in gathering uniting the 12 tribes of Israel he comes for his bride sets his feet down the Mount of Olives his bride rules and reigns with him as a king and a priest Revelation 5 and: 10 teaching the Torah to All Nations from Jerusalem Isaiah chapter 2 and verse three so then we have the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:6 son of man take one stick and the word stick in Hebrew is eight which means tree take one tree and write upon it for Judah for the children of Israel his companions take another eight or tree and write upon it for Joseph The Stick of ephriam for all the house of Israel his companions so um Ezekiel is being told to take two trees and then in verse 17 join them one to another into one stick or one tree biblically speaking what would be the name of this tree of course it would be an olive tree as Paul was explaining in Romans in chapter 11 so take the two make them one and they will become one in your hand and ultimately in this process the Exiles of Israel the dispersed of Northern kingom Southern Kingdom will be brought back to the land of Israel by the Messiah during the tribulation to fulfill Ezekiel 37:22 and I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel the mountains of Israel refers to Judea and Samaria the world calls it the West Bank and the mountains of Israel includes Jerusalem which is surrounded by mountains and one king will be king to them all they will no more be two Nations neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms anymore there will no longer be a separation of northern kingdom and Southern Kingdom that there will be a United House of Jacob and it's a United House of Jacob that the Messiah is going to rule and Reign Over and they will know that he is the Messiah of Israel and they will be following his Torah Ezekiel 37: 24 and David my servant will be king over them they will have one Shepherd and they will walk in my judgments observe my statutes and do them so this teaching was to help you understand who is the house of Jacob the house of Jacob is a term for the Covenant family of the god of Israel it's a term for the Covenant family of yesu Yeshua the Messiah he is in Covenant relationship with the house of Jacob and at Mount Sinai Yeshua is in Covenant relationship with the literal House of Jacob and the name of his Covenant family that believes that he's the Messiah and receives his shed blood for the Forgiveness of their sins enters into a new or renewed Covenant relationship with him the name of that family also is the house of Jacob or you might think of it as the redeemed or the saved House of Jacob Luke 1 in verse 33 that the literal House of Jacob is likened to an olive tree Jeremiah 11: 16 and 17 the redeemed or the saved House of Jacob is also likened to an olive tree Romans in Chapter 11 well I pray that this teaching helps you to understand the name of messiah's family that is the house of Jacob and when you know the name of his family it helps you to better understand who you are and how you are to express your faith in him and it helps you to understand the Bible better now remember always these words from first John in chapter 2 and verse 6 he who says he abides in him he who says he's a believer in Yeshua as the Messiah add himself to walk that means to live our lives even as he walked how did Yeshua walk how did he live his life he obeyed the Commandments of his father even so he instructed those who believe on him in John 14:15 if you love me keep my Commandments shalom in Yeshua the Messiah amen