Hi. I'm Meris and today we're going to be talking about unintentional torts, intentional torts, and mandatory reporting for nurses. I'm going to be following along with our Fundamentals of Nursing flashcards. These are available on our website, LevelUpRN.com, so if you are following along with me at home, these are going to be cards 9, 10 and 11. Remember we do have some cool chicken hints coming up, so these are fun ways of remembering things. I always want you to tell me in the comments if you have a better way to remember it. And the most important information, we always call out by making it bold and red, or putting it with a key point icon. So be on the lookout for those symbols inside these cards. So let's get started. So first up, on card 9 we are talking about intentional torts. Now an intentional tort is a willful act that violates a patient's rights. So willful and intentional being the key words. It was something that was done with intent. So there's a couple of different kinds, and these get pretty tricky for nursing students sometimes. So let's kind of lay it out in a way that we can understand. So first is assault. And assault is not what you think it is based on popular culture and TV. Assault is a threat, a threat made against a patient that makes them fearful. So for instance if you don't stop acting up, I'm going to tie you down, right? That is a threat. If we say to a patient that I'm going to hit you or something like that, again, that is assault because it is a threat. Now battery, on the other hand, is actually the touching of a patient without consent that causes harm. So this is if for instance I then did something to a patient such as administer a medication, if I gave them a shot that they refused and they were capable of refusing, that would be battery. So that is a very important distinction. Assault is the threat. Battery is actually carrying it out and harming the patient, putting your hands on them. So we have our cool chicken hint right here is A before B, right? It's just alphabetical. Assault before battery meaning that you make the threat before you actually carry it out. So if you have a better way to remember, please tell me below, but if you like that one, go ahead and like this video for us so that we know. Okay, next up is false imprisonment. Now this one is really important when it comes to restraints and patients leaving against medical advice. So false imprisonment is keeping somebody somewhere against their will, when they should otherwise be free to go. So for instance, if we have a patient that we put in seclusion, and we didn't have an order for it, then that would be false imprisonment. If a patient is trying to leave against medical advice and I physically block the door, that's false imprisonment and that is an intentional tort. Very important. Defamation of character is another one that you might not think of as being a tort but it actually is. So this is making derogatory remarks that harm somebody's reputation or character within a community or just has the potential to do that. There's two kinds. There is slander and there is libel. Both of them are defamation of character, but they're slightly different. Slander is any defamation of character that is spoken, so if I gossiped and I knew something was untrue and I said to another nurse, "Did you hear so-and-so?" that's slander. Now, if I made a Facebook post about it, or if I hung up signs in the hospital saying something that was not true that was going to harm a patient or a staff member's reputation, that is libel—L-I-B-E-L, libel—because it was written. So another cool chicken here, slander is spoken, but libel is written, like a book in the library. So I hope that one is helpful to you in keeping those two straight. So unintentional torts are up next on card number 10. As the name may suggest, these are unintended acts that may cause a patient harm. So I didn't mean to do it, but it still caused harm. You'll hear two of these come up time and time again. One is negligence, and the other being malpractice. Now negligence is where there was a failure to provide care that a reasonably prudent person would have, meaning someone of sound mind and good reasoning capabilities would have done something. That's negligence. Malpractice though is negligence by a professional