it's that time it is that time come on come on i need y'all to like seriously tag somebody y'all been waiting for this one i mean i've i've seen the ig stories i've seen the tags the dms i can't wait for therapy thursday and i can't wait either thank you so much for joining me once again i do this every single week but i'm intentional with doing it um one of the reasons i'm so intentional with doing this is because when you are growing when you are healing sometimes it can feel like a very lonely process and you could entertain thoughts of is this making a difference or is this really working so every week i say this could y'all tag somebody in the room look down the chat tax somebody and say i'm proud of you i'm proud of you look at you bro being consistent showing up for therapy look at you sis showing up for therapy tax somebody and just let them know i am proud of you i see you healing i see you becoming i see you being intentional let's start any let's start an encouraging thread tag somebody thank you so much for joining me on tonight and i believe that this word i believe for many of us is going to be prophetic i believe for others of us it's going to be a tear stimulator and for many of us my ultimate prayer is that this starts a homecoming journey meaning it starts a journey of us discovering the you that god originally created for you to be homecoming that you come back home the you that i made you i need you to come on back home so i want you i want to start with this i want you to think about this this is something that's really been blessing me it's just a thought i had i want us to be aware of the fact that our thoughts are apparel our thoughts are apparel like what you're wearing right now the clothes that you have on was somebody's thought a designer's thought our thoughts are apparel the transportation method that you use on a regular regular it's rather if it's a bus a car a bike a subway whatever you use to be transported from a to b was somebody's thought with somebody's thought even if you are butt naked right now you are still wearing god's thought he designed your epidermis thoughts become apparel so if that be true could it be possible that the reason i feel so discouraged is because i'm wearing my thoughts or here it is could it be the reason i feel so discouraged is because i'm wearing the thoughts of others i'm wearing the thoughts of others this is gonna be good y'all thoughts are apparel bible all day as a man thinketh so is he so i want to get to work in this session that we have on tonight uh this beautiful therapy thursday um i started this year off um establishing therapy thursday i first thought that it was something that the holy spirit wanted us to do and now more than ever i know that that was god speaking to me i'm transparent enough to say sometimes when god speaks i'm not necessarily sure if it's him yet but as i keep doing it it unfolds it it like reveals to me yes this is the spirit of god talking to you and i just felt led to do a therapy thursday and it's just something that i've stated all throughout january all throughout february that there are going to be requirements as benevolent followers of jesus that's gonna require y'all could probably finish it it's gonna require for you to be healed on the inside so that you could do those biblical mandates the bible and us teaching it on sunday is absolutely awesome but sunday is not enough sunday is not enough for many of us there are things that god wants us to do but due to our brokenness and unaddressed trauma we are limited in being obedient so we started this off in january and i did a message it was a session entitled i'm god made if you did not check that particular therapy thursday out you need to go check it out i'm god made because the fastest way for you to shake off defeat the fastest way for you to shake off shame the fastest way for you to shake off insecurity the fastest way for you to shake off guilt is for to is for you to engage in what i like to call potter reflections potter reflections it is a time in your life when you pause for the cause of reflecting on what does the potter say about me what what does the potter say about me i know this is what i'm thinking about me but what does my maker think about me part of reflections i know that this is what they labeled me as but what are some labels that my father has given me part of reflections i'm serious y'all this this requires many times you getting verses memorizing it mastering it so that you can regurgitate it when lies come before you and the enemy wants you to adopt that lie as truth i have to have some potter reflections i'm the head and not the tail come on i'm above and not beneath i'm blessed going in and i'm blessed going out god has a plan for me he has a hope for me a future for me i need to start thinking on potter reflections can i get somebody to put in the room part of reflections part of reflections thinking on god's thoughts and remembering that i'm god made i think his thoughts while i'm here in time there's something that he wants me to do and my confidence in him is going to be the gasoline that causes for me to be confident in my assignment and one day one day i feel myself getting excited one day we will be with him for all of eternity where there is no need for the moon there's no need for the stars because his glory fills the temple and i wanted us i wanted us to understand those profound solidifying biblical truths because if we're not careful please hear me if we are not careful we will allow betrayal heartbreak heartache disappointments on repeat and unfulfilled expectations cause for us to doubt our future because of the anxiety we are having in the present did y'all hear what i just said i wanted us to understand and have those profound soul edifying biblical truths in our core because if we're not careful we will allow betrayal heartbreak and heartache disappointments on repeat and unfulfilled expectations can we park right there unfulfilled expectations like many of us don't even recognize that we're not just hurt due to what happened but rather we're hurt due to what didn't [Music] like we're not just hurt due to what happened no we're hurt due to what didn't it is the expectation that i have placed on people that has many of us one meltdown away from losing our mind expectations expectations so i'm hurt because of what i've expected i have placed an expectation on a person because i did this to them they should also do this to me so i'm expecting me from them like you're expecting you from people expectation or you have placed an expectation on a date by the time i'm 35 this should have happened by the time i finish this this should have happened by the time and so i'm placing all of these expectations on dates and now i'm hurt because i have not reaped the harvest of what i have anticipated expectations expectations could i be hurting myself because i'm expecting myself from them or could i be hurting myself because i'm giving god a deadline and i'm upset at him because he didn't meet my deadline talk holy spirit i wanted to address this problem and this issue on tonight because it is possible for you to lose you because of them it is possible for you to lose you because of them it is possible for you to lose you due to it like there are three u's on the inside of you right now there are three u's on the inside of you there is a you that you're called to be a you that you used to be and a you that you currently are three yous my job and of course to the empowering of the holy spirit my job on tonight is i want to assist you i want to be a secretary to your evolution so much so to where the you that you're called to be and the you that you currently are are in a committed relationship this is so good a lot of us have internal situation ships because sometimes you the you that you called to be and other times you the you that you used to be and i don't really know the you i'm supposed to be in the present my job on tonight and of course to the empowering of the holy spirit is to help you discover and help for you to become the you that you have been called to be and the you that you currently are all that that's in a committed relationship because it's possible that you can use you and here's the question here's the question can you identify which you you are [Music] because if you're going to change if you're going to change i want your change to be because your mind was enlightened versus your heart has been broken you see if you're going to change if your personality is going to change i don't want it to be because your heart was broken i want it to be because your head has been enlightened which you are you the you you're called to be that you used to be are the you you currently are and you're confused about that you you know what depression is many times i feel this thing y'all you know what depression is depression many times is the real you has been pressed down the real you has been pressed down it has been pressed down by what my what my parents think about me it has been pressed down from what culture thinks about me remember thoughts are apparel all of this connects could it be i am so depressed because the real you has been pressed down it has been pressed down by your own but your own expectations it has been pressed down by trauma it has been pressed down by that divorce it has been pressed down by church hurt it has been pressed down by addiction it has been pressed down by the thoughts that you keep thinking about yourself why am i so downcast on my soul could it be because depression is a way of your spirit revealing to you the real you has been pressed down which you are you i want to show you some i want to show you this um a few passages of scripture um i articulated before for connecting purposes but i want to add some more that you can really see this the three yous you you're called to be you used to be and the you you currently are all right so psalms 139 verse 1 the psalmist says you have searched me lord and you know me somebody put in the room he knows me he knows me he knows me all caps he knows me you have searched me lord and you know me okay put a mental bookmark there let's keep going exodus chapter 33 verse 17 the lord said to moses i will do the very thing you have asked because i am pleased with you and i know you by name one more time put in the room he knows my name he knows my name okay so he knows me he knows my name all right god knows you and he knows your name now most of us know this i've quoted this before jeremiah chapter one verse five before i formed you in the womb i knew you are y'all seeing these views are y'all seeing these views i know you by name exodus 33 verse 17 you have searched me lord and you know me that's another you jeremiah 1 verse 5 before before i formed you in the womb i knew you so we have these used three used now this is the scariest just my personal opinion this is not facts but it's just my personal opinion this is the scariest passage of scripture throughout the whole bible in matthew chapter 7 verse 21 jesus is speaking he says not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven many will say to me on that day lord lord did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles verse 23 verse of emphasis it says then i will tell them plainly i never knew you first passage i know you second passage i know your name third passage i knew you before you and your mother's womb last passage depart from me i never knew you now bookmark there i was asked this question many years ago how could a loving god send somebody to hell that's my problem with christianity how could a loving god send someone to hell i said okay i want to give you this illustration for ladies watching this have you ever had a dude who really really likes you he like really really likes you and he just can't catch a hint just can't catch it like he really likes you and you've articulated to him i think you're nice let's just be friends some of us like i only want to be friends bro you just a bugaboo just chill okay i want you to consider if there was somebody who really likes you like they really really like you they constantly keep sending you text messages they constantly keep sliding in your dms they send you flowers they like send you uber eats all the time like edible arrangements they constantly are doing all this nice stuff for you but you don't want them and you trying to get them to understand i don't like you i don't want you and they just keep on doing it over and over now if one day they were like you know what you gonna be with me forget what you're talking about helpful you're going to be with me you're going to love me you're going to be with me forever you're going to be with me that's not love anymore right that's not love anymore like i don't want you you can't force me to be with you okay so what hell is is god's way of saying i love you so much i'm not gonna force you to be in my presence i love you so much i'm not gonna force you to spend eternity with me because hell is separation from god since you don't want me since you don't value my text messages since you don't want to spend time with me i gave you free will you have a choice but since you don't want me it wouldn't be love for god to say i know you don't want me but spend the rest of eternity in my presence okay this is why we have to have apologetics y'all so that you can put it in a way where i want you to think is he really sending you there are you saying i don't want you don't send me any more edible arrangements don't send me any more text messages i don't want to read your texts i don't want to spend time with you i don't want to make you happy and god's like okay i love you so much where i'm not going to force you to be with me all right now all of those use okay i know you i know you by name before you and your mother's womb i knew you depart from me i never knew you sounds like a contradiction right it's not the revelation is it's possible for you to become a you i never created for you to be so you became a you due to the culture you became a you while you were in the earth that is not the you that i created for you to be see i had a plan for you i had an assignment for you i had a promised land for you i had promises for you but you did not want me and because you don't want to trust me you became a you because you believe they're lies you became a you because you accept their beliefs you became a you because of what others have said now remember thoughts are apparel thoughts are apparel so when i believe what they say more than what he says i end up wearing it so i'm wearing insecurity due to the culture's definition of beauty that's not what god says is beautiful but i'm wearing doubt due to the culture's definition i'm wearing stressing myself out and feeling like i'm behind because i don't know how to trust that he truly is jehovah jireh my provider so yeah you can become another version of you or let's put it this way you could lose you could you have lost you lost you somehow under the lies of culture somehow under trauma pain somehow under disbelief is it possible that i'm talking to people on tonight that you have lost the god ordained version of you because the byproduct hear me the byproduct of unhealed hurt is losing self this is so good y'all the byproduct of unhealed pain unaddressed hurt is to lose self that hurts to lose self so like i'm about to go on a journey i want you to travel with me it hurts when you are being bad mouthed by people that you fed their mouth like it hurts it hurts to be bad-mouthed by by mouse that you fed especially as a pastor i know this pain it hurts to feed people and now the same mouse that you have fed a bad mouth in you it hurts it hurts and the byproduct of unaddressed pain is losing self losing self like it hurts when you are wiping the tears from somebody who keeps causing yours it hurts it hurts the byproduct of unaddressed pain is losing self it hurts it hurts when you have been knocked down from somebody that you helped up is this too real y'all it hurts it hurts it hurts to constantly be treated like an option when i constantly treat you like a priority if you need me i'm there if you call me i'm there but when i need something from you it's not reciprocated it hurts it hurts it hurts when you go from being friends to strangers with memories y'all i feel this i feel this it hurts like sometimes it's not just what happened that hurts it's who did it it's not just what happened it's who did it that makes it hurts because the byproduct of unaddressed pain is losing self this is one reason per adventure one reason why so hard for you to move on one reason why so hard to let them go and the reason that breakup hurt so bad is because you lost you while with them and so when they leave y'all don't want to talk when they leave it literally feels like your identity left too because you lost you with them so now when i lose that job i viewed my identity from that position i viewed my identity from that relational status and when i lose them because i was so lost in them i don't even know who i am and so it hurts because it feels like you're taking a piece of me because i don't remember who i was or i never knew who i was before you and i thought i found me while with you or while having that title it hurts it hurts and this this is why we gotta heal this is why jerry had to heal we have to heal so that we don't use people to forget someone else torence you hear what i just said we have to heal so that you don't end up using someone else to try to forget someone else because you don't even know who you are so i'm using every person i meet to try to forget who i met because i'm trying to i'm trying to discover who i am when you're not healed you'll do that culture calls it a rebound relationship i'm telling you it's i'm using people to try to get over who used me and this is just something personal i learned in my life personally and if there's anybody who agrees with this put amen in all caps in the room this is what i learned if hurting me speaking to me if hurting me does not hurt you you don't love me you're using me my only one like people i love it it would hurt me to hurt you because i love you i even as a dad like when my children do things that are wrong or not honest me teaching them a lesson or me correcting them i'd be like i want to take it soft on them be easy on them but i know i i gotta teach them the principle of sewing and reaping i gotta do that so i okay because you took your sister's toy and broke it because you were upset i'm taking your toy like i have to that kind of hurts me i don't want to do that but i have to correct my children you see and so i i've come to this place in my life any person who it does not hurt to hurt me they don't love me it does not hurt them to hurt me they don't love me they're using me because when you love somebody and you're correcting them even though you know it's good for them it's like i'm doing this out of love i'm doing this out of love like i'm correcting you because i love you i'm telling you the truth because i love you i rather be slapped by truth than kiss with a lie i'm doing this because i love you and it's kind of hard for me to do it too but you have to learn that's different i'm talking about those who feel nothing but hurting you i didn't even know it hurt you oh that hurt your feelings i ain't know it hurt you it's possible for you to lose you because of a title or because of something that you have allowed to be pressed down and that something is you you hear me y'all you have to heal you have to heal because somebody needs the you that you've been called to be your future spouse needs the you that you've been called to be for somebody who's married your current spouse needs the you that you have been called to be not the you that you used to be somebody in the community needs the version of you that you've been called to be y'all wouldn't be gleaning from this if i didn't heal from what hurt me i couldn't serve you a called version of me if i still was who i used to be i couldn't do it so even me like you being edified challenged or encouraged from this wouldn't even happen if i didn't recognize okay i can't lose me that but that betrayal hurt but i can't allow that betrayal to cause me to be so pressed down to where i lose me i can't lose me there's a generation who needs the called version of me there's a generation that needs a call version of you there are people who needs the call version of you there's an audience that needs the call version of you there's a platform that needs to call version of you there's a household that needs to call version of you there's love that somebody needs that you cannot give until you become the called version of you is it possible that you lost you so on tonight for a few more moments i want to speak around that thought from this subject for this therapy session for therapy thursday don't lose you let's pray father first and foremost we ask for you to forgive us forgive us for believing lies instead of your truth help us to recall that we are god made and that you know us and that you search us and that you know us by name and before we were in our mother's womb you knew us god there is a you that you created for us to be there's a you that that you called us to be that the earth needs you gave us a purpose because like we've learned purpose is a fixer and i can't fix problems if i'm not the you that i'm ordained to be to fix the problem would you help us have a spiritual homecoming where we could discover the person that you have called us to be not the person our mother said that we were not the person that our ex said that we were not the person that a pastor said that we were help us to discover the you that you have called us to be the organic self because the oil only flows on the organic self and we pray father god that you give us eyes in our heart that have inside enough that can recognize who i am is not who i've been called to be my personality has changed because of that but that's not the personality that you gave me redeemed back unto us the personality the joy the perspective that you have ordained for us to have versus the pain that is trying to give us a new identity and a new perspective in jesus name we pray and everybody who agrees with that prayer would you put in the room amen amen i'm trying to help somebody y'all i'm trying to help you the blessings find the authentic version of you the next level blessing the spiritual endorsement is going to find the real you the oil is going to flow on the real you the opportunities are going to be provided for the real you not the fake version of you this is why we have to spend time in his presence we're so caught up this generation this era millennials like we are so caught up with presentation versus presence it is in his presence that there is fullness of joy so my presentation you're getting the overflow of me being in his presence for many of us everybody we encounter they're getting the overflow of us being pressed down not the overflow of us being in his presence there's this confession i want us to say you know how i do i love for us to speak just just like positive biblical affirmations over ourselves because i don't know if you do it on your own so can i get everybody to put this in the room in all caps all caps father heal and reveal the you i'm supposed to be the oil is reserved for the authentic self that's a prayer right there let's put that in the room all caps father heal and reveal the you i'm supposed to be the oil is reserved for the authentic self the authentic self the byproduct of unhealed unaddressed pain is losing self there's this passage of scripture that i want us to see um a few passages i want us to see where you can kind of see how this looks in the text now what we're talking about now is david has become king he is now king over israel saul and jonathan have died all right now the custom of that day was once a new king is established on the throne once he becomes king they kill off all of the family all of the family because we don't want we don't want a rebellion from like a like a grandson or a rebellion from an uncle saying that due to blood this this throne is rightfully mined so just one of the practices that they had was once a new king comes to power they kill off all of the family to try to prevent a future rebellion so this is kind of where we're picking off in this particular life of king david second samuel chapter four verse four it says saul's son jonathan had a son named mephibosheth who was crippled as a child he was five years old when the report came from jezreel that saul and jonathan had been killed in battle when the child's nurse when the child's nurse heard the news she picked him up and fled but as she hurried away she dropped him and he became crippled now want to go over to the ninth chapter of the same book um second samuel chapter nine verse one says one day david asked is anyone in saul's family still alive anyone to whom i could show kindness for jonathan's sake he summoned a man named ziba who had been one of saul's servants are you ziba the king asked yes sir i am ziba i am ziba replied the king then asked is anyone still alive from saul's family if so i want to show god's kindness to them zimba replied yes one of jonathan's sons is still alive however he is crippled in both feet where is he the king asked in load the bar ziba told him at the home of mirker the son of emil now this would mean nothing to you if you didn't understand what lodibar meant lo damar is a wasteland is a palestinian desert it is a place of no pastures literally london bar means a place of nothing okay so watch this mephibosheth goes from being the king's grandson to being dropped by a caregiver to becoming hurt due to someone i trusted mishandling me now i'm crippled in a place of nothing y'all saw all of that connect i'm a i'm royalty just like you and me i want you to see you in the text i'm royalty see the art of good preaching is to make the text come alive i am royalty but somebody who was supposed to take care of me hurt me and due to them hurting me i'm crippled in the area and now because i'm crippled i'm in a place of nothing because it's possible that you lose you due to what happened to you now look to prove this i want us to look at verse eight same exact chapter same exact book i want us to look at this second samuel chapter nine verse eight this is once king david is speaking to mephibosheth verse eight it says mephibosheth bow respectfully and exclaimed who is your servant that you should show such kindness to a dead dog like me look at how he's speaking to himself i want you to see you because i know i know i see me look how he views himself who am i that you would give an opportunity to a dead dog like me who am i to make a podcast who am i to start a youtube channel who am i to have that opportunity who am i that they would notice me who who am i i'm nothing but a dead dog look the you he's been born to be is royalty he lost that the you that he currently is is a dead dog this is so powerful y'all due to a person hurting me i allowed the royalty you to become a dead dog you who who who hurt you just like morphine chef we could see something changed his perspective now i don't know how old what fiber sheth was but he had to be young to be dropped i wonder did he used to play in the palace i wondered that he used to play with his grandfather's crown i wondered that he used to walk the royal king's court and was exposed to what royalty looked like but due to a caregiver see this is childhood trauma at its finest due to somebody who is supposed to give care that's what a caregiver is somebody who is supposed to give care to me somebody who i entrusted somebody who was supposed to look after me they were so caught up with their issues see gosh she was scared for the child and for herself remember i told us in those days once a new king came to power they would kill the whole royal family so she really was trying to help mephibosheth but it's not help if it hurts me see who who in our life says i'm helping you but they're actually crippling you because it's not help if i leave she was trying to help but she mishandled him and dropped him many of us due to us being dropped you and myself have been there have lost you i i think differently because i've been dropped i respond differently because i've been dropped due to me being dropped something about me has shifted see i'm like bro she had to be moving fast she had to be moving fast or drop him from a certain height for you to be crippled see your feet may not be crippled but your perspective is talk holy spirit your feet may not be crippled but your mindset is the way you view you is and so what happens once you have been dropped you view every potential every new caregiver caregiver as somebody else who has the potential of dropping you every person who tries to love you see that's what trauma does it causes for you to be where when love knocks on the door of your heart fear causes for you to act like you're not home due to who dropped me and this is just something i've learned y'all the spawning pool of a judging heart is somebody who has been dropped several times i'll just know about everybody fate he fake too making his ear by the spawning pool of a judging heart is when a person has dropped you several times several times so as i'm looking at this text i recognize he shifted from royalty to viewing himself like a dead dog and remember david was a man after god's own heart david really was showing us what god wants to do david was like okay who could i show kindness to is there anybody left of of saul's family for jonathan's sake because jonathan and david were best friends is there anybody left that i could show kindness to who could i show the goodness of the lord to who could i show mercy to who can i show grace to who can i show love to is there anybody that i can show off my god's goodness to i see mephibosheth as me y'all and if you look closely at the text maybe you see morphibisheth as you god is like who could i bring back to royalty who has lost themselves due to being dropped who could i bring back who could i redeem once again this passage of scripture is so profound to me because i think the first step uh okay jerry i hear you but how do i how do i start the homecoming journey how do i start the journey of discovering the me that god has cosmically created for me to be of course it starts with the lord like if god ordained for you to be a certain version of you you're not going to find that version of you and anything else outside of god so of course at first it starts with accepting christ as lord there's this powerful analogy that i'm going to show you on sunday as we're continuing our exit strategies series i'm speaking from this thought on learning abuse and it's a twist on it because one whenever we engage in patterns that are unhealthy for us spiritually we're engaged in self-abuse like like self-sabotage so we have to unlearn finding comfort in what's abusing my spiritual growth right and there's this there's this analogy that i want to show i'm gonna have this picture of me as a child i'm gonna put it in the bottom of this trash can and i'm gonna pour all of this stuff on it and the reason i'm doing it is because once you do not know jesus the bible refers to that as lost once we come into the knowledge of truth then it refers to us as lost and found okay so the question i was having as i was engaged in sermon prep this week was well why is it so many of us are in christ but still feel lost like i'm in christ but i still feel like i have lost me i don't know who i am and the the analogy is what god was revealing to me is you're not lost you're buried the real you is buried under all of this pain under all of these these beliefs of what success is you are buried and so unlearning abuse looks like digging through the trash to redeem that child again it's gonna be powerful check it out um but the first step after accepting christ on how do we start this journey to redeem the you that god created for you to be is point number one come out of low to bar come out of low debar that is the place of nothing identify what in your life leaves you with nothing come out of the bar remember it's a wasteland a place of no pastures what in your life is contributing to waste what in your life is not a fountain but rather a drain what in your life is not a lift but rather a weight identify in your life what is causing for me to stay in a place of nothing because reciprocity is the evidence of appreciation so so good y'all it's the first thing david said where is he he is in low to bar go get him god wants to bring you out of a place of nothing even god loves reciprocity give your bible all day james chapter 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you come to me i'ma come to you it's the first thing identify my loaded bar come out of it the places that contribute to nothing number two forgive them and forgive you i promise bitterness always handcuffs the god ordained version of you bitterness contaminates the container bitterness contaminates the container so i have to recognize that forgiveness is not just saying what they did wasn't wrong it's just saying i choose to not be held captive due to who wronged me like when i don't forgive i install the offender as my prison warden only they can get me out of this jail i have to get it i'm sorry i have to get you know what you're right i have to get what i did was wrong when you have assigned that to somebody else you are installing for them to be your prison warden only they can get you out of that jail so i have to forgive them and i also have to forgive me have to forgive me because the the original version of me is not worth being incarcerated because of the offense that they did that i don't want to let go come on below the bar forgive them forgive you number three critical formulate your vision when you do not have a forward vision you will revert back to familiar chaos chaos is addicting for those who have been born in it [Music] you don't even recognize for many of us your type is chaotic dysfunction is chaotic so i have to get to a place i need to formulate a forward vision where is god taking me where am i going not what happened but where must i go don't focus so much on the what we focus on the what for healing purposes this is what happened this is what hurt this is what crippled me so that i could identify the truth of that pain so that i could begin the journey to become healed because i can never i can never fill a void i avoid so i have to acknowledge the what but i'm not staying in the what i have to formulate the where where in 2015 when i got hurt that was the what where i wanted to go right here edifying you i wanted to be what god called me to be a voice for my generation but due to the pain i was like i'm not doing forget people all they do is use you everybody talks about church hurt right nobody considers the pastor nobody considers like the pastor unless they're toxic of course i'm not talking about a you know religious rhetoric wolf and a bishop caller but i'm talking about a god ordained person who who really really loves the lord right we get hurt all the time all the time people take the unfair advantage of us people come to the church just to try to get a platform endorsement they don't want me i mean they don't want jesus they want me so i had to get to a place where i have to heal from the what happened so i can get where to serve people again with a heart of purity and recognize these people you're speaking to are not them don't just focus on the what formulate the where that is your vision number four guard your ear you are most vulnerable to injury after surgery you are most vulnerable to injury after surgery while god is redeeming the you that you lost be careful who is speaking into you because just like natural surgery you might need somebody to drive you home from the hospital you might need somebody to help you cook why because you're most prone to injure yourself again after surgery and the injury many times comes in the form of who's talking to you guard your ear and last one rehearse affirmations rehearse affirmations if i keep on rehearsing dead dog and under rehearse royalty i'll begin to believe the dead dog because like i said in the genesis of this session thoughts are apparel what are you thinking because what what you're wearing right now is a thought a designer had thoughts are apparel so i have to rehearse god's thoughts so that i can wear those thoughts and be affirmed in it i hope this was good for y'all let's pray it up and i want you to feast on this father would you help us would you help us to come out of low debar the place of nothing give us give us the strength to forgive those and forgive ourselves for many of us we didn't know for some of us we did know but if you could forgive us surely we can forgive ourselves it is god like to forgive father i thank you that you'll help us establish a forward vision so that we won't revert back to familiar chaos and help us to guard our ear so that we can rehearse your affirmations versus lies of culture and enemy we're asking that you do it in jesus name we pray amen