Transcript for:
Prejudice in Frankenstein

the theme of prejudice is a really important theme that runs throughout frankenstein okay so if you are writing about frankenstein and of course learning about it you have to be very familiar with this scene remember the notion of prejudice simply means when we or when somebody has a pre-existing idea or a bias against somebody based on something that this person cannot control so for example you can have prejudice against somebody based on their gender based on the color of their skin based on what country they're from basically having a bias against somebody based on something about that person that they can't control and especially when you have prejudice against somebody based on something they can't control and also you don't even know them you just see them and then say okay they look like this or they're speaking this way or something therefore they must be like this okay this is what leads to stereotypes okay creating a certain idea about somebody based on lots of different prejudices they look like this they have this color of skin they speak like this therefore they must be like this that's how stereotypes are built they are usually based on prejudices now what frankenstein of course is a story is illustrating is how flawed having such prejudices based on somebody's outer experience exterior can be you can have people who are very beautiful on the outside however people might have a positive prejudice towards them so they might think okay if they look beautiful that therefore means they're a good person and that can then misguide them and make them trust somebody who actually even if they look beautiful they're probably ugly on the inside and vice versa of course shown through the creatures eyes he is very horrible to look at on the outside don't forget he's made up from dead body parts so he probably would be quite hideous to look at but on the inside he was a good person or a good creature okay however it was the prejudice of human beings who only focused on his external appearance this is what caused the creature to hate human beings become very murderous and ultimately end up killing his creator okay pursuing him pursuing him until he died and of course also killing some members of the his creator's family uh victor frankenstein's own family okay so this notion of prejudice and the idea that we as humans excessively rely on external appearance to our detriment so it's a bad thing to rely on this this is explored within frankenstein and hence you have to be very familiar with this theme so as you can see behind me i have selected the main quotations which illustrate this theme of prejudice and also which illustrates the notion the central idea within the story that human beings are actually very shallow we're actually not very good people at heart according to frankenstein and and according to the creatures narrative and of course this is something that is one of our fatal flaws also victor frankenstein runs away from his creation he doesn't even give his creature a chance because purely based on his external appearance okay so let's examine the quotations related to the theme of prejudice and what you can use when you're discussing it okay the first quote is based on william okay so this is william frankenstein this is victor frankenstein's younger brother now the creature encounters him sees him as a young boy and says oh he's a young boy he can maybe be my friend he can be my companion he doesn't yet know who this young boy is because of course once he realizes that he's related to his creator he then ends up killing william however when he sees this young child he says oh he's a young child he must be really innocent he doesn't have all of these prejudices against my appearance however he's wrong william sees him and calls him an ogre and he says monster ugly wretch before even the creature has a chance to talk to him okay and what this is illustrating is human beings have a lot of prejudices even from a young childhood stage okay so we as humans have these really negative biases towards appearances even from a young age and this is what fills the creature with rage okay and of course when he then realizes that william is related to victor frankenstein he then kills him okay now the word of analysis you want to focus on firstly are the words monster and wretch which belongs to the semantic field of devil so william this young child already has this inbuilt prejudice against somebody's appearance okay and he believes that the monster because the monster looks so hideous he must be a devil he must be a fiend also william is screaming and this is shown through the exclamatory sentences after monster and ugly wretch and remember an exclamatory sentence is a sentence that shows a strong emotion and it ends with an exclamation mark what this quote is illustrating is how we as human beings bear a lot of prejudices especially towards outsiders and we rely excessively on appearances which of course is flawed it's a mistake to rely on somebody's appearance then judge the whole character based on it the second quotation related to the theme of prejudice is when the creature realizes because humans are so shallow he is completely excluded from society he loses hope in states i am alone and miserable man will not associate with me okay so of course when we read this we feel a really strong sense of empathy we feel pathos pathos means we feel really sad okay and we realize actually we as human beings are not very good because we judge others based on external appearance the creature based on his external appearance was totally excluded and even if he wanted to give back to society he couldn't and this therefore made him murderous now the one-level analysis you want to focus on is firstly words belonging to the semantic field of loneliness alone and miserable which belong to the semantic field of loneliness also the alliteration of m in man and me and of course this alliteration is emphasizing the creature's growing resentment towards human beings for being so prejudiced the next quotation is when the creature directly confronts victor frankenstein and states you my creator detest and spurn me and again here we can see that victor frankenstein literally simply hates his creation his creature just because of how it looks okay so if the creature had come out looking very beautiful the story would have been completely different and again what the creature is doing is accusing victor frankenstein of being prejudiced and relying only on appearances now the word love analysis you want to focus on is firstly the contrasting pronouns you and my okay so of course here this emphasizes the separation between this creator the father of this creature and the creature okay also the other word love analysis you want to focus on is the verbs detest and spun okay so these are fairly violent verbs these violent emotions that mr frankenstein feels towards this creature purely based on his external appearances okay which is very unfair the next quotation relating to the theme of prejudice is when the creature then reflects on all the bad stuff he's done but then he's basically saying look i've become a really bad creature because of how human beings have treated me based on their prejudices so is it correct for me to be the bad person is it fair to only label me as a bad person or actually am i just illustrating how terrible human beings are and he asked us using this rhetorical question am i to be thought the only criminal when all humankind sinned against me so here he's basically saying actually he's human beings that turn me into a bad person and um you know why would you blame me for all of these things actually it's you guys and your prejudices that turned me into this monster okay i was just a creature simple creature but then now because you guys all hated me based on my appearance i then became a monster the word love analysis you want to focus on as i mentioned is obviously this is a rhetorical question but also you want to mention to focus on the alliteration of t into thought though okay and again what this illustration is showing is it's making us it's really triggering us to think as um and reflect on the nature of human beings and these prejudices that we hold which then divides and separates us okay the other quotation to focus on is when the creature talks about humans as the barbarity of men okay he is highlighting just how humans not only are we prejudiced and we have these stereotypes against others against people like the creature but then we act on it in a really violent way okay so we're the ones who are uncivilized the creature is basically saying because you guys are so prejudiced actually you're the ones who are the uncivilized barbarians not me okay so he's basically showing that it's the prejudice that turns human beings into animals not the creature the creature isn't an animal the creature actually wanted to give back to society but human beings because we are so prejudiced we have excluded him okay the wide level analysis you want to focus on here is the hyperbole of barbarity now the next quotation is so the creature experiences some form of kindness and this is from de lacy the blind cottager okay so the only human who is actually really kind towards the creature is a blind man and of course when the rest of his family come back they then realize the creature is there and then they chase him away and then this is really what turns the creature into becoming really murderous however the blind man when he listens to the creature he can't see him so he doesn't have the prejudice of his eyes he doesn't he doesn't prejudge him from seeing him and then he realizes actually the creature is a good uh person and then the de lacy offers him hope he says listen you know our family's gonna take you in don't worry my family comes back we'll take you in okay and he states do not despair ellipsis men when unprejudiced by any obvious self-interest are full of brotherly love and charity so here we can see de lacy uh the blind man the blind cottager is has a really positive and optimistic outlook on human nature he believes that humans actually when they're not looking out for their own interests they can be capable of being loving and charitable towards others however of course he is then contradicted by the actions of his family when they come in they then see the creature first before even giving the creature a chance and then they chase him away they're really terrified and so on okay now here we can see prejudice is only absent when we have a blind character again what this is illustrating is we as human beings are very shallow we look first before we think and we even wonder logically and rationally whether the creature is good or bad now the one love analysis we want to focus on is firstly the adjective on prejudice okay and again this is ironic because actually what then uh de lacy he's proved proven wrong and his family come back and see the creature and they show all the prejudices and also the words love and charity which belongs to semantic field of kindness again here what he's saying is that human beings are inherently kind however when his family return actually their lack of kindness is illustrated okay so of course this is quite ironic because the uh his family actually do the opposite for the creature the next quotation related to the theme of prejudice is when victor frankenstein he was working day and night day and night creating this creature and he's so excited to create this new species however once the creature comes to life it's his appearance that he finds so revolting that he runs away okay and he is devastated at how the creature looks he doesn't even care whether the creature can speak whether the creature is intelligent and actually the creature proves itself to be quite intelligent all victor frankenstein cares about is its external appearance again what this is illustrating is this notion of prejudice this idea that we only focus on what we can see we don't necessarily focus on the quality of somebody's character okay now the word of analysis you want to focus on and actually the quotation you want to focus on is when victor frankenstein is really mournful and he states the beauty of the dream vanished and the breathless horror and disgust filled my heart and this is his initial feeling when he sees this creature come into life it's almost like he's giving birth to this creature and then he only feels horror and disgust and he feels horror and disgust purely because of how it looks and again what this is illustrating is how human beings are very shallow and we're full of prejudices especially based on appearances the one love analysis you want to focus on here is firstly the metaphor of dream this idea that he had this dream he had this idea of this perfect specimen he was going to create and of course this idea is shattered also you want to focus on the uh the alliteration of h in horror and heart and finally the adjectives horror as well as disgust which describes how victor frankenstein felt as a mother and father towards this creature again here what we can see is human beings have a lot of prejudice based on what they see they don't even stick around to even learn whether the creature is a good person or not they just only focus on his appearance the final quotation is relating to how when the creature gets to a village he realizes that the people they first see him and they're all you know running away and some of them are attacking him because he states the whole village was roused some fled some attacked me and again here we can see that human beings are very violently prejudiced okay again he goes to this village and this is when he realizes that he's really repulsive to people his appearance really scares people off and he also then realizes his appearance scares people off so much because people are only focused on what they can see they don't focus on the character the quality of his character this is illustrated in terms of level analysis through the repetition of the word son and also the violent verb attacked okay again here we can see that human beings actually were acting less and charitably towards him based on the prejudices against the creature okay so that's really it when it comes to key quotations related to the theme of prejudice in frankenstein thanks so much for listening you