Transcript for:
Big Nick Reacts: AnnenMayKantereit and Milky Chance - Roxanne (Cover)

yes yes everybody welcome back once again to Big Nick reacts it's your boy big Nick here about to break down another reaction and today we're going to be traveling back to Germany to react to a band that we've already reacted to on this channel once before but we're going to react to again and they go by the name of Annan my contrite the lead singer is known as Henning May and my God his voice is outstanding I've never heard anything like it like he's the kind of guy that you'll look at and you won't expect that voice to come from but it does and it's just like mind-blowingly fascinating and just like wow and judging by the reaction I did last time uh which hit nearly 6 million views thank you everyone for checking that out subscribing commenting and just joining along this journey but you see that song was an original by Susanna Vega and this song is an original by Sting from the police in fact I think this was actually buyed police not sting on his own but brilliant song either way I've heard the only really English songs that do are the covers and most of the stuff is actually sung in German so after this maybe we'll go check out their German stuff besides that though this is and in my country right and this time instead of giant Rooks they are joined by milky chance I have no idea never heard of Milky Chance and if it's a band a person what so God knows what I'm expecting but without further Ado let's get on with the video and see what this one's about shall we [Music] thank you nice guitar playing there I'm guessing that's Milky Chance I'm not too sure yet uh undecided his voice is very different but I'm not sure whether that's different in a good way or not maybe it's one of those voices that grows on you know oh okay actually this this is really interesting but we'll soon see I guess though if you're going to sing along you need a complimentary voice and something a little different because this guy from the last reaction is out of this world so I'm looking forward to hearing what it brings on this one let's go said you don't have to wear that dress tonight [Music] oh my God that Husk in his voice is just the best it's just the best there's people in the comments before saying like you're straining these boys and it's not doing them any good it might not be but it's up to him what he wants to sing and how he wants to sing and he's delivering fantastic been a lot of jokes about her I must smoke so much to be able to do that but I don't care this guy's voice is fantastic and I love it the depth of that voice just oh there's hardly any other words to say for this but just enjoy it like oh my God anyway Top Model is for sure I think it's a bit like Marmite though I think you either love him or you just it's not a fan of it Roxanne [Music] Roxanne [Music] Roxanne [Music] Roxanne [Music] broke said I'll tell you what though these two voices whether you like Milky Chance or not they complement each other very well in fact more than giant Rooks complemented under my contrary so I'm really feeling the collaboration between these two I'm still unsure of Milky Chance's voice but because he stood and singing right next to Henning may it kind of like balances it out and works if that makes any sense but please just don't shoot me for my opinion that's just my general thoughts maybe like you say this guy's voice will grow on me so far I'm enjoying it anyway I'm not sure wherever I prefer this one or the reaction before but either way anyway it's just cheese voice he could change band and everyone would follow it just because they're listening for his voice you know foreign [Music] thank you sorry I didn't write but that harmonica hit differently it's so hit differently like that putting that harmonica in the middle of it all just is amazing and then the way the camera just turned around and made you realize where they're actually recording this stuff what a choice of places to record but oh well it doesn't take away from a performance so let's just carry around enjoying this come on [Music] I don't care another boy oh Chris [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you don't have to put on the real life [Music] Roxanne from Roxanne [Music] Monica [Music] [Music] [Applause] tonight [Applause] do you know what I really liked about that is the fact that they brought a little difference compared to the original like I don't think I'm pretty sure there wasn't a harmonica in the original one and then the ending they definitely didn't do an ending like that in the original so that was fantastic and that also reminded me how I came across this song put on a red light that just that line there I remember listening to this when I was a kid and singing it around the house because I absolutely loved this song by Sting and then my mum stopped me and explained to me what this song was about and I didn't know what a red light was or who Roxanne was or what what light she was putting on but yeah I came to terms of realized what it was but it's still a fantastic song I think sting would be happy and proud about this if he hasn't already seen this already that was fantastic I'm still unsure of Milky Chance's voice comment and let me know what you think of his voice but like I said because he was working alongside him May and the Fantastic band that was here it kind of worked you know whether you like it or or not it kind of worked just because of the rest of the performance but apart from that absolutely love this like I said I'm not sure whether this is my favorite but I am so far I just don't need a second reaction I'll leave a link up here and you can go check the original reaction out but besides that yeah I just love his deep gritty voice and when he really gets into those notes and he's just like you can see the vein in his neck pull Satan as he's reaching his notes because they're so too deep to get into it he has to dig deep to get those nuts and it's just it's fantastic it is fantastic but as always if you enjoyed this video please give it a like give it a comment hit that subscribe button and also hit that notification Bell so you don't miss out on another episode also if you wish to donate and help support this channel I'll leave my donation links in the description below along with the original video link pop for natto it's your boy big Nick enough love um peace out