hello everyone and welcome to episode 2 of the grindi game ever made on Minecraft played by me the greatest Sky Block player that's ever lived if you haven't watch the first episode do it anyways in that episode we made a lot of progress we did the normal early game stuff and then mined Cobblestone until we got to 25 million coins unlocked the bizaar bought a nice combat setup and even a booster cookie in Godot and at the end of the episode we unlocked the end as you know my main objective right now is just to get a Hyperion since this is pretty much mandatory to get past mid game on my last last profile I had played hundreds upon hundreds of floor 7 runs and even rolled the loot on almost all of them and yet I still never dropped a nekron handle the rarest and most expensive part of crafting a Hyperion basically what I'm saying is that my dungeon RNG is hot garbage but I think that'll all change this series anyways for now the goal is just to start progressing in the catacombs as fast as I can but first we need money last episode we had a few coins but it's not enough at all I thought about farming zealots before I realized that it would suck so I resorted to a pretty decent option too treasure Hoards I unlocked the Dwarven mines and got right on it it made roughly 5 to 10 million coins an hour which was pretty solid I was planning to do this until I got enough money for a very basic starter setup for dungeons so I made a few coins but it didn't last long because something happened that changed the entire profile yo I'm not here to spam you or anything but I got a money-making method that is very unknown it can get you up to 150 mph with the right setup okay wo obviously I didn't believe this at all I've never seen this guy before he's claiming he has a secret money-making method and that it makes 150 mil per hour nothing in this game comes close to making that much without having an ungodly amount of luck involved I even joked with my friends saying LOL guarantee he sends a Discord rat how much you want to bet I mean I'm definitely down to hear it 150 is kind of wild then he tells me the strategy he was not lying I looked at the numbers and everything added up the strategy did have one flaw though though and that's that it's somewhat reliant on RNG but even on the low end it could be making 50 mil an hour with barely any setup so here's how it works when The Taming update was announced with the addition of taming 60 it was shown that certain pets were required to raise the level cap when this happened every one of those pets raised in value and one of them was the bow pet which could be dropped from the bow boss in the crystal Hollows but dropping a bowel is like less than 1% right well not exactly dropping a bow works very differently from other pet drops in the game rather than dropping after the boss dies [ __ ] and the dragon pet every hit that you get on the boss procs a chance for a pet to drop here's the math if you're interested but with an optimized setup you're theoretically able to make 60 million coins an hour on the low end and if RNG is really on your side you can indeed make up to 150 million coins I was excited to start but I hadn't really touched hard of the mountain yet so I hadn't unlocked the crystal hols so I got to commission grinding and let me tell you commission grinding sucks 3 hours later Autumn three baby yeah so anyways what's the setup first off a b pet is required so you don't die in the magma fields for early game you need any short bow and full werewolf with Hyper reforges and that's basically it if you're late game and want to try this out a more optimized setup would be half Terror half werewolf a duplex Terminator 100% attack speed SOS flare yeah you get the point you just need as many hits with as much ferocity as possible I then bought the rest of the setup and started the grind to do this optimally obviously you need a bow structure but you need to be alone and make sure you don't click on the topaz Crystal unless you want to do a nucleus run since once you do that you can't find the structure in 3 seconds with a wish en Compass anymore I had to do a lot of nucleus runs from how many times I made this mistake cuz I'm stupid anyways once you're there you need to dig out a tunnel that leads anywhere outside the structure you'll know you got it when the location on the right changes then you just Spam click bow until the nearly there message appears this means it's at about 25% health so hit it a few more times and then go into the tunnel to where the location name is no longer kazad Dum when no one is in the structure bow completely resets so once you go back in it'll start respawning this step is absolutely necessary because if you kill bow you have to wait for a 5-minute coold down before it responds also side note if you use Terror make sure you have piercing on your bow the extra arrows will bounce off your target without it so yeah that's the method also this is probably a good time to mention that a lot of work goes into the content I create so consider subscribing to support the greatest Sky Block player that's ever okay sorry back to the video please subscribe y y y y yo first one first one where is it where is it where is it there it is oh it's a legendary let's go baby first bow acquired first of many hopefully so we'll put that up for 34 million coins let's go GG's dude it has not even been like 15 minutes since the last one but we just got another so that's pretty cool let's grab that b pet is that another legendary bro wow though I wasn't satisfied with my setup I decided to spend the next 18 years of my life killing stupid spiders to get combat 22 so I could use Terror also this grind has really made me realize how helpful sacks are like words cannot describe how annoyed I was at the full inventory Warning by the end of this oh my God shut up oh my God finally after I got it I bought the things and went back to Bow grinding and since this method drains your quiver like there's no tomorrow it's really nice to get the Jack contact on an abone so you can just call him to refill your quiver if you don't want to do that you'll have to fill like 10 backpacks up with arrows and there's another one let's go well I'm really sick right now but first boss of the day and we just got our pets so that's pretty cool and another there's another one I came into this Lobby and someone was already hitting Bal so I just did a few hits on it and somehow I did like maybe five hits on it and I got a legendary immediately let's go we got another wait bro what oh my God I swear it's going to despawn there we go all right after a bit more grinding I had about 200 mil in my purse so I decided to stop the grind and move on to more fun stuff I wonder what that could be and yes if I was actually dedicated I could have just done this money-making method for like 50 hours and then had enough for a Hyperion but let me tell you this is one of the most boring things I've done in this game yeah it makes a lot of money which for some people that's all they care about but for such a little enjoyment I'd rather hop into dungeons cuz those are at least somewhat fun and if I got a Hyperion on episode 2 anyways I feel like that would be pretty dull and if you care about this I might even start streaming me playing the game while talking to make it a bit more enjoyable on my end anyways though that's about it hopefully the next episode won't be as long of a wait as this one I've been really busy the past few weeks and also got sick for the third time this month okay I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace